December 11, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9149 This legislation authorizes the Montgomery Spann as an American hero and will soon young daughters, Mike selflessly re- GI Bill full-time study allotment to $985 by Oc- memorialize him on a wall of honor; sponded to the call to serve at the fore- tober 2002. Additionally, the legislation im- Whereas Spann, a former Captain in the front of our Nation’s war against ter- Marine Corps, is survived by his wife, Shan- rorism. proves home loan guarantees for veterans to non, and 3 young children; and $60,000. It increases the burial and funeral ex- Whereas the thoughts and prayers of the Half a world away, in a dusty, inhos- pense benefits for service-connected veterans Congress and the Nation remain with the pitable and alien environment, Mike to $2,000. It improves automobile and adapt- families of Spann and all the soldiers fight- confronted our Nation’s fiercest enemy ive equipment grants for severely disabled vet- ing to ensure the Nation’s freedom and safe- eye to eye. He did this not because it erans to $9,000. ty: Now, therefore, be it was his job, but because he was com- Most importantly, this legislation remembers Resolved by the House of Representatives (the pelled to ensure that all people, regard- those who have often been forgotten. The leg- Senate concurring), That the Congress— less of their nationality or religion, islation repeals the 30-year presumptive pe- (1) honors Johnny Micheal Spann, a para- could live without the fear of being vic- military officer in the Central Intelligence riod for respiratory cancers and diabetes due Agency, who was the first American killed in tims of terrorism. That is what this is to Agent Orange. It requires the National combat during the war against terrorism in about. Academy of Science to conduct research to Afghanistan, and recognizes him for his Mike died fighting, trying to obtain determine the effects of dioxin or herbicide ex- bravery and sacrifice; information on terrorist plans and in- posure on Vietnam veterans. Finally, it (2) extends its deepest sympathies to the tentions so we could save others. Face changes the Gulf War programs to include family of this brave hero; and to face against those bent on killing in- fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chron- (3) pledges its continued support for the nocent men, women, and children, ic multisymptom illness and any other illness men and women who risk their lives every Mike stood strong, he stood tireless day to ensure the safety of all United States that cannot be clearly identified to the defini- citizens. and fearless. That is the description of tion of undiagnosed illnesses, thus allowing an American hero and Mike was one. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- veterans to receive compensation. Up to the moment of his death, Mike I am grateful for the work done on this legis- ant to the rule, the gentleman from never stopped being a Marine. ‘‘Semper lation by my House colleagues concerning vet- Florida (Mr. GOSS) and the gentle- Fidelis.’’ He was always faithful. He erans’ issues. I hope that the House will join woman from California (Ms. PELOSI) was faithful to the countless, nameless me in supporting this legislation. each will control 20 minutes. millions of Americans, especially those The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. incapable of defending themselves. from Florida (Mr. GOSS). Speaker, I yield back the balance of Mike exemplified a breed of officer not my time. GENERAL LEAVE normally acknowledged in the public The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- sector. He readily accepted the risks of question is on the motion offered by mous consent that all Members may service, including the possibility of the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. have 5 legislative days within which to death, in order to secure the safety of SMITH) that the House suspend the revise and extend their remarks on H. his fellow Americans. rules and agree to the resolution, Con. Res. 281. His death acts as a reminder of the House Resolution 310. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there high cost we must sometimes pay in The question was taken; and (two- objection to the request of the gen- order to secure our pursuit of liberty thirds having voted in favor thereof) tleman from Florida? and happiness. We hold the greatest the rules were suspended and the reso- There was no objection. debt to Mike and to his family. The lution was agreed to. Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- memory of his deeds must be held for- A motion to reconsider was laid on self such time as I may consume. ever dear in our hearts. We pray for the table. I rise obviously in very strong and Mike’s family and ask God to give f sad support of this resolution; sorry them strength and see them through that we have to have it. It is author- HONORING JOHNNY MICHEAL these difficult days. ized by my friend and colleague, the SPANN, FIRST AMERICAN We also pray for Mike’s fellow col- gentleman from Alabama (Mr. KILLED IN COMBAT IN WAR leagues in intelligence and in the mili- ADERHOLT). AGAINST TERRORISM IN AF- tary, who are still standing, even now, Johnny Micheal Spann, ‘‘Mike’’ as he GHANISTAN, AND PLEDGING as the Nation’s vanguard in the war was known, served in the Central Intel- CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR MEM- against terrorism. ligence Agency for approximately 2 BERS OF ARMED FORCES There are many Mike Spanns out years, just long enough to complete his there doing dangerous hard work for Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, I move to training as a paramilitary and an oper- our country. God bless them all and suspend the rules and agree to the con- ations officer in the clandestine serv- keep them safe. But there is only one current resolution (H. Con. Res. 281) ice, which is arguably the most chal- Mike Spann for his family and his honoring the ultimate sacrifice made lenging and dangerous job in the intel- loved ones. by Johnny Micheal Spann, the first ligence community. American killed in combat during the Mike was up to the challenge. In fact, b 1730 war against terrorism in Afghanistan, he humbly accepted the opportunity to Mr. Speaker, we share the burden of and pledging continued support for serve his country as an intelligence of- their loss today, and we want them to members of the Armed Forces. ficer. Prior to joining the CIA, Mike know we honor him before the world The Clerk read as follows: served in the United States Marine from this place. H. CON. RES. 281 Corps; he loved the Corps. I think all Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Whereas as part of the war against ter- Marines love the Corps and often spoke sent to yield the balance of my time to rorism, United States military personnel and of the Corps as if it was a family. And the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. agents from the Central Intelligence Agency it is a family. We all know that. He left ADERHOLT), who is the sponsor of the were involved in combat with Taliban forces the Corps and he joined the CIA be- during a prison uprising in Mazar-e Sharif, legislation, to control the time. Afghanistan, on Sunday, November 25, 2001; cause, in his own words, ‘‘Somebody’s The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Whereas Johnny Micheal Spann, age 32, an got to do the things that nobody else DUNCAN). Is there objection to the re- officer in the Central Intelligence Agency, really wants to do.’’ quest of the gentleman from Alabama? was inside the prison fortress interviewing His dedication to this country and There was no objection. Taliban prisoners when the uprising began; his commitment to defending its val- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas Spann was killed in this rebellion ues and liberties highlight the quality myself such time as I may consume. and is the first American known to be killed of the men and women who have de- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the in combat in Afghanistan during this war; cided to serve our great country. Mike legislation to honor Johnny Micheal Whereas Spann is the 79th employee of the Central Intelligence Agency killed in the did exactly what he set out to do. He Spann, who was laid to rest yesterday line of duty; served his country in a way many with other fallen men and women of Whereas the Director of the Central Intel- would not or could not. A relatively great courage in Arlington National ligence Agency, George J. Tenet, hailed newlywed, with a newborn son and two Cemetery. That an officer of the CIA VerDate 10-DEC-2001 04:48 Dec 12, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11DE7.092 pfrm01 PsN: H11PT1 H9150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 11, 2001 was the first combat fatality of the Mr. Speaker, as we sing the praises of was not popular. His father recently struggle against terrorism in Afghani- Micheal Spann and mourn his death quoted Mike as saying, ‘‘Someone has stan is a stark reminder of how dan- and try to comfort his family, I would to do the right thing that no one else gerous and difficult the mission of col- like to pay tribute to those Americans wants to do.’’ lecting intelligence can be. The gen- who lost lives in the so-called friendly From a young age, he wanted to pur- tleman from Florida (Mr.
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