CHAPTER 7 Missouri Elections Man Feeding Pig Danzero Photograph Collection Special Collections, Missouri State University 596 OFFICIAL MANUAL MISSOURI VOTING AND ELECTIONS 597 verification of acceptance or rejection of registra- Special voting provisions parties are formed by petition and may exist on tion within seven working days. (RSMo 115.155, the county, district or state level. They must meet Voters with disabilities and voters who are 115.160, 115.162) the same standard as any other party to remain unable to vote because of absence or illness may established (RSMo 115.317). vote absentee. Persons with permanent disabilities Missouri When and where do Missourians may apply for permanent absentee ballot status by At the time of primary elections, voters select register? applying with the local election authority (RSMo county committee members of established parties 115.284). Voters with disabilities may vote their in Missouri. Those committee people have certain An unregistered citizen may register to vote ballots from their vehicles at curbside, or they may duties and responsibilities. They serve, as appro- in person during local election officials’ regular be reassigned to a more accessible polling place. priate, as members of legislative, senatorial, judi- Voting and business hours, when renewing a Missouri driver’s Voters should contact local election officials cial, and congressional district committees (RSMo license or receiving services from a participating about absentee federal service balloting or ‘’new 115.609, 115.613, 115.619). County, district, or state agency, or by mailing the local election resident’’ absentee ballots. state committee members may be called on to fill Elections authority. Special registration sites may be avail- candidate vacancies on party ballots or to select When voting, Missourians must show an able prior to major elections. (RSMo 115.145, nominees for special elections as needed. The approved form of personal identification (RSMo Who registers to vote in Missouri? 115.151) state committees are selected, indirectly, by local 115.427). Approved identification includes: Citizens of the U.S. living in Missouri must The deadline for registration is the fourth committee persons. register in order to vote. Any U.S. citizen 17 Wednesday prior to an election. (RSMo 115.135) 1. Identification issued by the state of Mis- years and 6 months of age or older, if a Missouri souri, an agency of the state, or a local election authority of the state; Poll Workers in Missouri resident, may register and may vote after reaching When do Missourians vote? Missouri’s local election authorities are 2. Identification issued by the United States age 18 except: In general, the statutes require that public charged with staffing their polling places on Elec- government or agency thereof; • A person who is adjudged incapacitated. elections be held on the general election day, tion Day. There are certain qualifications one Those who may be eligible to register, but are the primary election day, the general municipal 3. Identification issued by an institution of must have in order to work at the polls – you must not eligible to vote are: election day, the first Tuesday after the first Mon- higher education, including a university, be a registered voter; you must be able to speak, day in February or November, or on another day college, vocational, or technical school, read, and write English; you must not have a close • A person who is confined under sentence expressly provided by city or county charter, the located within the state of Missouri; relative that appears on the current ballot; and you of imprisonment. first Tuesday after the first Monday in June and in 4. A copy of a current utility bill, bank must not hold elective office at the time of service. • A person who is on probation or parole nonprimary years on the first Tuesday after the first statement, paycheck, government check, or Poll workers are compensated for their service on after conviction of a felony until finally Monday in August. (RSMo 115.123.1) other government document that contains Election Day and are required to attend at least discharged. The general election day is the first Tuesday the name and address of the voter; one training prior to Election Day for which they are compensated as well. • A person who has been convicted of a after the first Monday in November in even-num- 5. Driver’s license or state identification card felony or misdemeanor connected with the bered years. The primary election day is the first issued by another state. Over 20,000 poll workers are needed across right of suffrage. (RSMo 115.133, 115.135) Tuesday after the first Monday in August in even- Missouri to conduct a statewide election. As If you do not possess any of these forms of numbered years. (RSMo 115.121 (1 & 2)) federal legislation implemented new changes to identification, you may still cast a ballot if two the nation’s polling places, the Secretary of State’s How do Missourians register? Elections for cities, towns, villages, school supervising election judges, one from each major Office implemented a first-ever statewide recruit- Qualified citizens may register in person at the boards and special district officers are held the political party, attest they know you. first Tuesday after the first Monday in April each ment effort to enlist new volunteers to work at the office of their local election authority, by mail, at polls. Through partnerships with businesses, uni- the driver’s license fee office, participating state year, known as general municipal election day. Elections and political parties (RSMo 115.121.3) versities, and civic organizations across the state, agencies and other public locations. Registration Missourians do not register under party affili- the Secretary of State’s Office has directed more in person is accomplished by filling out registra- A statewide presidential preference primary ation. Hence, at primary elections, voters may than 5,000 volunteers to local election authorities tion forms with information on identity, residence, is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday choose which ‘’established party’’ ballot they vote to work at the polls on Election Day. and qualifications, which are signed and sworn in February of each presidential election year. (RSMo 115.397). Party nominees—and indepen- Poll workers are truly on the front lines of to, then witnessed by the election authority or (RSMo 115.755) dent candidates—are then listed on the general democracy. Their work is critical to protecting a designee. The voter must present appropri- Elections may be held on other Tuesdays for election ballot. ate identification such as a birth certificate, a the integrity of our elections and ensuring that the bond elections necessitated by fire, vandalism, or There are presently four ‘’established political voting process is fair and accurate. Individuals that Native American tribal document, other proof of natural disaster, where ownership of real property United States citizenship, a valid Missouri driver’s parties’’ statewide—the Democratic, Republican, are interested in signing up to be a poll worker or is required by law for voting, and for special elec- Libertarian, and Constitution parties. Persons may would like more information are encouraged to license, or other form of personal identification. tions to fill vacancies. (RSMo 115.123.2) (RSMo 115.151, 115.155, 115.159, 115.160, seek the nomination of these parties for any elec- visit the Secretary of State’s website at www.sos. 115.161, 115.162) tive office from the county level and above. In mo.gov/pollworker or contact their local election Who conducts registration and order to become “established,’’ a party must have authority. (RSMo 115.079, 115.085, 115.101, Registration by mail, at the driver’s license received more than two percent of the votes cast 115.103) fee office, or at the participating state agencies elections? statewide for at least one of its candidates. New requires submission of an application with infor- Voter registration and the conduct of elections mation on identity, residence, and qualifications, are the responsibilities of Missouri’s 116 local which are signed and sworn to. If mailed, this election authorities (election boards and county form must be postmarked by the fourth Wednes- clerks). Boards of election commissioners admin- day preceding an election for the voter to be ister elections in the counties of Clay, Jackson, eligible to vote in that election. The voter must Platte and St. Louis, and in the cities of Kansas City include a copy of appropriate identification (see and St. Louis. The county clerk serves as the elec- above). If the voter does not submit such informa- tion authority in all other counties of the state. In tion, the voter will be required to vote in person, 2005, legislation was passed giving Cass County after presenting additional identification, for the the option of setting up a board of election com- first time. The election authority must send a missioners. (RSMo 115.015, 115.017) 598 OFFICIAL MANUAL MISSOURI ELECTIONS 599 Registered voters in Missouri, 2002–2008 2010 Missouri Election Calendar County 2002 2004 2006 2008* County 2002 2004 2006 2008* Official Style of Last Day to First Day for Last Day for Final Adair 18,467 18,262 14,744 1,7427 Livingston 9,794 9,520 9,000 9,582 Election Day Election Register to Vote Candidate Filing Candidate Filing Certification Andrew 10,523 11,749 11,400 11,648 McDonald
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