Semley - Census 1851 9 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H 1 Knypes Farm Brown Thomas Head U 37 M 1814 Farmer 54ac empl 4 Labrs Semley Page 1. Folio 139 ed6 2 Haywards Farm Holloway William Head M 42 M 1809 Dairyman Donhead St Mary Holloway Sophia Wife M 56 F 1795 Motcomb; Dorset 3 Hatts Farm Perry George Head M 36 M 1815 Farmer 80ac empl 8 Labrs East Knoyle Perry Martha Wife M 35 F 1816 Farmer's Wife East Knoyle Perry Eliza Daur 12 F 1839 Farmer's Daur Cann; Dorset Perry Emily Daur 10 F 1841 Farmer's Daur Cann; Dorset Perry Henry Son 5 M 1846 Farmer's Son Tisbury 4 Nicholas Farm Pike George Head M 43 M 1808 Farmer 30ac empl 2 Labrs Semley Pike Susana Wife M 45 F 1806 Farmer's Wife Marnhull; Dorset 5 Cottage Bartlett George Head W 59 M 1792 Ag Labr Tisbury Bartlett Ann Daur U 24 F 1827 Semley Bartlett Samuel Grandson 1 M 1850 Semley 6 Cottage Harriss John Head M 50 M 1801 Labr at Stone Quarry Donhead St Andrew Harriss Sarah Wife M 45 F 1806 Semley Harriss Ann Daur U 16 F 1835 Semley Harriss Mary Daur 6 F 1845 Scholar Semley 7 Coppice Farm Perrett Joseph Head M 58 M 1793 Farmer 46ac empl 2 Labrs Buckhorn Weston; Dorset Perrett Ann Wife M 53 F 1798 Farmer's Wife Horsington; Somerset Perrett Joseph Son U 20 M 1831 Farmer's Son Margaret Marsh; Dorset Hansford Ebbelt Visitor W 69 F 1782 Margaret Marsh; Dorset Page 2 8 Marsh Farm Woodford John Head M 37 M 1814 Farmer 38ac empl 2 Labrs Iwerne; Dorset Woodford Racheal Wife M 48 F 1803 Farmer's Wife Hartgrove; Dorset Woodford Mary Daur U 9 F 1842 Farmer's Daur, Scholar Semley Woodford Elizth. Daur U 7 F 1844 Farmer's Daur Semley Woodford Jane Daur 4 F 1847 Farmer's Daur Semley Woodford Racheal Daur 1 F 1850 Farmer's Daur Semley Mercer Louiza Servant U 27 F 1824 Farm Servant Donhead St Andrew 9 Cottage Coward James Head M 76 M 1775 Pauper, formerly Ag Labr Mere Coward Miriam Wife M 75 F 1776 Pauper, formerly Ag Labr Semley Coward Joseph Son M 40 M 1811 Shoe Maker Semley Coward Ann Son's Wife M 43 F 1808 School Mistress Shaftesbury Coward Ellen Daur U 12 F 1839 Scholar Shaftesbury 10 Cottage Hull James Head W 64 M 1787 Labr on the Highways Semley Hull Hugh Son M 27 M 1824 Ag Labr Semley Hull Sarah Son's Wife M 25 F 1826 Cann; Dorset Hull Martha Daur 3 F 1848 Scholar Semley Hull Mary Daur 1 F 1850 Semley Hull John Son of Hd U 18 M 1833 Ag Labr Donhead St Mary 11 Cottage Rogers William Head M 24 M 1827 Ag Labr Semley Rogers Elizabeth Wife M 22 F 1829 Labr's Wife East Knoyle Page 3 Rogers Charles Son 0 M 1851 Semley Age 5mths 12 Hulls Cottage Bartlett Job Head M 26 M 1825 Ag Labr Semley Bartlett Elizabeth Wife M 25 F 1826 Motcomb; Dorset ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin Page 1 of 16 Semley - Census 1851 9 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Bartlett Elizabeth Visitor 5 F 1846 Scholar Motcomb; Dorset 13 Butlers Cottage Brockway William Head M 56 M 1795 Chelsea Pensioner Semley Brockway Charlotte Wife M 48 F 1803 Wife Wilton Brockway Elizabeth Daur U 9 F 1842 Scholar Semley Brockway George Son 6 M 1845 Scholar Semley 14 Butlers Cottage Brockway John Head M 51 