PROCEEDINGS OF THE Biolopal Society of Wasliinglon VOLUME XI 1897 WASHINGTON PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1897 COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman F. H. T. S. PALMER KNOWLTON JuDD & Detweii.er, Printers (ii) CONTENTS Page Officers and committees for 1897 ' '^ •^<i; >^' Proceedings .^~~Yii-xiT^ Descriptions of the Species of Cycadeoidea or Fossil Cycadean Trunks from the Iron Ore Belt, Potomac Formation, of Mary- land, by Lester F. "Ward 1-17 Revision of the Coyotes or Prairie Wolves, by C. Hart Merriam. 19-33 Collomia inazama, a New Plant from Crater Lake, Oregon, bv Frederick V. Coville ". 35-37 Delphiniinn riridescois and Sumbucus leiosperma, Two New Plants from the Northwest Coast, by John B. Leiberg 39-41 Descriptions of Two New Murine Opossums from Mexico, bv C. Hart Merriam '. 43-44 Fhenacomys preblei, a New Vole from Colorado, b)' C. Hart Mei'- riam 45 Notes on the Lynxes of Eastern North America, with Descrip- tions of New Forms, by Outram Bangs 47-51 Description of a New Red Fox from Nova Scotia, by Outram Bangs 53-55 The Itinerary of John Jeftrej', an Early Botanical Explorer of Western North America, by Frederick V. Coville 57-60 The Technical Name of the Camas Plant, by Frederick Y. Coville. 61-65 Description of a New Vole from Oregon, by Gerrit S. Miller, Jr.. 67-68 A Species of Shearwater (Puffinus assimiUs Gould) New to the North American Fauna, by Jonathan Dwight, Jr 69-70 Descriptions of Two New Red-backed Mice {Evotomys) from Oregon, by C. Hart 3Ierriam 71-72 The Voles of the Subgenus Chilotus, with Descriptions of New Species, by C. Hart ^lerriam 73-75 Synopsis of Voles of Genus Fhenacomys, by Gerrit S. Miller, Jr. 77-87 of the Synopsis' American Sesarmse, with Description of a New Species, by Mary J. Rathbun 89-92 Synopsis of the American Species of Palicus Philippi, with De- scriptions of Six New Species, by ]Mary J. Rathbun '.13-99 Two New Moles fi'om California and Oregon, by C. Hart Merriam . 101-102 Three New Jumping Mice (Zupus) from the Northwest, by C. Hart Merriam ." 103-104 of a of Harriet . Description New Species Sphaeroma , by Richardson 105-107 Synopsis of the American S^iecies of Elhusa, with Description of a New Species, by Mary J. Rathbun 109-110 Revision of the Genus Eiotomi/s, by Vernon Bailey 113-138 Description of a New Bat from Margarita Island, Venezuela, bv Gerrit S. Miller, J r ". 139 Description of a New Vole from Kashmir, by Gerrit S. Miller, Jr. 141 Description of a New Muskrat from tlie Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia, by C. Hart Merriam 143 Descriptions of a New Eagle from Alaska and a New Squirrel from Lower California, by C. H. Townsend 145-146 Lepus haileyi, a New Rabbit from Wyoming, by C. Hart Merriam . 147-148 African Crabs of the The Swimming Genus CaUiiiectes,hy" ^larvJ. Rathbun ". 149-151 A Revision of the of the Nomenclature Brachvura, bv" 3Iarv J. .". Rathbun '. 153-167 Two New Plants from Blount Mazama, Oregon, by Frederick V. Coville and John B. Leiberg 169-171 Notes on the NomenclatureofFourGeneraof Tropical American INIammals, by T. S. Palmer 173-174 A New Fur-seal or Sea-bear {Arctocephalus toumsendi) from Guada- lupe Island, otf Lower California, by C. Hart Merriam 175-178 (iii) jy^^^i iv Contents and Illustrations. Page A New Antrozous from California, by C. Hart Merriam 179-180 Description of a New Genus and Species of Sphteromidae from Alaskan Waters, by Harriet Richardson 181-183 Description of a New Bai<sariscits from Lower California, with Remarks on ^Basmris raptor' Baird, by C. Hart Merriam 185-1S7 Notes on Chii)munks fi'om the Western United States, with De- scriptions of New Forms, by V. Hail Merriam 189-212 of New Pocket from Descriptions Eight Gopliers ( TJiomomys) , Ore- gon, California, and Nevada, by C. Hart Merriam 213-216 Ovis ndxoni, a New Mountain Sheep from the Desert Region of Southern California, by C. Hart Merriam 217-218 Descri[)tions of Two New Pumas from the Northwestern United States, by C. Hart Merriam 219-220 Descriptions of Five New Rodents from the Coast Region of Alaska, by C. Hart Merriam ': 221-223 Description of a New Flying Squirrel from Ft. Klamath, Oregon, by C. Hart Merriam 225 Descriptions of Five New Shrews from Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia, by C. Hart Merriam 227-230 Diagnoses of New Fishes from Bering Sea, by Theo. Gill and Chas. H. Townsend 231-23-t Mammals from Hamilton Inlet, Labrador, by Outram Bangs. 235-240 A List of the Generic and Familv Names of Rodents, bv T. S. Palmer ". ." 241-270 Cervus a Elk from the C. Hsirt roosevelti, New Olympics,~ by Mer- riam ." 