G"""H,!"' ifviV ift ivXotl SL"f -- wX 4 P.M. CITY EDITION I tzzzzjz. VLIJi Q II I 1 M III - . N,. lu WEATHER Tonight and Wodnei- C. UU I of rirsr.IEIn everything day tir; not much chan9e ,n I I FEARLESS, INDEPENDENT, PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER H le PHS Forty-fourt- h Year No, 274. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6, 1914. Entered as .Jecond Class Matter rt the Potoff.oo, Ogdan, Utah, Rfl . r wnfl Germans Mass Great Force I I Against Allies' Left Wing I . - Mbj I Paris, Oct. 6, 2:30 p. m. The Petrograd correspondent of the Havas news agency transmits the following official communication: "The German retreat continues flj along the frontier of East Prussia. The Germans have been forced to evacuate their fortified positions between Wiersbolo and Lyck." ' II1 . lv, I ALLIES GAINING NORTH OF AISNE RIVER I hH 11 newspapers are growing. They some-Lime- s TO GET t "TIME NOW furnish the only news of the WAR SITUATION AUSTRO-GERMA- NS soldiers since their departure to the I RUSSIANS AND SOUTH AMERICAN front. A force of ninety architects TRADE " VANDERLIP and engineers, and 3000 workers are I ready to repair the damage '.n the war zone. IS DESPERATE BOTH CLAIM VICTORIES IN THE EAST The institute of France, an associ- ation of the members of tho five I French academic of arts, science and letters, met yesterday to consider the cording to a message from Budapest, at a point easily within ten miles of question of excluding the German as- Men in Vosges Region Fight I cays the Reuter correspondent at Am the Belgian frontier. Taking Las- sociates and correspondents. During ALLIES CONFIDENT OF WINNING sterdam, the battles with the Russians signy as the elbow of the French bat- the discussion it developed that some 37 Days Under Almost In- I who entered Hungary have not yet tle line, it now extends roughly for thought It Imprudent to I members describable Conditions been definitely concluded, but the eighty miles due north and for con- prejudge them A general meeting Russians have been repulsed at a siderable oor 100 miles from Las appointed for tomorrow may decide Conditions. point to the northwest of Muramo slgny to the eastward. the point GREAT BATTLE OF THE AISNE roszige and at Tarozkocz. German i In spite of the fact that the French STRAIN IS troops participated in the fighting yesterday were compelled to yield Comment on American Prayers. TERRIBLE Between Polena and Aknos, the Hun- on il - ground before the German attacks Paris Oct. 6. 6:1" a. m All the dispatch says, Russians again ul- garian their left wing, confidence in the announc- attempted to break through the al- newspapers print a dispatch Water Filled Trenches and Bad timate success of this flanking move- ing that prayers for peace were given Twenty-fift- h Day of Hard Fought Combat Finds Allied Forces lied German and Austrian Iine6, but ment n favor ot the allies is described Weather Causing Much were forced to retreat. The Austrian throughout America on Sunday last. Pushing Hard in Great Flanking Movement Against Von in a Paris dispatch as undiminished. Commenting ou the incident, the Sickness. and German troops hotly pursued French military critics refuse to at- Kluck's Army Expectations of Suc- them and captured many prisoners. Gaulois regrets that the example has With Ultimate tach an Importance to the setback not been followed by France and in Paris yesterday. Great London, Oct. 6. 8:40 a. m The cor-- cess Siege of German Positions Veiled With Oct. 6. following announced declaring that President Wilson is not Petrograd, The Britain also Is described as optimis- respondent ot the Daily News at Co- Secrecy Meager Reports From official statement was given out to afraid to have the American republic tic concerning the nature of the reve- Most High. penhagen telegraphs the following fmmm day at Russian general headquarters. kneel before the ap- War Zone.. con lations when the curtain of secrecy "It lifts the hope," says Gaulois "Vivid accounts of the fighting "The Russian offensive campaign pear in German newspapers and tlnues. The fortified positions (o. is drawn aside "that our republic will one day fol- the Con- admit that situation on are under Removal of Von Moltke Not low the example of the United States the writers the the enemy) the frontier Is desperate. 1 a heavy artillery fire. The enemy has firmed. which we so often imitate and not No confirmation has come from any to show as "The Nord Deutsche Allgemeine ALLIES CUT RAILWAY AND TAKE TRAIN received reinforcements from the gar fear itself religious, faith fight- rl6on at Koenigsburg. There haa German source of the reported re- ful and confident in God as the most Zeltung, describing the frontier ing In Vosges region says. 