mmMg . cH#lW«* V/J- EDICAL ASSOCIATION MEETS HERE JUNE COVERING HOME OWNED EVANSVILLE fi HOME OPERATED AND ADJOINING TERRITORY THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS VOL. 1—NO. 1 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1938 5c PER COPY JAMES SWAIN Six Colored Train Prominent Doctor Celebrates 25th Year As Principal • * Employes Are Hurt Local Dentist Elected NAAGP Hoi FACES ELECTRIC In Wreck Disaster Is Honored 1 CHAIR JULY 1 Colored Porters Assisted In President of Medical Ass'n By Outpost Meet Sunda Saving Many Passengers Dr. William F. Dendy, presi­ lectures on surgery, diagnoses, Rev. M. R. Dixon, president James Swain, 17-year-aid lad, MILES CITY, Mont.—(ANP)— dent of the Indiana State Medi­ dentistry, X-Ray treatments and Dr. A. H. Wilson, vice com­ is to be electrocuted July 1 for mander of the local} chapter of of the local N. A. A. C- P. an! Six colored employes of the Chi­ cal, Dental and Pharmaceutical other subjects of a medical na­ nounces the regular meeting o\ the murder of Christian Breden- cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail­ Association, announces that the ture. the American Legion, was re­ kamp, local groceryman. Swain road suffered injuries (extent of quested by Mr. William Hyland, this organization at the Com--* fifteenth annual session of the As a grand climax to the munity Center Sunday, June 26, in company with James Alex­ which was not immediately de­ association will be held in the Commander of the local Funk- termined), last Sunday night when meet the local committee has at 5 p. m. The other officers of ander, a youth of 16 years, went Community Center Building, planned a dance to be given in houser Post of the American to Bredenkamp's Grocery, cor­ the Olympian, crack Milwaukee Legion, to write an article on his this organization include:»'A. W. train, crashed through a trestle June 28 and 29. The local com­ the spacious auditorium of Lin­ Jenkins, vice president; Rev. L. ner of John and Governor streets mittee on arrangements "has left coln High School. interpretation of the crisis of la\st fall and attempted to hold weakened by a cloudburst, hurtled 1936. This same article appear­ S. Smith, treasurer; Miss Lucille the engine and tender, baggage no stones unturned to make this Roberts, secretary, and Mrs. H. upS Bredenkamp. Bredenkamp and mail cars, two coaches and session the best in the history of ed in the July edition of the dr^ew a butcher knife on the lad POPULAR MATRON Outpost, white magazine, along P. Dendy, assistant secretary. two tourist sleepers into flooded the association. This committee This organization is sponsoring and Swain in return,- fired one Custer Creex, and brought death with a picture of Dr. Wilson. is composed of Drs. E. N. Bay­ a Music Festival Monday, June tinne from the single barreled to 34 and injuries to 65 passen­ lor, A. H.' Wilson, Raymond Dr. Wilsoaa was a delegate to the shcJtgun he was carrying, killing gers. National American Legion Con­ 27th, at the Liberty Baptist King, Robert Brown and Albert Church. 4 choirs will- partici­ the* groceryman instantly. The One of the injured colored train­ Heard. vention that was held in New ctl«er lad was given life in the men was a waiter, Albert Dobbins York last year. He is an alum­ pate in this festival. The admis­ penitentiary. The local N. A. A. of Chicago. The others, report­ The local president has been nus of Purdue University. sion is free. 8:00 p. mi C. I P. headed by the popular edly porters, also lived in Chicago, practicing here since 1926, prior young pastor of the Abyssiana and were listed as follows: Harry to this time he practiced in New Buckley, Arthur M. Jackson, Ed­ York City for six years. He has SERVES LOCAL "Y" Dr. Raymond King 'M.-E. Church, Bev. M. R. gar Peoples, Louis Williams and ion, have fought the case in past the State Board (medical) Elenzie Woodson. That no more in Indiana, Illinois, _Tennessee, AS DIRECTOR Named Lincoln attempt to get a rehearing Negroes were hurt is due to the the case before the Supreme fact that the diner was among and South Carolina. Dr. Dendy FOR I4 YEARS Housing Manager But at this writing, the the five cars left undamaged on attended the South Carolina State College, Claflin University fill go to the chair, as a ti»ev tracks, fethe others being one Mr. T. B. Neely, executive Dr. ICing was appointed by of the fact that there are tourist sleeper, two pullmans and nd Meharry Medical College, Mr. Nathan Straus, adnunistra^ the observation car. The.porters graduating in 1919: director of the local Y. M. C. A. Iny errors on k which a re- Seventh and Cherry Sts., is cele­ tor of- the United States He ng can be held. helped rescue at least 25 white Dr. Dendy, the oldest of eleven ing Authority, to serve as hous­ passengers. brating his fourteenth year as children, nine are. living today, ing manager of the Lincoln director of this local Y. M. C. A. 1 has made a very commendable Mr. Neely is a graduate of How­ Gardens, the Government's low??