M 1800 Ag Labr Semley Brockway Dinah Wife M 49 F 1802 Wife Semley Brockway Dinah Daur U 19 F 1832 Glover Semley Brockway John Son 13 M 1838 Ag Labr Semley Brockway Louiza Daur 10 F 1841 Scholar Semley 15 Bennetts Cottage Day Charles Head M 42 M 1809 Ag Labr Semley Day Arbencler Wife M 42 F 1809 Donhead St Mary Day James Son 15 M 1836 Ag Labr Semley Day Charles Son 13 M 1838 Ag Labr Semley Day Mary Daur 9 F 1842 Scholar Semley Day Mercy Daur 8 F 1843 Scholar Semley Day Hannah Daur 2 F 1849 Scholar Semley Page 4 16 Bennetts Cottage Trowbridge Josiah Head U 34 M 1817 Ag Labr Donhead St Mary 17 Cottage Burt Edmund Head M 39 M 1812 Ag Labr Semley Burt Charlotte Wife M 38 F 1813 Semley Burt Ellen Daur U 12 F 1839 Scholar Semley Burt Jane Daur 5 F 1846 Scholar Semley Burt James Lodger U 19 M 1832 Ag Labr Semley 18 Cottage Hull Betty Head U 77 F 1774 Semley Hull Ann Daur U 46 F 1805 Sedghill King Alfred Lodger U 23 M 1828 Game Keeper Donhead St Andrew 19 Cottage Day George Head M 48 M 1803 Ag Labr Semley Day Harriot Wife M 42 F 1809 Semley Day Thomas Son U 17 M 1834 Ag Labr Semley Day George Son 13 M 1838 Ag Labr Semley Day James Son 10 M 1841 Scholar Semley Day William Son 7 M 1844 Scholar Semley Day Henry Son 4 M 1847 Scholar Semley Day John Son 1 M 1850 Semley 20 Miles Farm Pike James Head M 49 M 1802 Farmer 140ac empl 7 Labrs Hartgreve; Dorset Pike Elizth. Wife M 52 F 1799 Wife Semley Brown John Nephew U 11 M 1840 Stapleford Page 5 Pike Mary Sister U 39 F 1812 House Servant Semley 21 Cottage Burt John Head M 22 M 1829 Ag Labr Semley Burt Martha Wife M 20 F 1831 Sedghill 22 Boundmarsh Farm Baker Thos. Head U 79 M 1772 Farmer 90ac empl 3 Labrs Semley Baker Thos. Nephew M 48 M 1803 Semley Baker Anna Wife M 30 F 1821 Semley Baker Ann Daur U 14 F 1837 Semley ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin Page 2 of 16 Semley - Census 1851 9 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Baker Thomas Son 9 M 1842 Scholar Semley Baker Robt. Son 6 M 1845 Scholar Semley Baker Sarah Daur 4 F 1847 Scholar Semley Baker Leah Daur 1 F 1850 Semley 23 Cottage Miles Thomas Head M 36 M 1815 Ag Labr Semley Miles Maria Wife M 35 F 1816 Sedghill Miles Jane Daur U 12 F 1839 Scholar Semley Miles Ann Daur 10 F 1841 Scholar Semley Miles Mary Daur 8 F 1843 Scholar Semley Miles William Son 4 M 1847 Scholar Semley Miles Eliza Daur 0 F 1851 Semley Age 8mths 24 Cottage Miles James Head U 20 M 1831 Ag Labr Semley Miles Roda Sister U 18 F 1833 Semley Page 6 Miles Stephen Brother U 13 M 1838 Ag Labr Semley Miles Prudence Sister U 10 F 1841 Scholar Semley Miles Noah Brother 8 M 1843 Scholar Semley Miles Elizabeth Sister 6 F 1845 Scholar Semley 25 Cottage Ball Benjamin Head M 40 M 1811 Ag Labr Semley Ball Elizabeth Wife M 38 F 1813 Sedghill Ball Eliza Daur U 7 F 1844 Scholar Semley Ball John Son U 5 M 1846 Scholar Semley Ball George Son 2 M 1849 Semley Ball Edwin Son 0 M 1851 Semley Age 3days 26 Cottage Ball Susana Head W 68 F 1783 Own House Keeper East Knoyle Ball Silas Son U 28 M 1823 Vetinery Surgeon Semley 27 Cottage Rogers Charles Head M 53 M 1798 Ag Labr Semley Rogers