
" s M __ __ ....-- -r---~- .-. , ....-- . ii; erehitiieleiiels he -1? &#39;>---4,,____ " i * ~;h.s;.hes* _ 0¢ 1 |.,,____ q--»-as-..u _ 1 ¢;.--J----n_ » - F EDGARTOW -Qpi-&#39; &#39;-Win??- nal police documents on acy or anything of that 4 Sen. Edward M. Kenne- nature. Original docu- dys Chappaquiddick acci- ments get misplaced, espe- =__v_t[§_§___bEdgartou&#39;ns&#39; police t <1m,&#39;.-ne still missing, but cially police reponts, Our chief at the tin1e6TthF§,c- the district attorney said file is intact and com-&#39;cident, in which Mary Jo yesterday it doesnt matter plete. _ " " - IQpeChl&#39;18 died, said in an- because he has copies. But Pratt said that since other interview that when he has been with the de- _ he quit*the department in Sgt. Bruce Pratt, acting partment it has been 1973,he took some of the head of the police depart- very irregular that origi- records with him.. i ment, said it was highly nal documents become - Now the police chief in 1, ,_,_.,_.._.,_-.__..- -..-_-.-_-._...__.-- _.-... irregular -that the papers missing. .Essex J unctio_n, Vt., Arena I ln.dl&#39;-n92a;vu |n_numr c-i cannot be found, but-dis- The mystery of the van- [said he wanted the papers ii cm:-poprar, rtty unn nl<192t~l trict attorney Philip Roll- ished records was raised to answer questions from ;¬92e,§1__the1§ ins said was police no &#39; conspir-records recently in a book by. Carl newsmen andiothers. V often get misplaced. Gcttlieb a script writer . for the movie ~_J.aws, Arena said he learned t - The He ~I- am not concerned be- which was filmed at Mar- "that the missing records c_ause I have copies of all thas Vineyard last sum- were causing concern &#39;KnsnIcA mer. _ - r.epor.ts, Rollins said. I while taking part in a Boston radio- talk show&#39; n0sron,_nes>. Gottlieb said ,,_.l1n.=_l1.a.d _~-G FM-A-=1-vim-nab_1ast spring. After that, he said, he made copies for @4.¢»~.- D : rbediild by Jesse Qliver. himself and sent the re- I. id, then ass: of the 12-~W.ss.~.J..é.:.f...5 WW W ""_""£-&#39;-~&#39;W _. member Edgartown &#39; de- cords to his successor,;l eosror sec &#39; Oliver, _ "? partment, that the records -1.--I--1-1-nu---fa of -the 1969 auto accident 1. O Qliver was suspended as O "-had disappeared from the police chief for accepting &#39; .files._ p . _ &#39; money from Universal 1: -1-4-w-- ; . Studios, makers of "Jaws," However, between the and other alleged impr0&#39; K I - &#39; time that Gottlieh talked prieties. He has since re- T I with Oliver and the book signed, but supports Are- was published, the missing nas claim of having re- - documents - including turned the Chappaqu1d- . 0 _ .. dick material. - -the original accident re ~.--.--. port and a copy of Kenne- He sent the records - dys first statement to po 4 t » back last April and they O lice -- were said to have were there in June, Oliv- been returned to the de- er said. - .- partment. - i if Dhlo: 9°:-&#39;{i&#39;75 v As. to what happened However, Pratt &#39; says .to the documents since Vi Edition: SUNDAY they are still missing. then, or why the present Author: Z department officials can&#39;t fxum-To wrusnrr - ~_ Dominic}: a- J.A1&#39;e&#39;1&#39;i7a&#39;: .- whofind them," he said. I . 4 have no idea. That&#39;s their gTan=cnA§%AQu1nn1cK problem." _""*&#39; iPAPERS LOST Bur DA * _.___s_.:-~-_-M - .-_. ~ . _ . "war1.&#39; - I nmscmuss » , I Charotlorz ; . I _ &#39; ¢~ MountClipping In,Sp§:ce Below! 1 - 1 ts» ii t s*ir;@r§r@§rittrini | I are tar - ; -v-t -92-. 1 1 t By"WalterD..OLeary B . ers could have sold jthe transcripts for at least G1bbeStaff &#39; 1. _§ - . - II&#39;ld1CGlEp<1q&,acme of .. .g . - $34,000t6 the 112 custom-; iiéwspaper, city =.-.5 -state.! _&#39; Jeronie P17 Facher,A ers they_ had lined up. ; &#39;_ 1-, . éounsel for? the two fdee-_- As it was, he*said&#39; that I lance reporters who took 0 the stenographic notes at the reporters, SidneyL ip- the inquest into the death mant and Harold T. McN- eill; received only $3700_P* 15 of"Mary J_o Kope&#39;ch_ne~ at THE BOSTON GLOBE Cliappaquiddick, charged _for&#39; their labods.- H -g 31:"w -today in" Federal Court- BOSTON, MASS that his Eglients vjere de- Pending before Judge privied" of substantial fi- Caffrey is1.a civil suit for nangial benefits. * . damages brought &#39;by Lip- . man and M3:Nei1l against- appeared before UQ the Commonwealth of Jiidge Andrew -A. Caffrey. Massachusetts l arid "Clerk. - THE BOSTON HERAL Edward-V. Keating of the.