THE FLAT HAT Vol. X. COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY AT WILLIAMSBURG IN VIRGINIA, OCTOBER 29th, 1920 No. 5 Dr. Chandler Leaves Tribe Takes Another Scalp LET'S GET RICHMOND President to Leave College in Charge Norfolk Battle of Greater Interest of Assistants While He Is Touring AFTER PLAYING BELOW PAR THE FIRST HALF, IN¬ Than Any of Season. Country in Interest Proposed DIANS RUN UP 27 POINTS IN SECOND AND OUT¬ Endowment. On Saturday, October 30, the CLASS UNION, 34-0. Spiders will emerge from their web At a meeting of the Board of Vis¬ and wend their way Southward itors last week it was decided that Dr. Demonstrating in the final quarter 'and Hastings then plowed sixty-three with the express purpose of sub¬ T Chandler would be absent from the that the form they displayed against 1 yards jp the field. A kick by White duing the tribe. Indians will you college for a period of about six Lynchburg College was not a flash in from placement failed, and the half be there? Flushed with four vic¬ months, to take the road in the in- the pan, the William and Mary grid- ended with William and Mary on tories out of five starts the Spiders terest of the endowment campaign. It ironists outclassed Union Theological Union's twenty-yard line are neglecting to take into consid¬ was with deep regret that Dr. Seminary eleven by a 34—0 score on Union, after receiving, was forced eration the fact that they have yet Chandler announced the necessity for Cary Field Saturday last. It was in to punt, and Coach Driver's eleven to play Virginia and Tech by whom him to leave and it was with still the fourth period alone, however, that marched up the field. Near the goal we were handed our two defeats. deeper regret that the student body the Indians played the brand of foot¬ line White shot a pass to Badgett, who Their much boasted victory over heird this announcement. While it ball of which they are capable. mad* a leap and pretty catch of the Catholic U. faded into insignifi¬ is doubtless for the interest of the col¬ Marred by frequent fumbling, and pigskin, registering a touchdown. cance when Lafayette wrecked that lege that this plan be adopted, it playing under conditions ideal for White kicked goal. The Indians went team by an 84-6 score. sc ems hard to lose our president, even baseball, the Indian-Union contest at their opponents with a vim, and But let's understand each other. for a short period of time. lacked thrills of the Lynchburg game. appeared to be an entirely different We are going to win, but it will be A most pleasing feature was the ef- team. the fiercest fight ever seen in Nor¬ During his year's stay at William facacy of the aerial attack developed In the fourth quarter the local elev¬ folk. White, Joyner, Jones, Close and Mary Dr. Chandler has won a by Coach Driver's lads. When line en scored three touchdowns. The first and their teammates are going to warm spot in the heart of every stu¬ plays were rolled back, the Indians came when Jones, on the fifty-yard give them everything they have. dent on the campus. His untiring opened up a variety of overhead plays lire, heaved a long pass to White, who You be there to help with your energy, thoughtfulnss, wisdom in crit¬ that swept Union off ity feet. shook off his pursuers and sprinted support. On to Norfolk! ical matters, and diplomacy in han¬ Whitge again was the outstanding across the line amid cheers. In every dling difficult situations render him star on the offensive. He scored three exchange of punts our boys gained almost indispensible in our college touchdowns, and Badgett and Levy ground. Line plays and end runs ad¬ Peninsula Fair A Gala Event life. each crossed Union's goal line. The vanced the ball to Union's ten-yard Makes Special Effort. punting of Close, his long end runs, line, whence Fairmount White, the Many Visitors Throng Into Williams¬ It is hoped that each and every stu¬ the tackling of Badgett, the line play Norfolk speed boy, dashed around burg During Fair Week—Good dent will make a special effort to of Joe Garber, in fact, the work of the right end for a touchdown. Speakers on Prograpi. maintain an ideal state of affairs dur¬ entire Indian team was stella after Close, prevented from hurling a ing his absence. Let's all get to¬ the first half. pass on Union's twenty-five yard line, From Tuesday, October 20, until gether on this point, fellow-students; The Indians received the kickoff, broke away from the preachers and Saturday, October 23, Williamsburg if we work together we