DAILY NZ P A G E 1A C O L O R P U B D A T E 04-10-05 O P E R A T O R SBLACKWELL DATE / / TIME : State Edition www.MySanAntonio.com THE VOICE OF SOUTH TEXAS SINCE 1865 $1.50 ROYALS HITCHED WITHOUT A HITCH Medina County woman hopes fter 33 star-crossed cold murder case will heat up Aand often unhappy years, Bexar sheriff’s unit now green binder that holds her fon- Christina Hasler, 8, were found dest memories and worst night- dead in their mobile home in through other looking into deaths. mares. Southwest Bexar County five years marriages, public D She began typing: ago on March 28. March 18 “MARCH 2005, the fifth year an- would’ve been Christina’s 13th scorn and familial BY MARIANO CASTILLO niversary of my kids’ deaths. The birthday. dismay, Britain’s EXPRESS-NEWS STAFF WRITER pain gets worse as time passes, The pair were beaten and Nea- you feel so very desperate. WHAT gley stabbed, and both had been Prince Charles and Past sundown, in an isolated CAN I DO TO FIND THIS MUR- dead for several days before they the Duchess of house atop a hill in northeastern DERER? Does no one care?” were discovered in their home Medina County, Anna Jean Hasler The page would go inside the near the Medina County line. Cornwall — the pulled her wheelchair up to the binder, a collection of photos and The investigation garnered more former Camilla kitchen table and placed her fin- writings that chronicle the lives attention in Medina County than gertips on the keys of an electric and unsolved double homicide of in Bexar, and after a year and a TOBY MELVILLE/ASSOCIATED PRESS Parker Bowles — typewriter. Hasler’s daughter and grand- half with no arrests, the case went The happy couple leave St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. The finally marry. See new duchess’ hat was generously described Saturday as a stylish It was a few days before March daughter. story on Page 9A. 18, time to add another page to a Tiny Earlene Neagley, 33, and See SHE HOPES/19A straw overlaid with French lace and a fountain of feathers. Topeka has MINUTEMAN PROJECT: BIG HELP OR BIG PAIN? Cardinals little love ponder for hateful pizzazz of preacher Unlikely allies now next pope saying no to strident It’s generally thought anti-gay messages. new pontiff must be a D great communicator. BY ROY BRAGG D EXPRESS-NEWS NATIONAL WRITER BY LAURIE GOODSTEIN TOPEKA, Kan. — After a AND DANIEL J. WAKIN 15-year barrage of protests, NEW YORK TIMES name-calling and intimida- tion, folks in this normally ROME — The Catholic car- quiet Midwestern city are dinals will take an oath of se- fighting back against the tac- crecy when they enter the tics of the virulently anti-gay conclave to elect the next ministry of pope, but in the week since the Westboro John Paul II’s death many Baptist have been publicly dropping Church. hints about what kind of man An unlikely the church now needs. band of resi- The enormous outpouring dents here — of affection for Pope John gay and Paul II clearly has had an im- straight, lib- pact on their thinking. PHELPS eral and con- PHOTOS BY BAHRAM MARK SOBHANI/STAFF Many of the prelates said in servative, religious and non- Minuteman volunteer Bill Breaux of Houston stands atop his truck as he scans the desert near Naco, Ariz. noticeably similar language believer — is standing up to that the next pope must above Pastor Fred Phelps and his all be a communicator who 100-member flock, who have can sustain the grass-roots en- waged rhetorical war against thusiasm, especially among everyone they perceive as youths, that was generated by enemies. John Paul. Among Westboro’s ene- Border brouhaha With all but three of the 117 mies: gays and anyone who cardinal-electors selected by doesn’t hate them; AIDS vic- Number of crossings them — some armed — were him, it’s highly unlikely the tims and their families; Presi- expected to begin patrolling new pope will depart from dents Bush, Clinton and Rea- has dropped, but Arizona border areas for un- John Paul’s conservatism on gan; the U.S. military and the reason is disputed. documented immigrants, an contraception, divorce, police; judges and politicians; exercise some fear could at- women priests or the range of evangelist Billy Graham, “Fo- D tract racist crackpots and lead what the church considers to cus on the Family” icon to violence. be “sanctity of life” issues James Dobson, the religious BY HERNÁN ROZEMBERG Jim Gilchrist, a former ac- from stem cell research to right and most other clergy; EXPRESS-NEWS IMMIGRATION WRITER countant from southern