For SOUTHERN REGIONAL POWER COMMITTEE BENGALURU Minutes of the 42ndMeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee of SRPC held at Bengaluru on 22.10.2019. 1. Introduction 1.1 The 42nd Meeting of the Commercial Sub-Committee of SRPC was held on 22nd October 2019 in the Conference Hall of SRPC. There was no representation from APTRANSCO and TSTRANSCO. The list of participants is at ANNEXURE-I. 1.2 Member Secretary, SRPC welcomed all the members and participants to the 42ndmeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee. He mentioned the following: i. CERC had invited comments from the stakeholders on the provisions of Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Revenue Derived from Utilization of Transmission Assets for Other business) Regulations, 2019. The constituents may furnish their comment to CERC. ii. CERC had extended the Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) pilot for the period up to the March 2020. The revised procedure for pilot on SCED for Inter State Generating Stations came into effect from 1st October 2019. iii. SRPC Secretariat had submitted suggestion on the proposed framework for Real- Time Market for Electricity to CERC. Then same is put up for information of the Members. iv. CEA had published “Marketing Monitoring Report” for the month of April 2019 and the same is available on CEA web site. v. In the Special meeting held on 29th September 2019, possible solutions for Reserve Shut Down issues were finalized and the same would be furnished to CERC for consideration. He observed that lot of correspondence between NPCIL/KKNPP and beneficiaries with a copy to MS.SRPC were being taking place on the issue of long pending payments. SRPC had taken up the issues with the utilities requesting them to expedite the payments. NLCIL/ NTPL also reported about the outstanding payments. He requested all the Utilities to clear the pending dues without further delay. 1.3 Superintending Engineer (commercial), SRPC taken up the agenda for discussion. 2. Confirmation of the Minutes of 41stMeeting of Commercial Sub- Committee Minutes of the 41st Meeting of the Commercial Sub-Committee of SRPC held on 20th June 2019 was circulated vide letter No. SRPC/SE-I/41 CC/2019/4510-48 dated 17th July 2019. The Minutes of the 41st meeting were confirmed. 3. Audit of SR Deviation& Reactive Energy Charge Pool Accounts In line with Para 15 of Annexure-I to the CERC (IEGC) Regulations, 2010 (Complementary Commercial Mechanism), RLDC shall place the complete statement of the Regional UI account and the Regional Reactive Energy pool account and congestion charges account before RPC’s Commercial Committee Meeting on a quarterly basis, for audit. SRLDC vide letter SRLDC/MO/CCM-42/dated26thSeptember 2019 (ANNEXURE-II) had furnished details of payment and disbursement of weekly Deviation and Reactive Energy charges for the period from 22.04.2019 to 25.08.2019. The Accounts were audited and approved. 4. Items Proposed by SRLDC SRLDC vide letter dated SRLDC/MO/CCM-42/dated26thSeptember 2019 (refer ANNEXURE-II) had proposed the following items for discussion: (i). Reconciliation of DSM, RRAS, Reactive and Congestion charges. (ii). Status of outstanding charges to the pool accounts. (iii). Reconciliation of Short Term Open Access (STOA) disbursements. Deliberation in the Meeting: 4..1 Reconciliation of DSM, RRAS, Reactive and Congestion charges. SRLDC informed that Regional Entity-wise details of Deviation, RRAS, Reactive and Congestion pool payment/receipt had been sent to the pool members on a monthly basis for the period from April 2019 to July 2019 for reconciliation. Status of Receipt of signed reconciliation statement had enclosed at Annexure IV. All other pool members who were yet to reconcile were requested to verify the statements and send a signed copy to SRLDC for records, enabling them to comply with audit observations. 4.2 Status of outstanding charges to the pool accounts SRLDC informed that the outstanding payments to DSM pool account as on 20.09.2019 on account of interest payable due to delayed weekly charges as follows:. Sl. No. Utility Interest payable (Rs.) 1 ACME BHIWADI NPKUNTA 912 2 ACME HISSAR NPKUNTA 2503 3 ACME KARNAL NPKUNTA 1360 4 AP 5493 5 AZURE NPKUNTA 3159 6 COASTAL ENERGEN 97930 7 FRV II NPKUNTA 11021 8 FRV NPKUNTA 21461 9 LANCO ST-III 1157 10 MEL PH2 132232 11 MEL 449 12 MYTRAH TUTICORIN 24288 13 NTPL 208 14 SEL 24941 15 TELANGANA 5533 TOTAL 332647 Minutes of the42ndMeeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 22.10.2019 2/20 SRLDC furnished the Outstanding Weekly payments to DSM pool account as on 20.09.19 as below: Due to be paid to S.NO. Regional Entity pool (Rs.) 1 LANCO ST-II 3360319 2 ACME HISSAR NPKUNTA 212470 3 ACME KARNAL NPKUNTA 375042 4 AZURE NPKUNTA 1396691 5 COASTAL ENERGEN 3573214 6 FRV II NPKUNTA 2279110 7 FRV NPKUNTA 2007905 8 MEL 14708638 