NEACRP-A- q23 September 18, 1980 Methods of Utilisation of Information from Operating Reactors prepared by Burt A. Zolotar Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94303 U.S.A. 000600()1 Reactor Core Physics Desi n and Operating Data for Cycles 1 and 2 o 7 the Zion Unit 2 FWR Power Plant t-JP-1232 Research Project 519-6 fine.1 Report, December 1979 a Prepared by CARNEGIEMElLON UNIVERSITY Nuclear Science and Engineering Divisian Schenley Park Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Principal investigators Albert J, Impink, Jr. B. Alan Guthrie Ill a Prepared for Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hilfview Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 EPRI Projecr Manager Walter J. Eich Nuclear Power Division 00060002 ABSTRACT This report contains a set of design and operating data relevant to Cycles 1 and 2 of the Zion Station Unit 2 pressurised water reactor (PWR). In general, these data constitute a substantial enhancement of fundamental information potentially usable in the process of validating PWR core analysis methodology. In particular, these data constitute the basis required for analysis that would allow specific compari- 0’ sons with the results of gaaana scans of selected assemblies at various axial posi- tions measured after Cycle I. These gasaaa scans are reflective of the local power history prior to measurement. The design data collected herein is limited to the nuclear aspects of the core; thermal, hydraulic, and structural properties are sunanarized only insofar as they would be required for a nuclear analysis. The operational data includes core phys- ics parameters measured at,the startups of Cycles I and 2 as well as the operating history over almost a four-year period. Measurements related both to the core power distribution as well as to core responses during certain maneuvers are included. l 0006OQQ3 16 1600 All other banks out Hot, zero power 1400 1200 . \ l d . 400 0 . 2 . zoo . Grid Locations , I +I 1 I I 4 I 4 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Steps withdrawn Oiagram 3.1.1-l Differential and Integral Norths of Control Bank II at Startup of Zion Unit 2, Cycle 1 3-5 00060004 -. 3-97 0006OOOfj GAMMA SCAN MEASUREMENTS AT ZION STATION UNIT2 FOLLOWING CYCLE 1 EPRI NP-509 (Research Project 130) Final Report October 1977 Prepared by Nuclear Energy Systems Divbion GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 175 Cwtner Avenue San Jose, California 95125 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS G. R. Parkas G. F. Valbv Prepared for Electric Power Research lntiitute 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 EPRI Project Manager Robert N. Whitesel 00060006 . 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY An extensive gamma scan measurement of irradiaied fuel was performed following Cycle I at Zion Station Unit 2 as part of EPRI Project FiP-130, “Nuclear Reactor Core SenchmarkDala.“lheobjectiveof thesemeawrementz+was toprovide power distribution benchmark data for verification of those methods wed for predictive caiculationsandin-core monitoring of core power distributions. Combination of the benchmark data reported here and the design details and operating history of the core allows evaluation of the accuracy of power distribution calculations. These measurements constitute a detailed benchmark for power distribution in a PWR addressing the qu.estions of gross core shape, detailed axial shapa, core symmetry, and pobver sharing among assemblies of differing enrichments. Successful completion of a program of this magnitude is a resutt of excalient cooperation between Commonwealth Edison, EPRI, and General Electric. EPRI- $ponsored programs such as this will provide the users and manufacturers of nuclear supply systems with valuable benchmark data to imfxove performance and availability, and increase margin, by reducing uncertainties in the design and operation of plants. Relative La-14Oactivity. reflective of recent power history, was measured for37 tuel assemblies at 12 to 24 elevations. A sodium iodide gamma ray detector, mounted inside a 3000-lb moveable collimator, was used to sequentially measure the relative intensity of the IS96 keV La-140 gamma ray at each elevation on the fuel. A minicomputer-based data acquisition system controlled the sequencing and reduced the data. From consideration of the accuracy of the measured intensities, small inherent biases in the technique, and the process by which calculated power distributions can be converted to La-140 0 distributions, it is concluded that benchmarking of power distribution methods within 4% is reasonably achievable from the data resulting from this program. 