9 E U S S I N C O R P O R A T I N G M R C N E W S I T H E O F F I C I A L M A G A Z I N E F O R M O U N T A I N R E S C U E I N E N G L A N D , W A L E S & I R E L A N D JJ UU LL YY 22 00 00 44 AA WWAALLKK IINN TTHHEE WWOOOODDSS SSeeaarrcchhiinngg ffoorr ssaallaammaannddeerrss iinn tthhee BBlluuee RRiiddggee MMoouunnttaaiinnss WWHHAATT AA LLOONNGG SSTTRRAANNGGEE TTRRIIPP IITT’’SS BBEEEENN...... BBiillll BBaattssoonn bboowwss oouutt DDIIVVIINNGG EEMMEERRGGEENNCCIIEESS AANNDD CCAAVVEE RREESSCCUUEE AAddvviiccee ffoorr mmoouunnttaaiinn rreessccuueerrss PPlluuss NNEEWWSS && VVIIEEWWSS FFRROOMM TTHHEE MMRRCC AANNDD AARROOUUNNDD TTHHEE RREEGGIIOONNSS wwwwww..mmoouunnttaaiinn..rreessccuuee..oorrgg..uukk £2.50 ...A WORD reactive, fire-fighting issues, or even having I N C O R P O R A T I N G M R C N E W S FROM THE directives imposed upon us. E D I T O R I A L I wrote a short piece in a previous edition TOP TABLE... about the formation of the new Duddon and Editor Furness team. The process of amalgamation, the Judy Whiteside thinking about the future, and review of systems Years ago, when I was approached by Rossendale & Pendle MRT and operating procedures has convinced me that Stewart Hulse and David Allan to stand as 8 bridgefoot close . boothstown . worsley many other teams might benefit from a similar manchester M28 1UG Equipment Officer, taking over from Joe Walmsley, process, should look with a hard critical eye at the telephone 0161 702 6080 little did I realise what I was taking on! I can still future, and look and think outside the box. editorial email [email protected] vividly remember my first main meeting, then in the Website Workloads and expectations of teams will inevitably Paul Baxendale old Stockport College buildings, thinking that the continue to grow but, with modern transportation Paul Horder proceedings seemed to go on forever (and that I and communications, do we really need fifty plus Dave Freeborn Keswick MRT Patterdale MRT was the youngster in the room!) teams? Handbook It was, however, an eye-opener to the I would also like to comment on the hotly Eve Burton Buxton MRT potential for modernisation and development. debated subject of Standards and Guidelines. Statistics Having taken on the role, I met with Joe to be Ged Feeney Whether one likes it or not, we already have them Penrith MRT briefed on my duties and responsibilities. I came in many operational areas. Who set and devised MRC Press Officer away with an archive of material that represented Andy Simpson them? Well of course, we developed and refined the history and development of mountain rescue, a them ourselves. Who monitors and reviews these Rossendale & Pendle MRT huge sense of trepidation mixed with excitement standards and guidelines? We do! www.mountain.rescue.org.uk and a resolve to continue in the footsteps of We should not look at these as some somebody who has contributed so much to restraining straitjacket but rather as hard evidence A D V E R T I S I N G mountain rescue. of our commitment to developing best practice. It is I could spend hours on the work of the this commitment to training, continual S A L E S Equipment sub-committee – its challenges, development, reviewing techniques and different developments and successes. However, I would Jean Cole ways of working, and the dissemination of these, like to comment on some wider issues from a that is a mark of a joined up and mature telephone 0161 273 4846 personal perspective. In past years, one of my organisation. biggest frustrations has been the wasted time and I am certain that my first impressions at that energy expended on inter-region, team, and MRC N E X T I S S U E MRC meeting were correct but I am also equally politics. I think that we have turned a corner over sure that the modernisation programme is now the last five years – no doubt with the help of better Issue 10 – October 2004 really beginning to make an impression. Thankfully, communication through our excellent newsletter the time that used to be lost in petty politics is and web site. I believe that there is a collective Editorial copy must be supplied as largely a thing of the past. realisation that it is far better to plan and shape our Word/Quark document. Images must be supplied as separate developments at the MRC, than to be continually Mike Margeson Equipment Officer JPEGS/Photoshop EPS/TIFF (300 dpi) Advertising artwork must be supplied, ready prepared on CD or via email as font embedded PDF/EPS/TIFF (300 dpi) or quark document with all relevant fonts