Vaisala News178 / 2008 A day in a hurricane specialist's life Tropical cyclones: The value of Vaisala Dropsondes and lightning data Building automation at its best Vaisala technology supports state- of-the-art laboratory conditions Phoenix 2007 Lander on Mars Onboard pressure sensor based on Vaisala BAROCAP® technology Atmospheric monitoring across Oklahoma City Vaisala Weather Transmitters used for urban weather observations Contents Vaisala in brief – Vaisala is the global leader 3 Presidents Column in weather and industrial measurement solutions. Our 4 A day in a hurricane specialist’s life goal is to provide the basis for better quality of life, environ- 8 Building automation at its best mental protection, safety, effi- ciency and cost-savings. 10 Phoenix 2007 Lander on Mars 15:30 EDT Miami, Florida, – Together with our custom- USA: a hurricane specialist 14 Vaisala strengthens its presence in India ers, we influence the lives of shows up for the evening shift hundreds of millions of peo- at the National Hurricane 15 Not an ordinary holiday flight ple. We improve the quality Center (NHC). A hurricane is of everyday life by, for exam- approaching from the Gulf of Mexico. How does our hurricane 16 Atmospheric monitoring across Oklahoma City ple, enabling reliable weather specialist act, and what are his information, aviation and traf- decesions based on? Page 4. 19 Vaisala to deliver weather radar equipment fic safety, and energy-efficient and high quality operations. to US Federal Aviation Administration 20 Vessel Traffic Services enhance maritime traffic safety 22 Exploring the oceans 23 Hands-on natural science Cover photo: On May 25th, 2008, NASA’s Shutterstock Phoenix 2007 Lander successfully 25 Briefly noted touched down on Mars' northern Editor-in-Chief: polar region. The onboard meteo- rological instrument includes a Marikka Nevamäki pressure sensor, based on Vaisala BAROCAP® technology, for atmospheric barometric pressure Publisher: measurement. Page 10. Vaisala Oyj P.O. Box 26 FI-00421 Helsinki FINLAND Phone (int.): + 358 9 894 91 Telefax: The Oklahoma City Micronet (OKCNET) is a project designed + 358 9 8949 2227 to improve the atmospheric monitoring across the Oklahoma Internet: City metropolitan area. Vaisala Weather Transmitters have been www.vaisala.com mounted on traffic signals all around the city. Page 16. Design and Artwork: Sampo Korkeila Printed in Finland by: SP-Paino ISSN 1238-2388 2 | Vaisala News 178 / 2008 Corporate Responsibility President’s column – what is it good for? What is the role of business in society? Is business ethically and contributing to the the sole purpose of business to produce communities we live in. profits for its owners, and nothing else? We have done a lot in all these spheres These questions are debated all over the throughout our history. Recently we have world as you and I make decisions and assembled information about these activ- choices in both our private and business ities from across our business areas in a roles, every day. more organized manner. The results can Business is mainly about making be seen in our first Corporate Responsi- profits, that much is true. But it is also a bility Report, which we plan to publish collective of people working as a part of next year. We believe that responsible society. There is a long tradition of busi- business conduct benefits all: the way nesses that have made valuable volun- we manage our relationship with our tary contributions to societal wellbeing stakeholders and translate our values and development, in addition to contri- and principles into action also affects the butions resulting from their business long-term success of our own business. activity. Corporate Responsibility activities will Vaisala believes in a world where envi- not revolutionize the world. However, ronmental observations improve daily responsible business conduct can make life. We are privileged to work in a busi- a significant contribution to addressing ness that positively affects the lives of the social and environmental challenges hundreds of millions of people all over we are facing today. Be it as individuals or Kjell Forsén the world. As the global leader in envi- as representatives of business, our current CEO ronmental measurement and an active actions affect future generations and member of society, Vaisala has a respon- leave a legacy of social, environmental sibility to act as a good corporate citizen. and financial contributions. What does this mean in practice? Together with our customers, we For Vaisala, this means constantly at Vaisala contribute positively to the improving our products’ environmental everyday lives of people all over the world. performance as well as our own environ- That's a legacy to be proud of. n mental performance. It means conducting 178 / 2008 Vaisala News | 3 Hurricane track forecasts have improved substantially due to Vaisala Dropsonde measurements. 