Sample file DUDgeOns~Dragons Adventure Credits Designer: Bruce R. Cordell Editor: Penny Williams Creative Director: Ed Stark Cover lllustration: Arnie Swekel Interior illustrations: Wayne Reynolds Cartography: Todd Gamble Typography: Eric Haddock Graphic Design: Matt Adelsperger Art Director: Dawn Murin Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONs® rules created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Playtesters: Andis Blija, Jason Carl, Monte Cook, Alex Karls, Athena Petticord, Jon Pickens, John Rateliff, Ed Stark, Penny Williams, Skip Williams Historical Development of Keraptis: Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, Steve Wilson Resources: Original design of 52: White Plume Mountain by Lawrence Schick. Additional resources include the following: DuNGEON MASTER"' Guide and Player's Handbook by Zeb Cook, MONSTROUS MANuAL'" Tome by numerous authors, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM* Annual II, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM* Annual IV, The Inner Planes by Monte Cook and William W. Connors, Requiem by William W. Connors & Lisa Smedman, DM Option: High-Level Campaigns by Skip Williams. U.S., CANADA, ASIA, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Belgium Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.B. 2031 P.O. Box 707 2600 Berchem Renton, WA 98057-0707 Belgium + 1-800-324-6496 +32-70-23-32-77 ADVANCED DuNcEOI'.'S & DRAGONS, AD&D, DRAGON, DuNGEON MAmR, DuNGEONS & DRAGONS, GREYHAWK, MOI'.'STROUS COMPENDIUM, and the TSR logo are registered trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. MoNSTROUS MANuAL and all TSR cha.racters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. Distributed to the toy, hobby, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein Sampleis prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. file This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. ©1999 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A. TSR. Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Visit our website at www.tsr.com 11434 ISBN 0-7869-1434-3 1 Table of Contents Introduction . .. .... ... .. ... ..... ...... .. 3 Deck of Destinies ........................ ....... 43 Using This Adventure............................ 3 Frostrazor ........................... ... ... .. .. 52 History of White Plume Mountain .................. 3 Spore Repellent ........................ ... ...... 30 Adventure Summary ......... ......... .. ... .... 4 Wave .................................. .. ...... 14 Keraptis-Imprints ............. .. ................. 4 Whelm ................................ ....... 36 Getting the Player Characters Involved . ..... .. .... 9 Wandering Monsters .................... ....... 9 Important NPCs Aegwareth ............................... ..... 56 Surface Keyed Entries .. ... .. .. .... ... .... .. .. .. 10 Nightfear ............ ....................... 16 Ringland ......... .. ... .. .................. .... 10 Nix ........................................... 24 Yellowflow River ....... ..... ............ ..... 11 Killjoy ............. ........................ .. 37 Dead Gnoll's Eyesocket ......... ................ 11 Mossmutter ............................ ....... 45 Plague Fields .................. .. ............. 11 Spatterdock ............................ ....... 27 Twisted Thickets ........... ..... ........ ..... 11 Thingizzard ......... .. ... ... ............ .. 15 Castle Mukos .................. ........... .... 12 Great Swamp ............ .......... ........... 13 Monsters Thingizzard's Hut ............... ... .. .......... 14 Bloodwights* ............... ............. .. .. .. 44 Lair of Dragotha .................... ........... 15 Bog Mummies . ....... ... .... ................. 13 Burning Golems .................. ..... ....... 37 Mountain Keyed Entries . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 16 Crab Swarm* ..................... ............. 31 Nightfear's Domain ..................... ...... 16 Elevated Ghoul* ................................ 28 Nix's Domain......................... ..... ... 24 Fungus Hulk* .. .......... .... .. .. ........... 29 Spatterdock's Domain ..... ...................... 27 Kelp Devil* .... ... .... ........ .. ............ 21 Killjoy's Domain ............................... 37 Leviathan ............. ........................ 58 Unclaimed Territory #1 ........................... 41 Meenlock ................. ................. .. 13 Mossmutter's Domain . .. .... ................... 45 Mold Wyrm* .. ................................. 47 Unclaimed Territory #2 . ... ...................... 53 Myconid .............. ....... .... .... .. 50 Phycornid ........................... ..... 