CHRYSLER with Beautiful Matching In- Vtnmy^§ Fairfax

CHRYSLER with Beautiful Matching In- Vtnmy^§ Fairfax

AUTOS FOR SAU (€•*.» AUTOMOBILES FOR ULE AUTOMOBILES FOR ULE * fHERE OUGHTA BE A UW! —By Fojoly and Shorttn AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE , THE EVENING STAR C-15 FORD *54 V-R Cuitomllne club FORD1 1853 v-8 Victoria: r. and h . • i Washington, D. C. K ’ Fordomatlc. customC covers* 2-tone JAGUAR (ww puaor gpgTEud. gRUMfIUC. !40g.YsAILED BOR \sTACTED OUT WTTH i FRIDAY. APRIL », 1857 825* *H^- flnlan!prlc«d way~belowmarketet , 1860 Mark V. 1961 Mark VII. 1962 was THE WE Fully exceptlonellv well NER’S. Bulck Midtown Dealer. *BBS. JET MOTORS. 1634 Pa. 1 Mark VU. 105*3 Mark VII. 1860 WHV IS IT, WW MBS ON NINA, J m equaled: 1111 14th «t. n.w.. 7-3993. ave,, a 4-2300. XK 120 roadster. 1962 XK 120 VvSo»6OCNERED MWEt*Of AUTOMOBILES FOR ULE m. t.. _ LI. coupe. THE TEACHER, Suburban • I FORD 1863 V-8 and b.: i roadster. 1962 XK 120 1063 j^OdtN, Cadillac-Olds blk. top: eaeeLeonv.rr. through- • XK 120 roadsters (2), 1954 XK new coad. 120 M roadsters (2), 1965 XK 140MC WMiTJRM' coupe. a-M«a. mMrß ! roadster. 1960 XK 140MC MERCURY *67 Monterey 6-pasaenger wa Sgg-»i!">j|!gg 1960 LID.. •edan: FORD '63 club coupe: eery eaeel. Plym- 2.4 aedan. JACK PRY. Flatoae Mu* and whltT Mar- cond.i oriz. owner; 27.000 miles, FORDS. Chevrolet*. Cadillacs. World’s Largest, 14th and P n.w.. comatlc. r. and h.. vinyl trim, tinted r. hydro, < AD. 4-3004. tleas, w.-w. tire*, foam rubber cush- end h.. drive: *725. Sac- WL'SSTW.'Swifc clock, etc.: car rifice terms. *l6O <in ; perfect, i body styles. As JEEP 1862: 4-wbeel dr., power take- ons. official's New- on ~* ’ ness sav Inspection LA. 8-2700. little at 85 down. off. aluminum body, heater, new r r‘ntT' WM M77l ’ ROPER MOTOR ERWIN FORD tires; perf. cond; 148*. TE. 8-8367. €nVw"M FORD '54 Customline Tudor; 2-tone FAIRFAX SHOPPING CENTER 1 KAISER ’SB Sportsman sedanvery LEE D. BUTLER, INC. Ivory and blue factory finish; { Fairfax. Va. OR. 3-1380 nice cond.; runs and drives like 1121 21st BT. N.W. Dt. 7-0111 equipped with Fordomatlc; at *BB6. i FORD Palrlane 1858 Tudor club new: *295. Terms. *46 dn. LA. 8- MERCURY 1858 Montclair; “all sedan: attrac. light blue fin. with 3700, ROPER MOTOR, power equipment, new condition: MANN OLDSMOBILE 5 white-wall tires, a country club car LaSALLE 1040 4-dr. sedan: gray low price. BURROWS MOTORS, 81)80 13th t- Btl. gpy,. JU. o-OlHrt with r. and h.. carrying CCC guar- finish: radio, heater: excellent trans- 804l M St. a.e.. U. 4-834)0. 17th antee: *1,385: terms, trade. portation: a buy FORD 1868 Palrlane Town sedan; J wonderful at $lB9. f Chase Plymouths completely equipped, r. and h., Chevy Chevrolet ®iiTTi*ciocTTiiir COME.OOME,CHILDREN! ICNT AHEM! (WENT MERbURYB. Chevrolets. Fordomatlc, styletone blue and ’ 7736 Wit. Ave. OL. 4-1412 ARLEX DODGE "3 WHO CANTELL aA THESE CHIUDBENVOUTAU6W^IANYTH And Fords. '4Bs. ’6os. ’6ls. ’s2s. '63*. white: today's price. *1,846. j ‘8” Fordor; Shirley Highway Shlrllngton IN V .AN4ONE J t INO. 61*. 