B. Dolgormaa, B.Munkhtsetseg, Journal of agricultural sciences №15 (02): 143-146, 2015 143 CONCLUSIONS Calcined kaolin important factor in the emergence of of the catalyst surface, suppressing the optical surface-modified (L) H2SO4 acid (B) acid center, excitation composite surface of photo-generated with H2SO4-modified calcined kaolinas carrier Ni- electrons and photogenerated holes and improves the V-supported photocatalyst, the surface acidity is to catalysts H2SO4-modified calcined kaolin load the promotethe photocatalytic activity. response performance. Ni-V occurred V5+and Al3+class isomorphous substitution and changed the electronic distribution REFERENCE TETRANEURA ULMI LINNAEUS, 1758 (HOMOPTERA, APHIDIDAE) ON ELM (ULMUS PUMILA) AS ITS PRIMARY PEST 1. Tao Y L,Yeh W L,Chow Y L. Acidity effects on 9. Shen WeiRen, Zhaowide, HE Fei TiO2 Light-promoted carbonylation of olefins in the photocatalytic reaction and its application presence of cobalt catalysis [J] J MolCatal, inwastewater treatment [J]. Progress in B. Dolgormaa*, B.Munkhtsetseg 1991, 67(1): 105-115. Chemistry, 1998, 10 (4): 349-361 2. Tao Y L,TashinJ. Chow JT, Lin ChCh, Chien M 10. Yang Jian jun, Li Dongxu, Zhang Zhi jun Plant Protection Research Institute, MULS, Mongolia T, Lin ChCh , Chow Y L, Gonzalo E.Cobalt- Ptpreparation, characterization and catalysed photochemical methoxy carbonylation photocatalytic activity of/ Fe2O3 / TiO2 *-Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] of olefins under ambient conditions [J]. J [J].Vacuum Science and Technology, 2001, 21 ChemSoc Perkin Trans,1989,12:2509-2511. (4): 277-280 3. Linsebigier A L, Lu G G, Yates J J T. 11. Jane Li, Zhang futureco balt Preparation and ABSTRACT Photocatalysis on TiO2 Surface: Principles, photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide Mechanism, and Selected Results [J]. Chem [J].Doping Environmental Science and The aphid Tetraneura ulmi causes a fig like gall to be formed on certain species of elm. T. ulmi is widely Rev, 1995, 95(3): 735-758. Technology, 2003, 26:6-7 distributed Euro-Asian species which was secondarily introduced into North America. It attacks numerous 4. Emeline A V, Otroshchenko V A, Ryabchuk V 12. X. Z. Ding, X. H. Liu, Y. Z. He. Structural species of elm. In Mongolia particularly Ulmus pumilla. The research was carried out in 2014 in the garden K, et al. A biogenesis and photosimulated Evolution of Gel-Derived Nano crystalline field (J.Sambuu named after the street, S.Zorig garden ) city of Ulaanbaatar. The observations were heterogeneous reactions in interstellar media and Titania Powders Doped with Ferric Oxide [J]. concerned with Ulmus pumila that grow in the garden that is located in the city centre. on primitive Earth, Relevance to the Genesis J. Mater. Sci. Letters, 1996, 15(16): 1392-139 Life [J]. J Photochem Photobiol C: Photochem 13. Shouew, Liu Hong photocatalysis and Rev, 2003, 3(3): 203-224. Photoelectrocatalytic Fundamentals and KEY WORDS: Tetraneura ulmi, elm, gall development 5. Wang X J, Xiao M, Wang S J, et al. Direct Applications[M] Beijing: Chemical Industry synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from carbon Press, 2005 dioxide and methanol using supported copper 14. AE S LEE, et al. Methyl formate Preparation[J]. INTRODUCTION (Ni, V, O) catalyst with photo-assistance [J]. J Applied Caltysis.1990,57:1-30 Mol Catal A: Chem, 2007, 278 (1-2): 92-96. 15. M. Gratzel, F. H. Ruessell. Electron All over the world so far over 4000 aphid species sucking on the abaxial face of leaves, they damaged 6. A.L.Linsebigler, G.Lu, J. T. Yates. Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of doped have been recorded, of which 700 make galls on on average 1.4 cm2 (about 6%) of the leaf blade, in Photocatalysis on TiO2 Surface: Principles, TiO2 Colloids [J]. J. Phyhs. Chem, 1990, coniferous and deciduous trees. On elm leaves galls leaves with 10 and more galls often the whole blade. Mechanisms, and Selected Results [J]. 94(6): 2566-2572 are formed by 6 host alternating aphid species from Whiting 3-4 weeks from hatching (from mid May), Chemical Review, 1995, 95(3): 735-758 16. FeiSun Yi, the activity of astewater [J] Li Xiao the Eroismatinae family. Tetraneura ulmi is one of fundatrices matured and during 1-3 weeks they 7. Xu Rui,Tong Shi Tang photocatalytic activity of bo TiO2/ACFs Photocatalyt Degradation of those species and is widely spread across Asia and produced on average 35.2 fundatrigeniae. At the titanium dioxide and its modification [J] Wuhan Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, Europe and it migrates from elms onto grass roots beginning of June, galls reached 10.8 mm in length Universityof Science and Technology (Natural 35(5): 102: 105 [4]. and 6.2 mm in width. Fundatrigeniae developed Science), 2001, 