154 index A Bennett Bay Beach (Mayne Island) 134 Blue Grouse Estate Winery and Vineyard Abkhazi Garden (Victoria) 48 (Duncan) 70 Accessoires 36 Bluffs Park (Galiano Island) 130 Active Pass Lighthouse (Mayne Island) 134 Bodega Ridge Provincial Park (Galiano Aéroports Island) 131 Campbell River Airport 138 Botanical Beach (Juan de Fuca Provincial Comox Valley Airport 138 Nanaimo Airport 138 Park) 65 Tofino-Long Beach Airport 138 British Columbia Aviation Museum Victoria International Airport 138 (Sidney) 58 Afternoon tea 12 Broken Group Islands (réserve de parc Alberni Valley Museum (Port Alberni) 89 national Pacific Rim) 97 Alert Bay (Cormorant Island) 119 Bungee 78 Alimentation 34, 78, 102, 112, 128, 136 Butchart Gardens, The (Saanich Amphitrite Lighthouse (Ucluelet) 92 Peninsula) 54 Argent 142 Butterfly World Coombs (Coombs) 87 Arrivée 138 Art 35, 79 C Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (Victoria) 48 Cadboro-Gyro Park Beach (Victoria) 50 Artisanat 35, 79 Cadeaux 86 Autocar 140, 142 Campbell Bay Beach (Mayne Island) 134 Auto-stop 142 Campbell River Airport (Campbell River) 138 Averill Creek Vineyard (Duncan) 70 Campbell River (île de Vancouver) 110 Avion 138 Canot 127 Cape Mudge Lighthouse (Quadra Island) 114 B Cape Scott Provincial Park (île de Baignade 62 Vancouver) 120 Bamfield (île de Vancouver) 90 Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park (île de Banques 143 Vancouver) 73 Barkley Sound (île de Vancouver) 90 Carr, Emily 14 Bastion Square Public Market (Victoria) 29 Cathedral Grove (MacMillan Provincial Bastion Square (Victoria) 29 Park) 88 Bastion, The (Nanaimo) 74 Centres commerciaux 35, 79 Baumann Centre (Victoria) 41 Chemainus (île de Vancouver) 73 BC Forest Discovery Centre (Duncan) 70 Chesterman Beach (Tofino) 100 Beacon Hill Children's Farm (Victoria) 47 China Beach (Juan de Fuca Provincial Beacon Hill Park (Victoria) 46 Park) 65 Beaumont Marine Park (Pender Island) 136 Chinatown (Victoria) 29 Beddis Beach (Salt Spring Island) 127 Climat 143 http://www.guidesulysse.com/catalogue/FicheProduit.aspx?isbn=9782765859208 155 Cobble Hill (île de Vancouver) 67 Friends of Clayoquot Sound (Tofino) 98 Cobble Hill Mountain Regional Recreation Friends of Government House Gardens Area (Cobble Hill) 67 Society (Victoria) 48 Commercial Street (Nanaimo) 74 Comox Valley Airport (Comox) 138 G Coombs (île de Vancouver) 87 Gabriola Island (Southern Gulf Islands) 122 Cormorant Island 119 Gabriola Museum (Gabriola Island) 123 Cortes Island (Discovery Islands) 116 Gabriola Sands Provincial Park (Gabriola Courtenay (île de Vancouver) 106 Island) 123 Cowichan Valley (île de Vancouver) 67 Gabriola Thanksgiving Studio Tour (Gabriola Craigdarroch Castle (Victoria) 48 Island) 123 D Galeries d’art 102, 132 Galiano Island (Southern Gulf Islands) 130 Décalage horaire 144 Galiano Literary Festival (Galiano Island) 149 Denman Island (Northern Gulf Islands) 110 Galloping Goose Regional Trail (île de Déplacements 140 Vancouver) 64 Discovery Fishing Pier (Campbell River) 111 Ganges (Salt Spring Island) 126 Discovery Islands 114 Gardens at HCP, The (West Saanich Discovery Passage Aquarium (Campbell Road) 54 River) 111 Gate of Harmonious Interest (Victoria) 29 Duncan (île de Vancouver) 70 Georgina Point Lighthouse (Mayne Island) 134 E Goldstream