AVEBAOE DAILT CKROULATION r,U88 THE WEATHER ! a t O. & W ontbor 6,193 anbor « f the Aadlt fit?T lE ii^ n iitg Otoody M gM fdimvad by n»ht onow Sntvrdnjr, dowly vMag tem- perature. MANdlESTER — A (ITY OF VILLAGE ( HAKM VOL.LVIIL,NO.S3 (UaMUIed AdvertMag en Fag* U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1938 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rUKEB CENTS Younrs DEATH Monopoly Inquiry Gets Under Way VENIREMAN IS ASKED BRINGS CRASH COOKE ASSERTS KEMP VIEW ON TESTIMONY TOLL UP TO 23 GAVE UST OF OWNERS OF AN ACCOMPLICE Hospital Aotlioritiet Re- SWAIXOWS West Haren Contractor^ 0n| TO GET SLED RIDE,T port One Badlj Mangled OF LAND ON PARKWAY New Tork, Dec. 2 — <AP) — Body Remains Unidenti- Stand 35 Mimtes, Says Mary Genova, IB, had a perfect right to complain of severe pains He Would FoDow instme- in her stomach, doctors decided, lied In Bat-Train Horror. Mail Fraud Charge 11 Broker Testifies He Dirided after X-rays revealed 81 full- DUAL DANGER sized marbles. Balks Star’s Wooer tion Of Judge Inglis. Mary explained aba and a Belt Lake City, Dee. 3—(j|p) — Commissions With For- friend each had swallowed a FACES FRENCH number of marbles on a "dare" With the death'ef a youth early to- from neighborhood youths wboss day, ton of the nation's worst school mer State Employe On AD Waterbury, Dec. 2 — (AP) — A sled they wished to borrow. bus-train disaster roee to 38 tden- ^lengthy examination of a venireman Mary’s girl friend has report- tlfled victim* PREMIER NOW ed no U1 effects. Deals Resnltinf From ; ascertain how he would view tes- Sixteen youths, all ocrapants of whlch might be given by Both enjoyed the slid ride very much, Mary added aS an after- the crowded bus that was hit 10 More Strikes At Home And Leads Supplied; Pay- who had admitted their thought mllas south of here yesterday by guilt in the Waterbury caoe marked -8i weeding freight train roaring the opening attempts today to find through an early-morning snow- Fear Of Italian Campaign ments Made h Cash storm, were injured, three crlUcal- more juror* to try Lt-Oov. Prank ly. Haye* and 31 others accused of con- prolonged boRyhoo the Inquiry of a teglsIatlve-execuUve With But Few Exceptions. A spiracy. Salt Lake General hoapltal auth- rom m lt^ into monopoly in the United States got under way in For African Colonies Con- SMALL, MOBILE orities said one badly mangled body The venireman, John F. KOly, waanu^M with Isador Lubin, (left) commlBeioner of labor statia- 80-ysar-oId West R avu contractor, remained unidentified. However, Ucs, Introducing a moss of figures about loss of national income during morgue attendants said It was pos- toe depr^on . With Lubin Is Senator Joseph C. O’Maboney (D.. fronts Premier Daladier. Bridgeport, Dec. 3 — (AP) —. wan told that dsfsodants Harry E. slUe the mangled form was part of Mackensle and Edward O. Levy had REGIMENT GETS Wyo.), chairman of toe committee. / ' • Thomas N. OmIm , wealthy real oa- one or several of the identified chil- pleaded guilty, and then was asked dren. BLUJCTIN! totes broker, testlflad today te Su- by George W. Crawford, a defense Not Allowed To See Bodies Paris, Dec. 2.— (AP)—Pre^"^ perior court that G. LeRoy Kemp, lawyer, whether be would follow the U. S. APPROVAL Some o f the dead were so badly mler Daladier, with organized under indictment with him and iBstructiooa of the court that any mangled that parents were not al labor still smarting from its testimony given by the pair should seven otoen on conspiracy charge* lowed to see the bodies. ECONOMIC DROPS OFTEN drfeat by his strong-arm meth- bs -taken veiy cautiously" viewed The remains are complete te connecUon with Merritt Parkway Mofinf By Motor Truck Aud ods, today suddenly warned em- land deal*, gave him toe aomes ef as testimony of "an accomplice” of mough to represent one or even two plo}-ers to handle their work- which the juror "should be sus- bodies and we shall tovs to regard land owners whose property lay er* with care. His warning co- LoreUn Toang along toe route ,o( t|»f .$38,000,008 pleloua." Armed With Semi-Anto- them as a separate entity until we WARRANT INTERVENTION incided with the ontbreek ef super-highway. Bpselal Prosecutor Hugh 14. At KS children were not new etrikee te protect against Now Tork, D(*e. g.