Hester Wife M 47 F 1804 Hindon Rogers Charlotte Daur U 16 F 1835 Semley Rogers George Son 15 M 1836 Ag Labr Semley Rogers John Son 6 M 1845 Scholar Semley Cruth My Ann Lodger 3 F 1848 Imber 28 Cottage Parsons Stephen Head M 26 M 1825 Ag Labr Sedghill Parsons Jane Wife M 29 F 1822 East Knoyle Page 7 29 Cottage Hull William Head M 38 M 1813 Ag Labr Semley Hull Meriah Wife M 28 F 1823 Sedghill Hull George Son U 10 M 1841 Semley Hull Sarah Daur 8 F 1843 Scholar Semley Hull John Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Semley Hull Mary Jane Daur 3 F 1848 Semley Hull Elizabeth Daur 0 F 1851 Semley Age 3mths Yetman Edwin Care of 1 M 1850 Sedghill 30 Cottage Toogood John Head M 30 M 1821 Ag Labr Semley Toogood Jane Wife M 31 F 1820 Donhead St Mary Toogood Anna Daur U 7 F 1844 Scholar Semley ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/John Martin Page 3 of 16 Semley - Census 1851 9 4 8 /1 Year 7 Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes 0 1 Born O H Toogood George Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Semley Toogood William Son 3 M 1848 Semley 31 Cottage Parsons Charles Head M 37 M 1814 Ag Labr Sedghill Parsons Elizabeth Wife M 37 F 1814 Sedghill Parsons George Son U 11 M 1840 Ag Labr Sedghill Parsons Albert Son 9 M 1842 Ag Labr Motcomb; Dorset Parsons Emily Daur 6 F 1845 Scholar Semley Parsons William Son 2 M 1849 Semley 32 Cottage Lampard Charles Head M 28 M 1823 Ag Labr Sedghill Page 8 Lampard Martha Wife M 27 F 1824 Motcomb; Dorset Lampard Emily Daur U 7 F 1844 Scholar Sedghill Lampard Alfred Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Sedghill Lampard Mary Ann Daur 2 F 1849 Motcomb; Dorset Lampard Elizabeth Daur 1 F 1850 Semley Lampard Thomas Lodger U 21 M 1830 Ag Labr Sedghill 33 Whitebridge Farm Pike William Head M 60 M 1791 Farmer 200ac empl 12 Labrs Hartgreve; Dorset Pike Sarah Daur U 20 F 1831 Farmer's Daur Semley Pike Henry Son U 18 M 1833 Farmer's Son Semley Pike Eliza Daur 15 F 1836 Farmer's Daur Semley Pike Emily Daur 8 F 1843 Farmer's Daur Semley Pike Charles Son 7 M 1844 Farmer's Son Semley Pike Frederick Son 5 M 1846 Farmer's Son Semley 34 Chaldicott's Farm Baker Robert Head M 53 M 1798 Farmer 230ac empl 10 Labrs Semley Baker Mary Wife M 50 F 1801 Farmer's Wife Semley Baker Robert Son U 16 M 1835 Farmer's Son Semley Baker Thomas Son U 13 M 1838 Farmer's Son Semley Baker Sarah Visitor U 55 F 1796 Annuitant Semley Read Lucy Servant U 19 F 1832 Farm Servant Donhead St Mary 35 Cottage Toogood Edward Head M 54 M 1797 Ag Labr Semley Page 9 Toogood Sarah Wife M 53 F 1798 Semley Toogood Reuben Son U 21 M 1830 Ag Labr Semley Toogood Mary Daur U 13 F 1838 Semley Toogood Edward Son U 11 M 1840 Ag Labr Semley Toogood Sarah Grand Daur 2 F 1849 Semley 36 Cottage Merchant John Head M 48 M 1803 Carpenter & Parish Clerk Semley Merchant Sarah Wife M 44 F 1807 Tisbury Merchant William Son U 17 M 1834 Ag Labr Semley Merchant Edwin Son 15 M 1836 Ag Labr Semley Merchant John Son 11 M 1840 Ag Labr Semley Merchant Silas Son 9 M 1842 Scholar Semley Merchant Fredk.
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