00060007 ZIQN-2 EOC1 BENCHMARK GAMMA SCAN FEBRUARY 1977 H ci F E 0 C 4. I *. + C50 7553ao.ct2 752335. o.a73 o.a70 . Al6 * . -I-A22 C&l aa7117. ma4a. 849601. co2 C63 alam. 640333. 0.992 0.946 0.740 I .025 1.120 . / A42 a59 A33 a21 / a55377 926263. a9362a. 913171. / 0.9a9 I.071 1.033 1.066 /’ / AOf BT5 / as6276 946607. / . OCTANT BOUNOARV A23 aa / / / . 1 655 A03 a34 911991. 863926. ,9la460. LEGEND: + EDGE ASSEMaLY. MAS”RE0 LA.140 f.054 0.999 1x62 MULTW’LIEO 6,’ 1.03 6EFORE NORMALZATION * FL”X MAPPING lNSTR”MENTATlON !N THIS ASSEMBLY LOCATION A29 r-4 a59973. 2 12 ASSEMBLY SERIAL NO. XxXxXx UNNORMALIZED LA.140 0.994 x.xXx NORMAL!ZEO LA.740 A”ERAGE O”ER 28 ASSEM6LIES I634 EXCLUOEOP = 1.0 Figure A-6. Planar La-140 Distribution at 69 inches Above &ttom of Active Fuel A-7 00~060008 ZION.2 EOC1 BENCHMARK GAMMA SCAN FEBRUARY 1977 . A51 922596. pig-fq~~~ ir . 644 A59. *. + c46 910733. 9Lm*,, 613475. 0.709 I.053 I.249 1 t- Figure B-6. Pknar la-740 Distribdon at 69 Inches Above &ttom of Active Fuel B-7 CORE DESIGN AND OPERATING DATA FOR CYCLES 1 AND 2 OF QUAD CITIES 1 EPRI NP-246 (Research Project 497-l) November 1976 Rincipal Investigators N. Ii. LWWI G. R. Parkas Prepared for Electric Power Researck Institute 2412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 Project Manager Burt A. 2obtar 00060010 ABSTRACT This report contains due design and operating data needed to define due fuel chae: teristics and reactor operation characteristics for Cyclas 1 and 2 of the fluad Cities 1 reactor. The purposa is tq pmvide reference quality data for use in the qualifica- tion of reactor cqre analysis metiqds and tq provide tie basis for the assessment of the irradiation envinwment of the plutonium recycle assemblies prasent. The design data includes fuel assembly description, ewe component arranwments, control rod descriptions and cqra loading pattarns. Uydrauiic characteristics of tie assemblies and the inlet orifices are also provided. Operating data is compilad for 16 steady-state points during Cycle 1 and 13 during Cycle 2. Each state wint in- cludes core average expqwre, tierma power, pressure, flux. inlet wbeoqling, cqn- tml configumtion and axial in-corn det&qr readings. In addition, benchmark cold critica/ data is wecified. 00060011 DATASET 03, JUNE &lS73 Reactor Cwdttiom Ccfe Average Exp~we, 3636.0 MWd/t Core Thermal Power, 2320.16 h4W Core Pressure, P, 1032.24 psia Core Flow, 34.72 Mlb/hr inlet Subcwliw at P, 22.65 BWlb Control ConfIguration Legend: 48, Full Chit 0, Full In. 4B 40 40 40 40 40 48 48 40 48 48 40 40 48 48 48 40 4B 0 40 48 4B40 4836 40IQ 4020 406 4032 486 4820 4810 4036 40 40 48 40 48 840 440 0 40 8 48 4 48 0 40 48 48 48 48 20 48 36 48 20 40 36 48 7.0 48 48 40 40 40 8 40 0 40 4 48 4 48 a 48 8 40 48 48 20 40 36 48 24 40 36 40 24 48 36 4a 20 48 48 4a 0 40 0 48 6 48 6 48 a 48 0 48 40 48 28 40 36 48 24 48 36 48 24 40 36 40 28 48 48 48 8 40 0 40 4 48 440 84% 0 40 48 40 40 48 20 48 36 48 20 48 36 40 20 48 4B 40 40 48 0 40 4 40 8 4a 0 40 4 4a 0 48 40 40 48 40 36 48 20 48 32 40 20 40 36 48 40 48 40 48 40 48 10 40 6 48 6 40 10 40 40 48 48 48 40 48 48 48 40 48 48 4B 40 40 40 40 40 40 Axlai TIP Diqtribution d, 0 yc’ ! 1609 20.0 32.7 4if.5 58.4 72.0 07.4 105.4 110.9 105.0 102.1 97.5 92.3 I 04.6 03.6 82.2 74.6 72.6 75.7 75.2 69.8 66.0 53.7 39.3 25.5 ,; 2409 30.4 50.7 71.2 92.1 109.4 li8.2 125.1 130.1 123.0 119.1 117.4 110,O 102.9 106.7 110.2 110.0 106.3 100.0 100.9 09.1 06.9 76.0 56.6 39.0 3209 31.0 50.7 67.3 82.7 94.6 90.5 110.0 115.6 116.3 113.5 113.9 104.7 95.5 92.7 07.6 04.0 77.7 77.9 76.2 67.4 65.9 57.7 42.7 27.2 4009 20.7 47.3 62.9 77.9 92.5 100.9 ~100.4 109.2 97.0 91.5 93.2 09.9 05.9 09.9 94.0 95.5 91.1 91.5 80.5 05.6 78.8 04.0 45.0 27.4 4809~ 12.1 22.1 31.8 42.6 54.3 67.1 86.3 96.1 96.6 93.3 90.2 02.7 78.6 73.4 69.3 65.7 62.3 61.5 57.4 52.8 47.3 41.2 30.6 21.2 0817 30.6 53,3 71.4 00.6 100.0 104.0 90.7 102.0 94.5 09.0 02.0 01.5 75.6 70.9 69.9 60.1 04.0 63.0 62.7 50.6 50.B 5,3.1 41.6 31.7 1617 30.2 51.1 70.0 90.8 107.1 118.5 125.6 127.9 121.8 114.7 l10.3 109.3 103.4 103.3 111.6 112.1 109.9 108.1 104.5 92.3 85.2 76.0 58.0 44.2 B-22 Z.SD,.,% U22S BUNDLE AVERAGE CONTROL ROD CORNER I-I --I- ROO TYFE u235 w% -2’3 w,% N”MSSR OF RODS I , 2.58 0 2s 2 134 0 lcl 3 1x4 0 S 4 1.33 0 , 6 2.56 2.50 3 t - TtE ROOS , - SPACER CAPTUREROO Figure 4.
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