H6292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2017 It is a death sentence for far too different reasons, wind up with a very Again, I thank the gentleman for the many people. It would impact severely high risk, high cost population. Others opportunity to speak forcefully in this upon those who are struggling with are able to have a very low risk. The given Special Order. It is so important cancer—working their hardest to de- risk needs to be balanced out between to save the Affordable Care Act, make feat that, working with their doctor, those two. If that is not done, then it stronger, and respond to the needs of their medical community to defeat there will be a death spiral amongst people across this country who are that impact of cancer in their lives— the insurance companies. speaking out. heart disease, and other long-term ill- Thirdly, under the Affordable Care Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank Mr. TONKO nesses. Act, people are mandated to buy insur- so very much, once again, from the My friends, this is about being a com- ance or else pay a penalty. That pen- East Coast and the West Coast, I hope, passionate voice. It is about utilizing alty is enforced by the Internal Rev- to a message that America has listened the advancements in medical care, enue Service, which has been specifi- to. technology, making affordable our cally given instructions by the Presi- I just looked out here in the audience healthcare system, making affordable dent not to enforce the law. That will and I noticed that our colleague from prescription drug costs. lead to those young and healthy Texas is here to speak. There is improvements that we want invincibles not buying insurance be- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- to make, not give a tax cut for the cause there is no penalty. That will woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). rich, which has been a terrible re- cause the insurance pool to become Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I sponse. People would say: Oh, the Af- more risky and, again, start that death thank Mr. GARAMENDI for yielding. I fordable Care Act is not working. spiral that is so much talked about. was detained at another meeting, but I So if there were improvements re- The death spiral can be avoided, and could not help but conclude our very quired, be fair, be only honest with the the Affordable Care Act is drafted and important Special Order. public you represent, be there for written in such a way as to avoid it. So And I do want to emphasize that we them. my plea to the President is: Use the have a better deal. We have the oppor- Finally, the last point I will make law. Do not cause the Affordable Care tunity to be able to stabilize the mar- right here is Medicaid and the chang- Act to collapse. kets. Mr. Speaker, please pass on to the ing profile of Medicaid in many of our We heard from Mr. COHEN today, who States. In New York, people need to see President that the President has with- is from the great State of California, where the growth in Medicaid is. And in his power to maintain the Affordable who says: The Affordable Care Act does Care Act. He also has within his power because we have a disproportionate work. Subsidies do work. And if we go to cause the Affordable Care Act to col- senior population in upstate New York, the route of the Senate—the tragic you are seeing the growth of Medicaid lapse. Now, the final point—and help me vote today—Americans will wind up the farther north you go. paying more for premiums than their with this, Mr. TONKO—is that the I ask my colleagues to be sensitive to Democrats have known for 5 years that own income. their constituent base. Don’t be heart- there are improvements that need to So I join in saying we can fix and sta- less. Don’t be cruel in the outcome. take place within the Affordable Care bilize—fix the Affordable Care Act, sta- Walk away from this. Act, and we have pleaded with our Re- bilize the healthcare system, and en- The silence is deafening at times publican colleagues to allow those im- sure that 49 million people do not lose when it comes to some of the proposals provements to take place. We have had their insurance by 2026; or with the being sent by leadership in this House a deaf ear from our Republican col- Senate bill, 32 million don’t lose their and in the Senate. Silence is not what leagues. So as we go into this possible insurance. is called for here. Outspoken rejection crisis, let it be known that the Demo- So I simply conclude with this: I met of some of these harsh measures is crats are seeking improvements in a with a family who has an autistic what we need, and bipartisan coopera- variety of areas. We heard about the child—a young woman who wants to tion, bicameral activity is what will drug prices. I know, Mr. TONKO, you live on her own. She can’t do that serve the public best. were talking in your earlier presen- without the Affordable Care Act. So I thank the gentleman for yield- tation about some of the improvements I met with a young man by the name ing. I thank him for bringing us to- that can be made. So jump in here. In- of Matthew, who spent $700,000 over a 2- gether in what is a very important dis- terrupt me, if you will. year period because he has a chronic cussion here in this Special Order. Mr. TONKO. To repeat what my col- illness; $73,000 on his medication in the Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank Mr. TONKO league just said, I will say that we last 6 months. The American people so very much for his comments. He want to work with the American pub- need us to do for them what the gov- covered the issues very well. lic. We have said over and over again ernment can do, and that is to ensure a I want to go to two issues really that it is about affordability, accessi- healthcare system for all. quickly that need to, I think, be bility, quality of care. Share with us That is what the Affordable Care wrapped up here. the improvements that you think will Act’s underlying premise is. That is First of all, the President talks about work. Let us know of the hurdles in the what Democrats have as their message. the Affordable Care Act dying, and it is road that you have faced. Mr. GARAMENDI, I believe in saving not going to make it. That could hap- Remind us that Medicaid serves the lives. That is what I want to do with pen because of actions that he is spe- needs of our parents and grandparents the Affordable Care Act. cifically telling the administration to in nursing homes. Remind us that Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I take. those who are born with challenges in thank Ms. JACKSON LEE very much for There are three different areas, one life are served well by healthcare cov- her comments. of which is being very late in providing erage and Medicaid. Remind us that Indeed, we do look for a better deal, the cost-sharing funding programs for those living with developmental dis- better jobs, better wages, better edu- those people who are purchasing insur- abilities, showcasing their abilities re- cation. That is our goal, and we can do ance. It is discretionary right now. We quires Medicaid to make it work; that. ought to make that mandatory and not chronic illnesses requiring an insur- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance given the President the option of not ance clause that addresses preexisting of my time. providing those funds. If those funds conditions, building upon an essential f are not provided, then, yes, the ex- health benefits package. changes will collapse. We are with you. We walk with you. TRIBUTE TO FORMER Secondly, we know that there is the We raise our voices with you. We lift CONGRESSMAN RALPH REGULA cross subsidization from one insurance our hearts with you. We want to be vic- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under company to another called reinsurance torious with you and for you. Let’s not the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- that tries to balance out the risk pool let them rip away this health insur- uary 3, 2017, the Chair recognizes the of each individual insurance company. ance for the opportunity to provide tax gentleman from Ohio (Mr. GIBBS) for 30 Some insurance companies, for many cuts for the very wealthy. minutes. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:59 Jul 26, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.106 H25JYPT1 July 25, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6293 GENERAL LEAVE when I came here in the early 1980s, Ralph got a frantic call from a woman Mr. GIBBS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- representing as a farmer in the Ohio whose daughter was gravely ill in Mex- mous consent that all Members have 5 Farm Bureau, we had an appointment ico. She needed help immediately, as legislative days to revise and extend at that time, and Ralph was my Con- she didn’t have a passport and couldn’t their remarks and include extraneous gressman.
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