-1 TRAVELER } He told the judge that Suf;- £o1k*Su . P erior Couit &#39;or- Su§f_o_1k Superior Court. .. A Boslou, MASS dedf::_cl the .traY1séripts~of the The Edgartown inquest, l~_ .inqv_.1est.to be sold to inter- in Dukes County in Janu- I .-. ested parties tor $75 each. ary 1970 dealt with &#39;the,Z ~ I-Iowever; he said that death of Miss Kopechne a rue BOSTON RECOKe the two "free la,nce~ report-=rpassenger ~in&#39; the car~&#39;o£&#39;§ , AMERICAN ~.»,.Q? .0.» _. F .~»ta:~.- -=-»-~92~--- 11* BOSTON, MASI. I Dciiez Edition: Author: e Evening Editor: Walter O&#39;Lear&#39;y Title : Thomas Winsh:-.p SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDY Chargcter: _ W Mis c . Clueaication: Sgbmiitinq Office: BQSECQ geinq Investigated l la ~ 67&#39;] r 4 Z ;;.t..,t;ii is _ -suimuzzo 1" ill - *MARzs1s72 FBr-- BOSTON Q1, i - . ; Q 92 Q v 1 ¢0 7-:- ;<.~.~.~&#39;;.&#39;;l-_~+~;_--s. *P_>_»_ ,_ _Q. .S_én:.-édygg Kehnedy trhnsedipt~ sold when&#39;cazftoppled the -off apiecenand th &#39;su=~ pervised thesale; W &#39; the. bridge at Chappaquid- ,. ~. _ > 1 {dick onMadthais Vineyard. &#39;bought I a _co&#39;pymyself 1 I I.Atty&#39;. &#39;Fached:§contended*-for3$75, saidFacher.- - that Liprhari and ONeil1 » Facher said Dist. Atty; had the exclusive rights to Edmund Dinis -of.- Dukesf _-se11_ theinquestt ranscripts County authorized Lipmari after&#39; the document was to make arrangements for &#39;.ni&#39;ade.-publicby order of taking the stenographic 5,the Superior_Cour_t. notes becauseJudeg James , 1 -.__ .. A. Boyle of Edgartown had? if He told; Judge-.Caffre/y .ano, budget to take care"of&#39;. ~£jree1an¢e ré&#39;po&#39;rtérusually this emergency._ - " =1 -charges 70 cents a page. A jury was impaneledf-1 5Z»But, evenif the charge b&#39;y JudgeCaffrey yester- _f&#39;vv,ere_40 cents onlya page, day but today counsel for; .-the official charge made by both sidesagreed to waiveI. -court deporters, his clients the jury and the jury was &#39;E.wou1d- receivedhave ~a good1y"sum. dismissed.7 - Asst."Atty. Gen. Walter. &#39; -Atty.»Facher said there Mayo appeared for the. iivas tremendous public in- commonwealth. A&#39;ttys.. terest in the case and James W. Kelleher. and. hewspapers andmagazines Kevin Keating appeared iwould have been willing .to for the Superior - Court_ clerk. _ -="-" . .?;y£near1y_e I8.l&#39;1SCll.D92..price any for- Lipmantestified that hef 3. As it was, he said Judge eventually received $3700. Wilfredi Paquette of the from Dist. Atty. Dinis for» Superior Courtordered thehis services; =;__§_~§; I n x i,/J-LTD Q G?-. :~=&#39;4-.-1, . 92 v J 92 F Q 1 l | Mount Clipping in Spoco Below! . E _ g 51%5 - i"§~.:,~_92 Two s¬cno_»gr:~.pl1r-is w h 0 1 recorded testimony in the 1969 1 be1iI1;: into the death of Mary Jo Ifopcchne in a can driven by Sen. I<.dv.=:1rd M. Iiehnewly were not r.&#39;/unsuited before transcripts of the pro- f:e==:di11;:,S wereput up for sale, it was testified Thursday in Federal Cout. The testimony was given by Suffolk Superior Court Clerk Edward" V. Kcztting in a suit brought by the two ste-nographcrs c 1 a S m i n g $350,000 rlanmpes b e c a u s e they were not allowed to sc-ll the t.rz92nsc1&#39;i§js._92 - The S[¬lIt!g1t-Ti]&#39;L?LS,Sidney -R. Lipznan and Harold &#39;1. nu4$;n!m i M » .1 &#39; -_McNcil. claim they could original had been impounded have sold copies of th e by the tourt, and that it cost transcripts [or up to $325 :1 $2G0_ tohave the copies copy out that" instead the autlienticated. _ court sold J12 of them {or $75 Ho szzjidthe total cost cf rc- te page, ncme oi V each.- 1 - Ifrdtlcing the 112 copies was Indlcu Under questioning by Atty. $5200 and that the income newspaper, city and _slate-i Jerome Facher, counsel for from the sale was $8400. the stenographers, Keating A little more thanS100, rc- said there was no court order presenting the protit, he said, preventing him from confer- still remains in escrow pend- -_-- ring with the stenographers ing settlementof the case. u about sale of the transcripts. He did not consider, Keat- -_ -"I could have. but I didn&#39;t, ing said, that the.prccedure was nosron " Keating told Judge Andrew A. used ih the _sa1e of, the n~r l Cfatfrey during the se-condtday Kopechne-Kennedgr transcript BOSTON, ; 7 oi the jury-wai.ve&#39;<1 .tria1.," in any $.*.&#39;a_v theaffected usual V Heating said the ~COp.i@$.,;:practice of allowing court were not eutlzentzieated by the _ _-.!-reporters to sell copies of stenograp-hers because t-ii e 3 their ,tr§mscripts.t=.._.____>t was BOSTON .
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