April 18, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3775 I may have agreed with it. I may Dorgan/Durbin amendment No. 399, to pro- PROHIBITION ON TERMINATION OF EXISTING have disagreed. I did not want to see us hibit the continuation of the independent JOINT-SERVICE MULTIYEAR PRO- counsel investigation of Henry Cisneros past CUREMENT CONTRACT FOR C/KC- making the Senate into some kind of a 130J AIRCRAFT June 1, 2005 and request an accounting of supreme court that would overturn any SEC. 1122. No funds appropriated or other- costs from GAO. wise made available by this Act, or any decision we didn’t like. On the way out, Reid amendment No. 445, to achieve an ac- other Act, may be obligated or expended to the third Senator came up to Lowell celeration and expansion of efforts to recon- terminate the joint service multiyear pro- Weicker and myself and linked his arm struct and rehabilitate Iraq and to reduce curement contract for C/KC-130J aircraft in ours, and he said: We are the only the future risks to United States Armed that is in effect on the date of the enactment Forces personnel and future costs to United true conservatives on this floor be- of this Act. cause we want to protect the Constitu- States taxpayers, by ensuring that the peo- AMENDMENT NO. 418, AS MODIFIED tion and not make these changes. ple of Iraq and other nations do their fair Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I I turned to him and I said: Senator share to secure and rebuild Iraq. send a modification to the desk and I Goldwater, you are absolutely right. Frist (for Chambliss/Kyl) amendment No. 432, to simplify the process for admitting ask unanimous consent that Senator I was glad Barry Goldwater, Lowell temporary alien agricultural workers under ALLEN be added as a cosponsor. Weicker, and I stood up for the Con- section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a) of the Immigration The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without stitution, stood up for the independ- and Nationality Act, to increase access to objection, it is so ordered. ence of the Federal judiciary. It prob- such workers. The amendment is so modified. ably was unpopular to do so, but I Frist (for Craig/Kennedy) modified amend- The amendment, as modified, is as think Senator Goldwater, Senator ment No. 375, to provide for the adjustment of status of certain foreign agricultural follows: Weicker, and I all agreed it was the On page 169, between lines 8 and 9, insert workers, to amend the Immigration and Na- right thing to do. the following: I yield the floor and suggest the ab- tionality Act to reform the H–2A worker pro- gram under that Act, to provide a stable, PROHIBITION ON TERMINATION OF EXISTING sence of a quorum. legal agricultural workforce, to extend basic JOINT-SERVICE MULTIYEAR PROCUREMENT The PRESIDING OFFICER. The legal protections and better working condi- CONTRACT FOR C/KC-130J AIRCRAFT clerk will call the roll. tions to more workers. SEC. 1122. During fiscal year 2005, no funds The legislative clerk proceeded to DeWine amendment No. 340, to increase may be obligated or expended to terminate call the roll. the period of continued TRICARE coverage the joint service multiyear procurement con- Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I ask of children of members of the uniformed tract for C/KC-130J aircraft that is in effect unanimous consent that the order for services who die while serving on active duty on the date of the enactment of this Act. the quorum call be rescinded. for a period of more than 30 days. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DeWine amendment No. 342, to appropriate amendment will prohibit any fiscal $10,000,000 to provide assistance to Haiti objection, it is so ordered. year 2005 funds from being used to ter- using Child Survival and Health Programs minate the C–130J multi-year procure- f funds, $21,000,000 to provide assistance to Haiti using Economic Support Fund funds, ment contract. CONCLUSION OF MORNING and $10,000,000 to provide assistance to Haiti In hearings before this body over the BUSINESS using International Narcotics Control and past several weeks Department of De- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Law Enforcement funds, to be designated as fense personnel have admitted that business is closed. an emergency requirement. when they made the decision to termi- Schumer amendment No. 451, to lower the nate this contract in December of last f burden of gasoline prices on the economy of year that they did not have all the in- the United States and circumvent the efforts formation needed to make that deci- EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL of OPEC to reap windfall oil profits. APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2005 sion. Since PBD 753 was drafted in De- Reid (for Reed/Chafee) amendment No. 452, cember 2004, we have learned that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under to provide for the adjustment of status of cost to terminate this contract is ap- the previous order, the hour of 2 p.m. certain nationals of Liberia to that of lawful permanent residence. proximately $1.6 billion. having arrived, the Senate will resume Also over the past several months we AMENDMENT NO. 418 consideration of H.R. 1268, which the have seen the C–130J, KC–130J, as well clerk will report. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- as C–130s operated by our coalition The assistant legislative clerk read ator from Georgia. partners in Iraq perform superbly as follows: Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I throughout USCENTCOM. To date, C– A bill (H.R. 1268) making emergency sup- ask unanimous consent that the pend- 130Js in Iraq have flown over 400 mis- plemental appropriations for the fiscal year ing amendment be set aside be in order sions, with a mission capable rate of 93 ending September 30, 2005, to establish and that I may offer an amendment. percent and have performed all as- rapidly implement regulations for State The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without driver’s license and identification document signed missions successfully. KC–130Js security standards, to prevent terrorists objection, it is so ordered. have flown 789 hours in Iraq with mis- from abusing the asylum laws of the United Mr. CHAMBLISS. I call up amend- sion capable rates in excess of 95 per- States, to unify terrorism-related grounds ment No. 418. cent. Nevertheless, the Department of for inadmissibility and removal, to ensure The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Defense has not yet submitted the expeditious construction of the San Diego clerk will report. amended budget request for this pro- border fence, and for other purposes. The assistant legislative clerk read gram that they discussed during hear- Pending: as follows: ings. That is why this amendment is Mikulski amendment No. 387, to revise cer- The Senator from Georgia [Mr. necessary. tain requirements for H–2B employers and CHAMBLISS], for himself, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. I am introducing this amendment to require submission of information regarding PRYOR, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. LUGAR, Mrs. DOLE, make sure that this program, which is H–2B nonimmigrants. Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. BAYH, Mr. REED, Mr. performing extremely well and which Feinstein amendment No. 395, to express CHAFEE, and Mr. BYRD, proposes an amend- meets validated Air Force and Marine the sense of the Senate that the text of the ment numbered 418. REAL ID Act of 2005 should not be included Corps requirements, is not prematurely in the conference report. Mr. CHAMBLISS. I ask unanimous cancelled and that the Department of Bayh amendment No. 406, to protect the fi- consent that reading of the amendment Defense follows through with their nancial condition of members of the reserve be dispensed with. commitment to complete the multi- components of the Armed Forces who are or- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without year procurement contract. dered to long-term active duty in support of objection, it is so ordered. There are some issues with the cur- a contingency operation. The amendment is as follows: rent contract being a commercial con- Durbin amendment No. 427, to require re- tract versus a traditional military con- ports on Iraqi security services. (Purpose: To prohibit the termination of the Salazar amendment No. 351, to express the existing joint-service multiyear procure- tract. My colleague, Senator MCCAIN, sense of the Senate that the earned income ment contract for C/KC-130J aircraft) and I agree that a traditional contract tax credit provides critical support to many On page 169, between lines 8 and 9, insert is more appropriate in this case and ap- military and civilian families. the following: plaud the Air Force’s decision to begin VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:20 Dec 28, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\S18AP5.REC S18AP5 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S3776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 18, 2005 transitioning the program in that di- Idaho, there would be an ability for it easier for the farmer to demonstrate rection. However, I think we can all people not in the United States but that there are not American workers agree, that regardless of how these who would like to come here to claim available to do the jobs. We make it planes are procured, that the United they worked in the country illegally, easier, cheaper, faster, but with protec- States military needs them and they and that would give them an ability to tions for the employees. are demonstrating their value to the come here and apply for this same sta- I think all of that is why the Amer- warfighter, and to the taxpayer today. tus.
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