'<v. • 1^' AVEBAtia DAILY CISCULATU»r / , THE WEATHER of for. tbeiMont^-^f Angoat,. iSkS Foreeaat ot'O. S. Weather Baeiaa Hartford grand 6.02^ iber-^ the Asdlt' Increasing clondtnesa, rain tonight or Friday; not -much chaaga in in ef Clrcolatipiis temperature. MAN(ipm;ER A CITY OF VILLAGE HARlvr ^ ,307 (CtaagUlhd Advertising on Page It) ^ ^^ ^N C H E S T E R , CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTE.MRER 29, 193s' (FOURTEEN PAGRS). PRICE iTiRRE CENTS -4> ^ ^ jScette of 4»Power Conference / 1 OLD TORNADO NOfCCESSp S CHARLESTON Retired General long At •4>* MTST PAY TAXES 1 Odds With Dominant Fac^ ^Stonn Of Nbl More ilia n ! ON WRECKED HOMES New York, Sept. '29.—(AP) tion In Army Over Pol- Duration Puped I Long Island residents whose i WAR PRECAtmONS homes were destroyea or swept} TAKEN AT LONDON ZOO i Informd Sources Say ffitler ; out to sea In laat week's hurrl-/ icy Followed In China. PEACE HOPES By ToirentiakPownpoUr I cane will have to pay real estate ; London, Sept. 29. — (AP) — taxes on them Just the pame. ! Elaborate war.precautloi.a.were Has Agreed Tp^ctioo h Alfred Snyder, clerk of th e ' taken today at the London too. Jh m FilirRiiiin. Brookhaven town board of asses- Tokyo, Sept. 29—(AP) — The CUT TENSION If war comes, all poisonous X,BQrs, explalnedi the law provides resignation of Foreign Minister snakes and 'spiders will be killed Occupying Eger And Asdl reductions cannot be inade unless General Kazushlge Ugakl^_WhO had Immediately. Charleston, S. C., Sept. 29.—(AP) the biiUdlhgs afe razed by June ! differed with the army over China OVER EUROPE Keepers have been armed to 1. ■ . ■ i kill any animals escaping from Areas; Other Sections T# —A tornado hit historic Charleston policy, was announced, officially to- bomb-damaged cages. with sudden and vicious .fury at nlghL Deep pUs were dug under too about 8 a. m., today, killed at least (]i«'neral Ugaki, on the army rer gardens to store some, animals. Be Occupied GradnD^I tired list, long has been at odds jvlth Viscount HaGfax Sees En- 22 persona and Injured probably 300 .the dominant faction tn the-' army more In a welter of wreckage that CROSS TO TOUR qyer the general lines of Imperial voys Of United States, Wculd Show Nazis Miuter spotted throughout the city. policy. The sudden storm of not more .Hls^ppolntment as foreign min- than a minute’s duration in any one later in th'e'-cablnet sbakeup of laat Russia And Italy; Defense DALADIER Munich, Sept. 29—(AP)—^Inforn^ place, was paced by a torrenUal HURRICANE HIT May 28 was cohsldered an Indication downpour as It sw ^ t down .with ed German sources said tonight that that Japan might' follow a more devastating ■ destnictlon on various moderate course with irCapect to the Preparations Continue. Reichsfuehrer Hitler iiod ogranq parts of the city. POWER TO ARM ~ AREASm SUNDAY China war-and 'relations wltm. other that the German army- would m ak| Not Immediately Idjentlfled powers. ' only a "parade occupation” of tlw . Of the 22 repforted killed, 16 were f Disagreement Oonsldered Reason London, Sept. 29 — (AP) The Eger and Asch re^ons, extrnmg- Negroes. The dead were not Imme- His disagreement with the army ENTIRE NATION tense European situation was re- Western Czechoslovakia, on Octobap diately ' Identifled except the four l^nchester And Rockville over administration of the new '■ white persona: China affairs board was considered laxed,, at least momentarily, today 1 and 2. Mrs. Ruth Mehrtens, 26; Irvin H. the reason for his resignation. • '■ ■■ while the heads of four governments Other sections of toe SudctealoMl Mehrtens, 3; Mariam Zelgler, 14, T() Be Inclodd In Places It; came after a m.onth of struggle met at Munich to try to avert war. New Decree Wonld Pot are to - be occupied only graduMM - and Floyd Singletary, 9, all of 25 over th? extent the army and navy Markets both here and on the these informants said, undet tlm Market street. They were killed Governor WiD Visit With should control, affairs m China inl ^„®^,n,day* headsTof— Germany, Italy,‘Britain andof Munich,France Germany,conferr^ continent took strong upswings on French On instant War plan said J> have been acCeptod bjr when their house -collapsed In the the future, and inc3uded''aIso Ugakl's In a last mlmite effort to avert war. The building showq headquar- the prospect that Germany':^ de- the Fuehrer in place of Ms original twinkling of ah eye. ~ post as overseas minister. intention of having his ormien manR' ters of the National Socialist Party oh King's’ Square—was the meet- mands on Czechoslovakia w ^ d be in Saturday with flags waving. - An emergency call was sent out State Coordinator, Hewes. Nq official announcement of • a ing place of Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladior and Mussolini. satisfied peaceably. , / Footing By Simple Tele- from Roper hosplUl, Charleston’s successor accompanied the cabinet's During -the deliberations, the en- This token occupation, howsvsK largest, for all physicians to report acceptance. voys of the United .