If you want best Test Drive The New STARLET f results .... advertise in the Dungarvan Leader and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork For full particulars of rates, etc. HORNIBROOKS 'Phone 058/41203 REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL of LISMORE : Tel. 058/54147 Vol. 48 No. 2454 FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1986 POST OFFICE AS A NEWSPAPER PRICE 25p (inc. VAT) COUNTY COUNCIL'S REQUEST NOT TO CLOSE LISMORE HOSPITAL Two motions, one In the name while Cllr. McDonnell said It of Cllr. W. McDonnell which re- was clear to him that it was LIONS CLUB SPONSORED quested the Council to write to the Department of Health that failures according to the Asso- the South Eastern Health Board was "pushing and pushing" the CYCLE TOUR ciation is "bleak" and it fore- deploring the proposal that Lls- Health Board in the direction Tihe Dungarvan Lions Club casts that the "six months more District Hospital was In- of closure. figures will, in all probability, cluded In a list of twelve hospi- annual sponsored cycle tour tals to be closed and the other WI:'ll take placte on Sunday next, match if not surpass, 1985's in the name of Cllr. O. Wilkin- April 6, starting from the figures." son requesting the Council to On a more cheerful note, the ask the Minister for Health not Square at 2.30 p.m. to close the hospital In Lismore, The tour route will be theITP A states that the rate of were passed unanimously at a SNOW SHOWERS same as in former years via company failures will ease in special meeting of Waterford Co. Council held In Dungarvan. Cappagih, and Whiteehurch and the latter part of the year then back to 'the finish at the "provided, among other devel- Moving his motion Cllr. Mc- opments, that th'c expected fall Donnell said that the proposal AND COLD WINDS WatcTford Crystal car park. to close the hospital was caus- To add ain air of gaiety and in interest rates takes place and ing great concern in the whole a splash of colour to the event that the rate of inflation stays of West Waterford where there below four per cent." was a population of between SPOILED EASTER the project organisers have de- eight and ten thousand. He said cided, this year, to make fancy Apart from these observa- that the proposal was especially dress optional for participants. tions by the ITPA, the fact that annoying to old people, for many of whom the hospital So we can look forward, per- companies and business con- would be their last home. To WEEK-END haps, to seeing reminders of cerns are being crucified with close it would be a last resort. lihe 'Gay 'Nineties,' the 'Charles- tax demands from the Revenue As usual the religious signi- Commissioners is a factor "We already have had enough ficance of the great feast of ton 'Twenties' and those other problems about education and Easter was stressed by the huge 'Good Old Days' periods as whioh is draining cash flows unemployment in the area crowds that packed the well as other topical or original normally required for repaiirs without having this happen churches everywhere on Good and replacements. Indeed the now," he said. He added that Friday. Easter Saturday night ideas among the participants. when he had personally taken and Sunday morning. It should all make for good fun. tax system is placing such thf matter up with the iC.E.O. The sponsor cards have been intolerable burdens, on small of the Health Board he had All through the week-end the weather proved a spoil-sport distributed and may still be concerns especially, that thtere been assured that the Board cian be little prospect of survival had no immediate plans to with snow showers, rain and obtained by anyone who has close the hospital. "But," said cold winds which at times blew for many unless it is changed. at gale force strength. As a re- Pupils of Abbeyside N-S. who were Confirmed by Bishop Dr. Michael Russell (seated centre) in Abbeyside Church. Also not got one from The Arch, Cllr. McDonnell, "we will have included are Very Rev. Canon Farrell, P.P., Very Rev. Fr. O'Doherty, P.P., Rev. Fr. Ahearne, C.C. and members of the Main Street, Matt Connolly, to keep after them to ensure sult only the hardiest ventured Unless the government chan- that it is not closed at any time out of doors and then they had teaching staff. (Photo: Rory Wyley) Chtemist, Main Street or the ges its tune about taxation In the future." to be well-wrapped up. Trustee Savings Bank, Square. then the sooner they are This, despite the fact that of- NEW HOSPITAL IN The proceeds will be divided ficially, summer time arrived at unhorsed the better for us all DUNGARVAN ;,mong local charities. and for1 -the country in general. 1 a.m. on Sunday morning, cer- So all that's now requited is Cllr. Garry O'Halloran said tainly there were no signs of ~ — —- ... i i - i • « the Health Board faced cut- summer in the weather on Sun- a fine evening and perhaps the ONE IN FOUR backs of £6.5m. this year and day or Monday for although weather man may find it in him the closure of 12 small hospi- In the course of a private there were good sunny inter- to change his tune and arrange tals would, it was stated, save vals. strong bitterly cold winds discussion on the state of the for this after being so unkind over £4m. That move, however, kept temperatures at around country in which we took part had now been averted for this zero level. to us for so long. •last week it was mentioned year at least and In addition Dungarvan Town Dump there was the good news that COMPANY FAILURES that the army of public servants work on the construction of a ROTHMAN RALLY ARE RISING which we have in the country new 100-bed hospital In Dungar- was a legacy left behind bv the van would begin within two The monotony of the holiday week-end was, however, relieved a decision would have to bein g in Ireland is gone." If proof WEB needed to back | Br'tish. when they withdrew. months, as well as on the build- The question as to whether j Mr. O'Flynn went on to say I up the point made here last ing of a new mortuary. by the many sporting events they should accept a short-term \tha t the life of the existing I made soon and he was open to Following further discussion The only difference was that which came to the rescue of the solution or go for a long-term i dump would expire within the any suggestion about alterna- it was then unanimously agreed week thiait the taxation system Cllr. James A. Walsh did not younger folk especially. Posestiv e suitablProbleme sites if any were to adjourns the matter for two the Brits used this to run an alternative In solvinStilg the prob- j nexlt 13 months but the propos- in force at present in the coun- accept that there would be a i auu many Jem of providing an adequate ed extension would add nine or ] available. "Dumping," he added, months and to examine in the empire—we now use it to run a £4m. saving through the In the Dungarvan and many "is now a very expensive busin- meantime possible alternative try is proving a millstone West Waterford and I south town dumo still poses a prob- \te n years to It. If the go-ahead ess and the day of free dump- small 26-county state. closure of twelve hospitals. Tipo. iirpiui the ir\o.lr\ uUractlo• • -n 4ern for Dungarvan Urban Coun- was given for the extension It suitable sites. around the n-ecks of small "The old -people In these pla-cea We were reminded of this was the arrival or the Roth- cil and when the matter came would be most desirable to r>ro- would still have to be taken companies and business con- during the week when we saw man's circuit of Ireland Rally up for discussion at last week's vlde a bund or low embankment cerns it cam's last week-end care of even if they are closed," while Waterford City where the monthly meeting it was agreed to prohibit any possible over- a cartoon which stressed the Ih e said. wiith the announcement that cars had two over-night stops to again defer the matter for flow on to the dumt> when the situation that about one quar- Cllr. Wilkinson said there is was packed to the seams. The a further month. river was in flood or subject to the number of company failures ter of those employed on the never smoke without fire and rally did bring a great Influx Before the meeting was a pro- high tides. while the closure of the Lis- was rising rather than falling. State work in the public ser- of followers and on Saturday posal to extend the existing The Co. Engineer added that more hospital may have been and Sunday it was evident that town dump located at Balllna- the area would also be land- The Irish Trade Protection vice, in the civil service, lbcal staved ofT this year he firmly Association released statistics there was no shortage of money muek while a two-man deputa- scaped and some 820 trees authorities, health boards and believed it Is still "on thea s hotels, pubs, lounge bars tion from the Dungarvan would be planted.
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