\ -iE\,1 ql; r tt.h-ii .- q..E -r---+F i.l { I t?t - -- --- = I q * f.{r_ :IBE_1 : : E** ! I C q_-Lv t ,Ft u-,t t-- - e { il, t ! ,t I -rA+VUL"IU tA €i- $UNTIV$ER [To.I\- AO :-':.:-.---' 1956 The B.B.C. meet the ATLANTIC "QLIEENS" TNTERNATIoNAL MARINE RADIo co. LTD. were pleased to co-operate with the Cunard Steam-Ship Company and the B.B.C. during the recent successful Television broadcasts from the R.lI.s. "quEE\ ELIZABETH" in Southamptonwater, and n.n.s. "quEEN ltARv" $hile docked at Southampton by providing the stabilised povr.er supplr tbr cameras and associated equipment from their 3 phase motor alter- nators which also supply the requirements of the I'M.R.C' operated radio stations on board. International Marine Radio Co-. Ltd. installed and also operate the radio equipment on mani famous Cunard liners, inclu&ng t'quEEN ELIZABETFT", "QuEEN MARY" and the cruise liner t'stxoNrAt''. ttrvERNIAtt "CARONIAtt. Also the and of the Cr'rnard Canadian fleet, and the "cARINTHIA", latest addition to the fleet which left Liverpool on her maiden Yoyage in June. The Company also maintain the radar and other navigation aids on these vessels, which, in the case of the "qurnN ELIZABETH", includes the first Cdthode Ray Visual Direction Finder to be installed on a Britich Passenger Ship. List of Cunard vessels on which I.M.R'C. are resPonsible for the radio installations: ..CARINTHIA" "QUEEN ELIZABETH" "QUEEN MARY" "iviEDIA" ..CARONIA" ..FRANCONIA'' ..SAXONIA'' ..SCYTHIA" ..IVERNIA'' ..ASCANIA'' INTERNATIONAL MARINE RADIO COMPANY LTD. CIINARD BUILDING LIVERPOOL Tel.: CENtral 886r-z Cables : Intelcomar, Liverpool THE COMMUNICATOR 65 [o the 77@ s"ll.F g ll.ll'F ..'"'f"e:'ittef'r^^nuniUW Speciallg suited for Monitoring Field Tbsfts Eaboralarg y g' r: i n ff }"fi :i,'J#"?: :' Jli,'":: *ffi ".il and are -,'filU)uV excelle-nt electrical characteristics Afal@ robustly constructed for service.in. any cli- -.tn[g]g mate. The"'770R" has continuous AMIFM cover- Xf GNo age from 19 mcls to 165 mcis; the "770U" from rn".d$? tso"mcls to 5fi) mc/s. Both incorporate 6 position .i1d\$\*- turret tuning assemblies of unique design. and giving -<a\CINY[ high reliability."self-contained when operated from A'C' (tGN^ t- - maini and with provision for use on external power-supplies' \\/- Fully descriptive liierature with illustrations and performance curves available on request. Monufoctured by STRATTON & CO. LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 3l THE COMMUNiCATOR so many shirts Check or striped poplin: collar attached, from 49/ ; with trvo collars. irom 56 6. Check taffeta, collar attached. lroni J6 rr. Or striped nylon, collar attached. u.ith sinqle h-ont ind double cuffs at 85 Tlre.e iri ,,rilr e fer'- lrom our stock. Come arrd ciron.e r,,r vorrr.self lrom the very larqe selecriorr :l GievesLIMITEO ESTABLISHED I;1-].i Outftters to the Rolal .\ a:-, 22 THE HARD PORTSMOUTH Telephone: 74388 9 London ' Literpool Bath Edinburgh \ou;:.:'.: Dartmouth Londonderrl Bournenouth iI ilr: Pl2nourh Chatiam Gibraltar .ll,ti:.'t *snuv gaode *a gnd 51,p . c . S. G. BROWN LTD. SHAKESPEARE STREET incorporati ng WATFORD, HER']-S The Submarine Signal Co. Ltd. Tel.:724t THE COMIIIUNICATOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Bronch, Royal Navy SUMMER, I956 VOL. 10. No. 2 CONTENIS page page EDIToRIAL 69 MrolrrnuNraN 87 Aov,qNcrN4rNr 69 Avrntcl lNo Wrsr INDIEs... 94 CrupLe.iN's Mrsslcr 69 Vrsrr or Tsr Ftnsr Sel Lono 97 FoREwoRD gv CnprA.tN ,"u Sro*ot- Aunuun Rnnro 97 Scnool 70 Sponrs ConNsn 98 Tnr Asnrs 70 HoMs SrlrtoN 99 ColrutssroNtNc Fonrc.qsr 71 Flrnr Atn Anu 11 Wn TlrB Orr Oun H.q,'rs To '72 R.N.V.R. Nsws l3 FAR EAST 73 GorNc rHr RouNos rN "MEncunY" l7 E,q.sr INoIrs 79 CovpgrrrroN Cnosswono 121 Ir MIY HELP You ... 81 Pnnrmocss lt Por-rs t23 Vrsrr oE H.R.H. Tnr Ducusss or KeNr... 84 CourruNrcnrtoNs Glznrrg ... t2'7 Sourn Arrlurrc 85 PRoMorIoNs lNo Rrrtnnl.trNts 128 Editor: Lieutenant (C) N. FlwcETT, R"N' Treasurer: Instructor Lieutenant K. O' Bnrcnr, B.sc.' R.N' Art Editor: Commd. P.T. Officer E' J. Mlcrv, *.N. Secretary: Wren Furrrn Editorial Staff: Instructor Lt. Commander R. T. InEroN, n.N. Business, Production and Advertisement Manager: Mr. EDoAR Ssncor4nr, 2 Station Hill, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M'S. "Mercury"' as below. These will be returned to the senders only if asked for, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Subscription Rates for 1956 are as follows: For the whole year 6i- post free For each issue ... Bulk orders from commands, ships or establishmerlts, 2l- per copy' post free' The Magazine is published at Easter, Summer and Christmas. back numbers are obtainable. Some **** Cheques andior postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tne CoMNauNIcAToR' H.M.S. "Mercury", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. gd PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. "MERCURY'' l o\ 6 w&{ hk-l &e d ts rn [] K z e 2. o -l -t F Royal Guard Marchcs Past H.R.FI. 