BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES— MISSED , JUST By EIX; ---— DOWNWARD TILT f iT i S. I — n^NANOAlTNEWS VU. 'WWSX WtW .’ONSt RADIO NOTED IN MART WMFD Wilmington Market Quotations Stock NEW YORK, Dec. 27.— Wl—1The ^ KC market tilted downward 1400 <BI THE ASSOCIATED TRESS) dock again today although numerous 78 alLKSDAY, DECEMBER — ~ 8 Nor Pac- “i:4 eaders to halve their fe£iSBssfaftCT&-aS£»s«. SHKISmIsHH Alleghany ™ managed -laa Packard A1 Chem and Dye .- osses. Parana Pic- Alii- Chal Mig 4 An early bust of selling tripped £, Penny J C..— l™. Am Can - 82-b a list of rails, Penn R R .. long prominent Am Car Fdy *‘1* Phillips Pet _.8 :teels, motors, aircrafts, meals Am Roll Mill- 5-?8 “8% rai Scr and B and specialties. The recoveries, Am Smelt and Ref *'■8 Pullman ..-.- .vhich were spotty and slow, still A T and T -- 1° Pure Oil -- eft a wide assortment of declines Am Tob B -- 8 Radio from fractions to more Anaconda ‘N 8% ranging 8 Radio K O .. Arm 111 -- ;han a point. 4 Rem Rand _ i272 The Associated Press 60-stock Repub Stl 1°_4 Atl Ref.. was off .5 of a at 3”, Reynolds B _30,4 average point Aviat Corp -■- WASH TUBBS— HAPPY HUNTING ^ Sears _162 ,s 57.0, the 15-carrier group dropping By \~h<\ n Baldwin .... ... ...-Ml —■ ___ ffl “j? 13% M rcvv Socony Vac _ 7. foT*UT OCT Qrr Tnc GROUND BEFORE f B and O- ^ KNOW ONE UTTLE &A-7~ Continentales. _ 40=4 984 is- THE JAP PLANES 1:45—Andrini Sou Pac It wras a broad market, ROAR IN OVER EASV& BASE I trpHETOJOS ;.y' CRASHtN' 8006!= 2:00—Kiernan's News Corner, Barnsdall 32% u THAT-7-- Chef. 46 4 Sou Ry__—. sues crossing the tape. Of that release SET 2:15—The Mystery Bendix Aviat 28 jj \G0NN1A AWAY W Std Brand .. or Be Seated. —.-.— 6344 cumber, 842 were unchanged I THEIR BOMBS, 2-30—Ladies Beth Stl 55% ip 3:00—Songs by Morton Downey. 1< Std Oil N J.-.- Airpl.. t- low’er. Volume at 1,582,845 shares I THENSOATTSR, with Life. Boeing g Warner 15% 3:15—Appointment Stewart with 996,709 in Tues- f FLyiNs low to 2:45—Sincereiy Yours. Swift 31% compared # 4:]5—To Be Announced. Budd Mfg- 10*? day's downturn. LOSE PURSUERS 38% Tex Co--- 47% LhmmmM 4-45—Hop Harrigan Burl Mills ..- war new's de- and the Pirates. 7974 Continued cloudy 5:00—Terry .. 13% Union Carbide Bur Add Mach _—lit P. News. 1% pressed speculative and invest- 5:15—U. J I 3o United Corp- the Day. Case enthusiasm. i:30—Hasten 48 United Drug _ 1674 ment Bearish be- 5:45—The Cities of Belgium. Caterpil Trac--- 49 United Fruit 881 .'i liefs were also 6:00—Let’s Dance. Ches and O- 4 propped by Star News. Unit 13% of further reaction from 6:25—News—Wilmington -- 39 .2 Gas Imp thoughts the Chrysler 6:45—Henry J. .a}lor and News. 133*2 US Indus Chem- 3774 the advance to new Coca Cola _ long highs. Waring Show. 7:00—Fred 