Provincial Park (île de Eagle Extravaganza (île de Vancouver) 62 Vancouver) 61 East Sooke Regional Park (Sooke) 62 Golf 55, 58, 60, 67, 71, 106 Éclectique 35 Government House (Victoria) 47 Électricité 144 Great Canadian Beer Festival, The Emily Carr House (Victoria) 46 (Victoria) 151 Empress Hotel (Victoria) 30 Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival Englishman River Falls Provincial Park (île de (Victoria) 149 Vancouver) 81 Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival Excursions en bateau 100, 117 (Victoria) 150 F H Fan Tan Alley (Victoria) 30 Harbourfront Walkway (Nanaimo) 75 Festivals et événements 149 Harbour Quay (Port Alberni) 89 Fête du Canada 150 Hébergement 144 Fisherman's Wharf (Victoria) 32 Helliwell Provincial Park (Hornby Island) 110 Formalités 138 Heriot Bay (Quadra Island) 114 Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse Heritage Acres (Saanich Peninsula) 58 National Historic Sites (Saanich He-Tin-Kis Park (Ucluelet) 92 Peninsula) 60 Heures d’ouverture 145 Free-B Film Festival (Victoria) 150 Hornby Island (Northern Gulf Islands) 110 French Beach (French Beach Provincial Horne Lake Caves Provincial Park (île de Park) 65 Vancouver) 86 French Beach Provincial Park (île de Hot Springs Cove (île de Vancouver) 100 Vancouver) 65 Hydravion 138 http://www.guidesulysse.com/catalogue/FicheProduit.aspx?isbn=9782765859208 156 I Milner Gardens & Woodland (Qualicum Beach) 86 Inner Harbour (Victoria) 28 Miniature World (Victoria) 31 Miracle Beach Provincial Park (île de J Vancouver) 111 Jours fériés 145 Monnaie 142 Juan de Fuca Marine Trail (Juan de Fuca Montague Harbour Marina (Galiano Provincial Park) 66 Island) 130 Juan de Fuca Provincial Park (île de Montague Harbour Marine Provincial Park Vancouver) 65 (Galiano Island) 131 Judy Hill Gallery (Duncan) 70 Mount Douglas Park (Saanich Peninsula) 53 Mount Galiano (Galiano Island) 130 K Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park (Hornby Island) 110 Kaatza Station Museum and Archives (Lake Mount Maxwell Provincial Park (Salt Spring Cowichan) 72 Island) 126 K’ak’awin Petroglyphs (Sproat Lake Mount Norman (Pender Island) 136 Provincial Park ) 89 Mount Tolmie Park (Victoria) 50 Kayak 33, 78 Mount Warburton (Saturna Island) 135 Kayak de mer 72, 93, 100, 116, 127, 132, 136 Mount Washington Alpine Resort (île de Kinsol Trestle (Shawnigan Lake) 68 Vancouver) 106 Kwakiutl Art of the Copper Maker Gallery Moyennes des températures 144 (Port Hardy) 120 Museum at Campbell River (Campbell Kwisitis Visitor Centre (réserve de parc River) 111 national Pacific Rim) 98 N L Namgis Burial Grounds (Alert Bay) 119 Lake Cowichan (île de Vancouver) 72 Nanaimo Airport (Nanaimo) 138 Librairies 36, 132 Nanaimo (île de Vancouver) 74 Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park (île de Nanaimo Museum (Nanaimo) 75 Vancouver) 88 Netherlands Centennial Carillon (Victoria) 32 Long Beach, secteur de (réserve de parc Nootka Sound (île de Vancouver) 117 national Pacific Rim) 97 Northern Gulf Islands (île de Vancouver) 110 M O MacMillan Provincial Park (île de Oak Bay (île de Vancouver) 49 Vancouver) 88 Oak Bay Marina (Oak Bay) 49 Maffeo Sutton Park (Nanaimo) 75 Oak Bay Tea Party (Oak Bay) 150 Magic of Christmas, The (Butchart Oak Bay Village (Oak Bay) 49 Gardens) 151 Observation