56® and 56*. All body atylea. FORD ‘SB Fairlane ra- at 6 MONTHS THE ME WHAT YEAR WE Z/ f>( MSS LAMINO PECHAPKWFd Aa Uttle sa down dio. beater. Fordomatlc drive: very Business Center. KI. 8-6616 IN THE WAB JS EDMONDS (Ford) clean;j low mlleace; Wheelmobile LINCOLN ’66 Capri 4-dr.: full power, PRINCIPAL DROPS ¦k/%UOHT \ 1 ERWIN FORD •QUALriT” condition: *1.885. automatic trans., r. and h„ w.-w. ID OWE'EM THE Fairfax Shopping 8298 Wilson Blvd.. Art.. Va. ’ WHEELER. INC.. CITY tires; Center JA, 6-8822 CHRYSLER with beautiful matching In- VtNMY^§ Fairfax. Va CR. 3-1839 terlor: one owner- $2,185. MERCURY '57 Monterey hat'dtop FORDS. Chevrolets. Cadillacs. Firm- 1 coupe; peralmmon ouths Mercurys, ’4Bs, ’AOs, ’Sis. LEfe D. BUTLER, INC. flotone. and white, and vtnyl Interior, auto, trana., power ’62t. 53»‘ ’s4a *sos, and ‘AAi. AH 1121 21st ST. N.W. DI. 7-0111 steering HILLMANS hardtop, and brake*, w.-w.. aafety down. Hardtop LINCOLN i960 Capri 2-dr. tinted rlaaa. r. and h.. J 4-Drt.. Californians with power equipment, radio, heater, dash^_ ate. Fairfax Shopplns Center From $495 auto, trans. white-walls; many ex- Fairfax. Va CR. 3-1830 tras. A champagne car gt g bear FORD ’62 V-8 Tudor; nMUoThagter. price of $3,585. Grady Motors standard transmission, sood me- chanical condition, let black finish, MANHATTAN AUTO Grady 7809 AVE. dependable transportation: only 7th and R Sts. N.W. Motors WISCONSIN *586. HUDSON ’|j4; equipped; bargain 7809 WISCONSIN AVE. OL. 6-4200 price. *895. BURROWS MOTOR _"Your XJncoln-Mtrcury Daalar" Pohanka Oldsmobile CO.. SOU M as.. U. 4-8300. 17th OL. 6-4200 ¦ I war. Washington’s Oldest Oldsmobile _ ¦ JTour Ltncoln-Mercurr Dealer'’ AUTOMOEILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALI~ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ! Dealership. At Their Newest \ HUDSON 1864 Hornet Hollywood; LINCOLN 1055 Capri hardtop coupe * plea sins rust over Ivory; equipped with luxury power equipment, r. And 1 hydra., LINCOLN ’*7 Premier hardtop ! MERCURY 66 Monterey 4-dr. hard- \ with r. and h.. h.. auto, trans., w.-w. tires; one < turquoise white, “ : whitewalls. couuo; MERCEDES-BENZ ‘“ - T&Tm&A:ikc.1121 St, and mateb- tr - r d h 31st N.W. DI. 7-0111 NEW Special at *BB6. owner: low mileage; guaranteed; I Ina leather Interior, and h., quad- . 1956 3008 L coupe. 1966 199 sedan. - 1 r. FORD ‘66 Falrlant cons,: r„ h., Anaeostia Chrysler-Plymouth *2,395. reTlghte, w -w. tires, power, i. : glass full ; LEE Fordomatlc. alr-cond *1.885. 1708 Good Hope Hd. S.X. LU .4-2333 tinted multiluber. power dif- lU&mmU&OTL9 D. BUTLER, INC. Grady Motors ferential: olficial’i ear. New-car title i 14th and P n.w. AD. 4-3304. li2l Slit St. NW, DI. 7-0111 CO. I warranty, CHEVROLET 1 KIRK MOTOR HUDSON ’54, $795 ! was M.213. now ’ MERCfTRY 1968 Monterey hardtop: : MERCURY 1864 Montaray 4-dr. ae- 6833 TV. EM 8-4838 Super *wln carburetor, 7809 WISCONSIN AVE. white, r. and Mercometlc, w.-w.. Want to Buy WIS. A . let r.. h.. h.. .