58 TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, April 25, 1957 AUTOMOBILES 200» AUTOMOBHJBT 300» AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBFLES MM FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE AUTO REPAIRING 193 AUTO REPAIRING 193 AUTOMOBILES 200» AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 200 FOR SALE ALMOST OPEN DAILY It^^ljlSll!^^^ FOB SALE FOR SALE ACTION AUTOMOTIVE WE'LL TAKE A ANYTHING IN TRADE G-M CLINIC SPRING GENERAL MOTORS AUTHORIZED PARTS ' at BROKAW CHEVROLET Factory Service Methods CHEVROLET * CADILLAC USED CAR PONTIAC * OLDSMOBILE * BUICK SERVICE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS SPECIAL ENGINE OVERHAUL « cvl. ........... $75.50 & cyl. ........... $95.75 V-8'« ......... .$135.50 ALL GENERAL MOTORS CARS CLEARANCE New genuine factory rinj<fr, wrist plna, valve grind, new rod Inserts, ja«ket«, and oil Included. ' BUDGET TERMS LOAN CARS 467 So. Market, Inglewood ORegon 8-7721 ORchard 2-0783 AUTUMUB1J 200 FOR SALE 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air Why take Sport coup*, hard top. Powerglide, radio, heater, whitewalla, chances? Clean Car beautiful blue-ivory finlnh. 51565 1955 PONTIAC Catalina Coupe Corner Hydramatic, radio, heater, whit.ewa.lls, ft ivory finish. Pack Frpnt $1595 Wheel Bearings '50 Chev... $395 1955 PONTIAC Star Chief <£> Club coupr. Radio, new plaatlr REG. $2.50 rover*. A good buy! Fully loaded with'equipment, including hydramatlc. $1495 '50 Ford ... $395 YOUR TRADE is WORTH MORE and YOUR BUSINESS is SPECIAL $ I .77 Custom 8 2-dr. Radio, heater 1955 fORD V-8 2-door * Beautiful Rroen finish, radio, heater, whitewallfl. Perfect me- chanicn.1 condition. $1095 VALUED MORE at BROKAW CHEVROLET! '50 Olds. ..$495 KS deluxe 4-door. Radio and h*-ater. hydramatlc. Very at­ Get our complete tractive. LOW COST SPECIALS 1953 PONTIAC Chieftain BRAKE ''51 Plym. ..$495 "8" deluxe. Hydramatlc. (Mechanics wpecial nocds «\ $595 STATION WAGON Cranbrook 4-d o o r. Radio, littlft work.) heater. 2-tone. Runs and looka SPECIAL extra aharp! Adjust service brakes '50 Chev... $495 1952 PONTIAC Chieftain (YOUR Check parking brake "8" deluxe. Hydramatic, fully equipped, perfect mechanic­ PRICE) 2-door. Radio and heater. ally. BONANZA Check pedal pressure 'Original flnlah. Drive it! Fill master cylinder '5 ( Chrys. $595 1950 CHEVROLET 4-door station wagon ........................ $495 and that's not all Road check Windaor 6 Hub coupe Radio and heater. You will like this one. 1951 OLDSMOBILE "98" Holiday coup* ........................ $445 Regular $1.75 Sport Coupes * Corvettes * Nomads * Del Reys Only $1.00 '52 Jeep . $695 1951 BUICK Special 2-door ............................................ $395 Station wagon: Heater, over­ Wilmington drive. Brand new tires. Extra 1950 PONTIAC 4-door. Hydramatic ............................... $187.33 Motors 412 W. Anah'-im '52 Buick ... $695 BROKAW'S On The Bal! Wllrn. TE. 4-1188 Special hard top coupe. Radio and heater. Dynaflow Black and aharp. Out of State Credit Checked Immediately » AUTOMOBILES 200 And We're DEALING FOB SALE '53 Chev... $895 LOOK FOR TWIN PONTIACS 90-DAY OR 4000 MILE ~TRrT~ 210 4-door. Radio, heater. 