9 MEL PH2 7465157 10 SEL 2740431 TOTAL 38118977 SRLDC stated that if any regional entity fails to make payment of charges for deviation including additional charges for deviation by the time specified in the DSM Regulations during the current financial year, it shall be required to open a letter of credit (LC) equal to 110% of weekly outstanding liability in favour of respective Regional Load Despatch Centre within a fortnight from the due date of payment. None of the above entities had complied with the provision of DSM Regulation. The Commercial Sub-Committee suggested that SRLDC may take up with the above mentioned entities for compliance of the provision of DSM Regulation within some reasonable time, failing which SRLDC may take up with CERC. 4.3 Reconciliation of Short Term Open Access (STOA) disbursements SRLDC presented the details of disbursements of CTU, STU & SLDC charges of STOA for the period from May 2019 to August 2019 (refer Annexure-VII of SRLDC letter). The statements for monthly reconciliation are available in SRLDC website in the link http://srldc.org/STUReconciliation.aspx. SRLDC stated that the disbursements made for which no discrepancy was pointed out were treated as reconciled. However, the entities needed to submit the signed copies of the statements for record and statutory audits. 5. Ananthapuramu (NP Kunta) Ultra Mega Solar Park (a) SEM issue The following had noted in the 36th Meeting of SRPC: In the Meetings of Commercial Sub-Committee, it was notedthat SEM readings of all ACME SPDs during night hours were mostly zero. The Commercial Sub-Committee had suggested to swap the non-recording SEMs with the SEMs recording drawal during night hours, so as to ascertain the reason of malfunction. APSPCL and ACME SPDs were requested to mitigate the problem so that precise energy accounting of all SPDs of the park could be carried out. Minutes of the42ndMeeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 22.10.2019 3/20 The discrepancy of the SEM persists and hence the average drawals are being computed to assign drawal values to these SPDs to assess deviation. Subsequently, APSPCL vide letter dated 24.06.2019 (ANNEXURE-III) had requested PGCIL for certification of SEM meters connected at 33 kV feeder and standby meters at 220/33 kV Pooling Sub-Station at NP Kunta Site of Ananthapruamu Ultra Mega Solar Park (1500 MW). The SEM readings of all ACME SPDs and AZURE for 1stSeptember 2019 are furnished at ANNEXURE-IV. The SEM values continued to have the same discrepancy. Hence, to assess deviation, the drawal by these SPDs were computed based on the average drawal. Deliberation in the meeting: a) It was noted that PGCIL vide letter dated 21.10.2019 (ANNEXURE-V) had intimated that SRTS-I do not have any infrastructure/facility for calibration and certification of SEMs. Hence, APSPCL requirement of certification of 0.2 class SEMs may not be possible by POWERGRID. b) APSPCL informed that SEM meters of AZURE started recording during night time after increasing the lighting load. Similar action in other SPDs also would be carried out to address the issue. c) It was observed that the CT ratio adopted needed to be verified. Smaller CT ratio may solve the non-recording issue. The Commercial Sub- Committee advised APSPCL to verify the CT ratio. APSPCL/SPDs may avail the services of Meter testing Laboratories. d) After deliberation, it was agreed that APSPCL would verify the CT ratio of the SEMs with night recording issues / the meters may be tested using NABL accredited mobile laboratory or at any accredited laboratory within one month (before 22nd November 2019). (b) Metering Scheme APSPCL vide e-mail dated 26th September, 201 had requested to approve the Metering Scheme for 1000 MW at NP Kunta Site of Ananthapuramu Ultra Mega Solar Park (1500 MW). SRLDC vide e-mail dated 19.10.2019 had informed that the proposed metering philosophy for SB Energy SPD (250 MW) at NP Kunta solar Park. Accounting of injection for SB Energy would be measured at 220 kV PSS-4 lines 1 &2 at NP Kunta (PGCIL) end. Commercial Sub- Committee approved the Metering Scheme (ANNEXURE-VI) for 1000 MW at NP Kunta. APSPCL/ SPDs shall furnish the details of the installed SEMs in the specified format to SRLDC. 6. Transmission Charges Pertaining to Kudgi STPS The following had been noted in the 41stMeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 20th June 2019: (i). PGCIL had informed that as per the RTAs issued by SRPC during Aug’17 to Minutes of the42ndMeeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 22.10.2019 4/20 Sep’18, bills for an amount of Rs 363 Cr. were raised on NTPC towards the LTA charges for the un-commissioned generation, however, NTPC did not make the payment and hence there was shortfall of Rs 363Crs in recovery by the ISTS Licensees from the PoC Pool.
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