Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2013), vol. 83: 179–200. SYS TEM ATIC AND PALAEO ECO LOGI CAL STUDY OF MIO CENE TER RES TRIAL GAS TRO PODS FROM ZWIERZYNIEC (SOUTHERN POLAND) Ewa STWORZEWICZ1, Valentin A. PRISYAZHNYUK2 & Marcin GÓRKA3 1 In stitute of System at ics and Evolu tion of Ani mals, Polish Academy of Sciences, S³awkowska 17, PL 31-016 Kraków, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] 2 In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Ukrai nian Acad emy of Sci ences, 55b Gonchara, UK 01030 Kiev, Ukraine; e-mail: [email protected] 3 Faculty of Geol ogy, Uni versity of Warsaw, Al. ¯wirki i Wigury 93, PL 02-089 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] Stworzewicz, E., Prisyazhnyuk, V. A. & Górka, M. 2013. System atic and palaeo eco logi cal study of Mio cene ter res trial gas tro pods from Zwierzyniec (south ern Po land). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 83: 179–200. Ab stract: While the ma rine molluscs from Sarmatian de posits of the Carpathian Foredeep Ba sin are known in general, there is a paucity of data on the terres trial gas tropods. Recently, a rich assem blage of terres trial snails, ac compa nied by fresh wa ter spe cies, was found in Zwierzyniec, in the north-west ern, mar ginal part of the Carpa- thian Foredeep. Among the 38 taxa re cog nised, there are 22 spe cies found in Po land for the first time; a new clau- siliid spe cies Triloba magurkai Stworzewicz sp. nov. is de scribed. Fresh wa ter gas tro pods (nine Lymnaeidae spe - cies and two Planorbidae species) were presented elsewhere. The malacofauna com prises aquatic and typ ical hygrophilous el e ments from coastal wet land hab i tats, some xerophilous spe cies from dry, open en vi ron ments, and gas tro pods from an ad ja cent sub trop i cal wood land. Key words: ter res trial gas tro pods, Mid dle Mio cene, Carpathian Foredeep Ba sin, sys tem at ics, palaeo ec ol ogy. Manu script re ceived 25 October 2013, ac cepted 16 December 2013 IN TRO DUC TION Dur ing the Early Sarmatian, the Carpathian Foredeep thors have suggested an im portant role for storm-gener ated Basin was the northern most part of the Paratethys. The ba- rip-cur rents in the trans port of de tri tal mate rial (Rutkowski, sin was filled mainly by a thick se quence of clayey de pos its 1976; Czapowski, 1984; Czapowski and Studencka, 1990). (Krakovets (Krakowiec) Clay of Machów Forma tion; see A recent study (Górka, 2003) points to torren tial rains as the Œliwiñski et al., 2012), but its north ern part was dom inated main factor of transport, causing rapid washout and flooding by lit to ral fa cies, commonly called the “de tri tal Sarmatian” of the adjoin ing land areas. As a re sult, some gas tropod as- and repre sent ing the formal lithostratigraphic unit, named semblages were found in sev eral lo cali ties of this area, but the Chmielnik Forma tion (see Alexandrowicz et al., 1982). that from Zwierzyniec is the most di ver si fied. Further subdi vi sion is based on lithostratigraphy and this The strati graphic posi tion of the sequence un der discus - distinguishes three in for mal lithostratigraphic units within sion has remained un clear for a long time. While the forami- the “de tri tal Sarmatian” se quence. These are called “ho ri - nifer as semblages helped to de ter mine the age as low er most zons” (Rutkowski, 1976) or “com plexes” (Górka, 2003, Sarmatian Anomalinoides dividens Zone (£uczkowska and 2008b). The lower com plex consists of calcar e ous sandsto- Rutkowski, 1970), results based on nannofossils were less nes and conglomerates and occurs only lo cally. The middle defin i tive, rang ing from NN5 through NN5/NN6 to NN6 part is com posed mainly of fine sands with thin inter cala tions zones (Dudziak and £aptaœ, 1991). The most useful data of clays and micritic limestones. The up per com plex is the seem to be those obtained from the analy sis of in situ mol - most di verse, includ ing clays, sands/sand stones and coarse lus can as semblages. The re sults in di cate that both the “de - gravels/con glom er ates of var i ous or i gins. The main source of tri tal Sarmatian” and the un der lying clays of the Machów clastic ma terial, trans ported into the Sarmatian sea, was the Formation in the area dis cussed rep re sent the Lower Sar- ad join ing land ar eas, com posed of var ied Me so zoic rocks matian (i.e. Volhynian; see Czapowski and Studencka, and older Mio cene (mainly Badenian) depos its. Some au- 1990; Studencka, in press). 