22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday, 22 nd . February, at 7.35pm in the Village Hall. PRESENT Cllr. Ferris in the Chair, Cllrs. Mrs. Cummins, Harvey, Mrs. Jeffree and Skinner. Also in attendance were the Clerk and 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from District Cllr. Mrs. Sargent. 2. MINUTE OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes were signed as a true record of the Meeting held on 4 th . January, 2005. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING There was nothing to report. 4. CORRESPONDENCE a) Clean Neighbourhoods and Environmental Bill The content of a letter from Alun Michael, Minister for Rural Affairs and Local Environmental Policy, outlining the measures in the Bill was noted. 5. FINANCE a) Local Council Review It was agreed to increase the annual subscription to six copies at a cost of £72. This amount had been allocated in the 2005/6 Budget. b) ETP Finance Course 9 th . March It was noted that a place had been booked on the course at a cost of £41. c) EALC Chairmen’s Day 24 th . March Nobody was available to attend. d) ETP Roles & Responsibilities course 28 th . April Nobody was available to attend. e) Payments The following cheques were signed: (28) ____________(initials/signature) 050222 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 To: Cheque NET £ VAT £ Total £ Explanation Power Heelis & 100281 50.00 Independent Account & Lodge internal audit Audit Regs. 2003. EALC 100282 41.00 Fee for finance LGA 1972 course S111 K. Plumridge 100283 219.59 February salary, LGA 1972 28/2/05 Office allowance, S112 B/band 13/1-12/2/05 Telephone, Postage, Expenses K. Plumridge 100284 193.62 March salary, LGA 1972 28/3/05 Office allowance, S112 B/band 13/2-12/3/05 Post Office 100285 149.04 PAYE January- LGA `1972 Ltd 31/3/05 March S112 EALC 100286 25.00 Training LGA 1972 S111 LCR 100287 72.00 Subscription to LGA 1972 Local Council S111 Review The following receipt was noted: From To Account Amount £ Explanation Rural Community Council of Essex for Current 1000.00 Grant for Taxi Essex Rural Renaissance Fund – Voucher Scheme Community Hub 6. PLANNING a) Clerk responded to the following applications in consultation with councillors as comments were required before this meeting: 05/00016/FULL Woodstock, Glebe Road (demolition of existing garage & construction of a two storey detached garage building with first floor side facing dormers for gymnasium to first floor and enclosure of balcony to rear of dwelling with addition of dormer). There was no objection to the application 05/00058/FULL Heatherwood, Orchard Avenue (single storey rear extension & pitched roof over garage). There was no objection to the application. 05/00069/FULL The Croft, Church Road (conversion of existing bungalow to chalet with front and rear dormers and detached double garage). There was no objection to the application. (29) ____________(initials/signature) 050222 22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes b) The following application was considered at the Meeting: 05/00127/FULL Treetops, Glebe Road (first floor rear extension). There was no objection to the application. c) Planning decisions by BDC The following decisions were noted: Number Address Description Decision Date PC Response 04/01464/OUT The View, Replacement Granted 25/01/05 Object Orchard Ave. dwelling. 04/01465/OUT Dalmanutha, Replacement Granted 10/01/05 Object Church Road dwelling 04/01495 Ramsden Stable block Granted 27/01/05 No objection Lodge, to rear Church Road d) East of England Plan (Regional Spatial Strategy) It was noted that the draft has been published and is out to consultation until 16 th . March. Cllrs. to return their completed ECC questionnaires to the Clerk, and let the Clerk know their comments on the section of the plan that covers flooding. 7. BASILDON ASSOCIATION OF TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS a) Report sent to Cllr. Buckley Cllr. Mrs. Cummins reported that with information she had been supplied by the Clerk she had compiled a report on some of the properties that were clearly non-compliant with Policy BAS BE13 and sent it to Cllr. Buckley. She had sent a reminder, copied to Cllr. Terri Sargent, the week previous to this Meeting. A reply had arrived the previous day and she had drafted a response, which she submitted to PC. b) Draft Charter between Basildon District Council and the Town and Parish Councils. Apart from a point that the Clerk had already raised with BDC, which concerned written explanation should the local councils not be consulted when they should have been, the Charter was accepted. c) BDC/Parish Councils Liaison Meeting 23 rd . February. It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. Cummins would report to the meeting PC’s dissatisfaction with the reply to the planning report. d) Further Action Required. BATPC is to be asked for the Liaison Meeting Agenda to include a request for parish councils to retain copies of planning applications. 