University ofCinoinn~ti NEWS. RE'C:o-'R:D Vol. LIII Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, May' 5, 1966 ~ . \ No. 27 All-University Convocation 'Mitc~ell Trio' To-Present Features Paul McCracken Outdoor- Conc~rt~May' 21 Dr. Paul W. McCracken, pro- Berea, Ky., College. _ , , fessor in the University of Michi- From 1943-48 Dr. McCracken by Peggy Gannon gan's Graduate School of Busi- w~s a financial economist and ness Administration, will be. the director of research for the The spotlight is -on the Mit- guest speaker 'at an Ali-Univer- Federal Reserve Bank of Min- .chell Trio on the UC campus sit~ Convoca!ion at 1 p.~. May neapolis. He was on leave from May 21. An' outdoor concert in 12.InIUC'S Wils~n M:~orial Hall, . Michigan from 1956-St while the Mitchell folk tradition of' mu- Clifton and University Avenues. serving, on the President's Coun- sic plus satire, sponsored by the Dr. McCracken's topic will be ell of ,Economic Advisors. Student Union Concert Series, '~Can We Survive Prosperity?" At Miohigan Dr. McCracken re- will be presented free to the Uni- The convention, 'spon~or~d by ceived the' distinguished faculty versity in the Engineering Quad- the UC Student Council, IS free award in 1959. William Penn Col- rangle at 7:30 p.m. to the pUb~ic. .. ~ lege presented him its' alumni as: Originated at Gonzaga Uni- With degrees from. WIlham sociation award of merit in .1961. versity in Spokane, Washington, Penn College, <?ska~oosa, Iowa, Dr. McCracken is on the boards the Trio sa,ng their way into and Harvard University, Dr. Mc- of directors of several organiza-- their first professional engage- Crack~n .has been a ~ember Of tions including the Water Refin- ment at New York's Blue Angel _ the MIchIgan' ~acult~ Since 1948. ing ' Company of Middletown, - Supper Club. Since then, Mike He also taught for three years at Ohio. He has lectured in Japan Kobluk, .Jehn Denver, and Joe ' and India. ', Frazier have left a trail of ~p- plauding audiences from Bas,in Sophos' Men Tap Street East to the Hungry I'-..in San Francisco. UC will enter ~32 New Members the _ranks of universities- like Stanford, Northwestern, and On Tuesday, May 3, the men the University of Pennsylvania of Sophos announced their new who· have presented the ~itch-, TN. MITCH.LL TRIO ••••• r at •• of •••••r.rec •• cone••••.•.•• Sophos class for ,1967. Thirty- ell Trio. popular folk-singing trio will present a f"ee concert at UC. May 21 two freshmen were tapped on The music of the trio is Q~sed in the' Eng~'neering Quadrangle. ' the basis of' scholarship, service 011 high level musicianship,' vi- and 'character. tality, honesty, and taste. In the The trio has recently complet- part of its extracurricular ac- Those tapped were, according spirit of the- medieval "goliacds," ed a· 15-week tour of Latin tivity as football games and beer. to Coltege: A&S: Lloyd Hast- the wandering student minstrels, America under the allSp'ices of There, has been some discus- ing( James O'Brien, J 0 h n. they speak their minds in song the President's S~cial Inter- sion about the satirical impact on' subjects as' diverse as draft n"ional Prog,ram for Cultural of the Mitch4t1l group. Quest4on- ,~.,- ,•... ,,-.:,.;.. ·Br,.,ye,r.f;~BilliJ'~c;huerman, ROger', Ruehl, 'Leonard Green, Jeffery dodging, and Elizabeth Taylor's Presentation, as a project of ed about mixing politics and Van- Duesen, .J04n Mazzore, love life. They defend their de- the U.S. State DePart,ment. One " entertainment, the three agreed Ralph 8easley, _eph Herring, viation from the, traditional folk of their most memorable per- that - satire has been a tradi· Jay Kelmas, Gerald Hagner, material into contemporary satire formances was presented in tional art form for hundreds of and Richard Avery. by suggesting that "folk music Carneg·ie HaU" and 'their tele-' years and by definition, ridi- Bus Ad Barry Klein, Richard is best defined as an expression . vision performances include cules a social or political point Watkins, Ronald McHenry, wn.' of the times preserved in music." ,programs of such quality as of view 'or event. The success Ham Fee, Ronald Besecker, and To them the John Birch Society "The Sell Telephone Hour" and of performers like' Mort Sahl Tad Duenler. and the Ku Klux Klan are sub- "That Was The Week That and Shelley Berman indicates jects' for modern folk lyric. Was." D.A.A.: Robert Jeffrey, James to the trio that a· certain large Application .of the Mitchell Kobluk, Denver, and Frazier at- percentage of the public ac- Terry, James Ellis, and Fred- Dr. 