Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.58.6.663 on 1 December 1987. Downloaded from Br Heart J 1987;58:663-4 Combined pericarditis and pneumonia caused by Legionella infection JESPER HASTRUP SVENDSEN, VIGGO J0NSSON, UFFE NIEBUHR From the Department of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Thoracic Surgery, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark SUMMARY During a one year period acute pericarditis was diagnosed in 16 consecutive patients without acute infarction or malignancy. In two of these patients with both pericarditis and pneu- monia Legionella infection was present. One case was caused by Legionella longbeachae and the other by both Legionella longbeachae and Legionellajordanis. When pericarditis is associated with pneumonia Legionella infection should be sought so that effective treatment with erythromycin may be started early. Pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila has tour of the heart was normal. Cross sectional echo- been recognised since 1976.1 Legionella infection cardiography showed a pericardial effusion with an may range from a mild fever with seroconversion to echo free zone measuring 12 mm in diameter. the manifest Legionnaires' disease with severe pneu- The leucocyte count was 12-9 x 109/1 with 71% monia, sepsis, and several extrapulmonary man- neutrophils. After blood had been taken for culture ifestations,23 including both myocarditis4 and he was put on intravenous penicillin (2 million units pericarditis.5 7 four times a day) and netilmicin (150mg three times We describe two cases of severe exudative peri- a day) without effect. Because a weak positive carditis in patients with pneumonia caused by Legionella titre was detected the antibiotic treatment Legionella infection and we emphasise the was changed to intravenous erythromycin (1 g four http://heart.bmj.com/ importance of separating the Legionella pericarditis times a day). Four days later oral rifampicin (300 mg from other causes of acute pericarditis so that treat- three times a day) was added because a low grade ment with erythromycin can be started early. The fever persisted. The patient improved and his tem- two cases were found among 16 pericarditis patients perature became normal. Nineteen days after admitted to our hospital in the past year without admission the chest x ray was normal and echo- acute myocardial infarction or malignant disease. cardiography showed only a minor pericardial effusion. Case reports Blood cultures showed no bacterial growth. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Legionella longbeachae titres were 32 on day 2, 2,000 PATIENT A on day 14, 512 on day 45, and 256 on day 73. A 61 year old man, who had been in good health, was admitted with fever, non-productive cough, and headache. On admission his temperature was PATIENT B 40 0°C. The pulse was regular (84 beats/min) and A 44 year old previously healthy man was admitted the blood pressure was 150/80 mm Hg. A pericardial with acute chest pain. On admission the temperature friction rub was heard. There were no signs of right was normal, blood pressure 110/80mmHg, and the ventricular failure. Repeated chest x ray showed pulse rate was 60 beats/min. A pericardial friction diffuse fine shadowing of the left lower pulmonary rub was heard. No signs of right ventricular failure lobe and small bilateral pleural effusions. The con- was seen. Electrocardiography showed minor ST segment elevations suggesting acute pericarditis. cardiac but no Requests for reprints to Dr Jesper Hastrup Svendsen, Department Chest x ray revealed enlargement of Internal Medicine B, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej, DK-2100 lung shadows. The patient was discharged after a Copenhagen, Denmark. few days without symptoms and without audible Accepted for publication 9 July 1987 friction rub. The cause of the pericarditis was not 663 Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.58.6.663 on 1 December 1987. Downloaded from 664 Svendsen, Jonsson, Niebuhr sought. Six months later he was readmitted with confirmed that pericarditis in their case was of a identical chest discomfort without fever. Again a primary bacteriological origin. pericardial friction rub was heard. White blood cell Three of the four previously described cases of counts were 13-4 x 109/l and the erythrocyte Legionella pericarditis had a fever with a sedimentation rate was 36mm/h. The chest x ray temperature of less than 39-00C.5 6 8 Two had was unchanged without signs of pneumonia. Cross pericardial tamponade.5 7 One of our cases (A) had sectional echocardiography revealed a pericardial high grade fever whereas the temperature was effusion with an echo free zone measuring 5mm normal in the other case. Both our cases had anteriorly and 10mm posteriorly. pulmonary shadowing and pleural effusions. Case B Two weeks later, echocardiography showed that had antibody titres consistent with Legionella the size of the pericardial effusion had increased infection at the time of the acute episodes of considerably and in addition paradoxicafmovement pericarditis. The pattem of the Legionella titres of the interventricular septum was seen. A does not suggest that the patient caught the infection pericardial fenestration improved the condition at the time of fenestration when pulmonary considerably. Sixteen days after the fenestration the infiltrates were present at an early stage of the patient again had left-sided chest pain and his disease. temperature rose to 38-5°C. The chest x ray now Legionella pericarditis should be suspected in cases showed an infiltrate in the left lower pulmonary lobe of combined pericarditis and pneumonia. Prompt and a left pleural effusion. Pulmonary embolism was identification of Legionella will permit early ruled out. The white blood cell count was appropriate treatment with erythromycin and this 10-8 x 109/1 with 76% neutrophils. Treatment with may prevent the development of long standing intravenous ampicillin (1 g four times a day) had no disease that was seen in our patients. effect on fever while oral pivampicillin (700 mg four times a day) reduced his temperature to normal. Culture of blood and pleural fluid showed no bacterial growth. Yersinia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, References cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, adeno virus, and 1 Fraser DW, Tsai TR, Orenstein W, et al. Legion- HIV infection were not found. On day 32 Legionella naires' disease: description of an epidemic of pneu- titres were: L longbeachae 256 and Ljordanis 256 and monia. N Engl J Med 1977;297:1189-97. on day 40: L longbeachae 256 and L jordanis 512. 2 Tsai TF, Finn OR, Plikaytis BD, McCauley W, Martin He was discharged on day 47 free of symptoms, SM, Fraser DW. 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Arch Intern Med 1982;142: patients with associated pneumonia and serological 1234-5. signs of Legionella infection with L longbeachae and 7 Mayock R, Skale B, Kohler RB. Legionella pneumophila Ljordanis. Unlike L pneumophila, these species have pericarditis proved by culture of pericardial fluid. not previously been associated with cardiac disease Am J Med 1983;75:534-6. in Legionella infection. 8 Friedland L, Snydman DR, Weingarden AS, Hedges Unfortunately the pericardial fluid from case B TR, Brown R, Busky M. Ocular and pericardial was not tested for Legionella; however, Maycock et involvement in Legionnaires' disease. Am J Med al cultured Legionella from the pericardial fluid7 and 1984;77:1 105-7..
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