6 brand new tlrea. WRITTEN WARRANTY ON OUR GOODWILL USED CARS1 '53 Ford ..; $695 ' SAVE SAVE SAVE 4-door. Mileage maker B with heater. Very original inside & Terms 'S" Ford ... $945 Highest Trade-ins - Lowest LEADER Custom 8 club coupe. Rudlo The House You Can tt heater. Frenh new car trade '53 Chev. .$1095- Trust - Since 1932! Bel Air hard top. Radio and heater. Powergllde two tone, whltcwalls. all original. Check $ 7th to 8th thia fine car. 795 '55 Plym. $1895 Open Sunday & PONTIAC at Saffey Belevedere V-8 hardtop coupe. We're Out for Business and We Want Yours . Radio, heater, power flite, ny­ Every night till 10 lon white walla, driven only "Your Clean Car Headquarters TE. 2-4659 RROO milf-a. Be aure to aee thia near new car. for the Beach Area" See Brokaw * See Brokaw * See Brokaw '55 Buick..$l695 100% Financing 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. - Hermosa Beach Bpe/ttal Riviera hardtop. (On approved credit) '52 Chev... $495 FRontier 4-8987 ORegon 8-5286 BROKAW CHEVROLET Club coupe Walnut '54 Chev... $895 OPKN SUNDAY OPEN 81TNDAY Pacific Coast Highway at 30th Bel Air 4-door. Ra/llo, heater Motors OPKN SUNDAY "OPEN SUNDAY" OPKN SUNDAY Hermosa Beach t FRontier 2-1151 54 Chev. $ 1 095 2084 TORRANCE BLVD BelAlr 2-door at Cravens OPKN SUNDAY OPEN "IINDAV '54 Chev. $ 1 1 95 Downtown Torrance "NOW" QUALITY 4-door atation wagon OPKN SUNDAY OPKN SUNDAY FA. 8-6212 '53 Olds. $895 OPKN SUNDAY OPKN M'NDAY 88 4-door PAY LESS- New 1957 Chevrolet ; . LINGERS ON '53 Cad... $1795 BUY MORE! OPKN SUNDAY OPKN SUNDAY LONG AFTER PRICE Coup* de VIII* Power f We're experts at 55 Olds. !$ 1895 s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g OPEN SUNDAY OPEW 8TNDAY IS FORGOTTEN! Super "8. Hydramatlc, transportation $$$ radio, heater. OPEN NUNDAY. OPEN SUNDAY 1952 CHRYSLER '50 Ford ......*.$5 Down V-S New Yorker 4-donr. With radio, heater. ftuM torque 52 Cad... $1495 '/4-ton pirk-up. Motor Just '1899 Iran*., and power at.e*ftnr Good tire*, body, and *«y MM Hard. top. coup* overhauled. Heater, radio. OPEN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY interior. At a aaorlflce! Power ateering Real clean. $250 Down '50 Chevrolet $649 54 Olds.. $1895 2-door deluxe. Radio, OPEN SUNDAY OPKNSUNDAY >heater. Real clean. $12.48 Per Week 98 Holiday, Hydramatlc '56 radio, heater. Ford '55 Nash '49 Pontiac 1953 PONTIAC Victoria. Heater. radio, OPEN SUNDAY Includes OPEN SUNDAY "8" Chieftain deluxe 4-door with radio. hewter. hyxlramettc, 53 Jaguar $11 95 power atfterJnff. Fordoma- Rambler rustorn c r o * 2hl«!fUtn* deluxe 4-door power »te*.ring. whitewall tire*. «t«. Extra aharp inside « tl<:. Low mileage. 1 owner. country atatlon WHROII. <edan. Radio, heater, a«at out. Auto. Traii_. '50 Radio, heater, hydranmlir, covera. White walla. Ford OPKN SUNDAY * Radio - Heater OPKN SUNDAY white walla. Low mileage. And Lots More to %-ton'/ pick-up. Real nice. $1899 $199 $699 Select From '51 Ford ...:.... $25 dn. OPKN MIIMIAY OPEN SUNDAY Club roupe. Radio, heater, * Beautiful 2-tone ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SEE and overdrive. 1954 FORD nuMoniluie 4-rt.xvr with radio. heater, overdrive and whlt»w«l] Bill Williams '51 OPKN HI M)AY OPEN SUNDAY and Cadillac ........ $995 tn-wv A beautiful 2-tone blue Mid white, kt top notch con­ Coupe De Vllle. Radio. * Accessory Group dition. Jim Tippett li»*flf«>r, and automatic '50 OPKN SUNDAY OPKN SUNDAY Oldsmobile .. $295 (Offer good only 'til May 1st) Special $989 f>8 4-door. radio, heater, and hydramatlc. OPKN SUNDAY OPKN SUNDAY Cecil L '51 Pontiac ........ $345 Low G.M.A.C or Bank 1955 STUDEBAKER 1955 DODGE 4-door Cheiftain. Radio, Commander V-8 hardtop coupe. Radio, "«" Suburban car. Ixvtkn and run* like a n*w «««. JDqulppee heater Terms with radio, heater, aiir^. el<- Priced for Immediate sale' '50 OfKN SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY heater, overdrivt anal whit* walls, exception­ Buick .*........... $375 ally clean. Thomas Super 4-door. Dynaflow. $1689 radio, heater. $1599 and Sons '50 DeSoto ........ $395 Club roupe. Heater, auto­ 1955 PLYMOUTH Cadillac, Oldsmobil* matic traiiemlaalon. V-» Be4<e<ie.re hardtop with radio, heater. Powwflite irana.. whitcwall tl-e*, and other nice feature*. Specially priced for GMC Trucks '51 thi» week! 7th TO 8th ON GAFFET Ford $595 '50 Ford '55 Chev. Club coupe. Radio, healer, V-B rualom 2-rtoor. Radio, Del Ray V-8 power glide, SAN PEDRO Fordornatlc. Real sharp! healer, seat rovera, over­ radio, heater, full leather '51 drive, jet black, white Interior. Ivory and red $1799 TE. 2*4659 Mercury ...... $495 CHEVROLET walU. finish. 2-door. Heater, radio, over­ 1956 FORD drive, 2 to rhooae from. 15600 So. Western $399 $1699 1956 DODGE V-8 4-door. Country aedan, '51 Plymouth .... $295 conomlf al O V K R D R I V E. V-S Custom Royal L*Jir*r hardtop. A be*utifuj S-tone ix>«*. h*at«r. white walla. Thunder- 4-door. Real clean. Gardena DA. 3-0300 white and' black. Local one-owner, low ml leaf* CAT with bird engine, deluxe Interior, '50 Nash ............ $275 Powerflite. radio, heater. *rhit»wall», etc. In immaculate con­ Jet black flniah. Very lo^r dition. Sl>eciaJ sale priced! mileage, clean and perfect flUteaman Super 2-door. OPEN MJNDAY .OPEN SUNDAY OPEN RUMMY OPKN SUNDAY OPEN (U1NIMY throughout. Llf* time guaran­ Overdrive. tee Special thta week only. THE PLACE THERE'S $2429 11996. LIKK Gledhill NO PLACE CALL THE TORRANCE PRESS Fred CREIGHTON By presidential proclamation thin la John Howard Payne SELECT CARS Memorial Day commemorating CHEVROLET 839 8. Pacific Coaiit Hwy. the author of that ever-popu­ BY NOON TUESDAY (1 block *»uth of Torr. Blvd.) Bishop lar antiK, "There's No Pla'-e WILMINGTON MOTORS fUdondo Beach FR. 9-2081 I*tke Home." Rlftht. now many 304 E. Anaheim pereona are checking the dan­ FOR CLASSIFIED SERVICE Dealer 50 FORT) V8. 2-door. over­ dified Ada. jerking room* and Dodge-Plymouth drive, radio and heater, Good AUTO SALES apartments *' rent that are Wilmington TE. 4-3492 .hap., |300 or b«t offer. Pri­ home like and pleaaant. They THAT REALLY PAYS 4I3 W. Anaheim vate party. FR. 8-4203 15525 S. WESTERN will come to Inspect your vn MUST 8EL.L, 'W Ford Fafrlan* North of Redondo Reach Blvd. canrlea. If you dfa.1 FA. 8-2.Hf> 54 OLDS. 'RR Super. 'J-rlooi ne PLYMOUTH '41 4-rtoor aedan nnf| order a. Torrance Preai dan Kxtrim. $13P!S 1709 Clean, run* good. $BO. club coupe private party. FA. 8-2345 FA K-OQgj after * p m Wilminqton______TE. 4-II88 f>A 3-1S17_____ GARDENA FA 1-0939 f'ln>»i>lfled Ad.____________ CMy. PA 6 67in.
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