February 15, 1982 SABO'S CHIMPS on TV's "Saturday Night Live" Show Adriatic Animal Attractions, Inc. Josip Marcan - President For the 1981 and 1982 season, my new mixed act of lions and tigers has been exclusively contracted by the Hawthorn Circus Corp. for bookings. But the ani- mals and equipment remain solely owned by me. However, I have trained and added to my act - 8 ti- gers belonging to the Hawthorn Circus Corp., enlarg- ing my act to 19 animals. My enlarged act shall be re- ferred to as: Marcan's Mixed Lions and Tigers Com- bined with the Hawthorn Tigers. Due to the fact that the Hawthorn Circus Corp. al- ready owns an act referred to as the "Hawthorn Ti- gers", it has become necessary to distinguish the dif- ference of the act which I own and the Hawthorn act. I hope this will clarify the ownership and billing of my act. Sincerely, Josip Marcan Page 4 SHOW DATES ', Mail room Ringling-Barnum - Blue The Post Office recent- Feb 17-21 Richmond, Va ly returned Circus Reports Ringling-Barnum • Red addressed to the following Feb 10-21 Atlanta, Ga, people. Robin Heisinger -•-OTHER DATES--- James R. Decker Auto Show Jack Miller Feb 19-21 Oakland, Ca. Elmer Wilson Byran's Clowns, Inc. Hedy Thomason Feb 6 W.Middlesex, Pa. Kandy the Clown 12 Newcastle Amel Zaciial Disney World on Ice Scott Taylor Feb 9-21 Boston, Mass. Harry Thomas Holiday on Ice Feb 16-21 Reno, Nev. The Ptunketts Feb 19-21 Albuquerque, N. M. -•MAGIC--- Abbott's Magic Exhibit Feb 19-21 Hollywood, Calif. Hollywood Cavalcade Feb 19-21 Hollywood, Calif. It's Magic Show Feb 16*21 St. Louis, Mo. Ron London Feb 6 Columbia, SC 9 Huntington, W.Va David Seebach Feb 5 Decatur, III. 6 St. Charles 9 Manhattan, Kans 14 Grand Rapids, Mh 17 Austin, Texas CIRCUS BOOK. "The Circus Life and Adventure of Adam Bardy*'. A truly interesting life itory for old-timer* especially $7.95 a copy Adam Bardy Thompion, Conn. 06277 THANKS TO CIRCO BURBUJAS FOR THE PURCHASE OF HEAVY CIRCUS EQUIPMENT A SPECIAL THANKS TO JOHNNY LAM CARLOS DESIGNS CUSTOM MADE CIRCUS RIGGINGS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT WITH 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Rounding out the perfor New Indoor Unit mances, Martin will add Atlantic Southern Pro- other novelty and variety duct ions, Sarasota, is actc, to compliment his fielding a newly r ramed themed production numbers and titled variety unit For the early March tour for the '82 season. "A!I through Ga., Ala,, Mi ss. Star Cavalcade" is being and Arkansas, the Johnny added to their existing Dubsky family will per- roster of "Holiday Magic form four turns: Ms. Zsa Circus" and "Holiday in Zsa, single trap, Chris- Magicland," all 90 min- tina's Dress Dogs, a beau ute magic and variety tiful colored pigeon and shows. dove production, plus Or. The new show will fea- Janos and friends, cat ture magic and illusions act. presented by show mana- A feature clown, as yet ger Mike Martin, tn ad- un-named, will be added dition. Mart in, will once to the show for further aga i n this season, include comedy balance, plus the his popular comedy parody Kaiser Sisters, Sabrina "Garganta, the Almost Hu- and Simone, will be work- man Gor ilia." i Continued on Page 23) Page 8 February 15, 1982 nies from the show's lead stock. Crawford Circus Vargas does a beautiful job presenting this act as by DON COVINGTON well as assisting with elephants, exotic ani- mals and dressage. The talented trainer, last Circus Vargas opened its 1982 season in seen on Hoxie Bros. Circus, was also respon- the San Diego, Calif., suburb of El Cajon, on sible for breaking General Vargas, the show's on Friday, Jan. 22, after a short trip from its winter home in the Orange County theme beautiful pure white stallion, which now appears in the center ring dressage number park, Lion Country Safari. Original plans had the giant tenter sched- ridden by a very capable young girl rider. uled to move south in time to set up the big Two new feature acts are given solo billing top a day prior to the premiere for rehearsals in prime spots in the show. Les Victoria, a Unfortunately, logistic delays prevented this European style statue act made up of two from happening and the opening perform- men and a woman, arc spot-lighted just prior ance went off with only hasty preparation. to the spec at the end of the first half. They perform an elegant slow motion acrobatic Consequently, the initial show was plagued turn under colored spots, the difficulty off with poor coordination, dreadful timing and which may, unfortunately, be lost on the awkward transitions between displays. Work average American audience. The near capa- began immediately to trim some acts, rear- city crowd