24(4): 358-360 Fundatrices were light green, slightly waxed and about 18 days and from 10-30 June they formed 8. Yu Jiaguo, Zhao build heterogeneous deprived of siphunculi. One fundatrix made only one migrants alatae [3]. photocatalysis on semiconductors principle and gall in which it developed and fed along with its Taxonomy: its application in environ mental protectionin offspring. The development of aphids of the first Homoptera-Aphidoidea-Aphididae Eroismatini – the[J] Wu han University of Technology, 2000, generation involved 4 larvae stages. Fundatrices Tetraneura 22(4): 12-15 hatched from 15 April to 7 May. Through the areal 144 B. Dolgormaa, B.Munkhtsetseg, Journal of agricultural sciences №15 (02): 143-146, 2015 METHODS AND MATERIAL SECTION Field and laboratory studies were systematically were taken species in 5 days intervals for laboratory carried out on U. pumilla in 2014. From first decade investigations. of June to third decade of June leaves with galls Figure 1. Fundatrices. Figure 2. Fig gall (4 galls in one leave). Photo by Munkthtsesteg.B In 4 main inspection dates, in total 1000 leaves with by Katarzyna Kmiec, Izabela Kot. We used daily 1550 galls were analyzed in detail, in each of temperature norm (from May to October in 2014). samplings on average 250 leaves and 115.3 galls. A To evaluate the monthly or daily air temperature and sample consisted of 50 leaves collected from 1 tree. precipitations of plant growing season and we would In the laboratory, damaged leaves and the number of plot the growth and gall development period. As a galls on one leaf were counted. With the use of hand result of such investigations it can be detect a microscope ‘Escope’ precise measurement of galls summa effective temperature of gall development were made (height and width in the widest place) period of elm gall aphid. The summa effective and then aphids that present on them were counted. temperature can be calculated using the following Their identification was made on the basis of papers formula: (Bei-Bienko, 1966). K1 = n ⋅ (t − C) C - minimum threshold of temperature to start their development t - air temperature during the period that the insect starting its development n-number of days which are required for development of one stage. RESULTS During research time we counted number of galls 1.9 individual. The average number of aphids in one and aphids from 5th to 20th June in 5 days intervals. gall in the year of research was similar amounted to Damaged leaves contained from 1 to 8 galls were 4-22 individual(Table1). recorded, average number of galls in one leave 1.06- B. Dolgormaa, B.Munkhtsetseg, Journal of agricultural sciences №15 (02): 143-146, 2015 145 METHODS AND MATERIAL SECTION Table 1 The number of Tetraneura ulmi on elm (Ulmus pumila) in June. 2014. Field and laboratory studies were systematically were taken species in 5 days intervals for laboratory Total Average Total Average carried out on U. pumilla in 2014. From first decade investigations. ¹ Date of Number number Total Number of number number number of of June to third decade of June leaves with galls observation of trees leaves number of galls in one galls in of aphids aphids in one with galls leaves one gall galls leave 1 VI.5 5 250 267 1-2 1.06 1068 4.0 2 VI.10 5 250 352 1-5 1.4 5632 16.0 3 VI.15 5 250 470 1-8 1.9 10340 22.0 4 VI.20 5 250 461/184 1-8 1.8 3496 19.0 The development of fundatrices; T.ulmi winters in places on the bark of stems and large-diameter the stage of fertilized eggs laid by females of the branches of elms in spring of the next year [ ]. We sexuales generation at the end of summer and at the determined gall development period in UB condition beginning of autumn. As mentioned above, apterous of Mongolia. As a result of fundatrix made galls viriginigen generations can also winter on roots of first of June and in the third decade of June winged secondary host. Larvae of the 1st instar of fundatrices migrants left the gall (Figure 1). Period of cracks of Figure 1. Fundatrices. Figure 2. Fig gall (4 galls in one leave). hatch from eggs placed in fissures and other hidden galls continued about 8 days. Photo by Munkthtsesteg.B VI In 4 main inspection dates, in total 1000 leaves with by Katarzyna Kmiec, Izabela Kot. We used daily day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1550 galls were analyzed in detail, in each of temperature norm (from May to October in 2014). samplings on average 250 leaves and 115.3 galls. A To evaluate the monthly or daily air temperature and Stage sample consisted of 50 leaves collected from 1 tree. precipitations of plant growing season and we would of In the laboratory, damaged leaves and the number of plot the growth and gall development period.
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