On'versity Rending VOLUME XXXIV.-NO. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 18Q5. WHOLE NUMBER, 1759 SHOT OVER THE HEART. into his life, and lie tvae an honor SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS. REPORTERS WERE CORNERED - al'ke to the young manhood of this • city, and to all tlio.se near and dear to Alembert Edwin Keith Killed Himself him. The very maaaer of his death They are Having an Enthusiastic Con-! Fraternity Itiiatition in One of the Last Saturday Night: pro1. e;l the grand determination and vention in the Disciples' Church. Buildings on the Fair Grounds. strength of his character. T here was MARCH nothing that could swerve him when Alembert Edwin Keith, son of Mr. The eighth annual convention of tin1 The Sigma Sigma high school fraterni- he balieved himself right, anil yet he and Mrs. Edward A. Keith, of 17 S. Washtenaw County Sunday School IIHSU ty held an initiation on the lair ground SALE was o.ne of the most companionable Friday night. It took place in the octag- Thayer street, and mail carrier No. 5 < ciation opened in the Disciples' church. -o F- the local post office, committed suicid of young men, never having di'fer- at 7 .••']() .Monday eve., with a devotional onal building oc the south side of the New Spring last Saturday night under the in jst \lis cnees wilth his associates, and never ground, where one or two noctural service conducted by Rev. J. W. Brad- New Spring fressihg circumstances. Blinded by tli complaining whatever lie was called shaw, of the Congregational church, "jamborees" have been held before. despondency and desperation of unre upon to do in his daily labor. At eight o'clock the address of the even- The COURIER and two other press repre- sentatives went up to take in the exer- Dress Goods quited love he ended his own life nude Postmaster B -akss spea'. s very high- ing was given by Rev. Dr. .1. M-. Patter- cises ami were not accorded that degree the window of the young girl who wa ly of this element of his character, and son, of Westminster Presbyterian of hospitality and welcome that is sup-Never have such varieties Capes the object of his devotion. With a fata states that although the youngest church, of Detroit. The subject of his posed to be the just due of the press. been shown and such Low pistol wound just over his heart and hi on the force he %vas entrusted -with address was "Soul Winning." lie gave life blood fast ebbing away, he diei one of the most important routes, one In fact their presence was looked upon Prices Offered. the Sunday school people a rousing and as an intrusion. whispering his reason for the rash act that formerly required iiim to carry inspiring address. He pointed out the in the ears of his sweetheart, "Foryou.' heavier loads than anost of the other motives to soul winning, his central The fraternity applied several days 50 Pieces, all-wool Pprges and Henriet- and Jackets. Saturday evening Mr. Keith and Mis carriers, and yet lie never murmured idea being to magnify Christ and mini- ago to the management of the fair tas, Spring Shades, the 39c qualityat 25c a yard. Lizzie Covert, went to dancing sc-hoo or even compared lids work with the fy self. In almost all lines of work, he ground-, asking for permission to make at Granger's Academy, and returned to 20 Pieces Pretty Spring, Double-Fold at. work of the other carriers. Devotion said, there was a selfish motive. In use of the octagonal house last evening. 25c a yard. Miss Covert's home, 70 N. Main street, to duty was a grand element in liis Sunday school work the selfish motive They were refused. When asked, why 45-inch Wool Checks and Mixtures, Our entire line now placed on sale in about 10:15. Mr. Keith went into the character, but this same devotion was was lost. There was also the motive of the}' wanted that particular building, no worth 50c, at 39c a yard. our Cloak Department. Ladies are house, and there in a few moments th 40-inch, all wool, Navy Blue and Black tlie means of his death. reward. This at first would seem reply was made. But there is a shower especially invited to visit our Cloak two .had an understanding as to their bath in it. The management told them Storm Serges, the new price, at 32e Department now to inspect the new Some eighteen months since Mr. and selfish motive, but even Christ "looke a yard. future relations. Keith was dismissed the water was turned oft", but the boys 35 