TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 19TB PAGE SIXTEEN iJIanrIfMter Eutntng Average DaUy Net Press Run For The-Week Ended The Weather J ea n a rJr» , i m M eetly cloudy tonight; low In T fia. Tomorrow rain developing, About Town 15,630 milder; high In low 40s. Friday’s Kundallnl Toga classes will outlook.. .partly cl<^dy, colder. be held tonight at Room O-ST Manchester-—A City o f Village Charm at Manchester Iflgh School. ■nie S^or Choir o t Osnter VO L. X C I, NO. 104 (THIRTY-'TWO PAGES-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., ^D N ESD AY, FEBRUARY, 2, 1972 (Claeeifled Adverttelng on Page 89) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS OongregaUonaJ Church wIU re­ hearse tonight at 7:16 at the church. Ruth Circle o t Community For years the "no-fault" concept has applied to most forma Baptist Church will meet tomor- of insurance. Like life Insurance. Accident and health Insur­ Battle iw at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Lillian Billings, 114 Cam­ ance. Fire insurance. Workmen’s compensation Insurance. bridge St. Nixon Condemns Even the portion of your auto Insurance policy that covers If You Drive..4 Hie Adult Bell Choir o t Em an­ collision damage to your car. Grows uel Lutheran Church will re­ hearse tomorrow at 10 a.m. in ... Dont Drink Luther Hall of the church.’ But* (and it’s a pretty big "but") a big part of your auto Insur­ ance coverage is based on a "fault" system. Which means In Viet Law-floating Robin Muro, Tieup on Coast The Senior High Youth Forum sonieone has to be blamed for the accident before a claim can • at the ripe age of one year, of North United Methodist SAIGON (AP — UB. fighter- demonstrates what not to Church will meet tonight at 7 be paid. And you know how long that can take. .*■ WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­ stituencies 'With large groups of “Let us resolve that this stop­ bombers carried out a second do while driving, The child's at the church. Also meeting at day o< heavy attacks inside ident Nixon said today the 117 uni<m members. page on the West Coast will be 7 ere Grade 7 at the church On the other hand, "no-fault" car insurance is based on the Hwto Vietnam, and a sharp up­ mother, Mrs. Robert Muro day West Coast dock strike has "There has been precious the 'last of its kind. The Qm- parsonage and Grades 8 and 9 little response,’’ Nixon said of gress should act immediately to surge In fighting was reported “thrust a spike into our prog­ at the church. belief that It’s more Important to care for an injured person than of Manchester, is in dark his proposal for permanent end the West Coast strike, and, In' the southern half of South ress toward economic recov­ to find out who’s responsible for the injury. Vietnam, military -spokesmen Jacket. Other skater at strike legislation. with utmost dispatch, pass the The Cherub Choir of Emanuel aald today, Charter.Oak Park is uniden­ ery.’’ He urged. Congress to "Yet, I am confident that. If Crippling Strikes PreventlMi Lutheran Church will rehearste the Congress had enacted these A ct.’ ’ T h e Saigon com m and tified. (Photo by Ofiara) halt it and to enact permanent tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. and the You don’t have to prove someone caused the accident to claim ed 129 North Vietnam ese legislation limiting all crippling measures, there might have Nixon said the dock strike Junior Choir, at 4:30 in Luther enable you to collect insurance payments. Your insurance com­ and Viet Cong troops were transportation strikes. been no strike on the West was costing California, Wash­ Hall of the church. l^ ed in two acUons, Nixon, in a message to Con­ Coast and the issues iq dispute ington and Oregon $23.6 million pany pays you now, when you need it — not months or years A communique from Salgrm gress, said he has exhausted all would have been fairly set­ The Adult Forum of North after a long time in court. headquarters said that In one legal weapons against the dock tled,’’ he said. (See Page Eight) United Methodist Church will action South Vietnamese bomb­ strike which he estimated had meet tonight at 8 at the church. ers attacked, a concentration of caused the loss of more than Mrs. Wayne Lundberg will lead about 400 enemy troops in day­ $600 m illion in stranded exports a discussion on “The Church— light Tuesday along toe border of farm products and other Great Expectations?” Who’s in favor of “ no-fault” car insuranco? with Cambodia 66 mUes north- goods. Nixon urged swift passage of Furious Irish The board of deacons of Cen­ his legislative proposal to order A lot of people. Consumer groups, organized labor, inde­ the dock strike ended and a ter Congregational Church will Heavy meet tonight at 7:30 In toe Rob­ pendent Insurance agents, auto clubs, the Grange, insurance binding settlement imposed by bins Room of toe church. The a three-member arbitration board of deaconesses also will companies, the federal government, the press, and many Bombing board fo r a period o f 18 to 24 Burn Embassy, meet at 7:30, in toe ESderatlon months. ’Ihe bill wont to Con­ Room of toe church. legislators. gress 12 days ago. west of Saigon. Aerial Observ­ He also urged early action o a The special education class After a two-year study, the U.S. Department of Transporta­ ers claimed 90 of the enemy his bill to Umit all strikes in the Bury Victims! of South United Methodist were kiUed, but this was not rail, airline, shipping, longshore Church will meet tomorrow at tion said: ^ substantiated by independent and trucking Industries. 3:16 'p.m. at toe^Jesse Iiee source*. The other 39 enemy ’The proposal for permanent LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (A P)— London­ House of toe duirch. “The existing (fault) system III serves the accident victim, the dead were slain In the U Minh legislation languished in Con­ derry buried the dead of “ Bloody Sunday” today under forest, deep In the Meking Del­ gress last year under toe title skies as angry as the city’s mood. Jehovah’s Witnesses will have Insuring public and society. It Is Inefficient, overly costly, ta, Saigon headquarters said. of “Emergency Public Interest In Southern Ireland, thou- ----------------------------------------------- group discussions of a Bible aid Incomplete and alow." ’The U.S. Command reported Protection Act.’’ In reintroduc­ sands of demonstrators storm- Outside stood an overflow tonight at 7:30 at 726 N. Main five new “protective reacUon” ing It, Nixon renamed it “The ed the British Embassy In Dub- congregation of several toou- St., 18 Cham bers St., 167 Boul- strikes Tuesday and said four Crippling Strikes Prevention lin. Gasoline bombs burst In stamping their feet ' der Rd., 144 Griffin Rd. in South in Massachusetts, where the first "no-fault" system was ini­ were made by fighter escorts A ct.” flames against its walls. The against the cold, after North l^etnamese antiair­ It would give a president ^^'ivindsor and French Rd., Bolton. tiated in January, 1971, Governor Francis W. Sargent reports, crowd, estimated at 26,000, Thousands more lined the craft artillery batteries opened three maJor (^Uons for dealing overwhelmed a task force of po- 300-yard route from the church Reed-Eaton Circle of Commu­ "... no-fault is a success. the steady regular rise in costs fire on four unarmed Air Force 'With emergency labor disputes lice ringing the embassy In to the cemetery, chatting quiet- nity Baptist Church 'wlU m eet RIF4 reconnaissance planes. in transportation. Dubltn’s Merrdlon Square. ly, someUmes Joking, then fall- has been stopped. even reversed." None of the American air­ The president could extend tonight at 7:46 at toe home a t British soldiers killed a snip- Ing silent as the first cortege Mrs. Edward Corcoran, 39 Glen- cra ft w as hit,* the com m and the 86-day "cooUng ofT’ In­ •aid. In aU, more than a doaen Junction in toe current Taft- er who fired at a military post swung into view. wood Rd., South Windsor. In Belfast, Northern Ireland’s WiUlam Cardinal Conway, At the moment, state legislatures across America are either UJ}. planes were involved, in­ Hartley Act for an additional 30 capital. Roman Catholic archbishop of cluding bombers attacking the days. Or he could name a spe­ The Pilgrim Choir of Center considering, or have already passed, some version of no-fault The attacks In Dublin and Armagh and primate of all Ire- Ho Chi kfinh trail In neighbor­ cial board to decide whetoer to Congregational Church will re­ Belfast came after the funeral land, led the scores of clergy at auto insurance. ing Laos. At least one surface- permit a partial strike in an es­ hearse tomorrow at 3:16 p.m. In Londonderry. funeral service. in Memorial Hall of the church. to-air missile was fired at toe March 6 First Draft Pick sential transportation industry American Jets. and assure partial operation at S h iverin g crowds stood ^ “1*®’ The strikes' were ooncen- WASHENOTON (AP) — Men and make another extension of the sam e tim e fo r up to 180 through toe morning outside St. barren. Ro- The Estelle Caipenter Circle ments of the armed services MarYs church In the Roman CathoUc bishop of D e^. of Community Baptist Church B om M arch 6, 1963 w ere as­ toe draft unnecessary. days. (See Page Four) Calendar Uat on Page Eight have decreased considerably, Or, in the third option, toe CathoUc Creggan district on a will meet tonight at 7:46 at the Right here at home newspapers have this to say: signed No.
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