30 Conclusions.... .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... 60 Skin Puppet* .................. ..... ...... ... 51 The Child-Keraptis .... ........................ 60 Vampire Moss ...... .... ........... .......... 49 XP Awards .............. ..... ................ 60 Appendix: Monster Summary................... 61 Magic of Note Amulet of Repudiation . .. .. ... ............ 29 •First published monster appearance. Blackrazor ............... ..................... 39 Sample file 2 appearing in the adventure except named NPCs. Photo­ Introduction copy these four pages and refer to them as needed during play; monster statistics are not provided in the "Keraptis found refuge in the tangled maze of volcanic tunnels individual encounters. below the cone. With his servants, Keraptis vanished into the shadows under the Plume, and no more was heard of the evil wizard." History of White Plume -The Legend of Keraptis, 52: White Plume Mountain Mountain The release of 52: White Plume Mountain by Lawrence Schick coincided with the initial popularity surge of the The history of White Plume Motmtain is closely entwined DuNGEONS & DRAGONS®game. Because this adventure was with that of the ancient wizard Keraptis, but even scholars one of the first scripted scenarios to appear, most of the do not know aU the details. This background information D&O® fans of the day owned and played it. As such, White is presented in its entirety for the DM; what the PCs can Plume Mountain became part of the "commonality of expe­ find out through diligent study appears later in its own rience" that longtime players and DMs of the era shared. section (see "Historical Research"). Whether you have your own fond memories of experi­ ences within the volcano or are about to tackle White Plume Mountain for the first time, this sequel is sure to Ancient History generate a host of new campaign stories that will last for years to come. Some two thousand years ago, the wizard Keraptis established himself as "protector" of Tostenhca-a grand mountainside city of wide streets and towering ziggu­ Using This Adventure rats. But the wizard, who had extended his lifespan far beyond that of most mortals in his search for immortal­ This AD&D®adventure is designed for four to ten player ity, became more and more corrupt with increasing age. characters (PCs) of 7th to lOth level. A party whose char­ Over four centuries, the cost of his protection grew ever acter levels total less than 45, however, will be hard­ more burdensome, until eventually Keraptis was taking pressed to survive, so lower-level characters should tackle a piece of everything that the people of Tostenhca grew, the mountain in larger groups. Even then, Dungeon Mas­ made, or sold. With the announcement of yet another ters should encourage such PCs to take advantage of any levy-one-third of all newborn children-the people rose alliances that the various groups inhabiting the complex as one, ousting Keraptis and his personal bodyguard of may offer. deranged gnomes. Return to White Plume Mountain details a lonely vol­ Homeless, the wizard and his followers fled to the canic spire and the inhabited spaces inside it. You can use cities of the south and west. But wherever Keraptis went, this product as a stand-alone adventure or, if your players his reputation preceded him, and he found no other settle­ are veterans of the original 52: White Plume Mountain, you ments willing to accept his "protection." During these could run this scenario as a sequel that takes place twenty travels, which lasted most of three centuries, the wizard years later. Regardless of how you choose to present the acquired several implements of surpassing power. The story, it is not necessary to own or be familiar with the secret gnomish conclave from which he drew his body­ original publication; everything you need to run Return to guard gave him the hammer called Whelm. In return for White Plume Mountain is within these pages. aid that would enable them to crack their divinely Place and character names are not sacrosanct-make ordained prison, the mythical Cyclopes presented Kerap­ whatever changes are necessary to drop White Plume tis with the trident named Wave. While future-com­ Mountain into your campaign world. You could place murting with the last living entities of a dying multiverse, the volcanic mound among a range of similar but inac­ he received the sword called Blackrazor. But true immor­ tive peaks, or make it a lonely sentinel in an otherwise tality still eluded his grasp. unexceptional grassland, swamp, or forest. If your game Three hundred years after leaving Tostenhca, Keraptis takes place in the GREYHAW~
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