Wtather DISTRIBUTION EEDBANK TODAY row. HigD today ana , U to SS on the coast, M fadaad. 35,000 Confrolltd' Tonight, fair, low «S. Iluinday, HOHDAY THMUOH ftUUT-ttT. Wt fair, clear, lett humid. See weath- 1 DIAL 741-0010 er, page 2. REGISTER Iuu»d tuij, Mondty through mujr. Second Cl«n Pown PAGE ONE VOL. 87, NO. 2 Paid U RM 8uk aad *t Mdmmi.1 MUllng Offices. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1964 7c PER COPir Goldwater's Visit in State a Hectic One GOP Hears Barry. Remains Unpledged By WILLIAM HENDERSON to the hotel for the meeting with alt the people. We'll make it Goldwater spent an hour with him put on the disappearing act TRENTON—It was a standoff. the delegates. all-right." the delegates and his feelings to avoid the pickets. New Jersey delegates backing Pickets from the NAACP were Goldwater tried to break away weren't spared by them in their This reporter folbwed Gold- Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater parading in front of the hotel but more questions were fired direct questions. water. He got Into an unmarked and those supporting Pennsyl- with signs reading: "Don't Tarry at him. They insisted he explain his police car, fooling almost every- vania William W. Soranton agreed Barry" and "Go Home Barry." He said: "I'll pin my cam- stand, thoroughly, on civil rights, one who gathered around the auto on one thing last night—to go to A 'crowd started to gather and paign on three issues—loss of atomic bomb warfare, medical in which he had arrived. the GOP presidential convention suddenly, from nowhere, 20 po- American prestige around the care for the aged, Viet Nam and Then the delegates went into I unpledged. licemen appeared on the scene. world, the domestic economy — other issues. secret huddle to decide what to The vote, which was 28 to 3 But Goldwater had been tipped particularly unemployment —and Reporters were pushed down do, if anything, about remaining in favor of remaining uncom- off and' his car was driven to integrity in government." the hall behind a screen placed unpledged. mitted, was taken while friends a side entrance of the hotel. He And, [-king a jab at Scranton there at the request of a mem For a while the session was hot. and foes of Goldwater shouted was rushed to the elevator in he cracked: "I haven't dedicated ber of the GOP State Committee. The arguments started when and chanted outside the Stacy- the basement and taken to the myself to destroying Republi- "They have to have privacy," Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N. J., Trent Hotel, the scene of the second floor where the delegates cans." said one Republican. He wouldn't called for a pledge of support for meeting. were waiting. n reference to fears of some let newsmen stand near the wall Gov. Scranton. Thirty-ona of the state's 40 del- party leaders that a ticket headed outside the room where the meet- He said the nomination of Gold- egates showed up in the garden The senator told.reporters: by Goldwater might cause defeat ing was in progress. water could spell disaster for the room of the hotel to see and "I am happy to be back. What's of local candidates in the state "You might hear something," Republican party. listen to Goldwater—the frontrun- going on here? I hear the cam- he remarked: "I want to come he said. And he meant it. Case didn't get his wish. The ner in the race for the presiden paign is in trouble." here again to help elect local But the fellow was only carry- delegates said they, would keep tial nomination. Be he reassured the newsmen candidates. This state has no ing out orders. their promise and remain "neu- The senator arrived at Mercer and those surrounding him with: business being anything but a While all this was going on, the tral." County Airport and was whisked "We have all the delegates and Republican state." crowd on the street grew in pro- Goldwater and Scranton en- portions until it had reached gaged in some long-distance fenc- more than 2,000. ing during the evening over The noise was tremendous. Scranton's oft-spoken desire to When Goldwater finished with debate with the senator face-to- the delegates, he was taken, face. guarded by cops and detectives, Scranton, from a campaign stop down to the basement, and into in Atlanta, Ga., sent a "Dear a car. Barry" telegram that said: "I Only a couple of reporters saw (See GOLDWATER, Page 3) GOLDWATER IN NEW JERSEY — Arizona's Sen. Barry Goldwater gets warm greet- Lodge Says ing from crowd along the airport fence as he arrived in Trenton yesterday to woo the state's 40 Republican convention delegates. Goldwater