‘/States, Soviet would show symbollcaUir that Gcfie there .immediately as the injured Premier Prince Fumimaro Konoye, many had become toa'diaster of tha ' Hartford, Sept. 29.—(AP)—Gov- Russia and Italy saw Viscount Hali- phone CaD From Mnnich. regions of Csiieh'beldvmtia whow were being brought there by every however, it was said ' unofficially, fax, British foreign secretary,' .available conveyance. ’ ernor Cross ^ d his coordinator of will accept- the Foreign portfolio at population - Is predomlnahtljr Q«r. Buildings In Rains rehabilitation. Col. Thomas Hewes, a cabinet meeting tomorrow pend- TO PLAN All Seek InformaHon - many. ing B permanent selection. All, Including. United States Am- Paris, Sept. 29.—(AP)-;-Piremler Still In Coofereaee . Many of the city’s history-steeped will make a tour of h.urricane and bassador Joseph P. Kennedy, were This dlaclosuie came os buildings were in ruins.~ St. Mi- No Change In Policy Edouard Daladter was given a "big fiood'hit .communities-Sund'a/. believed to have sought, Informa- stick” to wield a t the Munich con- atill was in conference wltj chael's Episcopal church, erected Their approirimato route will be Sources close to the government tion on the posaible agenda of the miers of Britain, Franc* long before the Revolutionary-war, said there would be no change in TO CEDrSUDETENLAND ference today when he was empow- East Hartford, Glastonbury, Man- Munich meeting and on conditions In toe parley 'rom which/ was considerably damaged as well Japan's foreign policy.. '■ generally. ered by a new decree to effect In- hopes for asauriutcet < :ta the old market, place. chester, Rockville, Tolland. Pomfret, The board, an extra-governmental Hopes for an early i A Negro Baptist .church in the Putnam, Kllllngly, Norwich, New Prime Minister Chamberlain stant military and civil ihobtUzatlon organ, was designed to act a# - a worked for peace In M'unich but of the entire nation. • suring Europe of heart of the city was demolished', London and as much of the shore Ilazon'' means between the govem- ment were .t^ressqd.by Bntiab but It was unoccupied at the time. .ment and the new ^Japon^-sup- - ^ j PROBERS HEAR much of the rest of - Britain con- The decree,-published tn toe Offi- aa can be covered. tinued defenaq. preparations. German olficlalii 1 The roof cf the city hall wap Colonel Hewes said today after pofted ■ administrations in conquer- cial Journal, made It possible for ' Munich four-1 .cd Chinese' territory. Under the M inster FHje^ To Munich; j Q p Home Secretary- Sir Samuel HOare the premier to put toe whole French blown away, and the Tlmrod Inn, a all-night work that he hoped tomor- InslatAl the people' push precautions thi fata ot I ______ _____ _____ small bo|eh in the same vicinity -was row to distribute a pamphlet ^ving resent pattern the army wquld hold nation on on instant 'war footing its second seiwioi. tbn day afc 4',$8; badly damaged. Sle balance of power. to make the. country safez« from air by a simple telephone call from Mu- p. m. (10:30 a. m., e. a t ) . information on rehabllitotlon obli- New Border Clash Wfth ! attacks.' nich. Charleston’s beautiful battery, a gations that the various federal and .General Ugaki reUred to his villa • Distribution of gas maska, the dig- -The eonfernnee was nsnmsd tt meeca for tourists. Was stripped or state agencies W^ld assume. today, explaining he was* lU.. He It authorized toe government to- toe glistening Fuehrorhous after a ' refused,Ip receive any visitor. -He WITH ENVOY ging of trenches and the protection proceed at its discretion with, in- suspension of liearJy two hours, dur- many line old trees and debris Ut- By Saturday, he 'said,' coqrdlnab> Sodeteh Germans Heard. of blindings, statues and a.rt-treas- tered Its park. ing efforts should be decentralized assumed the Foreign Ministry head- tegral mobiliaatlon of man power. ing which came expreasloos fttmi ship In. a^general cabinet reorgan- ures proceeded Just as before phan Industry and finance throughout the both aides of confidence aa agree- In eveiy direction , as far as the enough so that local branches of cUlor Hitler Invited Chambefraiii nation. .......... eye cduld see, there wes-.a vision of state agencies could give Informa- ization May 27, 1938, that was taken P r^ u e, Sept. 29. — (AP) — The Honse Commiltee Inrestiga PremlerUaladler of Prance'and Pre- ment would-ite reached. ~ tion and carry an a part of the. to mean Japan was out for a quick mier Musootint of Italy to seek with Colnpleto MobiUsptlan. ’ It was indicated ■ it would meet unroofed buildings aiid other wreck- work.
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