September 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 17 23393 SENATE—Tuesday, September 30, 2008 (Legislative day of Wednesday, September 17, 2008) The Senate met at 10:01 a.m., on the 2095, the rail safety-Amtrak legisla- package moving forward. So in the expiration of the recess, and was called tion. Cloture was invoked on the mo- coming days, I will continue doing ev- to order by the Acting President pro tion to concur in the House amend- erything possible to see that this dire tempore (Mr. WEBB). ment yesterday, so we will continue to and avoidable financial crisis moves to debate this today during the 30 hours. the best possible outcome and toward a PRAYER There will be no rollcall votes today in future of stability and growth for our The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- view of the Rosh Hashanah holiday, but country. I am going to have a meeting fered the following prayer: we will have votes tomorrow evening within an hour with the Senators I Let us pray. after sundown. We are still working on have just spoken about on the Demo- God of all the worlds that are, re- an agreement to consider the United cratic side. They have extremely good deemer of humanity, govern our Nation States-India nuclear agreement. I am contacts on the Republican side. and world. Lord, may the dawning of quite certain we will finalize that so I wish to say, Mr. President, that I Rosh Hashanah provide all people who there can be a vote on that tomorrow. thought the statement made yesterday believe in You with opportunities to re- Mr. President, on the financial crisis by JUDD GREGG was an extremely good view past mistakes and to resolve to facing our country, the blame game statement. JUDD GREGG is the past make improvements in the days to needs to end and we need to move for- chairman of the Budget Committee and come. ward on doing what is right for our someone both sides respect for his In these tumultuous times, lead our country. Yesterday’s drop on Wall knowledge of finances. So I commend lawmakers. Help them not to second- Street amounted to a loss of more than and applaud Senator GREGG for his guess the destinations to which You a trillion dollars—about $1.2 trillion, to statement. may take us but to focus on doing what be exact. Most of that money doesn’t I am hopeful and I am confident that is right. Keep them from being reluc- come from Wall Street titans but from all sides, House and Senate and White tant to make courageous decisions that the pensions of people who have retired House, will work together to achieve a may take them through valleys before and who have worked for city govern- goal that will be good for the American they see the mountain peaks. May our ment, county government, State gov- people. Senators seek to do what pleases You, ernment, or in some business they f their most important constituent, and worked at for many years, or people to work faithfully to do what is best who have frugally worked during their lifetime to save a few dollars and put it RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY for America. LEADER You are our Lord and Savior. Amen. into a retirement account. These peo- ple are rightfully worried that the se- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- f curity of their golden years will be pore. The Republican leader is recog- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE compromised by what has happened nized. with the irresponsibility in the finan- The Honorable JIM WEBB led the cial sector. So the most important job f Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: we have as Members of Congress is to FINANCIAL CRISIS I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the safeguard the physical and fiscal secu- United States of America, and to the Repub- rity of the American people. Despite Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I lic for which it stands, one nation under God, think the majority leader set precisely indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. yesterday’s setback in the House of Representatives, this continues to be the right tone. I, too, want to reassure f our No. 1 goal. the American people that we intend to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Last night, I spoke with the Presi- pass this legislation this week. We will LEADER dent’s Chief of Staff, Josh Bolten. I pass it on a broad bipartisan basis, talked to him again this morning and both sides cooperating, to prevent this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- spent quite a long time with him on financial crisis from persisting. pore. The majority leader is recog- the telephone. I spoke to Senator The message from the markets yes- nized. OBAMA this morning, who had just terday was clear. The time for finger- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest completed a conversation with Presi- pointing indeed has come to an end. As the absence of a quorum. dent Bush. I mention that not to be a the senior Senator from Tennessee The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- name-dropper but to indicate that we likes to remind us, this is not the time pore. The clerk will call the roll. are working together to try to resolve to fix the blame, this is the time to fix The assistant legislative clerk pro- this important issue. the problem. Those also are the words ceeded to call the roll. Senators BENNETT, CORKER, and of Senator MCCAIN, with whom I spoke Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- GREGG on the Republican side, as well yesterday, who is in exactly the same imous consent that the order for the as Senators DODD, BAUCUS, CONRAD, place as all of us are on a bipartisan quorum call be rescinded. DURBIN, SCHUMER, and JACK REED on basis. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Democratic side, have done an ex- So we will get the job done, we will pore. Without objection, it is so or- ceptionally good bipartisan job to get it done this week, and I think, dered. move the rescue legislation forward hopefully, that will reassure the Amer- f here in the Senate. Their work con- ican people that Congress can rise to tinues as we speak. I will also continue the occasion—act like grownups, if you SCHEDULE to work closely with the minority lead- will—and get the job done for all of our Mr. REID. Mr. President, following er, Senator MCCONNELL, as well as our people. the remarks of myself and Senator counterparts in the House of Rep- I yield the floor. MCCONNELL, we are going to move to resentatives. We are all committed to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- continue on the consideration of H.R. keeping the progress on this rescue pore. The majority leader. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:46 Apr 14, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S30SE8.000 S30SE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 23394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 17 September 30, 2008 TRIBUTE TO SENATORS I would do is go and talk to members of a lot of good things for your State, but PETE DOMENICI that conference and get the votes. I did do not be greedy. Mr. REID. Mr. President, a lot of peo- it very quietly. I did not say a word to That was a real good lesson for me. I ple think they know Senator PETE Senator DOMENICI. I surprised every- have always tried to follow that. Sen- DOMENICI. They know him as a man body. I called for a vote unexpectedly ator DOMENICI has been someone I have who has been a leader in the Senate for and I won. Senator DOMENICI did not worked with on that committee. I did decades on energy issues, and he was say a word to me there publicly. Well, not immediately get on the Energy and the chairman of that committee, and when that was over, we had a little Water Subcommittee. It takes a while on budget issues, and he has been the heart-to-heart talk. He said: We have to get on that. That is one of the most chairman of that committee. He is a to work together. If we are going to sought-after committees you can get man who has been a leader on the Ap- work together on this subcommittee, I on in the Appropriations process. propriations Committee. I have known want to tell you something about how I worked with PETE DOMENICI since the first day I have been in the Senate Senator DOMENICI in that regard, as we do things in the Senate. We do not have the American people, but what I surprise each other. If you had a prob- but on a very close basis from the time I got on that subcommittee. So we think is so interesting about PETE lem with that issue, talk to me. If you worked together on that Energy and DOMENICI is a side that a lot of people have the votes, you do not need to try don’t know about him. Here is a man to embarrass me publicly, you go ahead Water Subcommittee for 22 years. who can talk about Wall Street, he can and do what you need to do. Some of these years PETE was the talk about financial markets, he can I learned a great lesson there.
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