'aul 'McCracken' $tyle is not limited to' the U.S. erick Brochmeier. tribute an element of their suc- cept this type of entertainment cess to the popularity of the folk enthusiastically. Eng.: John Arnett, Roger idiom today which was given im- The Mitchell Trio envisions Tate, Kenneth Klein, John Breit- petus by American youth. The their role as artists to keep folk enbach, Gary Dolan, James Berg- Langsam To Confer generation of the late fifties Iden- music alive and before the pub- man. and William Petersen, ,,' tlfiedwith this type of music as lic. If' the ·entertainer can art- Univ.: Tom Sloane. performers of their 'own age be- .fully communicate the spirit of Educ.: Terry Bailey. gan to explore the folk world. past generations while basically A'iso ta,pped were two faculty 3 Honorary Degrees There is, however, for the Trio, utilizing their forms of music, members, Dr. William Rellahan now a philosophical and sociologi- the 'I'rio believes he has fulfilled of the chemistry department Three. pre-commencement hon- orial Hall. cal import to the folk movement his role as a folk performer while and Mr. Ralph Monticello, As- as the current college generation orary degrees will. be conferred ,; Each event will be free to the preserving the integrity of folk sistant to the Dean of Men and has made folk music as much a in May by the University' of Cin- general public. Dr. Simon will be music. Resident Adviser. _ cinnati on national figures in the Sophos sponsors a Greek foster a guest conductor at the May.21 fields of education, music, and concert. Dr. Gresham will speak child, a Big Brother program at public administration. on "The Bird of Minerva Flies Hughes High School, and their UC President Walter C. Wright Chosen Bv.Counci I annual dance. Dr. Joseph Holli- by Night" at the May 15 convo- Langsam was authorized to cation. day of the history department make the awards by the UC is the faculty adviser. Dr. Simon, Cincinnati native, "Outstondinq SC Memb~rll Board of Directors at the last has - long been a leade.r in meeting, Tuesday, May '3, in American music. Solo cor.,etist by Beth Barrow will be Nancy Leach. Nancy, a 'the campus Van Wormer Ad- and assistant condVdor of student in the College of Ed- The announcement was made ucation, has been on Student ministration. Building. Chair- Sousa's band, he later organized at the Monday, May ~ Student' man Arthur W. Schubert pre- and directed the Armco band, Council for half a term as a--- sided. Council meeting, of the election replacement for her college. -Inside Story for many years -a favo-:ite with of Jay Wright as Most Outstand- Dr. Perry E. Gresham, presi- radio network audiences in pre': -ing Student Council Member.- Nancy LloYd received theposi- dent of Bethany, West Virginia television da.ys. tion of corresponding secretary. This award is traditionally pre- She Y(as elected on her merits College, and Dr. 'Elvis J. Stahr, Dr. Stahr, native of Hickman, sented to an outgoing senior who and service as past recording ~ president .of Indiana University, Kentucky, was graduated with has served' diligently as a rep- Leadership p. 4 Bloomington, will receive a Doc- -secretary. An oath wasaCiminis- high honors, a Phi Beta Kappa resentative of the student bOGY. tor of Letters. Dr. Frank Simon, key, and. a Rhodes scholarship tered to these officers, as well Mr. Wright has just completed as to Bob Engle, the incoming band - conductor, composer, and from the University of Kentucky. a two year' term, representing former member of the UC Col- He also studied at England's Ox- president, who will preside over Sigma Sigma p. 8 the College of Business Adminis- Council's 'next meeting. lege-Conservatory of Music fac- ford University. tration, and headed the Elections ulty" will receive the Doctor of Born in Covina, California, Dr. Committee for this spring's elec- ,A motion was made by Richard Music. Gresham holds degrees from Tex- tion. ~e will receive an en, Davis, that .Council accept the Kiss Me Kate p. 11 Dr. Stahr will receive his de- as Christian and Columbia uni- graved plaque at the Honors Day proposed constitution. gree at the annual President's versities and the University of Convocation on May 15. A motion by Paul Kuntz Re,serve Officer's T r a inn i g Chicago. For more than 10 years Officers for the new year that Artice IV, Section 21 para. Corps Review at 8:3 p.m, Wed- he was on the Texas Christian were el~ctedand installed after graph A of the Constitution be nesday, May 11, in the, campus Tournament .t ••••••• p. 16 faculty. a service call was admlnlstered changed, was nullfiied since a Armory·Fieldhouse. An I ordained clergyman, Dr. to, .all newly elected council quorium was not present. This Dr. Gresham will be presented Gresham served c h u r c h e s in 'members.
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