8. TAXI VOUCHER SCHEME a) Funding It was noted that grant of £1000 had been received from the Essex Hub Partnership, which has to be spent in the 2004/5 financial year. (30) ____________(initials/signature) 050222 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 b) Printing A sample voucher was viewed and agreed as appropriate. The printing cost of approximately £180 was agreed, with the cheque to Grayam Press Ltd. to be signed between meetings. c) Taxi Voucher Account It was agreed to make an advance payment of £800 to the voucher account at Allied Taxi Ltd. and that the cheque should be signed between meetings, in order for the grant funding to be spent by the end of the 2004/5 financial year. d) Further Action Required Cllr. Mrs. Cummins would deliver the books of vouchers to the people on the list and explain how to use them in time for them to be used from 1 st . April. 9. PLAYING FIELD PROJECT a) Progress to Date. The gate had been rehung opening the right way. The fence was scheduled to be delivered on 21 st . February and to be installed by the end of the month. b) Action Required . There was none. 10. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCHEME a) Cllr. Harvey’s Report The scheme was on the job list to be designed. The Highways Agency was returning to the County Council, so the job would be transferred there, but there would be a delay due to the change over. b) Action Required . It would be necessary to consult the community on the proposals. This could be done at the same event as other consultations take place if the plans can be prepared in time. It was agreed to proceed with plans for the consultation to take place. 11. QUALITY STATUS a) Actions Necessary PC considered the action to be taken to progress the production of an annual report, which should include an end of year account, contact list of councillors and clerk, and Chairman’s report. The Chairman undertook to write the report. 12. ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL WORKING WITH TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS a) Response to the Recommendations. Councillors were to return their completed questionnaires to the Clerk. (31) ____________(initials/signature) 050222 22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 13. CONSULTATION: ECC – STREET LIGHTING PRINCIPLES DOCUMENT a) Response to the document by 9 th . March. The Clerk was delegated to prepare the response in consultation with councillors. 14. CONSULTATION: ECC – TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR ESSEX a) Response to the Strategy by 4 th . March. The Clerk was delegated to prepare the response in consultation with councillors. 15. DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: ODPM – VIBRANT LOCAL LEADERSHIP a) Response to the Document. Cllr. Mrs. Cummins undertook to read the document and report back. 16. DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: ODPM – CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES: WHY NEIGHBOURHOODS MATTER . a) Response to the Document. Cllr. Mrs. Jeffree undertook to read the document and report back 17. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 a) Responsibility Under the Act To note that under the Act the Secretary of State has authorised the Clerk to the Council of Parish and Town Councils as the Primary Authorisation for the purposes of section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In the Clerk’s absence responsibility falls to the Chairman. S36 provides for information to be exempt from disclosure where that information would, or would be likely to, inhibit: • the free and frank provision of advice, or • the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation, or • the effective conduct of public affairs. 18. NEXT MEETING a) Date and Apologies It was noted that the next Meeting is scheduled for 12 th . April, and that Cllrs. Harvey and Mrs. Jeffree have offered their apologies for absence. (32) ____________(initials/signature) 050222 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 22 ND . FEBRUARY, 2005 19. MATTERS FOR REPORT a) Orchard Avenue A letter had been received too late to be included in the Agenda concerning the extent of the green belt around Orchard Avenue. It would be on the Agenda for the next Meeting with a view to it being subject to consultation with the community. b) Consultation Meeting 22 nd . May The arrangements for a consultation meeting would be concluded at the next Meeting. There are currently four matters which are candidates for consultation. These are traffic calming, planning policy/village development, greenbelt policy and house numbering c) Shotgate Meeting 8 th . March It was noted that BDC was holding a meeting to publicise the possible creation of a parish council in the Shotgate area.
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