4 | Vaisala News 178 / 2008 Nicholas W.S. Demetriades Manager, Applications & Technology and Ronald L. Holle Meteorologist, Consultant Vaisala, Inc. A day in a hurricane specialist’s life Tucson AZ, USA Tropical cyclones: The value of Vaisala Dropsondes and lightning data 15:30 EDT Miami, Florida, USA: a hurricane Houston? When should he issue a hurri- technology. The Vaisala-NCAR GPS Drop- specialist shows up for the evening shift at cane watch and where? When should sonde, or RD93, was first manufactured the National Hurricane Center (NHC). Hurri- he issue a tropical storm warning and in 1997 after a technology transfer license cane Aidan* is located in the Gulf of Mexico where? Will Aidan reach category five agreement with NCAR was executed. Vais- with maximum sustained wind speeds of intensity or will the rapid intensification ala-NCAR Dropsondes provide the only 135 miles per hour (mph) (217 kilometers per stop shortly? direct profile measure of wind speed hour) and a minimum central pressure of Tropical cyclone watches and warn- and direction, pressure, temperature, 941 hectopascals. Aidan has been rapidly ings are coordinated through channels and humidity within the core of a hurri- intensifying all day. The storm was only a including federal, state, county, and local cane. These measurements are critical category one hurricane less than 24 hours authorities, television, cable, and radio for measuring its current intensity and ago with maximum sustained wind speeds outlets, the internet, and recorded tele- understanding the surrounding environ- of 90 mph (145 kilometers per hour). phone messages. Upon receipt of this ment that influences the development This is a critical shift for the hurricane information, emergency managers will and track of the storm. specialist. Hurricane Aidan is within 48 start making decisions on which coastal The strongest winds in a hurricane are hours of landfall somewhere in the north- areas to evacuate and provide emergency located within a ring of intense weather west Gulf of Mexico along the U.S. coast. It services. Hurricane specialists under- near the center of the storm known as the is currently an extremely dangerous cate- stand the financial impact of issuing a eyewall. The eye of the storm is located gory 4 storm with maximum sustained watch or warning for a metropolitan area in the center of a hurricane and may wind speeds of 135 mph (217 kilometers the size of Houston. contain little cloud cover and relatively per hour) on a scale of one to five on the calm winds. The minimum central pres- Saffir-Simpson Scale. A category five Into the eye of the storm sure of a hurricane is found in the eye hurricane has maximum sustained wind An Air Force WC-130J reconnaissance plane, and is another measure of storm intensity. speeds greater than 155 mph (249 kilome- better known as a hurricane hunter, has ters per hour). just finished flying through the center of Strongest winds at 500 meters Most numerical weather prediction the storm, launching three Vaisala-NCAR As the hurricane hunter flew in and around models used by NHC are projecting land- Dropwindsondes along the way. The first the center of the storm, it was taking contin- fall near Houston, Texas, the fourth largest dropwindsonde (or, simply, dropsonde) uous measurements of the wind at flight city in the U.S. However, two numerical was launched into the northeast eyewall level, approximately 10,000 feet (3,048 weather prediction models are projecting of Aidan, the second into the eye, and the meters). These measurements showed that landfall 300 km east of the Houston area. third into the southwest eyewall. The first the eastern eyewall of the storm contained The specialist needs to issue a hurri- dropsonde measured maximum sustained the highest sustained wind speeds. cane watch when hurricane conditions wind speeds near the surface of 145 mph In the late 1990s, hundreds of Vais- are expected on the coastline within 36 (233 kilometers per hour). The second drop- ala-NCAR Dropsondes were launched hours. The specialist is also responsible sonde, launched into the eye of the storm, into hurricanes. Scientists at NHC and for issuing tropical storm watches and measured a minimum central pressure the Hurricane Research Division (HRD) warnings. A tropical storm watch has of 930 hectopascals. The third dropsonde quickly confirmed that the strongest already been issued for a large portion of measured maximum sustained wind winds within a hurricane are not at the the U.S. coastline in the northwest Gulf speeds near the surface of 140 mph (225 surface, but at an altitude of approxi- of Mexico. A tropical storm warning is kilometers per hour). Aidan is continuing mately 500 meters (or 1,640 feet). Drop- issued when tropical storm conditions to rapidly intensify. Unfortunately, the next sonde measurements of wind speed from are expected on the coastline within 24 scheduled hurricane hunter will not be in 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) to the surface hours.
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