Cali- abortion and euthanasia. the nation of Sweden; and fornia who organized the pro- Before the pope’s death, anyone who doesn’t interpret RANCHO LA MORITA, ject, said more than 1,500 peo- many cardinals and commen- the Bible exactly the way it’s Mexico — Following the 28- ple registered initially but tators said a decisive factor filtered through the old time, hour bus ride, they trekked fewer than 500 showed up. would be geography — fires-of-hell pulpit of Pastor for eight hours in the prickly, (Critics have said the volun- whether the next pope should Phelps. barren desert until they were teer counts are exaggerated. come from Europe, where the Phelps believes gays de- 150 yards from the border: a Gilchrist and other organizers church is shrinking, or from serve to die. Anyone who rickety fence comprising four have refused to reveal the reg- Latin America, Africa or shows kindness to gays, he worn strings of barbed wire. istration list, citing partici- parts of Asia, where the says, deserves even worse. On the other side, the pants’ privacy.) church is experiencing often And the rest of the world? United States. By the end of the week, 380 uncontrolled growth. Well, in Phelps’ view, its Tantalizingly close to their A Mexican migrant pauses to look across at Minuteman Project volunteers remained, but re- Instead, they say they’re ticket already has been intended destination, the 10 volunteers lining the border near Agua Prieta, Mexico. The group placements were expected, Gil- looking for someone who can punched and a righteous friends from a village in cen- the man was with decided to turn back. christ said. project universal appeal with smiting is on its way. tral Mexico stopped. They Some had taken extended a personal humility and pasto- While gay marriage bans could see something was hap- are dangerous people with der from Douglas, Ariz. leaves from work to watch the ral presence that embodies have been on the political pening on the American side. guns out there. The best thing Score one for the Minute- border, working 8-hour shifts the message of the Gospel, as front burner since President There were SUVs. There were you can do is turn around and man Project. The ragtag and at designated posts along a 23- they say John Paul did. Bush proposed a constitu- men, too. go home.” controversial collection of vol- mile stretch of it. It’s not, many cardinals said tional amendment that would “You won’t be able to get Giving the border fence one unteers has descended on the Many participants weren’t in interviews, that they must outlaw the practice, Phelps through,” Héctor Salazar, an last look, the group of friends U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona talking much about immigra- choose a great orator. has been preaching intoler- agent with Grupo Beta, Mexi- reluctantly mounted an orange to become temporary de facto tion. What mattered most to “He doesn’t have to be John ance of homosexuals for dec- co’s migrant-aid agency, pickup. And then they headed border guards. Paul II and have the same fin- warned the travelers. “There back to a town across the bor- Last week, hundreds of See MINUTEMEN/12A See TOPEKA/4A See AUTHENTICITY/6A S 140th year, No. 187, Today’s Weather Business 1L Deaths 6B Metro/State 1B S.A. Life 1K 316 pages. Entire contents copyright P.M. T-storms Classifieds 1E Drive 1F Movies 5J Sports 1C 2005, San Antonio High 85, Low 64 Express-News. Culturas 1J Editorials 1H Puzzles 6K Travel 1M This newspaper is Full report, Page 18C INDEX recyclable. Ç DAILY NZ P A G E 1A C O L O R P U B D A T E 04-10-05 O P E R A T O R SBLACKWELL DATE / / TIME : DAILY NZ P A G E 6A C O L O R P U B D A T E 04-10-05 O P E R A T O R SBLACKWELL DATE/ / TIME : 6A SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2005 D British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor Cardinals adopt silence; (from left) and U.S. Cardinals Theodore Edgar McCarrick, Edward Egan and Justin Rome empties of pilgrims Francis Rigali attend a Mass in Vote to be mum about a common symbol with roots could be a tight competition St. Peter’s Basilica in early Christianity. between reformers and conser- at the Vatican. their conclave is The grave is in the small vatives. The conclave to unprecedented. grotto once occupied by the Navarro-Valls said 115 prel- elect the next sarcophagus of Pope John ates will participate in the pope begins on D XXIII, which was moved into conclave, which will begin April 18. the main floor of St.
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