n 3 M O H n “1 V FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1966 PAG E TWENTY‘k)U » lEti^tttns li^raUt Average Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended Nbttneg Alumnae Chapter of The British American Club Tax Revision would provide a more TeallsUc Forms on Hand October 8, 1966 About Town Gamma Sigma Sigma, national will sponsor a dance tomorrow deduction for educational ex­ THE out service sorority, will meet Sun­ ,at 9 at the clubhouse. The penses required to meet the . M n . O ertfu d e 3L N eum ann ot For Teachers For Tm Break dry at 8 p.m. at the home of Bmerald Isle Orchestra will higher standaMs wMch Connec­ 14,837 fiast Haittord, a member of fhe Mist BSesuior infante, 100 De- play for dancing from 9 pm . to ticut demands at Its teachers. Manchester-^A City of Village Charm Manchester Fine Art Associa* Wins Support On Open Lands C icco RCl, Watrebury. Mrs. 1 am. The event is open to iX^sJdiOL Before the Treasury Depart­ Itlon, is exhibiting: some her liUchael Saul, club president, meaSbera and guests. ment revision, teachers In some Mrs. Semite Maber of Man­ Manchester taxpayers who VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 7 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION— CONNECTKXJT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 ;’works this month at the Wells will ccmduct a Fbunder’e Day DRUB COMPANY chester, president of the Con­ states couldn’t deduct expenses want their land classified for * ■Tunier Ubnuy, Olastonbuiy. cerem ony. P. F. Mletxner of 24 Trotter necticut Bducation Association incurred in taking graduate tax purpoaes as farm, forest, or She is the daughter o t the la te courses because ' the courses St., poet-drummer, has been in­ (OBA), has expressed qualified open space land, diould contact Alfred Isidtrii: o< RockviUe, a vited to participate at the open­ were required under certifica­ Rling Junior High School support ’ of a revised ruling the office of P. Joeeph Murphy, NEW ^ATIO fl .landscape artist She has won ing of a senii-mllitary school for tion regulationa. PTQ will sponsor a "Back to which allows Connecticut teach­ town asaessor. Inez ^Wallows’ in Gulf 74 Years ^any prises at sut shows boys Saturday and Sunday, Oct, 767 MAIN STtlfOT School Night” Monday for par­ ers to get Income tax credit for "The recent action of the Forms, available in The asses- throughout Conneotiout. The ex­ 22 and Oct. 23, at Byfield, Mass. Parking in froiit and BIroh en ts o t Grades 7, 8 and 9 stu­ educational expenses Incurred Treasury' Department proves Bw’s office, must be completed WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. hibit is open to the public. St. Parking to t in flie rear. dents.. A brief orientatimi meet­ the effectiveness of cooperative and returned to the office for (A P ) ^— Joseph Lemarr is Infiltration in tsklng graduate courses. ing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Hartford County Medical As­ action by local, state, and na­ TeaMva of Hartford is spon­ The revision, made recently approval before Nov. 1. 100 years old; Viola Lemarr the cafeteHa. Parents will then sociation Auxiliary win have a tional associations when It is soring the premier showing of by the U.S. Treasury Depart­ Application: must be made is 94 years old; they’ve been follow a schedule of 15-minute luncheon meeting Tuesday at Refugees necessary to correct inequities '‘SaUah,” an Israeli film, Sun- ment, also affects teachers In each year between Sept 1 and married for 74 years. classes with their children’s 12:30 p.m. at Cliffslde Country In federal rulings,” Mrs. Maher Nov. 1 to qualify for that year, d ^ at 8 p.m. at the Webster several other states. Homemade "W e’ve been up the moun­ academic taecbers. Guidance Club, Simsbury. Stephen Andre said . Approval of these three types Theatre, Hartford. iProceeds "This action culminates in­ tain and down the valley to­ counselors, the librarian and will discuss the "Gardeners of land are made by t(ie follow­ Twill beneflt a scholarship fund tensive efforts by the CBA and gether,” said the sprightly Hit by U.S. reading teacher will also be Year.” Mrs. William J. Doerr o t ing: Town assessor— farm land; Mrs. Ijemarr as they' cele­ 'tor student’s tuition. The film p resen t. 1783 Albany Ave., Hartford Is the National Education Associa­ RAVIOLI in Storm state forester* — forest' land; is currently running in New tion (NBA),” Mrs. Maher said. Ice Cream Fete brated their anniversary, in charge of reservations. Town Planning Commission- ^'jkESH o r PR^XEdV "Trork City. Reservations may be Engaged She said, however, that the Thursday. Hartford County Association