went from airport to a closed door meeting with tha delegates and GOP congressional candidates. (AP Wirephoto) Viet War On Search Stepped Up Right Track WASHINGTON (AP)-Henry series of questions submitted by Cabot Lodge takes time out to- Wes Gallagher, general manag- <day from politicking to assure er ol The Associated Press, For Missing Three senators that the South Viet that "I don't see how it gets Nam war is "on the track.' votes" for the Republicans. PHILADELPHIA, Miss. (AP) east central Mississippi to stay Mrs. Schwerner, after meeting But Lodge's assessment of 'I hav« not said that It (South —The search for the three civil until authorities find out what with the President at the White conditions in Saigon, where1 he Viet Nam) should not be an rights workers who vanished happened to the missing trio. House, told newsmen Johnson served as U.S. ambassador be- issue," Lodge said. "I have advised her he couldn't send JO nine days ago was stepped up Rita Schwerner, 22, wife of fore resigning to help Pennsyl said I dont' see how it could be. many. today at the direction of Presi- Michael Schwerner of Brooklyn, vania Gov. William W. Scran- I don't see how it gets votes- dent Johnson. one of the missing men, asked Schwerner, 24; Andrew Good- ton try to win the GOP presi how you can make it a good the President Monday to send man, 20, another white New. dentlal nomination, seemed issue". " ' • ' The Mississippi Highway Pa- Yorker; and James Chaney, 22, THEY MISSED BARRY — Crowd outside the hotel in Trentor), where Sen. Barry trol als6 made' it clear it was 5,000 men to Mississippi to join likely to encounter bipartisan you "have a disaster in for- a Negro from nearby Meridian; Goldwater was talking to New Jersy GOP delegates, hoots and jeers at Goldwater criticism in an appearance be- In this red-clay hill country of in the search. eign relations, then that be- were last seen June 21 when aides as they left the hotel in a limousine in which Goldwater arrived. The senator fore the Senate Foreign Rela- comes an issue whether the pol- they were freed from jail here left by another door to avoid Trenton NAACP pickets as he headed for, the airport tions and Armed Services Com- tlcians make it one or not. after posting a $20 bond in a mittees. He returned to Wash- Happily I see no prospect of traffic case. and return flight to Washington. (AP Wirephoto) ington Monday. disaster.' Jet Hits House, Before Mrs. Schwerner visit- Dispute Contention Full Endorsement ed the White House, press secre And his contention that U.S. A majority of the five Repub- tary George Reedy told report ican members of the Foreign ers that efforts to find the trio policy in the Vietnamese war Relations group seemed likely had been stepped up and ex- Defer Action on Police Post could not become a campaign 2 Children Die panded. issue' was widely disputed by o side with a GOP House task MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Ac- Mr. Dryden said it was his "who has done a good job" Republicans. force which Monday accused down, utility wires, bouncing into Mrs. Schwerner said the Pres- HAVERHILL, Mass. (AP)-A| ident assured her that the fed- ion was deferred by. the Town- plan to promote Patrolman John should be promoted immediately Lodge said in answer to a (See LODGE, Page 2) •ilent and pilotless jet fighter cars and brushing other homes ship Committee last night on a B. McGinty, now serving as a to lieutenant. before the fuselage buried itself eral government is "doing Slashed into a sleeping neighbor- everything in its power." proposed ordinance which would detective, to the new sergeant's Vote July 6 hood early today, brushing half in the Gifford house. The President, Mrs. Schwer- create a third sergeant's post post and a year later permit the a dozen homes and a dozen cars Commltteeman Jay Krivitzky Authorities said he may have ner added, said if he "consid- in the police department. three sergeants to take an exam She's Not Bitter, Blood before exploding into a house at was absent. Mr. Downey said he been aiming the crippled jet ered it useful to send more men, The deferral followed a dis- for one of them to. be elevated the end of the street, killing two ld ik to know Mr. Krivitzky's fighter at a large shopping cen- then he would send more." agreement between Committee- to the rank of lieutenant.. children. ter parking lot that was in line men Daniel H. Downey and thinking on the issue, which will ' Join Search Mr. Downey declared the pro; will be voted on July 6.
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