Adventure from the UK for a level 7 elf I TABLE OF CONTENTS BLADE OF VENGEANCE 2 HOMECOMING (Map 1 - areas la-g) 4 Approach to Dorneryll, Dorneryll 4 I Vengeance is Mine 7 THE EMERLAS (Map E - areas 2-20) 8 Storyline: Jim Bambra & Starblooms 8 Phil Gallagher Wandering Monsters, Events 9 Production: Phil Gallagher & Set Encounters 11 TSR UK Design Team The Elfin Smith, Oakendale 11 Vanished Hermit, Fairy Ring 14 Editing: Graeme Morris, Tom Kirby Herbalists 16 Carole Morris The Treanu 17 Typesetting: Phil Gallagher, Paul Circle of Dreams, Scenes of Destruction 18 Cockburn, Kim Daniel Shattered Pillars 19 Artwork: Jeremy Goodwin Cartography: Paul Ruiz THE SHINING ISLE (Map S - areas Sl-S4) 20 Playtesting: Pat Whitehead & Scorbane 22 Gerard Lonergan THE MISTY HILLS (Map E - areas 21-22) 23 Wandering Monsters, Set Encounters 23 LAIR OF KHORDARG (Map K - areas K1-K13) 24 Death of Khordarg, A New Beginning 26 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D ace m@rnccd trademarks ownd byTSR,lnc ThcTSRlogo. and PRODUCTSOPYOUR IMAGINATION arc tradrmarks owned by TSR. Inc NEW MONSTERS 27 '198+ TSR,Inc. AI1 Rights Rrrcncd. Princcd in USA Shargugh, Flitterlings 27 Faedorne, Silver Warrior 28 TSR, Inc. TSR UK Ltd. POB 756 The Mill Lake Geneva Rathmore Road w153147 Cambridge CB1 4AD USA United Kingdom. LIST OF TABLES 9 I A." Table 1: Wandering Monsters (the Emeilas) Table 2: Mushrooms 15 I Table 3 Wandering Monsters (the Misty Hills) 23 TSR, Inc. PnODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION" LIST OF MAPS Map E - Emerlas Outside Cover Maps 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16 & 20 Inside Cover ISBN 0-88038-190-6 Map S Shining Isle Inside Cover 9108 - Map K - Khordarg's Lair Inside Cover Printed in the USA This is an adventure for one player and one south. Karelia sent a raven as her messenger smith to the north west (area 2). All other Dungeon Master. The module is for use with to Galannor Nightflame to lead him from elves live to the south, deep in Canolbarth the DUNGEONS & DRAGONSO game sys- Alfheim. Galannor made haste to the Forest. tem and requires a copy of the Basic and Emerlas and sought out Gorkalk’s lair in Expert rules in order to play. the Misty Hills. There, a terrible fight As a youngster, Erystelle was never allowed ensued and, in spite of his wounds, to wander far in the Emerlas and con- Galannor slew the dragon. Karelia was sequently the character’s knowledge of the Blade of Vengeance concerns the adventures impressed with Galannor’s bravery. In her area is sketchy. On reaching maturity, of Erystelle of Dorneryll, a level 7 elf. silver ship, she carried the wounded hero to Erystelle headed south to Alfheim, the elf Erystelle can be a male or a female the Shining Isle where he now lives beyond king’s court, and to lands beyond. character as this will make no difference to his span of years. the flow of the adventure. Alternatively, the DM may allow another character to be used Since then the Emerlas has been peaceful ERYSTELLE’S DESTINY instead of Erystelle. In this case the DM and many creatuies have made it their may have to limit the spells and magical home. Recently, however, the red dragon HOMECOMING (page 4): After years of equipment available to the character, as Khordarg has moved into the lair of her adventuring in distant lands, Erystelle has this adventure has been specifically des- great grandfather, Gorkalk. By employing decided to return home. But the home- igned around Erystelle’s abilities, spells threats and promises of wealth she has coming will be far from pleasant; most of and equipment. brought many humanoid bands under her Dorneryll’s inhabitants lie dead, slain by control. Khordarg now plans to lay waste the red dragon Khordarg, while Dorneryll to the area, and she has already destroyed itself is in flames. This vicious attack THE EMERLAS the dwarven stronghold of Granitgape cannot go unavenged ... (area 17 -see Map E) and the human hamlet The northern tip of Canolbarth Forest of Scrubton (area 18). At the start of the THE EMERLAS (page 8): A letter found (Map 2 Expert Rulebook - page 33) is a wild adventure, only Erystelle’s great uncle by the burning trunk of Dorneryll will lead and beautiful area known as the Emerlas. Druinder (area 2) suspects Khordarg’s to the forge of Erystelle’s great uncle (area Shrouded in mystery and legend, the existence. 