National Awards First-Year Announced. Arrowman Program. Camping and ser- O-Shot-Caw shares vice awards and its innovative pro- scholarships gram to retain announced for the members. year 2000. see page 5 see pages 2 & 3 New OA High Leaderthink. Read Adventure Patch. about team Recognition avail- building in times able to Arrowmen of transition. who attend Voyage see page 4 and Trail Crew. see page 6 Order of the Arrow Boy Scouts of America Volume LIII, Issue 2 www.oa-bsa.org Scouting’s National Honor Society June 2001 - August 2001 Report to the Nation Inspires Servant Leadership Cunningham with Roy L. Williams, Cunningham and Speaker of the Chief Scout Executive. House, Dennis Hastert. by Andy Zahn Secretary of State Colin Powell, Speaker of the House Dennis National Chief Don Report to the Nation delegates meet with Secretary of State, Colin Hastert and CIA Director George Powell. Cunningham was one of eight J. Tenet, as well as the sergeant youth selected to travel with a country. This year was certainly and—most importantly—the suc- major of the Army and the clerk 15-member delegation to deliver no exception for this rich histori- cess of our Service to America of the Supreme Court. the BSA's 2000 Report to the cal event. program's 214 million hours of Reflecting on his visit to the Nation this past March. The del- Witnessed by several govern- community service during the capital, Cunningham said he egation represented the Cub ment leaders, Cunningham pre- past three years. “gained a new appreciation for Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing sented the 2000 Report to the The delegation toured the democracy and public service. programs of the BSA. Nation to President George W. nation's capital, including The opportunity to meet the Dating back 89 years to Bush in the Oval Office of the NASA's Goddard Space Center, nation's leading officials who President William Howard Taft's White House. The report high- the Pentagon, the CIA headquar- epitomize servant leadership was administration, the Report to the lighted the BSA's five million ters, the Supreme Court build- truly enlightening and awe- Nation is an opportunity for registered youth, the history of ing, the White House and the inspiring. It is not every day, or leaders of the Scouting organiza- 100 million registered youth Capitol including rotunda. even every lifetime, that a young tion to report the successes of since 1910, the 1.7 million adult The delegation also met with man comes face-to-face with his the program to the leaders of the volunteers registered today other leaders, including personal heroes.” Order to Invade OA: Taking Scouts to the Indiana in 2002 Next by Matt Prom Level The 2002 National Order of the Arrow Conference is just around by G. W. Zuban the corner. It is scheduled for July 27 through August 1, 2002, at The 2001 National Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Scout Jamboree this sum- NOAC is a national event for all Arrowmen. Each day, Arrowmen mer will feature a show that have the opportunity to receive some of the best training, encounter is unparalleled in the Scouting world--Scoutopia. As the sequel to the high- new adventures, attend Scouting extravaganzas and see amazing ly acclaimed Odyssey of the Law production of the 1997 National Scout evening shows. It offers a great chance to meet other Arrowmen from Jamboree, this summer's Scoutopia will be a must-see. around the country, attend and participate in American Indian events Scoutopia is a place where every Scout wants to be. It embodies the and see some memorable museum displays. true meaning of the Scout Oath and can be accessed only by those who This is one of the best OA events imaginable! Pay attention to believe in duty to self, to others and to God and country. There is no other future issues of the National Bulletin and news from your lodge for place a Scout should want to be. There will be a long line for admittance more information on NOAC 2002. See Scoutopia, page 4. Training Sun & Fun, page 2 Arrowman Service Award, page 4 Burning Issues, page 6 Idea Corner, page 3 Service to America, page 5 Around the Nation, page 4 National Notes, page 6 Leaderthink, page 4 Where Are They Now? page 5 2000 E. Urner Goodman Camping Awards by Lee Thackston The E. Urner Goodman Camping Award was established as a tribute and testi- monial to the Order's founder. Its purpose is to encourage and challenge OA mem- bers and lodges to increase their effectiveness in promoting and increasing Scout camping in their region. Awards are presented annually to two outstanding lodges in each region. The lodges being recognized for their accomplishments in 2000 are the following: Northeast Region Western Region National Vice Chief Scott Hunter. Amangamek Wipit Lodge Awaxaawe' Awachia Lodge National Capital Area Council Trapper Trails Council Dearest