on opening night grew restless range others and to smooth the pauses caus- ed by bulky props and missed cues. Announ- midway through the act. The audience did cer Joseph Pon hopes to be able to condense not have the same reaction to Les Bloch a show that took a painfully long three high wire act midway through the second hours on opening night into two hours and half. The aerial trio had everyone riveted in fifteen minutes. their seats as they performed first a prya- The show this year includes many of the mid, then a three man high on the wire. acts from the strong and talented lineup of Returning favorites that continued to the 1981 edition, with some significant please the audience were Cimon's chimp- changes. Marcel Peters has replaced Wade anzees, Rex Williams elephants (reduced Burck in the steel arena with John Cuneo's this year to three rings of three elephants, beautiful sixteen tiger cat act featuring the with ten bulls on the line), the Franconi circus world's only performing white tigers. Duo and the Flying Espanas, who again this Peters, a British trainer, last seen presenting year present both flying trapeze acts. lions, is still learning the animals and tricks Also new this year is an elephant acroba- in the big group. His initial difficulties with tic number featuring two elephants, teeter- this particular combination of animals boards, and two leapers. Billed as the Dimi- should disappear before long. trov, it's a real crowd pleaser as the perfor- John Cuneo is traveling with the show for mers are sent sailing high into the air from the first few weeks to assist in developing their pachyderm powered perches. Li Suang the full potential of his new trainer. Marcel is also popular as he cavorts barefoot on the and the cats arrived just in the nick of time bounding rope. for the opening show. The semi carrying Returning clown Billy McCabe has taken the act pulled onto the lot at 7 p.m. for the over as producing clown, replacing Dale scheduled 8 p.m. opening show; this win- Longmire, who has left the show. McCabe ter's brutal snow storms had delayed their has two returning funsters and five new trip across country from Chicago. Despite joeys in clown alley. Three production gags the late arrival, Marcel Peters was in the and a walk-around were hampered by poor arena opening the show after only a 15 min- lighting and lack of timing and coordination ute delay. on the opening, but the group shows poten- Dutch Crawford has replaced Henri Wag- tial for good work together in the future. neur as head of the horse department. Var- They'll have to really work hard to fill the gas has sold two rings of liberty horses to D. huge Vargas tent with so few members. R. Miller and substituted a single ring of lib- Steven Carrol again leads the big show band erty horses, presented by Crawford, flanked an eight piece combo that adequately fills this year by a ring of performing llamas and the tent with music thanks to a well designed a second ring with two camels and two po- (Continued on Page 21) Page 10 February 15, 1982 fash ion. Nevertheless, he Review manages to preserve the by GEORGE BINGAMAN personality marks we re- "CIRCUS SKETCHBOOK" by cognize and identify. 1 Ray Oirgo. Published by Di rgo s humor delights the author, 198"!. Write with inoffensive dexter- to Ray Oirgo, 12 Glenvale ity running the gamut Ci rcle, Bridgeport, Conn. from Nellie's go-go to 06110. fi rehouse fooli shness. Those of us who enjoy Ray Dirgo's "Circus everything that is circus Sketchbook" is a treasury from performers to the of circus drawings made gear that moves the shows dur ing the last seven feast on the backlot years of "catching the scenes, pie car, Baker's circus." Already acclaim- sieeper, clown sleeper, ed America's top circus "flag's up", "chow 1ine", sketcher by general con- ropes and stakes, inter- census Dirgo's visits to ior cookhouse, water lots, back-lots and are- truck, clown alley, and nas has enabled him to the water pails, clown capture the charisma of truck, routing the show. contemporary circuses with the magic of his The back cover "looking artistic hand. into Laporte's clown In stops at Beatty-Cole shoes" is top art circus Ringling Red and Blue, style. Anna Mae's eyeful Monte Carlo Cirque, Hunt of Barbara abd Buckles Bros., and Strates Shows Woodcock is Dirgo at his the author interprets the best. Wandrey readying features of his subjects Prince Paul, Picollo stan with "as it is" reproduc- ding tal1, Red's aerial tions adding enjoyable ballet, Gardner's Big Red, hyperbole in cartoonist (Continued on Page 19) The Circus Report Page 11 THE LION IS BUSY he said.
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