PCC of AFFPUDDLE with TURNERSPUDDLE Minutes of the PCC meeting held on 16 January 2019 7pm at Bladentye, Briantspuddle Present: Rev Canon Charles Masheder (Chair), Rev Carol Langford (Vicar of Wool), Mr Sanderson (Churchwarden), Mrs Whatley (Churchwarden), Mr Haigh (LM), Mr Buck (Treasurer), Mrs Moriarty (LPA), Mrs Grindrod, Mr Killer, Lady Coates, Mrs Wood, Mr Parker and Mrs Hogger (Secretary). Apologies: Mr Mullins. 1. Opening Prayer. 2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 October 2018. These were approved unanimously. All PCC members gave their consent for the Minutes to be sent to the Parish website. Action: Mrs Hogger . Matters arising: Examination of the Accounts – Mr Sanderson will follow this up with Mr Smith (Treasurer, Bere Regis PCC). Share has increased across the Diocese. 3. Treasurer’s Report. Mr Buck reported as follows:- Current A/C: £2,026 Deposit A/C: £8,209 - £2,500 paid towards remainder of Share Fabric Fund: £19,566 £3,381 had been received from HMRC in December for 2017 Gift Aid tax relief. £967 has been paid to Bere Regis PCC for magazine expenses. £675 has been paid to the Diocese in respect of fees for weddings, funerals etc. £5,253 has been paid to the Diocese towards the 2019 Share (which includes the £2,500 above). £175 has been paid to Mr R Hall for playing the organ at 5 services. Share arrears from past years, of £9,753, have been written off by the Diocese. Page 1 15 parishioners have signed up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). There are also several regular donors still paying by standing order. It was agreed to use a form with consent to comply with GDPR this year to update the electoral role. Mr Killer (Electoral Roll Officer) took note. The Vicar thanked Mr Buck for all his continued hard work. 4. Deanery Synod Report. Mr Killer reported as follows. “There has been one meeting of the Synod since our last PCC at St George’s Church, Langton Matravers on 7 November 2018 and was attended by the Reverend Charles, Mr Moriarty and Mr Killer. The Vicar of Corfe Castle, Reverend Ian Jackson, welcomed us all. Corfe Castle/Church Knowle have recently formed a combined benefice with the parishes of the “Purbeck Hills”: Langton Matravers, Kingston and Worth Matravers. There are two paid clergy being the Reverend Ian based at Corfe and the recently appointed James Mercer based at Langton Matravers. The Deanery Synod was led by the Rural Dean, Rev Simon Everett, and the main item was a presentation on how homelessness is dealt with ‘at the sharp end’ in Poole. Ms Mellors from the charity dealing with homeless and street sleepers in Poole, told us that it started as a soup kitchen 16 years ago near the Quay and now has an office and facilities in the United Reform Church in Poole Old Town. The premises are open three days a week in the middle of the day and two other days in the evening. Anyone who is homeless can seek help. When open, hot food and drink are available. Warm clothing can be provided. There is a hot shower – just as important as the hot food she said. The volunteers can provide help on how to access medical services (customers may not have a GP but there are several very accommodating surgeries) and some basic medical services may be available on site. Advice on access to supported housing is given. Sometimes a homeless person is provided with help towards a room in a local authority/housing association establishment but availability is very limited and qualification rules are incredibly complex. Support is given for form filling and the internet is available. About 30 people use these services in Poole and there is a similar charity in Bournemouth with about the same number of attenders. Of the 30 only about 3 Page 2 are women. Not all the 30 in Poole are “full-time” rough sleepers – some mix it with “sofa-surfing”. I take that to mean a few nights each week on a settee somewhere and a few nights on the street. But of the 30 at least 10 are on the street all week. Other items: there was a report on the Diocesan Synod (I have minutes if anyone wishes to have a look). More importantly, Reverend Charles was thanked for all his work as Assistant Rural Dean and has the well-wishes of the meeting for his move. The new Assistant Rural Dean will be Rev Carol Langford. The next Deanery Synod meeting will be on 27 February at Wool and the main item will be to hear about Food Banks. Any PCC member or church attender can attend (but not vote). Let me know if you are interested.” Mr Killer suggested that a sound system should be used at meetings where possible. 