open space land. aboard the raft after 1^ Esper­ made with Miss Susan Wolpoe, OBA Intends to analyze the rul­ Reset Saturday MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — An women, crammed aboard — They met at her uncle's of Medical Assistants will meet World War I Barracks and Hw engagement of Miss The classification of these .sank Monday in the Florida anza overturned. Eight were 301 Cumberland . Rd., West ing carefully to insure that Doz. intensive*^search was under house but she didn’t like him Monday at 8 p.m. at the Ann Auxiliary are invited to a joint Janet C. Nourte to Robert South School PTA’s ice cream three types is based on the cur­ 30c .Straits about 35 miles west^of washed overboard. Hartford; Mrs, Irving Rosen- teachers do not suffer disad­ ’way today for 44 Cuban at first. "He would come to Buffer Zone St. YW CA, Hartford. The event installation of Frank J. Mans­ smorgasbord, washed out last rent use, regardless of the na­ Key West. "We tried to help each other Girl Changes Mind, 56 Brewster Rd., West Hazard Jr., both of Manchester, vantages due to a substitution visit me on Sunday and end is open to all medical assist­ field Detachment, Marine ture of uses on neighboring refugees who crammed Coast Guard aircraft combed on the raft," he said, "But we ^Hartford, or by calling the has been^ announced by her of less beneficial regulations Saturday by rain, will be held H. PASQUALINI up spending the whole day ants employed by physicians in Corps League, Wednesday at land. aboard a small boat and the seas but were unable to spot kept getting seasick. One by Ttheatre. Mrs. Tale Gordon of than those afforded teachers un­ tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. on 2 4 8 A t s i t Sfc, WapObif eating our fried chicken,” Hit by Tons the Greater Hartford area. 8 p.m. at the Marine Corps parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armand The value of properties other eluded Fidel Castro’s bor­ any other survivors or bodies. one, they slipped away." der a House Bill supported by she said. Lt. Dengler Married ^est HartfoTd will give a the playground. Members are reminded to bring Home. The g;roup has been in­ A. Nourie, 31 Columbus St. than open space, farms and for­ TEL 6444)604 der patrol only to be The search continued today with A 24-foot boat matching the j^^opsis of the story before the Her fiance is the son of Mr. the CEA and NBA. In the event' of rain again, The secret of their long Of Explosives wrapped packages for a parcel vited to the Joint installation of ests, is deemed by assessors to airt*'Vaft and eight ships. description of La Esperanza a -the social will be postponed un­ caught by Hurricane Inez. and happy marriage? RENO, Nev. (AP) — Navy Lt. is not possible. It is medical W m . post auctiem after a business the Waterbury Barracks Sim- and Mrs. Robert Ha:tard of 673 Mrs. Maher said the OBA will be the fair market sal* value, "One by one, they s!:.: ;cd was discovered by a cabin cru­ til Sunday. Gonzalez, who had made sev­ "He always thought he (j.g.) Dieter Dengler, the Amer­ condition. Right now we simply meeting. Those wishing further day, Oct. 10, at 2 p.m. at the N . M ain S t continue to press for federal leg­ a value which is affected by the away," said Enrique Gonzal'ez, en previous trips carrying refu­ iser Friday about 24 miles east cannot say when our wedding SAIGON, South Viet I,. Act 1, scene 1. and'act 2, Miss Nourie is a senior at was boss and I just kept ican pilot who escaped from a information may contact Miss VFW Home, Waterbury. islation to make these deduc­ An annual event, the Ice uses of nearby land. apparently the only survivor. "I gees from Cuba, was weak and of Miami, The Coast Guard, date will be.” Nam (AP) Waves of U .S . ..s^ e s 1, 2 and 4 of the Little sylVan ia letting him think it,” says Alona S. Donovan, 85 Alton St. Manchester High School, mid is tions a part of the income tax cream smorgarttord gives par­ thought I could beat the hurri­ thirsty from his four-day ordeal which towed the capsized vessel Communist prison camp , in Miss Adamich is the daughter B52 bombers hammered ;& e a t e r o t Manchesteir’s forth­ employed pairt-time at Ander- law s. ticipants the fun of concocting Mrs. Lemarr. Steven L. Beauchene, son of Broiled kidneys are gourmet cane, but We lost the race.’’ but otherwise in good condition. to port, said nobody was Laos, married pretty, blonde of Yugoslav Naval Cmdr. Z.V. North Vietnamese infiltra­ com ing performance, “Mr. Rob­ Bon-IdtUe at the Manchester their own sundaes at 25 cents UGHT Marine Reserve Pvt.
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