, News UmeWed Today IOWA: UlIII6tllecJ loday. 10· morrow fair; cooler tomorrow. and In _t and north portlon todQ. I o w a c • 'Y ' , M 0 r n i n g Flashes FIVE CENTS The AMoclated PI'fl8II IOWA CITY, IOWA $UNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1936 Ventral P.- AMocIaUo1l VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 66 Roosevelt En Route WILKES·BARRE. Pa.. Aug. 16 (AP~RecelvIDl" tumultuou8 ovations along .. 25· mile trip through PennsylvlU'liJi'& barlf coal (Ields, President Roo8l&veU terminated Ws flrst hand In· spectlon of elUltern flood acelll! IodRY. , .,..... , Alter Inspecting 8iles 01 , ....... - / po8I!d Iov6<l\! aloDl" t.he SUSQue· is possible, at. hanna river In this city ami Spanish State Petticoat Flutters GOOD CHANCE Kingston, just ""r08l! the river, RADIO PRIEST, CONVENTION.(AIDES In Mayhem Suit Wind, Showers of Iowa-You'll the chJ&f executive bo.... doo , the Freely as Women special train whlcb bad followed Confiscates 30·0unce Baby Fights him from Scranloll. 18 miles dis· Take Over Town For Her Life Break Spell Of tllnl; and set out tor the Roose· ull family oollle at Hyde Pari(, All Industrv Oy tho AS8OC_ted. ·1"tI88 Br Ihe AIO...,laled P.- N.Y. Dry Weather LEXANDRIA. La.. Aug. 16 RAPID CITY, S. D·. Aug. 15-;\ Seeks to Check .Flight -A prim whIte peUlcont tluffed tiny baby girl that weighed but 30 wllh fuggles-orticlal emblem of Iowa City Gels Heavy No Paper Of Capital That May ,ounces when three days old . a olalrn· I SEATTLE, Aug. t5 (API-'l'he Se­ ladles day-fluttered In thc ant for the title of the smallest baby Early Morning Rain; atUe Post·lntelltgencet', Heal'st breeze todEly from the city hall ! Reach Rebel Hands In the Da.kotas. "had a good chance InDl'ntng newspaper wblch suspend­ Cool Weather Seen ' flag staff. ito live," phyaiclans saId today, - the AEJ80(!lated Pr~lSs ~d publication Indellnltely Thursday n.,. The emblem, hoisted with where you need )If tel' members 01 tbe American MADRID. Aug. 15- The SI.anlsh The Inrant was born prematurely A lleav,. rain - accompanied ceremonIes, Jnaugurated a one last WednesdaY to Mrs. Don Newspaper Guild caned a strike. government, Its troops flu ng across by a to·mlle an bour lall,­ it if you don't. pnade no efforts today to get out day mUnicipal reign by feminine Schnepp, but physicians withheld 1Ul· the cOl\ntryslde In bloody battle broke out here at 1%:15 this Sunday edltlons, whleh have a clr· »011 tic ian.. and was lowered at nouncement until todtly. eulation of about 150,000. against fascist rebclilon, tonIght 0'·­ !rundown alter a. day of Iun. , yesterday the babe was weighed mornlu&'. and continued until Picket lines blockading the plant dered new sociaJlzalion of Industry Stick Around. Boy8 for the first time and the physician. I :30, An overust 8ky promised "'ere quiet and police leported no and sought to halt flight of capital An efCort by the men folk to who asked that his name be wlth­ 'Dore rain later today, ;held. announced the weight a8 one nelV vlolen06 or lurther ~rrests. On­ /that might reach rebel hands. gO fishing while the women ran The temperatllJ'e. whlel, relUJIo· ly watchmen Were in the bulldlng. the town was fl'ultlell8. They pound, H ounces. The huge oil, tobacco and other ed a hlp uf 101 decre811 lOt were told to keep themselves • The Infflnt. born at the parents' 1:30, Indusll'le& were ·confiscated by labol1 handy, Just In case. home, was w .... pped In cotton and 3 Killed in Crash organ l"",lIons and gI Ven over to Petite Mn. Aubrey White, plaoed In an Incubator at (l, hDspltal After three dAY8 of ClonLlnued ·roLl!:Oo. Ohio. Aug, U;'(AP~ workers to ope,'atl> under sia.te con· mayor for a day, adjusted bel'· here Immediately after birth. "hot weather" the weatherman IllSt nl,ht promised s1lcht relief A pilot and two youtbs. I'assen· U·O\. self In hi. hOnor's chah' and, ",1'0 on a. slgblseelng f1i~ht, as her fh'st official a.ct, powder· loday and '6nerally cooler AI)f)lied 10 Al l Spaillards wero kiUod latc toilay when their ed her nose. KEEPS NO DIARY we.ther lomorrow. plane dived to carlh in a com· A government decree forbade buy­ Madam Chief of Police O. C. \Ing. selling or lending of securities By lb. A..... lakd _ field Oil t.he outsld,'ts or W~· ne, Robel'~ strapped on a six shoot· DES MOINES. Aug. 15-Dust and land banned any transfer of real e9- er Itnd arrested five men for Mary Astor Still Friend Ohio, 20 miles ~outh of Toledo, !hIgh wlnd8 usher'eQ I n the first ow­ ltate. Tho decree Willi applied to faillll'e to buy drinks lor her The pilot was J,.rving Swedler. To George Kaufman P"oclable raln.Call In parched BOuth­ ispanlards both within and wlthout and her cohorts. AnD Cooper Bewlt~ 36. The passengerS were G leu lWest Iowa. tonight. while scattered Spain. (B, tho A ..oet.ted P .....) Ann Cooper Hewitt" the San [leiter, 11. an.1 Robert Daniel~. M,· •. He"bert Brown, city dog 'raIns fell throughout the Temalnder 15. both 01 Wa.yne, Ohio. 