YOU CAN NIGHTHAWK FALCON 1911 .45 ACP WIN! 1911 .45AND ACP MORE! $4.95 OUTSIDE U.S. $7.95 SEPTEMBER 2011 EYE CATCHER CZ 75 B 9MM STAINLESSSTAINLESS STEELSTEEL WINCHESTERWINCHESTER 18861886 SHORTSHORT RIFLERIFLE .45-70.45-70 MAGICMAGIC BULLET?BULLET? DRTDRT AMMOAMMO ANDAND S&WS&W M&P15M&P15 .223.223 CHARTERCHARTER ARMSARMS PATRIOTPATRIOT .327.327 FEDERALFEDERAL HANDLOADINGHANDLOADING EXTRA!EXTRA! •• ACCURATEACCURATE HUNTINGHUNTING HANDLOADSHANDLOADS •• NEWNEW POWDERSPOWDERS FORFOR THETHE .45.45 ACPACP Pg.Pg. 2424 •• MEDIUMMEDIUM BURNINGBURNING POWDERSPOWDERS Pg.Pg. 2222 The New Fiocchi of America Cowboy Ammo is here. Distinctively packaged in aged boxes, the SASS approved Cowboy Loads are now available in 32 S&W Long, 38 S&W Short, 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44-40 & 45 Colt. More calibers to come in 2012. Cowboy Loads SINCE 1876 For the Fiocchi dealer near you, CALL 417.449.1043 / visit www.fiocchiusa.com The New Fiocchi of America Cowboy Ammo is here. Distinctively packaged in aged boxes, the SASS approved Cowboy Loads are now available in 32 S&W Long, 38 S&W Short, 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44-40 & 45 Colt. More calibers to come in 2012. THE RUGER® LCR® - LIGHTWEIGHT COMPACT REVOLVER Packed with the latest technological advances and features required by today’s most demanding shooters, the Ruger® LCR® is the evolution of the revolver. Winner of the 2009 Academy of Excellence, 2010 American Rifleman and 2010 Shooting Illustrated Handgun of the Year, the Ruger LCR is a lightweight, small- frame revolver with a uniquely smooth trigger and highly manageable recoil. THE RUGER ® LCR ® / .38 SPL+P ® ® Cowboy Loads 2010 American Rifl eman 2009 Handgun LCR and Shooting Illustrated of the Year -357 LCR Handgun of the Year WITH XS ®SIGHTS SINCE 1876 WWW.RUGER.COM/LCR ©2011 Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. 051311 For the Fiocchi dealer near you, CALL 417.449.1043 / visit www.fiocchiusa.com TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RUGER LCR, SCAN THE QR CODE TO THE LEFT WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE. SEPTEMBER 2011 Vol. 57, Number 9, 670th Issue 76 ENTER TO WIN NIGHTHAWK FALCON COLUMNS 1911 .45 ACP 6 CROSSFIRE 1911 .45 ACP LETTERS TO ThE EdITOR AND MORE! RIMFIRES Holt 8 BOdINSON RIFLEMAN Da 1 4 vE ANdERSON RANGING SHOTS™ 1 8 CLINT SMITh MONTANA MUSINGS 2 2 MIkE “dUkE” vENTURINO HANDLOADING 2 4 JOhN BARSNESS 2 6 HANDGUNS MASSAd AyOOB 8 UP ON ARs 2 8 GLEN ZEdIkER KNIVES 6 2 PAT COvERT VIEWS, NEWS & REVIEWS 64 RIGhTS WATCh: dAvId COdREA ODD ANGRY SHOT 78 JOhN CONNOR 8 2 CAMPFIRE TALES 58 JOhN TAffIN DEPARTMENTS OUT OF THE BOX™ 30 • JOhN TAffIN ChARTER ARMS PATRIOT .327 SURPLUS LOCKER™ Holt32 BOdINSON CIvIL WAR MUSkETS 35 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 32 JEff JOhN GUNS Magazine (ISSN 1044-6257) is published QUARTERMASTER monthly by Publishers’ Development Corpora- Featuring68 GUNS Allstars! tion, 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Diego, CA and at additional mail- THIS MONTH: ing offices. SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (12) issues $24.95. Single • JOhN CONNOR ON monthly copies, $4.95. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Eight weeks notice COMBAT OPTICS ANd SIGhTS required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. SUB- SCRIPTION PROBLEMS: For immediate action write GUNS Maga- zine, Attention: Circulation Dept., 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128 or call (858) 605-0250. CONTRIBUTORS sub- mitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material cannot be returned unless accompanied by sufficient 72 GUNS CLASSIFIEDS postage. PAYMENT will be made at rates current at time of publi- cation and will cover reproduction in any or all GUNS Magazine 72 CUSTOM CORNER editions. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on request. Reproduc- tion or use of any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. Title to this 74 NEW PRODUCTS publication passes to subscriber only on delivery to his address. ANDREW ORAM The opinions and recommendations expressed by individual au- thors within this magazine are not necessarily those of Publishers’ 76 GUN OF THE MONTH Development Corporation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GUNS Magazine®, ATTN: Circulation Dept., 12345 World Trade 80 ADVERTISER INDEX Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. Copyright © 2011 by Publishers’ De- velopment Corporation. 4 WWW.GUNSMAGAZINE.COM • SEPTEMBER 2011 40 ON THE COVER CZ 75 B 9MM 36 FEATURES MAGIC BULLET Dynamic Research Technologies’ 36 intriguing bullet. hOLT BOdINSON EyE CATChER The CZ 75 B 9mm performs 40 as good as it looks. dAvE ANdERSON RETURN Of ThE ShORTy .45-70 48 Winchester’s Model 1886 short rifle. MIkE “dUkE” vENTURINO ACCURATE hUNTING hANdLOAdS 52 Five myths you should “unlearn.” JOhN BARSNESS GAME GETTER Ruger Mark III Hunter fills the pot. 58 MIkE CUMPSTON NEW ONLINE EXTRAS ONLy AT WWW.GUNSMAGAZINE.COM SEE WHAT YOu’RE MI IN SSING THE 2012 GUNS ANNUAL! 