WAITE INSTITUTE 28. b.e LIBR.ARY PRTJDAÎTON BY THREE HE¡4IPTERANS ON TI'IE NATIVfi BUÐWORM' HET'TOTHTS PUNCTTGER WALLENGR}¡N, (I,EPÏÐOPTERA : NOCTUIDAE) by Muhammad Saeed Awan M"Sc. (Sind) (Unir,rersity of Sind, Hyderabad, Pakistan) lr thesis subnitte<l for the degree of Doctor of trhilosophy in the Faculty of Agricul.tural Science at The UniversitY of Adelaíde Department of EntomologY Waite Agricutltur:al Research Institute The University of. Adelaide South Australia l4ay I9Bt To My Par:ents Frontispiece Adult (9) Oec¿a; ia schefl.enbergii feecli,ng on late fifth caterpillar (kiiled irr hc't- water). t_ TABLE OE CONTEMTS I Bse--Ue.. I SUMMÀRY vii DECLARATTON x ACKNOI^ILEDCflI'IENTS xi CIIAPTER 1. GEIíERAI, ]}¡TRODUCTTON 1 1". r Estímate of global pest damage I r.2 Pest cont¡6] practices and associated problems I r.3 Bio-control potentíal of natural enemies 4 L.4 Natural enemies and population ecologists 5 r.5 Economic status of H. punctiger 6 1,6 Natural enemies of H. pungtiger and other Hel-iothis species in Australia 7 r-7 Control of HeLiotltis spp. in Ausùralia and elsewhere I r.8 Biology of H. punctiger 10 1.9 objects of present study 11 CHAPTER 2. METHODS OF REARING STOCKCULTURES L2 2.L Predator cultures 12 2.2 HeLiothis punctiger culture 13 CHAPTER 3. BIOLOGICAL STUDIES T5 3.1 Introduction 15 a) Egg incubation period and egg viabilities of three species at constant temPeratures I5 3-2.L Methcds 15 3.2.2 Results and Discussion 16 3.3 Rate of development and survival of juveniles of three species L7 3. 3. t Nlethods t7 3.3.2 Results and Discussion L7 3.4 Special feedingr habits of first staqe juveniles of O. schellenbergii and C. nasaLjs 18 3.4.L IntroducÈion I8 3.4.2 Materials and Methods 18 3.4.3 Results 19 3.4.4 Discr-rssion 19 rl_ Pags- Nq. 3.5 Assessnent of the role of lucerne in sustaining second o. scheTTenbergií 21. 3.5. I Introduction 2l 3.5.2 Materials and Methods 22 3.6 Evah¡ation of the effect of ternperature on the fecundity and longevity of O. schelTenbetgii and' C. nasafÍs 23 3.6.1 Methods 23 3.6.2 Results 23 3.6.3 Longevity of males and females of O. scheTlen- bergii and C. nasaLis at constant Èemperatures ¿5 3.7 Observations on courtship and mating behaviour of O. scheTl.enbergii and C. nasal.js 26 3.7.1 Results and Discussion 27 3.8 Effects of crowing on the fecundiÈy of O. scheTLenbergii 29 3.8. I l"lethods 29 3.A.2 Results and Discussion 29 3.9 Estimate of the longevlty and fecundity of T- nigroTineatus at 25oC 30 3.9.1 Materials and Methods 30 3.9.2 Results 30 CHAP1ER 4. VORÀCITY 32 4.r Voracity of three hemipterans against eggs of H. punctiger 32 4.1.1 Introduction 32 4.L.2 MaÈerials and Methods 34 4.1.3 Results 35 4.L.4 Discussion 36 4.2 Food preferences of immature stages of O. sche-Zfen- bergii and C. nasafis 38 4.2.L InÈroduction 38 4.2.2 Materials and l"leÈhods 39 4.2.3 Results 40 4"2-4 Discussion 42 4.3 Effect of temperaiure on the voracity of T. nigroTineatus 43 4.3.1 Introduction 43 4.3.2 Materials and Methods 43 4.3.3 Results 43 4.3.4 Discussion 44 a l-l_. Page No. i.4 Estimate of H. punctiger eggs eaten Ïry T. nigroTjneatus during their life span 45 4.4.I Introduction 45 4.4.2 Method.s 46 4.4.3 Resulis and Dicussion 46 4.5 Experiments on larval Predation 47 4.5.I Evaluation of the effectiveness of O. schefLenbergii, C. nasal.js and T. nigrolineatus againsÈ first instar caterpillars 47 4.5.2 Methods 47 4.5.3 Results 47 4.5-4 Predation on second instar caterpillar 49 4.5.5 Predation on third instar caterpillar 50 4.5.6 Predation on fourth and fifth instar caterpillars under simple searching 53 4.6 Discussion 54 4.7 Survival of O. schelTenbetgii and C. nasalis females without food 58 4.7.I Methods 58 4.7.2 Results 58 4.8 Minimum food requirements of juveniles of two pentatomid.s and the influence of the quantity of food on their stage durations 59 4.8. I l"lethods 59 4.8.2 Results 59 4.8.3 Discussion 60 4.9 Estimate of the numbers of third and fourth instar caterpillars consumed by o. scheTlenbergii and' C. nasalis in their life sPans 61 4.9.1 Methods 61 4.9.2 Results 63 4. 10 Estimate of rate of predation and. numbers of third instar caterpillars required for satiation by three hemipterans 63 4.10.I Methods 64 4.I0.2 Results 64 4.10.3 Discussion 67 4. 