-en: heater. Mercometlc. white-wall a beaut!'Jlllvht-greeb finish; D. *d “‘ l many other extras: ford ! low mUe- OL. 6-4200 LEE BUTLER, INC. ffi&tTßLjpte 10 wUh tires for the at ». •'Tout Llncoln-Mercury Dealer" - 1 1121 21st St. N.W. PI, 7-0111 heater; only 5.462 aet. miles; beau- : ave. n.w.. Ot. MERCURY 1961 sport coupe; 2-tone ‘mjanjroGE 1957 Dodge tiful blue flniah with matching ’ 2-1843. KM. 2-1844. LINCOLN -64 Capri hardtop; full . AREfeX DODGE > 4-dr.; power, treat., r. and ' green; radio, heater white-walla; vinyl interior; Immaculate. BONDID. HUDSON 1884 Hornet dual- automatic b.. ether Shirley Highway at Shlrllngton Shirley Highway at fthirlinßtoa $1,996 range hydra.; unusually clean; w.-w. tires: 2-tone paint; very sharp extras: extra clean: *599. car: *1.795. Business Center. KI. 9-6616 Business Center. KI. 4-Door Coronet? LEE D. BUTLER, INC. ARLEX DODGE n.w.. Wo, 6-8800. LEE D. BUTLER, INC. Shirley Highway gt Shlrllngton W h,T equipped with 11>1 21st BT. N.W. Dt. 7-0111 ; 5. '- fne HUDSON 1848; 1 owner; A-l shape; 1121 21*t ST, N.W. DL 7-8111 Business Center. KL 8-HHln radio and heater. paeb-katU* FORD ‘36 CustomHna "8" Tudor; radio, heater, good tires; 2 snow 1 LINCOLN '6B Capri hardtop: beaut!- MERITOR1 Y 14)64 S-piaMugtr Mon- drive, torn signals. 2-tane 8n- fully equipped: one owner: Im- after p.m. 2-tona; hydramatic. Ishi driven less five STOHLMAN^^|. tires. LI 7-0833. than bnn- *1,486. 8 tul r. and h., I terey station wason: with radio, miles. Sny maculate: must sacrifice. power stterlng. brakes, windows and I heatar, auto trans.; one owner, low Biggest selection anywhere—- dred this ear far terms, trade.' ISETTA “300” C mileage; extremely clean ott >1.685. OTHO WILLIAMSBUICK ¦ Sport cpe.: *988; ready to roll: 80 J3*l9*5. 'JM'c ' all color combinationsf $2,695 INC.. 2480 Chlllum rd. AF. .7-7120- •Grady Motors 30th AND R. 1. AVI. 8.1. ‘ , Lincoln '67 Capri hardtop coupe: See This Oae at V sedan; • LTD., 1808 20th n.w. (Conn-Que ). trans., r„ h„ dual lights, FORD 1863 one owner, one ’s Only l auts. 7809 WISCONSIN AVE. driver; r. and h„ turn signals, Wash Eaclualvc leetta Dealer safety dash, power steering, and IftB""® 4-Door Hardtop auto, trans.. power steerlni, etc.; brakes, w.-w. tire*, tinted glass, OL. 6-4200 BENDALL priced right. 7-2886. etc. "Your Llncoln-Mercury Deartr" PONTIAC OL. *4.287. _ 1625 Prince St., FORD 1961 Custom "8" Porter: ISETTA “8.M.W.” 300 MERCURY 196*’ Monterey 2-dr. se- Windsor “Sportono” Ale*.. Va. Fordomatlc: runs good: needs Grady Motors ! dan; Mercomattc, r. and blue and |J3| OV. 3-164K) Wlu COUPE Thla wonder car from Germany 7809 WISCONSIN AVE. bnwg'M’ FORD ’53 Customline V-8 Fordor; answers the need for low-cost trans- original portation parking ease. OL. 6-4200 1131 Sin St. NW. DI. 7-0111 black finish; tmmac. In- and Llncoln-Mercury hardtop; terior: r. and h., Fordomatlc; low ! •'Your Dealer' MERCURYj 1957 Montclair one 60 O.S 1 In classic white: MercomaUc. r. and mllease: owner: was 11.088: M»r 55« LINCOLN 1967 Premiere hardtop h„! tinted glass, power steering, pm.1956-^ SPECIAL TODAY.

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