Revista Brasileira de Flsica, Vol. 15, n? 1, 1985 Use of the Heat-Kernel Expansion with the Background Field Method to Regularize Supersymmetric (Gauge) Theories E. ABDALLA CERN, Geneva, and Instituto de Física, Universidade de 30Paulo, Caixa Postal 20516, São Paulo, O1000, SP, Brasil and M.C.B. ABDALLA Instituto de Física Tedrica, Caixa Postal 5956, Sáo Paulo, 01000. SP, Brasil Recebido em 4 de junho de 1985 Abstiact We use the proper time variable of the heat-kernel expans ion to regularize field theories in the framework of the background f ield method. The method can be naturally applied to supersymme~ricand gauge theories. Explicit computations have been done including superfield perturbation theory. 1. INTRODUCTION Renormal ization is one of the most difficult techniques in quantum field theory. üesides difficulties of principle with some schemes breaking down at very high orders of perturbation theoryl, some symmetries of the theory can be rnutilated in the process. The problem of recovering gauge symmetry in the BPHZ scheme2 is notorious3. Dimen- sional regularization4 is the best method to deal with gauge theories, since the gauge principle is maintained in arbitrary dimensions. How- ever, concerning supersymmetric theories the situation is not yet in good shape. This comes from the fact that the number of degrees of freedom of fields of different spin does not behave in the same way with respect to the dimension. A way out is the process called dimen- sional regularization via dimensional reduction, or supersymmetric di- mensional regularization (SDR) '. In this process, the space-time is D- dimensional, but the fields and the algebra are kept 4-d imens ional . However the process is ambiguous at higher orders of perturbation the- ory6. In this work we propose a regularization procedure based on a cut in the integration over the proper-time variable of the heat kernel ex- pansion. This is made as follows - one uses the background f ield method7, spl itting the f ield into a classical and a quantum part. The quantum piece is integrated, and we get an effective action in terms of the classical fields, from which the renormalization constant can be read. In order to perform the integration over the quantum fields, the corresponding Green's function are expanded in a series whose termsare successively less divergent at short distances, and the coef f i c i en t s are functions of the background fields, being called Seeley coef- ficientse. Introducing at this point a cut in the integration over the proper-time, all products of different Green'r; functions are regu- larized in an explicitely supersymmetric way, since the above pro- cedure can be equally made using superfields. Some of these results were also partially shown in a previous g communicatíon . 2. THE HEAT KERNEL AND BACKGROUND FIELD METHOD The background field method consists in splitting the field into a classical and a quantum piece. The specific way one does itis rather arbi trary, and one can use this arbi trariness in order to sim- pl ify the computations. We shall study 3 cases, namel y the @' theory, the (super~~rnmetric)Wess -Zumino model , and the supersymmetric N = 1 Yang-Mi 11s theory . The $' model i s descri bed by the lagrangean: The background quantum splitting is simply $-+$+C and we have the quadrat ic operator defines a heat-kernel G(x,y;-r) , such that with the boundary condition G(x,y;O) = 6b-y) The Green's function is given by The heat-kernel (or equivalentl y the Green's funct ion) can be expanded in a series8. Plugging (2.7) back into (2.4) and (2.5) we can compute the an1s. In fact what we actually need are the lowest three Seeley coefficients at coinciding points. From (2.5) and from (2.4) , to lowest order in T : from which al(x,x) = $2 (2.10) - 2 To second order i n T we have So much for the 44 theory. We turn now to the computation of the Seeley coefficients for the Wess-Zumino model. The theory is defined by the 1 agrangean dens i ty'O. L = I d4e $m -+1 d2e m3 - r" 1 d2U3 where @(?) is a chiral (antichiral) superfield: Üiy$= O = Da$ (2.13) and D is the usual covar iant derivative (see ref. 9 for our conven- t i ons) The background quan tum splitting is also very simple @-+$+C &)+&)+E and we have the lagrangean,: As usual we can turn the two dimensional Grassmann integrals into four dimensional by means of the identities. The part of the lagrangean, which is quadratic in the quantum f ields is now: The heat kernel method has already been employed in supersymmetr