and images. ...AND FROM Every care will be taken of materials sent run an auction on e-bay and the money raised goes for publication however these are submitted THE EDITOR... to mountain rescue. Sounds great, I said... as I at the senderʼs risk. wandered off to collect a few more goodie bags. A Front page pic Okay, so we got off on the wrong foot. We had couple of weeks later, another Friday afternoon and Passage in Peak Cavern first explored by cave words. Plenty, actually – fuelled by beer and the sunʼs approaching the yard-arm when the divers in 1949. draught cider in the local – as every passing month phone rings. Itʼs Guy Proctor, Trail Editor. Same Photograph courtesy John Cordingley. appeared to add fresh insult to our injured egos. thing. Auction. ebay. What did I think? Could they Editor’s Note But, in the nature of any new relationship, it takes have a logo? As long as I can see what youʼre Articles carried in time to discover where the other partyʼs coming going to do with it, I said. (Protecting the brand and Mountain Rescue from. And – as any battle-of-the-sexes-weary old all that). So I sent him a logo, he sent me a proof of Magazine do not agony aunt would tell you – youʼve got to talk. To the page and the result appeared in Julyʼs Trail . As necessarily reflect the each other, that is. I write, the auction has closed and the first cheques opinions of the MRC. So, there I was at the Outdoors Show, when come through already – nigh on £700 raised in the Trail stand hove into view (or was it the other total. So credit where itʼs due... and thank you Trail way round?) ʻAha!ʼ I thought. ʻNowʼs me chance!ʼ Magazine . As it turned out, the object of my (our) But, donʼt leave me just yet... thereʼs more. Thank You collective discomfort wasnʼt there on the Friday Now weʼre on speaking terms, theyʼve approached to everyone who has (okay, so I was skiving – much more fun mooching us a couple of times for info and useful contacts for submitted news, articles and round the NEC picking up freebies than staring at a forthcoming articles and Iʼve been able to put them photographs for inclusion in the Mountain Rescue Magazine. computer screen all day) but his Deputy, Emma in touch with the right people to talk to. Of course, If your contribution isn’t Kendell was. So we sat down and had a chat. I said mutual trust and respect take time to nurture and here, don’t worry. Everything I wasnʼt happy, she said they were sorry. She said grow... but, if we keep talking, keep working at the is kept on file for future consideration, so please keep up they thought we did a great job and wanted to relationship... this might just be the start of the good work. support us. I said okay... what now? something worth having. How about this for an idea? she asked. Trail Judy Whiteside Editor PAGE 2 MOUNTAIN RESCUE MAGAZINE JULY 2004 JULY 2004 MOUNTAIN RESCUE MAGAZINE PAGE 3 FIXED DATES IN READING MATTERS THE PENNINE WAY PLATE THE CALENDER Essential for all who know the Pennine Way MRC MRC MEETING THE LONG DAY DONE NEWS The Pennine Way starts at Edale in A SATURDAY BY JEREMY ROWAN ROBINSON Derbyshire and finishes at Peter Jones 20 NOVEMBER Kirk Yetholm in Scotland - Exclusive COUNCIL DROPPED MRC HANDBOOK the MRC Executive in May. members from as far afield TEAM LEADERS a distance of 250-270 Peter Smith and Penny as Ireland and Scotland. MEETING miles. This Pennine The MRC is to drop the Update on the handbook... Set mostly in the Lake Districtʼs Langdale Brockman were duly The dayʼs programme was Way Plate will bring word Council from its title, again. Given that the bit SATURDAY Valley, The Long Day Done tells the back cherished elected to take over as a good mix of theory and to become Mountain with the names and 4 DECEMBER fictional tale of a couple of fairly protracted memories to all Secretary and Treasurer hands-on practical rescues from several angles. Initially Rescue England & Wales. addresses (hitherto called TEAM DOCTORS country-lovers respectively. sessions, which had been setting the scene from a legal point of view who have All the regional reps had the insert) hasnʼt actually MEETING well focused to meet the before an inquest, you could be forgiven enjoyed the the opportunity to voice been inserted for a couple PPE/FPE EQUIPMENT needs of MR team FRIDAY for expecting a fairly detailed debate on challenge of a their thoughts on the of years, itʼs now been whether or not Mountain Rescue Teams walk on ‘The CHECKING members.
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