38 s US Rubber _ — 50% Serenade Coml Credit Rail bonds duplicated action of 7:45—Sundown 15% US Smelt and Ref- 5174 8:lO—U r. riofc.ain. Coml Solv carrier equities. Cotton futures _—— 58% 8:30—Town Meeting of the Air. Comwlth and Sou °s US Steel Bands. finished ahead 10 to 25 cents a 9:30—Victory Parade of Spotlight Vanadium --- 20% Edis _ 24% Teller. Consol oale. Wheat at was down 9:55—Coronet Story 37 Vick Chem_ 4812 Chicago 10:00—Raymond Gram Swing. Cont Can _ Va Caro Chem_ 3% 1-8 cent a bushel to up 1-3 cent. 10:15—Andy Russell Show. Corn Prod ...- 58% of Time Program. Warner Pic 13 -V- 10:30—March Curtiss Wright _ 3-_4 777est Union A -,- 4.2=4 Curtiss Wright A _ 11% 68 West El and 112 OPA Order Ends Ration THE NETWORKS Doug Aire _ _ Mfg- GASOLINE ALLEY— I OVER _ — -- Dow Chem_ 118 Woolworth 4174 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28 Final stock sales 1,582,845. Riot In Portland Du Pont _ 154 (Ore.) Eastern War Time P.M. Eastman Kod_172 in as listed due to Changes programs Firestone _ 55% PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 27.—OP)— corrections by networks made too Gen Elec _ 37% Portland’s rationed food free-for- late 10 incorporate. Bond Gen Foods 41% as 5:30—Just Plain Bill, Dramatic—nhc Quotations all ended today, grocers—pres- Terry Allen and Thres Sisters—ebs Gen Mot __- 62% | ented with a formal order—began The Jack Armstrong Serial—blu-east Goodrich _ 52% j ATSF 4s 95 _... 129% enforcing the new OPA regula- Serial 1 Senes, Superman—mbs-basic Goodvear _ 49% ACL 4%s 64_ 99 5:45—Front Page Farrell Serial nbc tions. _ — Nor Pf ebs Gt Ry 46% O 4s 48 _ 38% Wilderness Road, Serial Drama B and Buyers swamped city stores last — blu-basic Tnt Harvest _ 79% Capt. Midnight, a Serial Can Pac 4s Perp- 95% after that — learning grocers in other blu night Hop Harrigan Repeat Tnt Tel and Tel _ 18% CB and 4%s 77_113 — Q Tom Mix, Cowboy Serial mbs-basic still were selling point-free goods Johns Manv _ 100% Mins. — nbc C and El Inc 97_ 60 6:00—News Report for 15 35% and accepting expired stamps be- Fifteen Minutes of News cbs-basic Kennecott ; CR1 and P Ref 4s 34 49% cause had not received an of- — they of the Serial blu-west and B _ 78% ! Repeat Terry Ligg Myers Cl Ut 4%s 77 _ 102% Comment on the War — mbs ficial OPA order. Police were call- Prayer; Loews _ 74%i D and RG '.Vest 5s 55- 4% 6:15—America’s Serenade: Sports — nbc to two stores to a near- Lorillard _ 18% I ed quell Calling Pan-America a Concert — ebs Fla EC 5s 74___ 56% — Mont Ward 50% riot. Repeat from Dick Tracy blu-west Hud C 5s 62A _ 71% — mbs a formal Chick Carter, a Boy Detective Nash Kelv _ 15 j Hud and Man 5s 57_ 31 OPA officials, issuing C:.TO--Jack Armstrong's repeat — Din Nat Biscuit _ 23% a check to see ... order, began today — 111 Cent 56 Repeat, Superman Serial mbs-west 4%s 76% — Nat Cash 32% that OPA rules a^-e enforced. 