48 MULE dEER RIfLES A LOGICAL APPROACH RIChARd MANN Go to: www.gunsmagazine.com/productindex for complete prod- uct info and manufacturer’s links for products featured in FMG magazines! WARNING: FIREARMS ARE DANGEROUS AND IF USED IMPROPERLY MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. DUE TO THE INHERENT VARIABLES IN THE RELOADING OF AMMUNITION, BE SURE TO VERIFY ANY PUBLISHED LOADS WITH MANUFACTURER’S DATA. PRODUCTS MENTIONED OR ADVERTISED MAY NOT BE LEGAL IN ALL STATES OR JURISDICTIONS. OBEY ALL FIREARMS LAWS. ALWAYS CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL GUNSMITH WHEN MODIFYING ANY FIREARM. BE A SAFE SHOOTER! WWW.GUNSMAGAZINE.COM 5 THE FINEST IN THE FIREARMS FIELD SINCE 1955 CRO fIRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas von Rosen, CEO; LETTERS TO GUNS Thomas Hollander, Randy Moldé, Marjorie Young PUBLISHER Roy Huntington GUNS Magazine® welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit all published letters for clarity and length. Due Editor Jeff John to the volume of mail, we are unable to individually answer your letters or e-mail. In sending a letter to GUNS Magazine, Managing Editorial Assistant Stephanie Jarrell you agree to provide Publisher’s Development Corp. such copyright as is required for publishing and redistributing the Editorial Assistant Micole Aronowitz contents of your letter in any format. Send your letters to Crossfire, GUNS Magazine, 12345 World Trade Dr., San Diego, Art Director/Staff Photographer CA 92128; www.gunsmagazine.com; e-mail: [email protected] Joseph R. Novelozo Art Assistant Jennifer Lewis Advertising Sales Director Anita Carson No BodyArmor column). I have been saying the same Advertising Sales Assistant Dana Hatfield How can you call yourselves thing for years about long-range Production Manager Linda Peterson Website Manager Lorinda Massey responsible when you allow advertising hunting. I own a gun shop in western Promotions Coordinator Elizabeth O’Neill of body armor that can stop a .44 New Mexico I have used the same CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Magnum? argument for the distance an animal John Taffin, Holt Bodinson, Dave Anderson, Even the few homeowner good guys can move between the decision to pull Clint Smith, Massad Ayoob, who buy them won’t have time to put the trigger and the bullet arriving at the Mike “Duke” Venturino the thing on and then reach for their target. Some get it and some are just too FIELD EDITORS Sam Fadala, David Codrea, John Morrison, firearm when they need protection. enamored of what they’ve seen on the Glen Zediker, John Sheehan, Jacob The only persons who will benefit from “hunting” shows on TV. It can get very Gottfredson, Mike Cumpston, John Barsness, owning such armor are the Goblins and frustrating. I do encourage practice at Dave Douglas house invaders. They will buy them by the longest range they are capable of the crate-load. for follow up shots but an initial shot is Yours is far from the only magazine encouraged at no more than 300 yards FMG PUBLICATIONS to advertise these products. There ought or less, mostly less. be a law preventing this body armor I often get questions about how far shootingindustry.com from being sold to non-police—you and can this or that rifle kill an elk, deer, etc., Publisher & Editor: Russ Thurman others are ultimately gonna cause great and have come up with my own answer: Advertising: Delano Amaguin, 888.732.6461 harm and no good at all. Go down to the dollar store and buy email: [email protected] For once I stand with the some paper plates of the diameter to americancopmagazine.com “banners”—here’s something that match the kill zone of the animal in Editor: Suzi Huntington needs banning. What can you possibly question, 6" for deer, 8" for elk. At Advertising: Delano Amaguin, 800.426.4470 be thinking except an advertising buck. whatever range you can put five rounds email: [email protected] Sheesh! into a plate, offhand, that is your range. americanhandgunner.com John Vasse It is an individual limit as the cartridge/ Publisher & Editor: Roy Huntington Advertising: Steve Evatt, 800.533.7988 via e-mail rifle can be effective far beyond any email: [email protected] Citizens—as well as professionals— sensible range. have a right to be properly equipped to David W. Loeffler gunsmagazine.com Editor: Jeff John protect their families. If the purchase via e-mail Advertising: Andrew Oram, 866.903.1199 of soft body armor is a part of a email: [email protected] homeowner's plan for self-protection, we vA donations believe they have a right to make that I read with interest the letter from fmgpublications.com personal decision.—Editor Dale Cheuvront regarding donations of Editor: Sammy Reese Advertising: Scott McGregor, 800.553.7780 magazines and books to VA hospitals, so email: [email protected] kudos I thought I’d donate my old magazines.
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