ic theorieslO. It is possible to find the heat-kernel expansion for (úm.1 This is dorie in a very sirnple way, just considering the heat-kernel correspond i ng to and treating the background field as a perturbation. The first Seeley coefficient (ai) is given by the expansion of so that from which we get The a, coefficient can be computed also easiiy: Finaily we turn to the case of supsrsymmetric gauge theories. The lagrangean density of a N=l Yang-Mills theory is given by (111, (12): whe re and V is the gauge field, a general real superfield, in the adjoint representation of the gauge group C. Gauge transformations act as eV -+ ein e ve-iA (2.22) where A(Ã) iç a chi ral (antichi ral) gauge parmeter. A sui table gauge fixing lagrangean i s : The gauge transforrnat ion (2.22) is highly nonlinear, but can be re- expressed as + coth Li i (14) TV I where LxY = @,Y] It is now possible to write the Faddev-Popov action The background field rnethod is not less cornplicated, although the re- sul ts are quite sirnple, once we know the way to proceed. I t turns out12 that the best procedure is to consider the quantum f ield as above ( V) in the chfral representation, and the background field in a vector rep- resentation, def ined by the f ields .Q and fi . The spl i tting is This has the advantage that we can use the foillowing very simple rules, in order to real ize the method12. a) Covariant derivat ives are now background covariant : b) The Laplacian operator in the quadratic part of the gauge action, after expanding in powers of V, turns out to be where w(5 are the background f ield strenghs. c) The ghost (and eventual ly matter) fields, which previously obeyed a chirality oí antichirality conditions obey a background covariant chirality or antichirality condition: As a result of c), when the ghosts are introduced one must divide out the (spurious), contribution from the determinant of their square op- erator, since it is no longer constant, but depends on the background field. This introduces another ghost, the Nielsen-Kal losh ghost l3, which howevtsr,has only one loop contribution: L,, L,, = tr ] d49 bb now we can compute a11 the necessary Seeley coefficients. In order to do that, we rnust look at the propagator of both the gauge potential V, whose i nverse propagator i s : (aV = (fia - iwâa - &%o) 6 (a-a') (2.3 1) and the ghosts, whlch are chi ral (antichi ral) , and have as propagators. The heat-kernel corresponding to the operator where 0' = lha, can be computed using the identity (the chiral case (2.32) can be obtained trivially, substituting by f vaua). igher orders. (2.33) For our purposes, the background fields in [I1do not contribute,since the corresponding a2 coefficient is: which is less divergent, because of the derivatives (as a rule, we must have a maximal number of derivatives on the iS (z-zl) function to have a non zero result, and derivatives on the exponential functions, in or- der to have contributions to the infinite parts) . We have for the Seeley coefficients a,: B a2 (P,z) = w DB + (terms wi th) 3. REGULARIZATION AND PRODUCT OF THE GREENS - FUNCTIONS AT THE SAME POINT. COMPUTATION OF COUNTERTERMS We shall now rearrange the heat kernel expansion in such away that a11 the divergent str-uctures become transparent. We write14: and where C,, is linearly divergent, and contribute to mass renormalization Now we are able to compute the divergentes is perturbation theory. In the $' theory, we have for the oné: loop contri bution the diagram (I) (~i~.l). (tig.l) which contributes as (3.10) impl ying that we must take a conterterm or equivalently yt z = i - a" (e ' A 2d 9 32a giving the 8-function at lowest order For the two loop computation we compute the three diagrams in Fig.2 (fio. 2) The f i rst contains the lowest order counterterm and its contri buti on i s The second contribution is (3.15) Finally (c) has two contributions, one exactly as above for the$'term: d4x dky $(x)$(y)a, (x,y) ~:(x-y)G~(x- y) = -12 Y =.-- g3 (Pn e A ZE~Id4x9* (x) 16 (4~) and one contribution to the 2-point functíon 2 Y 4 d4xd4y @(x))c: (í-y) @(y) = Lan (e +' A 24 d x ((ag +(x))' 1 d.L 1 1 12 (4lT) (3.17) We have as a result and This gives the 8-function which is a wel l -know resul t. For the kss-Zumino action we have ait lowest order thediagram of Fig. 3 giving for the 8-function the value where we have used the Feynman rules for (an1:i) chiral f ieds, which demands factors of D2 (0') in all l ines, except one".
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