'l'h" objective WILl; to prevent memo catche,·. b;U:ged (Ive stray ca· NEW YORK Aug. 15-{leorge S. Fl'ancisco heiress who alleged be,·s of the one time nobUlly and of the state lowering temperatures The pilot had nown Ws plano nines and Mrs. Dan Jacobs, Kaufman, the dramatist whose that h er mother and two doc­ rebels from liquidating ",hell' hol(\lng. walter D. Davia, Fa&her' Oolll'blln _d 8~Yeater V. MeMaboa locally. to \hyne t., take up PHrllcl· commlsslono,· of puolle safety. • name was linked romantICally with tor, tricked her into a steriliza­ .fo,· cash that might be used to pur­ At Council Blufrs a 52 mile an: Ipilntil In the WIIoYne centennial kept the .treets free of auto 'llbe Rev. Charles E.' Coughlin, Detroit radio p·riest and head Mary Astor In 'the Astor child cus­ tion operation, W88 scheduled chase arms. hour wind and dust storm prececkd. observance for trip" over tile accidents. of' the National Union l.for ocial Justice, is pictUl'ed above with tody clUle. said tonight "the ca.se to be a witnesil for the prosecu; Thc new ster> toward soclailza­ the rain. The brlel downpour quick. 10"'11 and countryside, WhllU No Casesl two of his lie utenants at ·the convention of the NUSJ in Cleve· doesn't change my attitude town.rd tion as the trial of the two phy­ tapered otf to a li ght drizzle, A 26 tlon waS another In the »l'Ogram All set COr a hard day In cou,1;. land. Waltel: D. Davis of Clev~lan. d, convention maJ1!hal, i& at MIss Astor-ahe Is till a. friend." degree drop In tem»~rature was re­ of the lioeral government that orlg­ s icians on charges of asserted Mrs. Henry ~'oote J .... municipal the left, and Sylvestt'r ,V. McMahon of Cleveland, NUSJ secre­ He said he I ft LOll Angeles Sat­ Corded. InuJly was tho cause of tile l'Cbelllon. mayhem opened in San Fran­ nk , Allegations Untrue' judge, and Mrs. F'. P. Wilson. tary, is at the ,·ight. urda,y night, arrived here Wednes­ PI-ecl,pltatlon ',·o m Intermittent In fighting today. the government cisco. Mi Hewitt llas a $500, OSLO, Norway, AUg. 16 (AP)­ marshal. banged tor order and dAy. aOd stayed With friends until I5howers at Emmetllburg today and forces dl'ove back rebels who waged 000 Iluit pending against the Leon Trotzky, accused ot plotting a. were chagrined to find there last night when he returned tD his tonight tOla.led nearly a.n Inch. the RU8l!lan counter-revolt, In a state· bitter attack against Irun and San were no cases on docket. home, physicians, Drs. 'l'ilton E. 'I'il!­ heavlellt repQl·ted tor the state. )nent tonight branded the soviet ai­ Sebastia" On the Bay of Biscay. Mrs. O. M. Wilson missed the P;i~~t·N~~d· JTyphoon Hits "I ha.ve O'\e WOnderful piece of man and al)luel G. Boyd. In the a.<:companylng e1ectlical lcgallons as "totally untrue." northern frontier of Spain. chan('e of a lifetime to spoed inewil lor the Amerlca.n public," 8tonn. lightning struok a btlm on In vindication he pl'oposed the ' Execution of seven orflcel·. thr'uUgh town 011 the flrc h·uck. 'he saId, mDPplng his Ca.<:& With a. the farm of Albert J ennett. fo ur !ormation 01 two commissions to In- chars'Cd with I·esl.tlng government She took over the fire chlef's 1st NUSJ Head Luzon Island Jarge handkerchlot. "I have never Order Probes miles south of Emmet.burg starting vestlgate the cha"ges and to exam· advances In San Sebastian was r&- job and not an alarm sounded . kept IL diary, EverythIng r wl'lte e. tire which, destrOYed the ba.rn and Ine his OWn actions In Norwa.y where corded In a loyalist newspaper. all day. hi to bl\ acted on Ule stage," e. quantity of hay and atra.w, Fire Complications Ail In a il the WOmen agreed Two Ships in Distress he haS be~n living In e"lIe, Conclave Okays Ticket Into Tragedy dalnq-e Wall estimated ..to U,~OO, (lnternatlonal comllJlcaUons added It was a pretty tame exPerience. As Storm Moves At Light rain fell at Dubuque. lillo_hum," yawned Mayor Of William L~mke ever Increasing tension to th .
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