In The Zone Vol 1 April 2020 Who is Zone Radio? From Cape Town to the World South Africa in Lockdown The Do’s and Don’ts of lockdown Kiss my Chumbawamba So how exactly did bands get their names Whatever happened to... Remembering SA’s bands and artists The Voice of the Valley CONTENTS April 2020 Page 28 Page 22 Welcome To Shorties Blue Bottle Noordhoek Blue Bottle Liquors has been operating successfully since the year 2000. We carry huge ranges of wine, malt whiskies, and are geared for all functions. Our emphasis is on personal service in a safe environment, promoting responsible drinking. We pride ourselves in quality products. We haven’t left it there though!! We have now Kiss my Chumbawamba extended our operation and set up a Traders Association involving several very successful Every great band needs a great name. independent liquor stores who understand their customer’s needs and are extremely aware Page 28 of promoting responsible drinking. They have revamped their stores for a better, secure and informative shopping experience. Being part of the Blue Bottle membership means we offer 20 better prices, professional advice and don’t forget the personal touch of the owner. Features 40 Rainbow cuisine Two Grumpy Old Men 6 We look at some of South Afri- Matt and John are complaining So who is Zone Radio? ca’s traditional dishes. yet again. 24 Zone Radio has quickly estab- 42 lished themselves as “the voice Silver lining 10 essential foods of the valley”. But who exactly Click on the link on the left to Sometimes great things happen What you should be eating this is Zone Radio? as a result of terrible disasters. visit our website. autumn. 10 32 44 The Taxi Mask Initiative Don’t mess with the law Some people talk and some Some crazy laws, and some of It’s all in the game people do. Elmarie Taljaard them still exist. Some of the best comments falls into the later category. from the rugby field. 36 12 46 What’s in a name South African in lockdown The real names of singers, ac- The Peter Pan of Pop The do’s and don’t of lock- tors and celebrities. We look at the career of Sir down. Cliff Richard. 38 16 Whatever happened to... 48 Fact or Fiction? Some great SA artists and bands Did you know? We look at some popular urban from the past, and whatever Some trivia just for you. legends. Are they true or not? happened to them. 3 and readers have permission to send it to anyone they feel would enjoy reading it. From the It is an interactive magazine, so there are links that you can follow to view videos and audio editor’s files. desk The content is aimed at enter- Bierman Straus taining, educating and inform- PUBLISHER t was Robert Burns that ing our readers. We will also Hipe Media said, “The best-laid plans concentrate on articles that are Sunvalley of mice and men often go relevant to those that live in our EDITOR I target area, ‘The Valley’. Matt Tennyson awry.” And it seems as if Mr. Burns knew what he was talk- You can also look forward to ing about. plenty of articles about music ASSISTANT EDITOR Our plan was to launch In and about Zone Radio, such as Courtney Taljaard presenter profiles. The Zone online magazine on 1 CONTRIBUTORS April. Then of course the coun- Talking about presenters, I Janine Cassidy, Stix Mkhize, try was put under lockdown am proud to be one of the pre- Ryan Murphy, Matt O’Brien, and this, to put it mildly, threw senters on Zone Radio. Work- Courtney Taljaard, Matt Tenny- a spanner into the works. ing at Zone Radio is like be- son, John Verster. It was impossible to get ing part of a family. When the lockdown was announced we We are a family orientated Optometry practice, with around and interview people In The Zone is pub- were informed that radio was professional staff looking after the person behind the for stories, or take photographs. lished on-line every month. considered an essential service eyes. Naturally we were unable to get The articles used in In The and that we should continue to Visit us at Sunvalley Mall or call us on 021 785 3141 in touch with most of our ad- Zone are copyrighted and broadcast. vertisers may not be used without Every presenter was asked if Normally once the articles had prior permission from the edi- Click on the above link to they were still prepared, under been written I would sit down tor. visit our Facebook page. the circumstances, to continue with assistant editor Court- The views stated in this mag- doing their regular shows. To ney Taljaard and we would go azine do not necessary reflect the best of my knowledge every through each page, checking the views of In The Zone, the presenter indicated that they the layout for mistakes. editor, the staff, or Hipe Media. This all had to be done over were up to the task and would the phone and trust me when I be there. Hipe! say this is not the easiest way to While on the subject, I must P.O. Box 31216, Tokai, 7966 do things. voice my appreciation to Janet South Africa. Still, we felt that we should go Scanlon in making sure that the ahead and publish the first issue studio is kept sanitised. Janet email of In The Zone and, hopefully, you’re a star. [email protected] this will be the first of many is- I trust that you will enjoy this sues to come. very first issue of In The Zone Back Issues So what exactly is In The and that you will become a reg- To view any back issues of Zone? A good question and one ular reader as well as being a In The Zone, go to www.hipe. that I will try and answer as best regular listener to Zone Radio. co.za or click here. I can. Until next month. In The Zone is a monthly online magazine published by Zone Radio and Hipe Media. It will be distributed free of charge Matt 5 Zone! cover story audience for its clients. This is achieved through: • programming that has adult From Cape Town to the World contemporary music at its core cultivating an interac- Although Zone Radio only launched on FM five months ago, the station has been on- tive “Zone Radio Commu- line for a lot longer than that. So who is Zone Radio? nity”. • creative and innovative and one Radio, the Voice of the brainchild of a remarkable Mowbray. cost effective advertising the Valley on 88.5 FM. broadcaster named Steve Wood The station then moved to its solutions for our clients. Anyone that has listened - the man who had been Rich- current home in Sun Valley. • the development of journal- Z istic, technical and broad- to Zone Radio over the past few ard’s mentor. months will be more than fa- It had been Steve’s dream to Local music casting talent. miliar with this catch line. start a platform where young While Zone Radio was pro- • the provision of a platform Situated in Sun Valley, Cape broadcaster could not only viding opportunities for young where all South African Town, Zone Radio began learn, but gain practical experi- aspirant broadcasters, there was musicians have the right to broadcasting on 88.5 FM on 1 ence at the same time. another vital service that they showcase their talent. In the November 2019. Yet the story When Steve passed on Rich- were providing - affording lo- main, Zone Radio is an adult of Zone Radio goes back much ard decided that he would con- cal musical talent a platform to contemporary music station further than that. In fact on 1 tinue and build the legacy for THE ZONE: The outside of the studio in Sun Valley. This is the and as such we do not play- be heard. current home of Zone Radio. April 2020 Zone Radio cele- him. It was always difficult, and list Hip-Hop, Rap, House, brated its 9th Birthday. often almost impossible, for was chosen. ties provided by small busi- EDM Afro Pop or Urban The early days new artists and musicians to get The broadcast ‘footprint’ ness. To this end we will Pop music. For more about The Unicorn From the outset Zone Ra- airtime on commercial radio covers Sun Valley, Fishhoek support small business and music submissions, click Zone Radio began as an on- dio provided opportunities for stations. and, to a lesser extent, Clovel- “start-ups” and, whenever here. line radio station on 1 April young people that were inter- As Richard Griggs puts it, ly, Glencairn and Noordhoek. possible, seek them out as 2011, back in the days when ested in a career in broadcast- “they would have to jump And of course it still has a huge third party suppliers to Zone The Voice of the Valley online radio as a medium was ing. through all sorts of hoops just audience via the Internet live Radio. One of the goals of Zone Ra- still taking its baby steps. The only qualification they to get a foot in the door.” stream. • To offer clients cost effec- dio is to established itself as The man behind the station needed to be a trainee at Zone This was one of the reasons Zone Radio has a clear vision tive but creative advertising ‘The Voice of the Valley’.
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