Public Document Pack MEETING OF THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY To: The Members of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Dear Member, You are requested to attend a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to be held on Friday, 18th March, 2016 at 1.00 pm in the Authority Chamber - No.1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP. If you have any queries regarding this meeting, please contact Trudy Bedford on telephone number (0151) 443 3365. Yours faithfully Head of Paid Service (Established pursuant to section 103 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 as the Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral Combined Authority) LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY HELD ON 5 FEBRUARY 2016 (Pages 1 - 10) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL FOR BUSINESS 2016 AND BEYOND To receive a presentation on the International Festival for Business 2016. 5. SINGLE GROWTH STRATEGY PROGRESS UPDATE To receive a presentation which provides an update on the progress of the Single Growth Strategy. 6. CAPITAL COMMISSIONING FRAMEWORK AND OUTLINE BUSINESS CASE FOR LITTLEWOODS STUDIO LIVERPOOL To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Economic Development. (Pages 11 - 52) 7. UPDATE ON USE OF ESIF FUNDS FOR NORTHERN POWERHOUSE INVESTMENT FUND To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Economic Development. (Pages 53 - 56) TRANSPORT 8. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION GROWTH DEAL SCHEMES To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Transport. (Pages 57 - 74) EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS 9. AREA BASED REVIEW To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Employment and Skills. (Pages 75 - 86) SCRUTINY 10. SCRUTINY PANEL REVIEW OF AFFORDABLE TRANSPORT - SHORT HOP FARES REVIEW To consider the report of the Lead Officer: Scrutiny. (Pages 87 - 138) GOVERNANCE 11. DEVOLUTION OF POWERS AND RESOURCES TO THE CITY REGION To receive a presentation which provides an update on the devolution of powers and resources to the City Region. 12. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION DEVOLUTION AGREEMENT: DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN To consider the report of the Head of Paid Service. (Pages 139 - 178) 13. SINGLE INVESTMENT FUND To consider a report of the Head of Paid Service which will set out the principles for a design and establishment of the Liverpool City Region Investment Fund. (Please note that this report will be circulated under separate cover.) 14. COMBINED AUTHORITY BUDGET MONITORING STATEMENT - 1 APRIL 2015 TO 31 DECEMBER 2015 To consider the report of the Treasurer. (Pages 179 - 188) 15. ACCEPTANCE OF EU GRANT To consider the report of the Treasurer. (Pages 189 - 196) 16. MINUTES OF THE MERSEYTRAVEL COMMITTEE HELD ON : - a) 7 JANUARY 2016 (Pages 197 - 210) b) 4 FEBRUARY 2016 (Pages 211 - 220) Agenda Item 3 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held in the Authority Chamber, No. 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP on Friday, 5th February, 2016 the following Members were P r e s e n t: Mayor J Anderson OBE Chairperson of the Combined Authority (in the Chair) Councillor P Davies, Councillor A Moorhead, Councillor R Polhill and Councillor J Fairclough (Substitute Member). 73. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor B Grunewald, Robert Hough CBE, Councillor I Maher, Councillor I Moran (Associate Member) and Councillor T O’Neill (Associate Member). 74. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Monitoring Officer reported that the following declaration of interest had been submitted by a Member:- Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Councillor Agenda Item Nature of Interest J Fairclough 11 – 2016/17 Budget - Employer is referenced Financial Perspective within the body of the report. 75. MINUTES OF THE COMBINED AUTHORITY MEETING HELD ON 18 DECEMBER 2015 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held on 18th December 2015 be approved as a correct record. 76. DEVOLUTION OF POWERS AND RESOURCES TO THE CITY REGION The Combined Authority received a presentation from Ged Fitzgerald, Head of Paid Service, which:- Highlighted that the portfolio leads for the Combined Authority had been agreed and were: o Economic Development and Energy – Councillor P Davies; o Transport and Connectivity – Councillor R Polhill; o Housing and Spatial Planning – Councillor B Grunewald; o Employment and Skills – Councillor I Maher; and o Health Wellbeing and Social Care – Councillor A Moorhead. Page 1 Reported that the phase one devolution implementation plans were being prepared and would be submitted to the Combined Authority in March 2016; Outlined that discussions were underway with Central