brothers, Bethesda, Maryland Ogden, Utah Words and actions can—and do—make a Paugassett Lodge Lo La'Qam Geela Lodge difference. Housatonic Council Crater Lake Council Though the majority of my Scouting memories Derby, Connecticut Central Point, Oregon have been positive, there still have been times when my beliefs were challenged. While these situations Southern Region Central Region may have tested me at times, I later found in them the Nawakwa Lodge Kit-Ke-Hak-O-Kut Lodge inspiration and motivation to forge ahead in Scouting Robert E. Lee Council Mid-America Council Richmond, Virginia Omaha, Nebraska and life. Having endured those challenges and having served you these first few months of my term, I can Colonneh Lodge Migisi Opawgan Lodge reflect on those moments and smile. Sam Houston Area Council Detroit Area Council My brothers, I am certain that you, too, have had Houston, Texas Detroit, Michigan to deal with difficult things. You may have been chal- lenged like I was, but I hope that you, too, saw the fire burning brightly ahead and took the next step. 2000 National Service Award In January, I had the opportunity to see the future of the Order at the first National Leadership Seminar by Jason Laney of 2001, and I was able to work with established lead- The National Service Award was established in 1999 to recognize Order of the ers of our organization. Witnessing these people in Arrow lodges that have performed outstanding service to their council. The award was action filled me with hope. I realized that the power proposed by former national Vice Chief Ryan Miske and developed by the OA Awards and strength of this organization will never cease; it and Recognition Committee. Awards are presented to two outstanding lodges in each will only grow stronger and brighter, as the council region annually. fire did when Kitchkinet led you closer to it. The lodges being recognized for their accomplishments in 2000 are the following: With Jamboree, Northern Tier Voyage and Northeast Region Southern Region Philmont Trail Crew adventures drawing near, I look Passaconaway Lodge Akela Wahinapay Lodge forward to the summer and to continuing interaction Daniel Webster Council Caddo Area Council with you. Until then, I will continue to cherish each Manchester, New Hampshire Texarkana, Texas moment that I can make the Order better, relish each Gyantwachia Lodge Tipisa Lodge opportunity to inspire a new member and value my Chief Cornplanter Council Central Florida Council time as a member of this fine organization. Warren, Pennsylvania Orlando, Florida Thank you for allowing me to be your Kitchkinet. Central Region Western Region Always yours in WWW, Awase Lodge Wipala Wiki Lodge Bay Lakes Council Grand Canyon Council Menasha, Wisconsin Phoenix, Arizona Scott Hunter Nischa Chuppecat Lodge Malibu Lodge Hoosier Trails Council Western Los Angeles County Council National Vice Chief Bloomington, Indiana Van Nuys, California Training Sun & Fun: Seabase Hosts NLS Trainers by Brian Herren participants a mem- Below pictured from left to right are Central Region orable time of fel- Chief Dominique Baker, Western Region Chief Jeff The nation's top trainers came together for lowship with their Gana, National Vice Chief Scott Hunter, National Chief an all-out training weekend this past January at brothers from Don Cunningham, Northeast Region Chief Patrick Boyd and Southern Region Chief Jason Kemp. the BSA Florida National High Adventure Sea across the nation. Base. National Leadership Seminar staff mem- During their free time, participants got to bers arrived from all four regions to be trained enjoy the weather of the Florida Keys and to conduct the NLS in their region. take part in some of the experiences the Some of the staff members for this train- Florida Sea Base has to offer. Some of the the-trainer conference included past and pre- participants went fishing, while others went sent national officers and other national com- snorkeling or took a boat tour of the Keys. mittee members. National Chief Don The National Leadership Seminar is open Cunningham and Vice Chief Scott Hunter, to all Arrowmen. If you are interested in along with train-the-trainer lead adviser Clint attending an NLS in your region, contact your Takeshita, coordinated this training weekend. lodge chief for information. The NLS staffs The training allowed participants to share are looking forward to a great year of training and gather new and different ideas for the our brothers in the Order. National Leadership Seminar. It also gave the www.oa-bsa.org 2 Scouting’s National Honor Society E. Urner Goodman Josh R. Sain Scholarship Recipients Memorial by Nathan Finnin Scholarship The E. Urner Goodman Scholarship was established as a meaningful, living by Brad Goodwin memorial to the founder of the Order of the Arrow.
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