2). Druinder will suggest that Erystelle Emerlas is home to numerous creatures. attempts to recall Galannor Nightflame. Floating high above the Emerlas is the Druinder thinks that the hermit of the Shining Isle of Karelia, a faedorne (see page DORNERYLL north (area 6) will know how this is to be 28). The Shining Isle is only visible at done and gives directions to the hermit’s night and appears as a bright star in the Erystelle’s home, Dorneryll (area 1 -Map 1) cave. Unfortunately, the hermit has gone heavens, known to the elves as the Star of is a large oak tree on the southern edge of into hiding and Erystelle will be unable to Galannor. the Emerlas. On brightly painted platforms find him until much later in the quest. high in the branches of Dorneryll, the elves However, Fate has chosen Erystelle to save Two thousand years ago, the red dragon of Erystelle’s family have made their the Emerlas and to be as great a hero as Gorkalk flew out of the northern mount- homes. The area around the tree is laid out Galannor Nightflame. After collecting ains and destroyed large tracts of the with pleasant flower, vegetable and herb numerous clues, Erystelle will discover the Emerlas. Seeking a champion to combat gardens. To the east of the tree are a few location and secret of the Shattered Pillars the dragon, Karelia’s attention lighted on outbuildings and stables for the family’s (area 20). From here, Erystelle will journey Galannor Nightflame, an elfin hero of horses. The nearest elfin dwelling to to the Shining Isle aboard the silver ship of great renown, dwelling in Alfheim to the Dorneryll is that of Druinder, the elfin Karelia the faedorne. 2 BLADE OF VENGEANCE THE SHINING ISLE (pagr 20):Two trst~ face Erystelle on the Shining Isle. If the ROLE PLAYING SETTING OUT Silver Warrior (area S2) is defeated and the Bridge of Change (area S3) successfully Unlike group adrentu~rs,whcrr players negotiated, Erystelle will arrive at the ran discuss rhr couisc of the adrrnturr and Silver Glade (area 54). Here, Karelia the puzzlrs with othei playrrs, rhr playtw in faedorne awaits with the magical items of this moduk cannot do this. Thr Dhl Galannor - including the sentient sword, should ubc conwrsations with friendly Scorbane. NPCs as a mrans of hrlping E~~ystrllr.By having NPCs a\k qurstions and olfri THE MISTY HILLS (page 23): Journey- advice, thr D.\I can assist tli~playri in ing to Khordarg's lair. Erystelle will coming to con<Imions and in kcping disovrr thousands of humanoids ready for Ira<k of the nuniei~ou*pic~s of information an assault on Alfheim. To slay Khordarg, acqoircd throughout thr advrntuir. Erystelle has to sneak through a cave system to the dragon's lair and there face Intelligence Checks her in single combat. During thr counr of this advcntu~.~Erys- trlk ii rrquil-rd to put togcthcr various MOVEMENT piccrs of information and to solw a number of puirlrc. II thr playcr is rxperirn- Trails and Woodlands ring difficulty and this is spoiling thc flow of the adventow, the DM should make an Movrmmt along trails is at normal mow intclligcncc check for El-yrtdlc by rdling mmt raws, 011 thr trails this drops to half. ld20. If thtl scow is lrss than 01~equal to Unless otherwise specified, cncountcrs Ei~ystellr'sintrlligcnce (16) thc DM should occur at a range of 3d6a10 yards on the givc thc playrr hint, to thr snlutinri. trails, and 2d4x10 yards in the woods. Howrver, intelligrnrc chrcks 41ould hr usrd slx~ingly,BS a lot of thr fun oI thc Rivers ;idventure comes from solving thc mi iour uroblcms. Kivrrs arc grnrrally not more than 40 feet wide and can be easily crosscd at the bridges. Away from thr bridgrs, rivers <'an TIME br swum (see Exprrt Kulebook - pdgr 27). The passage of timr is important in this advcnturr. As time goes on the frcqucncy of HEALING attacks by Khordarx and her minions incxascs (3ee EVENTS - pagr 9). The DX1 Any magical items (including potions and should kcpa rarrful record of thc nurnbw so on) that will cure Erystelle's wounds of days rlaprrd sinrr the stan 01 the will also work on any companions. adventure. 4 HOMECOMING Tod;i> I:.r)stcllc is returning home, no will be able to make a chargc attack (see longcr a young elf hut a skilled fighter and Expert rulebook - page IO) and continue powerful wielder of magic. A joyful home- At the start of the adventure, Erystelle is along the track past the hobgoblins. coming is not to he, for Khordarg, grand- riding along the southern trail towards daughter of Gorkalk, the red dragon slain Dorneryll (area I). 4hobgoblins:AC6;HD 1+1; hp4each;MV by Galannor, has visited Dorneryll first. 90'(30');#ATIsword;D I-&SaveFl;ML8: AL C XP 15 each; THACO 18; B31. la. Homeward Bound The Burning of Dorneryll If forced to do so, thr hobgoblins will tell the elf about the other hobgoblins at the While a group of hobgoblins and ogres Adventuring has taken you far from tree (area Id).
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