180 E. STWORZEWICZ ET AL. Fig. 1. Palaeo geo graphi cal and geo log i cal back ground. A. Poland within palaeogeographic frame work of the Paratethys realm. B, C. Geo log i cal sketch-maps of the Carpathian Foredeep and vi cin ity of Busko-Zdrój, re spec tively. D. Lo ca tion of the gas tro pod-bear ing site at Zwierzyniec (mod i fied af ter Górka, 2003) GEO GRAPH ICAL AND GEO LOG I CAL are abundant shells of Plicatiforma praeplicata (Hilber), SET TING Mactra (Sarmatimactra) eichwaldi Laskarew, Ervilia dis- sita Eichwald, E. trigonula Sokolov, Loripes niveus (Eich- Zwierzyniec is sit u ated in the north-west ern, mar ginal wald). The thickness of the unit exposed is 1.2 m. part of the Carpathian Foredeep (Fig. 1); its dis tance from Unit II. Fine-grained, grey quartz sand with hori zon tal the land dur ing the Sarmatian time can be es timated at some lam ina tion at the base of the unit, becom ing deformed 10 kilo metres (Zastawniak, 1980). The local ity is an aban- and/or ho mog enous upward. The up per part of the unit doned sand-pit, sit u ated in a densely forested gorge, about 4 comprises car bon ate con cre tions, form less in ser tions and km north of Busko-Zdrój, close to the Kraków – Chmielnik lenses of pelitic lime stone of lac us trine or i gin. Ma rine road (20°46´E, 50°32´N). The sandy succes sion at Zwierzy- molluscs are pres ent as in layer 1, but ter res trial and (rarely) niec was first de scribed by Friedberg (1928). He gave a de- fresh wa ter snails (Anisus, Lymnaea) prevail. Other terres - tailed de scrip tion of the pro file, with spe cial at ten tion to the trial ele ments are small frag ments of wood and rare rep tile pres ence of the marine Sarmatian fauna. bones. The thickness of the unit varies from 0.2 to 0.7 m. A rich ter restrial gastro pod fauna, found in the Zwie- Unit III. Fine-grained, hor i zon tally lam i nated quartz rzyniec sec tion, co mes al most ex clu sively from de pos its of sand with thin in ter cala tions of sandy marls of la goonal or the middle com plex, repre sented by fine-grained sands with lac ustrine ori gin. The upper part of the unit, com posed of thin in ter ca la tions of micritic limestones. The sec tion is as car bon ate con cre tions, con tains some ma rine gas tro pods follows (Fig. 2). and bivalves. The thickness var ies between 0.6 and 0.7 m. Unit I. Light grey quartz sand, fine- to coarse-grained, Unit IV. Fine-grained, light brown, grey ish, lo cally with thin in ter ca la tions of pelitic lime stone. Hor i zon tal lam- yellowish quartz and carbon ate sands. This unit is hori zon - i na tion is pres ent, but nu mer ous synsedimentary de for ma- tally lam inated at the base, but is homo geneous or with de- tions are dom inant. There are two hori zons of coarse sand formed laminae at the top (0.25 m). There are marine mo- with rip ple-cross strat i fi ca tion in the topmost part of the lluscs sim ilar to those in layer 1, but there are also nu merous unit. The faunal assem blage is repre sented by frequent small gastro pods of the Hydrobiidae and Rissooidea. Fresh- Foraminifera and Mollusca remnants; among the lat ter there wa ter, stagnophilous gas tro pods (Lymnaea, Anisus) and MIO CENE TER RES TRIAL GAS TRO PODS FROM ZWIERZYNIEC 181 Fig. 2. Litho-strati graphi cal back ground. A. Syn thetic pro file of Mio cene de posits of the study area (lithostratigraphic units af ter Alexandrowicz et al., 1982). B. Profile of the “detri tal Sarmatian”. C. Lithological pro file of the Zwierzyniec site with depositional struc- tures. Strati graphic po si tion of the shell-bear ing layer is in di cated by an ar row crushed shells of ter res trial snails (Cepaea sp.) occur rarely. or “com plex I” (sensu Czapowski and Studencka, 1990). At The bed thickness is 0.65 m. the Zwierzyniec site, it is observed in the upper most part of Unit V. Fine-grained sands with marly in ter ca la tions the pro file, in the west ern part of the gorge. As may be pre- sim ilar to those in layer 3.
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