'l'hc Duchess nf Kent THE COM MUNICATOR 69 EDITORIAL CHAPLAINOS MESSAGE I would like to start by thanking everyone who It will be some years before the Chaplain can wrote with suggestions for improving the Magazine. record that the foundation stone of the permanent Ofcourse everyone wanted something different; but Chapel has been laid. Indeed, all that can be said is I hope you will agree when you read this number that eventually there will be a brick building. But that it contains more variety than usual, even though whether there is a tin hut or an architectural gem Headquarters features more than normal. the Church consists ol you and me. Alas, we all too While on the subject of this number, a special lrequently forget that by whatever title men and vote of thanks is due to Captain J. E. Broome for women are known, be it Admiral or Wren, they are his magnificent drawings of the new Phonetic first and foremost human beings and as such have Alphabet, which are being printed for the first time. feelings and respond to atmosphere. Everyone who I would also like to thank the former England and knew the inside of the old St. Gabriel's Chapel will human Sussex Captain, A. E. R. Gilligan, for kindly writing agree that it was a disgrace and because a special article for the Magazine. beings use it something had to be done. A new feature of this number is "We take off our My predecessor, John Scott, who is known to so hats to. ..", which will be found on page 72.The many Communicators, started to put things right. idea is to spotlight any Communicator, boy or girl, The start is always difficult, but in spite of the fact who deserves a special mention. I hope all readers that no authority will spend money on condemned who know ol deserving cases will send them along Nissen huts he somehow succeeded in getting the together with a photograph and briel account ol brick facade put up, which made the Chapel very the episode. different from all the other huts. It was an excellent Make up day for this number was different, beginning. From. this point we took over and persuaded people for after a commission two years and two Captain Gordon-Lennox a lot of of wine months, Instructor Lieutenant-Commander Smart to do a lot of work. It was a matter of "new has left Mercury for the sunnier climes of the Rock. into an old bottle" but contrary to tradition nothing We wish him every good fortune. Readers will, of was lost-we have gained immeasurably. cours€, know that active steps are on hand to When you come back to Mercury don't make improve the drafting cycle of Communicators; but the mistake of not looking inside the Chapel for a I doubt whether you can expect a spell like that in complete transformation has taken place. No Mercury even il you, too, become a member of the individual person is solely responsible because many, editorial staff. Service and Civilian, have made their contribution. Once more we have not been able to print every- A particular "thank you" is due to Mr. Sherwood, thing received and we have taken the liberty ol the architect of Portsmouth and other Cathedrals, deleting numerous greeting and quips about good who is a personal lriend of the Captain's and has rdception on the ether and drafting. Therefore, on given much friendly advice. behalf of countless correspondents Good Luck, The atmosphere really is peacelul and pleasing, Good Listening and a Happy Leave. due to the simplicity of the decorations and furnishings. So, until you read in Tns ColrrrauNlcAToR thai the foundation stone of the permanent Chapel has ADVANCEMENT been iaid, there is, amid the noise and bustle of day Have you read A.F.O. 1522156? This A.F.O. gives to day life, a place set aside worthy of its purpose- details of the revised regulations for examination for where men and women at any time can meet their Leading Rate. The main points are as follows:- God and so find peace and quiet; the strength to (a) Men may voiunteer for course for Leading face difficulties and to give thanks for blessings" Rate as soon as they are rated Signalman or Is there anyone who in their heart of hearts does Telegraphist. not want'to do these things? (b) Men will be permitted to take the final exam- The Chapel was dedicated on 19th February inations for Leading Rate without a course, either at 1956, the first Sunday in Lent, by the Venerable one sitting, or in two or three separate parts in a F.
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