5. Vicar’s Update. (a) Plans for the Vacancy. The Vicar said that his final services would be on Sunday 27 January. Both would be Benefice services. The Vacancy then begins. A rota of services has been organised until the end of April. Mr Hall has been notified of the dates of weddings. Baptisms, funerals etc should be referred to Rev Langford in the first instance. Woods and Albert Marsh are also aware of this arrangement. The Registers for Affpuddle will be collected from the Vicarage by Mr Sanderson for safekeeping. Help will be needed at weddings and funerals to set up the church and to tidy up afterwards. Mr Buck asked about expenses incurred during the vacancy. The Vicar suggested that he liaise with Rev Langford. The Vicar then handed over to Rev Langford. (b) Future of the Benefice. Rev Langford said that the Consultation period would end on 21 January 2019 and should be completed by early March 2019. On Wednesday 13 March 2019 at 7pm there will be a service at Holyrood, Wool with the Bishop to celebrate the new Benefice and to welcome Jenny Alidina as Associate Priest. Rev Langford will become the incumbent of the Benefice. She said that she was very grateful to Mr Sanderson and Mrs Whatley for their help in up-dating the Parish Profile. She also encouraged participation in ‘Thrive’ and would like 2 people from each church to attend. The Rev Langford said how important it was to appoint the right successor to Charles. Page 3 Mr Killer mentioned the pew sheet. 40 copies are put in Affpuddle Church every Sunday. There was discussion about facilitating the printing etc in the future. The LPAs were asked to liaise with Mr Killer about information for inclusion in the pew sheet. 6. Safeguarding. Mr Sanderson will provide an updated statement at the APCM. 7. Church Fabric and Churchyard. (a) Quinquennial Review (15 May 2018). The report had provided a long list of priorities and Griffin (Builders) are on the case. The moss on the roof is being addressed. (b) Churchyard path. Many thanks to Mr Moriarty and his team of helpers for doing this. The path around the Peace Garden is now very uneven and is becoming a Health & Safety issue. Mr Parker suggested putting gravel down. The willow tree near the B3390 needs cutting back. Mr Sanderson will look into this. (c) The electrical inspection has been completed. (d) Lavatory up-date. The portaloo will be back for Easter. Mrs Whatley is following up the wooden shed project with a local contact. (e) New Chalice. This has been given to us by the Parish Council. Ms Jones (Chairperson, Parish Council) attended the dedication. 8. Health and Safety. All present issues have been discussed elsewhere in these minutes. 9. Events/Fundraising. (a) Feedback on recent events. Gift Day – Saturday 3 November 2018. This raised £1,048. Mr Buck suggested having a banner next time and the Vicar mentioned Bryan Benjafield in Bere Regis who could supply one for £35! The Remembrance commemorations on Sunday 11 November 2018 were felt by all to have been very appropriate. Mr Sanderson will liaise with Mr Chorley about keeping the sandbags and storing them for future use. Page 4 The Carol Service on Wednesday 19 December 2018 could have been shorter! It was suggested that some verses of longer carols could be cut out in future! £135 had been sent to Embrace the Middle East. (b) Easter 2019. There will be a service on Good Friday (19 April) at 2.30pm at Affpuddle. On Easter Day (Sunday 21 April 2019) there will be a service at 9.15am at Affpuddle. (c) The APCM will be on Sunday 28 April 2019 following a shortened evensong at 6pm. (d) Flower Festival 2019 – Friday 31 May/Saturday 1 June/Sunday 2 June 2019. Mrs Whatley has sent a letter to all the flower arrangers inviting them to Andrea Smith’s house for coffee on Monday 4 February. (e) Church Fete – Saturday 3 August 2019 2pm – 4.30pm at Cruck Cottage, Briantspuddle. Mr Sanderson has checked the date with Mrs Badcock. He is also in touch with the Wareham Town Band. (f) Purbeck Village Quire fundraiser in the church on Saturday 28 September 2019. (g) Harvest 2019 – Sunday 13 October 2019. Action: Mrs Hogger to book the Village Hall. 10. AOB. (a) Mr Haigh suggested using the York course – “On The Third Day” for this year’s Lent course. (b) Mr Parker said that he was happy to resurrect the ‘Seed Money Project’ with a mass dog walk. 11. Date/time/venue of next meetings. Wednesday 3 April 2019 at 7pm at Mrs Grindrod’s home (Bladentye); Wednesday 10 July 2019 at 7pm at River Cottage, Affpuddle and Wednesday 9 October 2019 at 7pm at River Cottage, Affpuddle.
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