des baleines 33, 93, 100, Maple Bay (île de Vancouver) 72 112, 114 Mayne Island (Southern Gulf Islands) 134 Observation des grizzlis 112 McLean Mill Historic Park (Port Alberni) 89 Old City Quarter (Nanaimo) 74 Meares Island (île de Vancouver) 99 Old Country Market (Coombs) 87 Memorial Totems (Alert Bay) 119 Old School House Arts Centre, The Mille zéro (Victoria) 47 (Qualicum Beach) 83 http://www.guidesulysse.com/catalogue/FicheProduit.aspx?isbn=9782765859208 157 P Réserve de parc national des Îles-Gulf 122 Réserve de parc national Pacific Rim (île de Pachena Bay Beach (Bamfield) 90 Vancouver) 97 Pacific Opera Victoria (Victoria) 41 Restaurants 146 Pacific Rim Visitor Centre (réserve de parc Robert Bateman Centre, The (Victoria) 32 national Pacific Rim) 97 Rocky Creek Winery (Cowichan Bay) 70 Pacific Rim Whale Festival (Tofino) 149 Roesland (Pender Island) 136 Parksville (île de Vancouver) 81 Ross Bay Cemetery (Victoria) 47 Parliament Buildings (Victoria) 32 Royal BC Museum (Victoria) 31 Passeport 138 Royal Theatre (Victoria) 41 Patricia Bay Highway (Saanich Peninsula) 58 Ruckle Provincial Park (Salt Spring Pebble Beach (Galiano Island) 130 Island) 126 Pêche 62, 89, 93, 112 Peintures murales (Chemainus) 73 S Pender Islands Museum (Pender Island) 136 Pender Island (Southern Gulf Islands) 135 Saanich Fall Fair (Saanich Peninsula) 150 Pipers Lagoon Park (Nanaimo) 78 Saanich Peninsula (île de Vancouver) 53 Planche à rame 127, 136 Salmon Run (Goldstream Provincial Park) 61 Plein air 36 Salt Spring Island (Southern Gulf Plongée sous-marine 59, 78, 119 Islands) 126 Plongée-tuba 78 Santé 146 Polar Bear Swim (Salt Spring Island) 149 Sapin de Douglas 15 Port Alberni (île de Vancouver) 89 Saturna Beach (Saturna Island) 135 Port Hardy (île de Vancouver) 120 Saturna Island (Southern Gulf Islands) 135 Port McNeill (île de Vancouver) 119 Saut à l’élastique 78 Port Renfrew (île de Vancouver) 66 Saysutshun/Newcastle Island Marine Pourboire 146 Provincial Park (Nanaimo) 76 Protection Island (Nanaimo) 75 Sayward (île de Vancouver) 117 Scenic Marine Drive (Victoria) 45 Q Second Avenue (Qualicum Beach) 83 Services financiers 142 Quadra Island (Discovery Islands) 114 Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea (Sidney) 58 Qualicum Beach (île de Vancouver) 83 Shawnigan Lake (île de Vancouver) 68 Quarry Nature Park (Cobble Hill) 67 Sidney Museum and Archives (Sidney) 58 Quinsam River Hatchery (Campbell River) 112 Sidney (Saanich Peninsula) 58 Ski alpin 106 R Somenos Marsh Conservation Area Rainforest Trail (réserve de parc national (Duncan) 70 Pacific Rim) 97 Sooke (île de Vancouver) 62 Randonnée pédestre 64, 66, 90, 91, 93, Sooke Potholes Provincial Park (Sooke) 62 101, 110 Southern Gulf Islands 122 Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park Souvenirs 86 (Parksville) 81 Spotlight Cove (Galiano Island) 131 Rattenbury, Francis Mawson 14 Sproat Lake Provincial Park (île de Rebecca Spit Marine Provincial Park (Quadra Vancouver) 89 Island) 114 Steamship Terminal (Victoria) 32 Rendez-vous Victoria (Victoria) 149 St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church Renseignements touristiques 146 (Mayne Island) 134 http://www.guidesulysse.com/catalogue/FicheProduit.aspx?isbn=9782765859208
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