can aid those in and rapidly advanced twenty yards tp ran twenty yards to Union's six-yard was all a-buzz with activity. "The charge materially in cai-rying on the midfield, when they fumbled the pig¬ line. Jones shot a pass to Ben Levy carnival's come to town" was the affairs of the college during the ab skin. White made eighteen yards in for a change, and the trick worked to theme of every street comer conver¬ sence of our president. The very fact two attempts, and Joyner added two a nicety. White missed his final try sation. In addition to pig, poultry, that he is so indispem.ible entails a yards for the second consecutive first for goal, making the score 34—0. cow, and baby exhibits, many speakers special effort on the part of each indi¬ down. Hughes relieved Wilson at Union brought down only sixteen of wide repute were present on this vidual to keep things running smooth¬ center. Union gained ten yards on a men. and every one was pressed into gala occasion. It happened that sev¬ ly until his return. short pass after which the William and service. Considering their lack of eral games of chance were attached Dr. Hoke, dean of the students, will Mary boys held Union. A forward coaching, the Theologs acquitted to the side shows and they reaped a have charge of the routine work of pass, White to Jones, gained forty themselves creditably against great rich havest from students and towns¬ the college, while Dr. Hall, dean of the yads. Joyne dashed off tackle for nine odds. people. "Broke" is a by-word now faculty, will pass on degree applica¬ yards. Joyner dashed off tackle for 9 The line-up: that the carnival has departed. tions and work of that nature. Dr. the Indians being on Union's fifty- The speaker on opening day was Montgomery, chairman of the faculty yard line, when the quarter ended. William and Mary. Union. Homer Ferguson, president of New¬ committee on student affairs, will co¬ The Indians were off color during the Badgett R. E Murray port News Shipyard and former pres¬ operate with the athletic and debate first fifteen minutes play. A pass, Close (Capt.) R. T Thompson ident of the United States Chamber councils in running the affairs of the Jones to White, netted twenty yards. of Commerce. He is at present one students. Miss Taylor will have charge The play was not completed, but the Owens R. G Clare Wilson C Bowman of the directors of the chamber. Mr. of the women under the supervision of referee ruled that Union interfered Ferguson spoke last year in the Col¬ Dr. Hoke. with White as he was about to catch Garber L. G Comerford lege Chapel and was therefore well the spheroid. Joyner fumbled. Union Chandler L. T Patterson known to the college students. As Remember the Honor System, getting the ball. Joyner's left hand Shepherd L. E Lofquist usual Mr. Ferguson's speech was With duties so distributed, and a pained hhn, and the coach sent in Jones Q. B , Buckles snappy, practical, and pertinent. special effort on the part of all con¬ Moore to take Red's place. Union Cn Wednesday, "Farmers' Day," cerned, we can aid to a great extent couldn't gain, and when the Theologs Joyner L. H.... Alexander the speaker was Hon. A. J. Montague, in making Dr. Chandler's trip a suc¬ punted, White ran back the ball White R. H... Moore former governor and congressman. cess. The Honor System originated at twenty yards. On the fourth down Hastings F. B Worth The speaker was introduced by Hon. William and Mary College. Let's William and Mary scored its first W. L. Henley. Mr. Montague referred keep this fact andthe reputation that touchdown, on a pass from Jones to Touchdowns — White (3), Levy, Badgett. Goals from touchdowns— to the providential act that sent Span¬ we have to sustain, ever before our White. White booted the ball square¬ ish civilization to South America and eyes during the absence of our presi¬ ly between the uprights. White 4 out of 5. Substitutions—Wil¬ English civilization to North America. dent! A fifteen-yard run by Captain Close liam and Mary: Dietz, Moore, Sym- ton, Levy, Hughes, Craig, Ehmig, He reviewed the part that the Vir¬ was interspersed in the Indians' reper¬ ginia Peninsula has played in all wars toire of plays after receiving the kick- Fraser, Cousar, Curray. Time of quar¬ EXHIBIT | ters—15 minutes. Referee--Geddy. and told of its fine historical setting off. Union intercepted a pass, and and impress upon all generations— Prof. Powers to Exhibit Additional then made a serious bid to score.
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