—(AP)— A eorn. who has been silent as to klU^, said one morgue worker. Oooke, resuming from where ha dtscharges. whether he will call ICaekenxle and mude Rifles lufautry h - Screaming through a December dapper young tetornaUonnl flaon' left off yesterday, sold under direct Levy as state witnesses, objected to sleet storm which bad put it more Some Shnations Have Snffi- cler's projected wooing of movie examination toot te return ha paid Parts, Doc. 3—(A P)— The dual ths question, particularly to the than on hour behind on a MINISTER SHOT; star lATstta Young woa balked to- Kemp, who was o c t ^ a* Btot* teuded To Be Major Uoh. danger of more strikes with In- Highway Oapartmaat laid purebsa- word "suspldous.” At the sugges- run from Denver, the "Flying Ute.' day by a mail fraud charge Federal tion of Judge Ernest A. Inglis, plowed into the loaded school bus dent Phblic Importance creasing bitterness among labor at teg agent, one-half of too commis- Crawford refrained his question and home and what was feared to be officials served on him as he left the sion* he received on tbooo traaaoc- near suburban Midvale, 10 mUes an Italian campaign for eoldalea In liner Queen Mary. asked: Washington, Dec. 2.—(AP)— A south of Salt Lake city. To Cause SSmie Kind SHERIFF HOLDS new streamlined Infantry regiment, Africa confronted toe government The prisoner, booked as William -ID His Honor told jma that it «v^K**?***^ Rshnier, warned of Premier Edouard Daladier today smaller but far more mobile and of the Impending oolUslon only on P. Buckner, 81, of New Tork, was The wltness,*'a*^M ^oh^*^ wan your duty ss a juror to re- The new strtkee were te protect ceive his testimony of an accom- instant before the crash, plunged on Of Government Action. SON FOR CRIME accuaod ef mulcting Philippine rail- New Tork broker whom the atote harder bltUng than either Its World against the discharge of workmen road bondholders of $100,000 by charge* divided commissions wlUi plice with great caution, would war counterpart or the regiment of Uie brakes, but the heavy, 80-cor who led toe one-day general walk- gra be sympathetic to that Instruc- trein thundered its entire quarter- wbirlwted intercoatteentol opera- Kemp, told toe court that the ar- today has received War Depart- out Wednesday which Daladier tions that Included a chorus-girl and would you follow it?' ment approval. mile length further, showering Washington, Dec. 2.—(AP)— Dr. crushed before It could have marked rangement WM suggaatod by Kamp. Body Foimd Cmmpled On lobbying party te Washington. Oooke teatlfled that to* Brat deal on KMly, who was on the stand 38 Moving by motor truck and armed bodies end wreckage, before grind- Willard Thorp, Department of Com- effect. ing to a stop. Airline employes were just pick- which a oommteslon waa dlvldod mlBut^ said he would. The West with semi-automatic rifles, it la in- merce eMnomlst, told the Federal The General Confederation of La- Haven contractor on motion of Al- tended to become a major unit In the The cabooee bolted at the point Sidewalk Near Parton- bor and toe Socialist party charged ing up BuckiMr's baggage from toe was one te 1984 te which the Green earn was excused for cause by the ^h Mpeed Army on wheels which la where the engine hod struck, and Monopoly Committee today that 1,800,000 workers were discharged, pier lost night for a flight to Holly' wlch Water Company oold the state court being developed to keep paec with seme economic situstlons "have suf- wood when Assistant L. 8. Attorney 1.784 meres te Greenwich fo r $7.1tt. coo wssping parent* and class- suspended or locked out of factor- Ottwr-Vi post-war trends. toe injurefi in- fldert public Importance to warrant age; Antomatic Pistol Un- ies. An informant who knew gov- William P. Maloney and sever*! After tote dool waa eondtideij, other venkemen had pre- While oSIeiala made public ..de- to the caboose, out of the wet s n ^ : government interventloa of one kind sniinsaf sources put toe figure at aides eloaed te <m him. Oooka added, Keute called hhn up ceded him, but all wer* exetued, talla of ttasae plans today. Secretary Pd*8n Amboloacee Used or another." der PiDow In BedrMm. "not more than 70,000." Rifling quickly through Buck- on tbe*t*lephon* and -h* (Kaam) leaving nine places! vet to be filled Woodring reported to President Rescue worker* employed a dozen Undertaking on analysts of toe A general strike at Saint Noaolre, iMr's luggage, Maloney grabbed i aald that woa hla danL Z paid Mm • on the jury. v Roosevelt that naUonal defense re- ambulances to hurry the Injured to nation's entire economic structure, which included calls to 11,000 metal brief ease and exclaimed "This te nommlMlofi ** Alcorn’s motloB that KCiiy be ex- quirements may hasten construction the hoapltal, then set shout—in toe economist did not immediately and shipyard workers, appeared to what we want!" Oooke teatlfled that shortly after cosed by the court came after the of a third and possibly larger eet of many coses with sacks end baskeU point out those conditions which he Balnbrldge, O.
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