Pieces, all wool, Novelty Dress Goods, styles of Wraps and Jackets in vogue as a suitor. He asked her if it was her Mrs. KeltJi were called upon to bury forward to the recompense of his re ward." Dr. Patterson's fine addre said they knew how to turn it on. They the 65c kind, now :!9c a yard. this spring. As usual the greatest final decision. She answered that it their second son, Clarence, and in Lovely Satin Finish Henriettas, the 75c seemed to leave the Sunday school peo said that one of the directors had given care has been exercised in selecting was. He told her that then he ha< this terrible affliction it seems as if his consent to using the building, but quality, the new price 50c a yard. pie iu exactly the proper spirit for 50-inch, all wool Serges, last season's nothing more to live for. There thei they were called upon to bear more upon inquiry he said he had given no the very choicest ideas of the Berlin successful convention. price $1.00, the new price 50c a yard. courtship ended and Keith stepped out than their share of sorrow. They such consent, and wanted the whole lot and Paris fashion makers, and we At 9:30 this morning the conventio 50-inch, all wool Storm Serge, would be are showing a range of styles and fa- into a despair darker than the night, a have the most sincere sympathy, not arrested for trespass if they entered the cheap at 75c, now 50c a yard. despair that was shortly to end his life reconvened and for fifteen minutes High Art Novelty Dress Goods, in Silk brics you have never seen equalled in only of friends but of the entire com- grounds. But upon looking the matter He went home, evidently threw ot munity in their great grief. praise service was led by B. H. Kroeze over if was decided that such a course Mixtures, French and English Suit- this department. Of course you know Rev. M. W. Fairfield, of Ypsilanti, th ings, Checks, Plaids, and Crepons, his coat with an intention of retiring The funeral services will be held on would create a useless scandal. So to this lot of elegant Dress Goods we the first pickings are always most sat- president of the association, then too! but his feelings overcame him and throw Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from see that no harm was done, the news- place on sale at 50c a yard. isfactory. charge of the program. Reports were ing on his carrier's uniform coat he the 'family residence No. 17 S. Thayer papers thought it best to keep an eye on 20 Pieces Fancy Swivel Silks, the 50c jumped on his bicycle and road back to listened to. Rev. II. M. Morey, o kind, at 39c a yard. street. the situation. Theydidnot get initiat- Miss Covert's home. Ypsilanti, who has acted as county sec 30 Pieces Colored Kai-Kai Wash Silks ed, but came awfully near it. at 35c a yard. We have received this week another About Gambling. retary for the year, made a report The exercises of initiation are very case of those choice sensational A pistol shot rang out on the night showing the condition of things in thesystematic. When the members of the air, and Miss Covert, who sat by the press arrived, there were fvo of ANN ARBOR, March 1895. county. Reports from township presi the fraternity boys there to receive stove down stairs all ready for bed, ran Hon. C. G. Darling, dents were in order, but only a few o them. Instead, however, of giving the Black Dress Goods. to the window and looked out. "My Mayor. them seemed to be present. Wm. Gray grip, they passed coldly by on the othe A GREAT SALE AXD GRKAT SEASON' FOR God it's Ed" she cried, and raising the Dear Sir;—-As an observer and being of Chelsea, reported six schools ii side. This was about eight o'clock BLACK GOODS. Soon two more members came. Other alarm she ran out to him in her night- desirous of^eeingyour administration a Sylvan township. In the half dozei SX-inch. all wool. Black Serses and Henrietta*, dress and barefooted. Mr. Covert got put in an appearance, and finally tw worth 3S)c, at 25c a yard. success, I feel it my duty (as a member schools were 585 pupils enrolled. Mr others came with the initiatory sacrifice 40-inch. Black Figured Mohairs, a Big Bargain at TO SELL AT 49e up, Keith was carried into the house He was blindfolded. One of his escort 35c a yard. of the Municipal Club), to bring to your Smith, of Salem, reported five schools 40-inch, all wool. Black Storm Serges, the new A YARD.
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