11 Effect of temperature on the voracity of O. scheflen- bergii juveniles under simple and complex searching conditions when provided with second instar caterpillars 66 iv. 'Page No. 4.11.1 Methods 66 4.11.2 Results 66 4.11.3 Discussion 67 4.L2 Esxímate of handting time of o. schelTenbetgií and C. nasal.js against various stages of H. punctiger 68 4.L2.I Methods 68 4.L2.2 ResulÈs 69 4.L2.3 Discussion 70 CTIAPTER 5. EVIDENCE OF SIZE RELATED DIFFERENTIAT PREDATION BY O. SCHELLENBERGTT AND C. NåSA¿T^s ON }f. PUNCTTGER CATERPILI,ARS 72 5.1 Introduction 72 5.2 Methods 74 5-2.I Estimate of the injury-induced mortality in fourth instar caterPillar 74 5.2.2 Effect of probe site and size of predator on time of immobilization 75 5.2.3 Influence of caterpillar first captured on second capture 75 5.3 REsults 75 5.3.1 InjurY induced mortalitY 77 5.3.2 Influence of caÈerpillar first captured on second caPture 78 5.3.3 Effects of probe site and predaÈor size on immobilization time 79 5.4 Discussion 80 CTIAPTER 6. SEARCHING BEHAVIOUR OF O. SCHELLENBERGTT a4 6.1 IntroducÈion 84 6.L.2 Materials and Methods 86 6. I.3 Results 87 6.2 Influence of artifícial caterpillar movement on predatorst resPonse 88 6.2.L Methods 88 6.2.2 ResulÈs 88 6.3 Response of O. scheTTenbetgii to larval frass 89 6.3.1 Methods 89 6-3.2 Results 90 v'Page No. 6.4 Influence of complexity of the searching universe on the prey-finding capacity or O. scheTlenbergii 90 6.4.I Methods 90 6.4.2 Results 9I 6.5 Assessment of Role of eyes anC antennae in prey perception of O. scheLlenbergii 92 6. 5. I Methorls 92 6.5.2 Results 92 6.6 Assessment of influence of obstruction of both eyes or both antennae cn prey-fin<ling capacity of O. scheTTenbergii 93 6.6.1 Methods 93 6.6.2 Results 93 6.7 Assessment of prey-finding capacity of predators with ocelli, both eyes and both antennae obstrucÈed 93 6.7.I Methods 93 6.7.2 Results 94 6.8 Assessment of importance of speed of prey in prey perception by O. scheflenbetgii 94 6.8.I Methods 94 6.8.2 Results 96 6.9 Discussion 96 6.10 AssessmenÈ of within planÈ searching activity of O. schelLenbergii 99 6.10.1 InÈroduction 99 6.10.2 Methods 101 6.I0.3 Results and Discussion LO2 6.1r Assesment of the prey-finding capacity of forrrth stage O. scheTl-enbergii at very 1-ow prey density under relaiivellz sinpte searching conditions ro2 6.11.1 Methods LO2 6. 1l-. 2 Results 103 6:I2 Evaluation of the prey-finding capaciÈ12 of O. scheJ-l-enbergii aL very low prei' density and relatively complex searching conclitions 104 6.l-'2.1 Methods 104 6.L2.2 Results and Discussion 104 CHAPTER 7. TFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE OF O. SCHELLENBERGTT 105 7.L fntroduction 105 7-2 Materials and luleEhods to7 7.2.I Handling time I09 vl- Page No 7.3 Results r09 7.4 Discussion 111 CHAPTER 8. EFFTCIENCY OF CAPTURE OF O. SCTIELLENBERGTî AI 27OC ECAINST LARVAE OF ¡I. PUTTCTTGER AND EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE EFF]CIENCY OF FOURTH ST'AGE AND ADULT FEMALE OF O. SCHELLENBERGIT 115 8.1 Introduction 115 8.2 Materials and Methods t16 A.2.I Speed of predators at various tenìperatures rt7 8.2.2 Effect of fasting (deprivation of food) on the readiness of predators Èo subdue and. capture the PreY 117 8.3 Results 118 8.3.1 Temperature effect on efficiency of capture 119 A.3.2 EffecÈ of temperature on predator's speed t20 8.3.3 Effects of fasting (deprivate of food) L20 8.4 Discussion L2L CiIAPTER 9. ANTI-PREDATÐR PLOYS OF CATERPTLLARS OF H. PUNCTÏGER AGAINST THETR PREDATOR O. SCHELLEJV-C¿'RGTÏ AND FORAGING TACTICS OF f'HE I,ATTER TO COUNTER TTÍESE PLOYS L25 9.1 Introduction 125 9.2 Methods L26 9.3 Results t.26 9.4 Discussion L29 9.5 Foraging behaviour of O. scheTfenbergii t32 9.5.1 Introduction r32 9-5.2 Methods 133 9.5.3 Results 133 9.5.4 Discussion 134 GENERÀL DISCUSSION L37 APPENDICES t4s SLI¡{MAIIY OeclnJ-i-a scheLf enLtergii (Guerin-Menvil-Ie), Cermatu-Z,us nasaJis (Westvrood) (nemípteïe : P.entatomidae) and ?rop.iconabis nigrolineatus (Dist) (iJemiptera , l'¡abidae) are conìmon poJ-yphagous p:::rclatcr:s founcl j-n lucerne fiel.ds and other places, where they variously prey upon the eggs and cater:p-ì-tlars of.
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