'The j been particularly desperate fighting moval by Emperor William of Field monarchies of Europe" the ancient men fighting in the vicinity of Bakalargewo." Marshal Von Mobke from the poet of Libre Parole says that President officers and have been thirty-seve- n days Railroads in East Prussia are chief of the German general staff and Frank A. VanderEp. Wilson's example could well be imi- day and night for facing a dif- German Imperial Guard Feels Loss Enormous Wastage in crowded with troop trains and our the succession by Major General Von tated by France. and the Germans are Horses Increases German Cavalrymen on Bicycles a aerial scouts report an Interrupted Voights-Rhetz- . This story was re- Frank A. Vanderlip, president of ficult strategic situation in the movement of Germans in a westerly ceived in London last night from 'the National City Bank of New mountain districts, where they are Common Sight Russian Advance Cuts Germany direction German columns and Ger- Amsterdam )York, is bending all of his energies rendering superhuman services, chief- - Off From Getting Horses From Districts of man troop trains arc withdrawing General Von Volghta Rhetz, accord 'toward bringing about closer com- - II. INVADING ly in water filled trenches and under across the frontier." Ing to an official announcement from Imercial relations between the United 1 almost Indescribable conditions Hungary Battle of Vast Proportions Berlin last Saturday was recently ap- States and South American eoun- - " 'The strain Is said to be almoft , ries. He bus- The French are forti d; Begin 6, to Say-ville- pointed quartermaster general of the reminds American unendurable About to on Russian Frontier. Berlin, Oct (by wireless Vos- I iness men that if they cannot get fled In excellent positions on the L. ) An order of the day, German army in place of General Von j South SOUTHAMERICA It Is to written by General Von Hohen, pub- - Stein, who had been given command American trade now, their ges and impossible see their Paris, Oct. 6, 3:04 p. m. The following official com- Ii6hed officially today, says that Fort of au army corps chances of winning it after the war guns. No German troops have been s 'is over will be extremely slight. to from the fighting line given out in Paris this afternoon: Camp Des Romai-i- on the river Jap Military Move. able retire munication was M i a num- - for rest. Meuse, near St. hid, after Japanese navy department in left wing, the front is and of been taken by The and Sup- 'The army chaplains accompany "On our extending more more ber hard fights, has explaining occupation of the Ger- Rus- Glassware Hardware the Germans Five French officers the ar. The longest continuous the troops right to the front and aro widely. Very of cavalry have been man of Jaluit, one of Mar- Germvn in - important masses German and more than 500 men were made Island the sian lino extends from Dukla Pass plants Product holding religious services and preach- group In de- riv- reported in the of Lille, coming from forces of the prisoners. The remainder of the shall the South Pacific to a point almost on the Vistula Uruguay Terms Ing sermons In the trencheB. environs clares the move was made for mili- er, a short distance from Warsaw " Is causing making a the the French force perished in the ruins 'Bad weather much enemy which are movement in region to of the casemates. tary purpose and not for permanent This Is composed of the armies which Satisfactory. sickness.' " Is now In- north of the line between Tourcoing (in the department of It i6 officially stated that the Rus- occupation swept over Galicia and the Lille), sians were completely defeated near French troops are well established strument of projected Invasion ol INCREASING Nord, seven miles northeast of and Armentieres, (nine Suwalkl and Augustowo on the east In Alsace, according to a news dis- Silesia. EXPORTS 1 Belfort, m miles northwest of Lille). Prussian frontier. October and 2. patch from France, and the M AYTOREN A WILL The Germans made 3000 prisoners German forces before them are not Paris. Oct. 6, 7:10 a. m Despite i In the vicinity of Arras and on the right bank of the river cor- Consul General Receives Many and captured 18 cannons and many numerous Another neiv.spnper tho official announcement of yester- I Somme, the situation shows little change. Between the Somme machine guns. respondent telegraphs that the French day that the allies had yielded some- Inquiries From American it is announced, is fortified in excellent positions in and the Oise there have been alternate advancs and withdraw-als- . The situation, are what, confidence today in the ultl Manufacturers Seek- DELAY ASSAULT most hopeful everywhere for the Ger- the Vosges mate success of the French and Eng- Near Lassigny, the enemy undertook an important at- mans and Austrians.
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