Government to scope out the areas in the Devolution Agreement which required further detail, these areas included:- o Vocational Education; o Business rates reform and redistribution; o Multi-year settlement and the ‘Single Pot’; o Development of the Liverpool City Region Order; o Establishment of a Liverpool City Region Land Commission; and o Total Household Approach for employment programmes. Summarised the following policy areas which were being discussed as part of the second phase of the devolution negotiations:- o Health and Social Care; o Children’s Services; o Licensing and Regulation; o Housing (powers and flexibilities); o Fiscal devolution; and o Justice. Set out the next steps, which included negotiations continuing with Central Government on Phase 2 of the Devolution Agreement. A report would be presented to the March meeting of the Combined Authority which would set out proposed workplans, governance arrangements and executive capacity. The Chairperson reflected on the devolution negotiations which were continuing with Central Government and maintained the importance of securing the most advantageous deal for the City Region. Of particular note was the opportunity to secure fiscal devolution for the City Region. RESOLVED – That the update provided in the presentation be agreed. 77. THE STATE OF LIVERPOOL CITY REGION REPORT: MAKING THE MOST OF DEVOLUTION The Combined Authority considered the report of the Head of Paid Service which presented ‘The State of Liverpool City Region Report: Making the Most of Devolution; which had been produced by the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. Ged Fitzgerald, Head of Paid Service, provided a presentation which:- Explained that the document had been launched on 21 January 2016 and was an independent contribution to the devolution debate by assessing where the City Region stood, it’s future direction and how the City Region should get there. Set out the key messages from the report which suggested that the City Region could deliver more in the future, by setting clear long term Page 2 strategic priorities and recognised there was a need to get on with the job in hand. Highlighted the values which should underpin the City Region which included strengthening partnerships by engaging the Local Enterprise Partnership, public bodies and the private sector in the work of the City Region. Established that the City Region had created too many strategies, rather than focusing upon action and suggested a simple economic narrative of ‘Boats, Beatles, Brains and Barrage’. Examined the operational issues which the City Region would have to consider, which included generating better intelligence, analysis and investment, increasing and maximising capacity to deliver the devolution agreement. Reported that a Commission would be established to consider all aspects of the report in further detail with a formal response to the report being provided at the March meeting of the Combined Authority. The Chairperson welcomed the report and thanked all those who contributed to the report, especially from The University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. It was recognised that the report presented a great deal of insight and identified areas of concern which required further consideration by the Combined Authority. RESOLVED – That:- (i) the State of Liverpool City Region Report (SOLCRR) be formally accepted by the Combined Authority; (ii) thanks be expressed to the two Universities for the report and in particular to the authors of the report – Professor Michael Parkinson CBE, Professor Richard Evans, Professor Richard Megan and Jay Karecha; and (iii) the Chairperson, in conjunction with the Head of Paid Service, provide a response to the recommendations set out in the Report and this be presented to the meeting of the Combined Authority in March 2016. 78. SINGLE GROWTH STRATEGY: PROGRESS UPDATE The Combined Authority received a presentation from Gillian Bishop, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which reported on the progress of the Single Growth Strategy. The presentation highlighted the following:- Set out the objectives and rationale of the Strategy, which had come to fruition following the LEP away day in November and a recognition that there was a vast number of strategies which would be brought together to create one vision and aspiration for the City Region. Page 3 Explained how the Growth Strategy had been developed, which included it being aligned with the devolution themes and portfolio lead areas. Highlighted the activity undertaken to date to develop the Growth Strategy, which included engagement with public and private partners. Set out the structure of the Strategy, which included a focus on the four City Region priority sector
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