6:45—Lowell Thomas & Newscast nbc Reg_ Int Gt Nor 6s 52 _ 66% being World News and — ebs Nat Dist _ 36 Commentary MK and T Aj 5s 67 ... 84% — blu-basic Henry J. Tay’or Comment Nv Cent __ 22% 4s 75___ — Mo PG 36% N. C. FRUITS, VEGETABLES Capt. Midnight in repeat blu-west No Am Aviat_ 19 R'ic-t of Tom Mix Serial — mbs-west Nyc Rfg 5s 2013 ... 88% RALEIGH, Dec. 27.— (UP) — 7:r'" Como’s Supper Club — nbc-basic Nor and W 4s 96_ 93% and — (NCDA)—Fruits vegetables: Ta Mystery.” Dramatic ebs Nor Pac 6s 2047 ...J_ 103 DR. ROBBS— By ELLIOTT and Fred Waring’s Musical Variety — bul Full-Cut Apron New York.—Sweet potatoes, m:\r- j — Penn RR 4%s 65_119ya Fr Lewis. Jr.. Comments mbs iret stronger. Bushel baskets US 7:’.''-World War via Broadcast — nbc Ph Rdg Cl 6s 49.. 34% I AND ALL THE I HAD A GL-N DURING — Carolina Puerto Ri- J'himie Johnston & Bill Slater ebs Sal C 6s 45_ 54% Mo. 1 North T- Ee Announced — mbs I oHO I (15 mins.) Sou Pac Rfg 4s 55 105% ;ans 3.00-3.25. TIME YOU WERE "SEANCE"...YES, I 7:50—Bob Burns & Comedy — nbc-basic market THE SPIRIT...BUT, APPARE — 94 KILL Irresistibles. Girls Vocal other nbc Sou Rv Cn 5s _122% Washington Cabbage, YOU AND YOUR brother I PLANNING TO — Caro- Mr Keen. 30 min. Drama cbs-basic Sou Rv Gen 4s 56_ 95% steady. 50-lb. sacks North PLANNED TO NOT — COME INTO FATALLY.,, It’s Murder. Safety Drama Skit blu West Md 4s 52_ 105% ina domestic roundtype, 2.00-2.25. Arthur Hale and Comment — mbs-east AND WAS WOUN FOREIGN BONDS dull. MY HOME —DURING A i 7 '5—Kaltenborn and Comment — nbc New York: Apples, market — Aust 5s Chester Bowles Talk on OPA blu 55_ 99% Bushel baskets US No. i 2 1-2 inch GEANCE TO MURDER —; MYSELF/ — Aust 56 _ Dance Orchestra for 15 mins. mbs 4%s 96 minimum delicious 3.00-3.25. B^O- The Frank Morgan Show — nbc KNEW, BUT Braz 6%s 26-57 _ 58 ME,YES,I Suspense. Mystery Drama Show — ebs -v- Rio Gr Do Sul 6s 68 .. 37 I LET Frank Newscast — mbs-east YOU CONT'NUE,) Singiser 1 NEW YORK COTTON — Final /~thur Hale with repeat other mbs bond sales $10,581,800. PRETENDING TO — — 8-15—Lum and Abner Serial Skit — blu 9387 TREASURY BONDS NEW YORK. Dec. 27. (ff) S Serenade — mbs SIZES BELIEVE YOUR -nny Skylar Song 2 s 54-52 Dec. 15_100.10 up .1 Futures closed 10 to 25 cents a 8■'"'I— Dinah Shore. Variety Show — nbc S.M. L 2s 60-55 5 _ bale T’-o — 112.22 up .16 higher. r>atv, Valiev. Sheriff cbs-basic Ex. L — 2 Low Last America Town Meeting Forum blu l-2s 69-64 Juno 5 100.12 up .2 Open High LIES!/— S"mrr»v Kaye’s Music Varieties — mbs 2 l-2s 71-66 6 _100.13 Mch 21.94 21.95 21.93 21.94 up 3 p-""—~ v** — ebs Minutes News Period May .
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