* IREE COLORED GIRLS record since he left his South ard University, Washington, D. cost housing project.- _ Dr^ Kinj£ TEACHER HURT Carolina home years ago. Dr. C. He left Washington in 1912 is well known in affairs of «.". 1VED BOY FROM TRAIN Dendy's parents are yet living civic nature here in the city anSS to accept a position with the Y W. A. BEST are are the owners of one of the at Columbus, Ga., where he was a very active worker with 3W YORK.—(ANP)— Three IN AUTO CRASH most modern community stores Mr. W. A. Best, principal of gree from Wilberforce Univer­ the Red Cross during the flood, colored girls made the front spent several years, going from ; in South Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. there to the Y. M. C. A. in Use the Lincoln High School, is cele­ sity in( Zenia, Ohio, Mr Best of 1937. He came to Evansvilfe I ages last week and at the same Dendy spent a few weeks in Panama Canal Zone. He came brating his 25th year as instruc­ has made a splendid record at 23 years ago after having grad­ ime made bid for fame when they Mr. James Roach, one of the Clinton, S. C, (his home) last MRS. HELEN M. DORSEY Rescued John Hill, three year old WPA instructors, was injured One of the city's most popular to Evansville from Panama. Mr. tor in the public school system. Lincoln, having built a very uated from ,the University . of. I jfhite boy, from a horrible death week and report a very en­ Neely has done a very commend­ Mr. Best is a graduate of the modern building in '28. He is Indiana. He is a- World's 7 War in an auto accident at the cor­ joyable vacation. young society matrons. She is a railroad track at Orange, N. ner of Canal and Judson Sts. a graduate of Indiana State able piece of work at the Y. University of Indiana and only the oldest active principal in veteran, having served as , cap­ The girls, Anna Walker, 14, Mr. Boach lost control of his The meet here consists of He has several wide awake or­ recently received his LL.D. de­ point of service in the city. tain in the Dental Corps ixt^jy Valeria Harris, 12, and Elaine Teachers College. She served car and hit a tree, while trying as secretary of the Women's ganizations at work on different United States and •France^ [Spain, 10, were on their way home now serves as a'^capta] am Oakwdod Avenue school when to avoid colliding with another BIKE CLUB ENJOYS Department of the local Repub­ projects and he has only recent­ automobile coming in the op­ lican organization and has been ly painted the Community Cen­ Rector Sees Two Sons Reserve Corps of I they saw thfe little shaver on tile States Army and has'^ railroad tracks in the direct path posite direction. Fortunately SUNDAY RIDE identified with all of the civic ter's floors and walls. HARLEM WAS Ordained As Deacons in American LegitJa SpaEgv of an approaching train of the the occupants of the car escaped |_<^gasi£Btiaaite;-.f th« . city*. "jisfeS | £ - -•- — ^—is W^ DeUiwai'e Lackawanna and West­ with injuries that were not very The Neighborhood Bicycle Club present she is a member of the > 1 FIGHT CRAZY The Lincoln Gardens-J ern railway. • serious. Mr. Roach is now do­ under the leadership of Mrs. faculty of the WPA school. KKK Emblem In Act PHILADELPHIA, Pa.,—(By G. 191 separate units with all mod* ing niceftr, though he is still con­ Catherine Phelps, sponsored an James Fleming fer ANP)— The ern conveniences. fined to his home on Mulberry. early morning ride out Hiway To Scare Negro Workers distinction of seeing two of his ?Upe Suspect Saved Of sons ordained deacons of the Epis­ Color Bedecked Center No. 66 last Sunday. This club copal church, following his foot­ Crowded To Capacity "lob Proves Innocence is fast becoming one of the most Mammoth Ins. Co. Warning Sign Appears at Con­ With Visitors ADR0GIAT0RS GlVi r steps, was given the Rev. John R. NAMED OFFICIAL IN active in the city, especially struction Co. in Tenn. Logan, Sr., rector of St. Simon's SUHDAY RIDE Giri Says She Had Never Be- where the legs are concerned. Celebrates 23rd church Monday morning when eid Nearly-Lynched Youth THE ILLINOIS C.A.R.
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