27 1-275 Nelsoma neotomodon, a New Genus and Species of Murine Rodent from Mexico, by C. Hart iNIerriam 277-279 A New Pine Squirrel from California, by Outram Bangs 281-282 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES I. C'oUomia mazama Coville, A New Plant, n. Skulls of Lynxes. HI. Skulls of Emiomys. IV. Color phases of Evotomys prolem Bangs. TEXT FIGURES Page Figure 1. Postpalatal region of Lynx 48 2. Postpalatal region of Cerparia 48 3. Dorsal view of SpJixromn dcstrucior 105 4. Mandibular appendage of Sphasrnma destructor 106 - 5. Legs of Sphii'roina destructor . 106 6. Teeth of CalUnectes latimnnns 151 7. Abdomen of CaJUnectcs /<itiinuiius 151 8. Chela of C'dllnectes luthiianiis 151 9. Tecticeps ahiiicensis 181 10. Antenufe of Tecticeps alasceiisls. 182 11. Mandible and appendage of Tecticej)s alascensis 182 12. Legs of Tecticeps (dascensis 183 13. Molars of Microtns pennsylmnicus and M. enixus 239 14. Molars of Nelso)nu neotomodon and Neotoma desertorum. 278 15. Skull of Nelscmia neotomodon 279 OFFLCIERS AND COUNCIL OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON For 1897 (ELECTED DECEMBER 19, 1896) OFFICERS President L. O. HOWARD Vice- Presidents RICHARD RATHBU^f B. E. FERNOW C. D. WALCOTT F. V. COVILLE Recording Secretary -^ CHARLES L. POLLARD Corresponding Secretary F. A. LUCAS Treasurer F. H. KNOWLTON COUNCIL WM. H. ASHMEAD GEORGE M. STERNBERG* WILLIAM H. DALE* CH. WARDELL STILES THEODORE GILL* FREDERICK W. TRUE EDWARD L. (iREENE M. B. WAITE C. HART MERRIAM* LESTER F. WARD* CHARLES A. WHITE* STANDING COMMITTEES— 1897 Commiflee on Comrnnnicdtions B. E. Fernow, Chairman Wm. H. Ashmead E. a. De Schweinitz F. V. Covii.le M. B. Waitic Commitlee on Publications C. Hart ]Merriaj[, Chairman T. S. Palmer F. H. Knowlton Delegate to the Joint Commission L. O. Howard * Ex-Presidents of the Society. (V) Vol. XI, pp. vii-xii December 30. 1897 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON PROCEEDINGS. The Society meets in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club at 8 on alternate Saturdays ]). m. Brief notices of the meetings, with abstracts of the papers, are published in Science. January 2, 1897—269th Meeting. The President in the chair and 45 persons present. F. A. Lucas exhibited skulls of the fur-seal showing deform- ities of the jaw-bones. The following communications were presented : E. W. Nelson: New Birds from Mexico.* F. A. Lucas : On the Natural Mortality among Fur-seals. January 16, 1897— 270th Meeting. The President in the chair and 36 persons present. ' Tlieo. Holm exhibited a copy of Fuchs' Histoire des Plantes,' in 1549 also the first and last ' published ; volumes of the Flora Danica.' He then exhibited a specimen of Draba hyperborea, calling attention to its monopodial development. W. T. Swingle exhibited some alga3 from the Bay of Naples, remarkable for the size of their special cells. V. K. Chesnut showed specimens of Cicuta vagans and Nerium oleander, discussing their poisonous properties. The following communications were presented : David White : Unity or Plurality of Type Specimens in Palaeontology. *The Auk, XIV, pp. 42-76, Jan., 1897. (vii) viii The Biological Society of Washington. David White: A New Lycopodineous Cone from the Coal Measures of Missouri.* Edward L. Greene: The Development of the Idea of a Genus. M. A. Carleton : The Ontogenetic Separation o{ Puccinia (jra- minis nvence from P. grnminis tritici. January 30, 1897—271st Meeting. The President in the chair and 45 persons present. The following communications were presented : C. Hart Merriam : The Pribilof Island Hair Seal. C. H. Townsend : The Origin of the Alaskan Live Mammoth Story.f Frank Benton : The Giant Bee of India. L. 0. Howard : Parasites of Sliade Tree Insects in Washing- + ton + February 27, 1897— 272d Meeting. The President in the chair and 28 persons present. The following communications were presented : C. H. Townsend : The Distribution and Migration of the Northern Fur-seal. § Charles L. Pollard : What Constitutes a Type in Botany? Lester F. Ward : Descriptions of Seven Species of Cycadeoidea from the Iron Ore of Deposits Maryland. || March 13, 1897—273d Meeting. The President in the chair and 30 persons present. The following communications were presented : T. \V. Vaughan and R. T. Hill : I1ie Lower Cretaceous Gry- pheas of the Texas Region. Charles F. Dawson : The Dissemination of Infectious Diseases by Insects.^ *To be published in Monographs U. S. Geol. Survey. fThe Alaska Live Mammoth Story. <Forest and Stream, XLIX, pp. 124-125, Aug. 14, 1897. J A Study in Insect Parasites. <Bull. V, Technical Series, No. 5, Di- vision of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. be in of the Sea Commission for 1890. ?, To published Report Bering llProc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XI, pp. 1-17, 1897. T[To be published in Ann. Report for 1897, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Proceedings. ix William Palmer : The Type (?) of a New Old Species. Sylvester D. Jiidd : Sexual Dimorphism in Crustacea.
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