ARKANSAS la TRAVELER UNIVE~SITY OF - A~KANSAS - TOLUME 41 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1946 NUMBER 20 f»olio Epidemic Convocations Announced The Committee on Convocations BowlBidlsAtStake Thursday and Public Lectures announced the Unlikely,U of A following schedule of programs to be presented at the University: t>octors State Dec. 10, 11, 12-A play by the When Razorbacks Meet Tulsa Blackfria rs, in the auditorium of Mrs. Harry Ellis, wife of a Uni­ Old Main. ersity student and a resident of Dec. 14-Arkansas State Philhar­ monic Orchestra, in the field house. InAnnual ThanksgivingGame ·eterans Village, is in the hospital Dec. 16-A joint recital by Miss 1 Little Rock with polio, Dr. Fount .ichardson, University physician, Frances Yeend, soprano, and Mr. That the University of Arkan­ nnounced today. Mrs. Ellis was Walter Castle, baritone, in the field New Orchestra Will NOTICE sas will go to the Cotton Bowl 1oved to Little Rock last week, 1,ouse. in Dallas New Year's day ap• nd her case was diagnosed defi­ Dec. 18-Mixed Chorus recital, in Play First Student There will be no issue of the peared a certainty today when itely as polio Sunday night, Dr. th~ Student Union Ballroom. Traveler this Friday because of it was learned that R ice has '.lchardson stated. -----•----- Dance Tomorrow the Thanksgiving holiday. The accepted a bid to play Tennes­ !}ext edition of the paper will see In the Orange Bowl. A late Campus rumor that a polio epi­ be next Tuesday. emic had started in Veterans Vil- Students To Spealc The Collegians, 12 piece campus Associated Press report quoted 1ge were branded as unfounded by dance band of 1942, has been re­ Coach John Barnhill as sayi ng that Arkansas would play in Ir. Richardson, who stated tllat In State Schools organized and is now back on the -----•----- {rs. Ell!s' case was the only case University campus. The band Dallas January 1, But Coach On UA Anniversary played their opening date Saturday Barnhill's statement for the eported. It is the first case of polio Vet AdministrationI 1 Washington county this year, he night at the Country Club for the T raveler was, " We will accept dded. Observance of tile University's Lambda Chi dinner dance. Gives Deadlines a bid to the Cotton Bowl If It Trumpeter Bill Little from Har­ is offered." At 3 o'clock yester­ No epidemic is expected, Dr. Seventy-Fifth Anniversiay will open r ison, who fronted his own bands in day .,afternoon the official bid .ichardson stated. The Buildings formally during the Christmas vaca• To Get GI Benefits the service, is front man for the nd Grounds department is cooper­ tion with University students ap­ had not been received by the band and also writes the arrange­ ting with the University medical pearing as speakers befor e high (This official information is University athletic department. ments. taff in removing all possibilities school assemblies throughout the prepared by the Veterans Ad­ "We have primarily a sweet The Southwest conference co- ,r the spread of the disease, he state, George Thiel, chairman of a ministration office serving Ar­ band," declared Little. "By sweet, champions will meet the Missouri 3.id. The disease is carried by con- student senate sub-committee on kansas, Kansas, Missouri and I mean we emphasize the melody Valley champions when the Razor­ 1minated sewage and then spread arrangements, announced today. Oklahoma.) more than we do the noise." backs tangle with the Tulsa Hurri­ y insects, the doctor added, and "We hope to sponsor at least one Lawrence Giles, who also had a cane Thursday at Skelly Stadium, 1e Building and Grounds depart- high school assembly, with a stu­ Many of the veterans' benefits local band on the campus, plays Tulsa for their annual Thanksgiv­ 1ent is spraying with DDT to kill dent speaker from tile University, provided by the government must trombone with the orchestra. ing day game. ll insects in the area. in every county in Arkansas during be obtained by the veteran within The Collegians were originally Having been beaten only once the Chirstmas vacation," Thiel stat­ specified time limits. Check over Dr. Richardson and Dean John P . organized in 1941 by Bud Lemke, this year, by Detroit, the Hurricane ed. these "deadlines" now, and save n derson spoke to all tile wives of Jim Bunn and E. W. Brockman. All like the Porkers are interested in Most high schools reconvene af• this column for future reference: etera s Village yesterday after­ three are in the present line-up a New Year's day bowl bid and ter their Chirstmas vacation earlier oon to explain about the disease. with Bunn acting as business man­ Dec. 31, 1946-Last day for alien could use a triumph in Thursday's tllan does the University, and the 11 children in the Village are be- ager. veterans to obtain "quick citizen­ game. student speakers at those schools 1g kept in and kept away from With the event of the Collegians ship" under the Second War Pow­ Rice ran over T.C.U:, 13-0 Satur­ will have ample opportunity to de­ ublic places. Dr. C. W. Mashburn, re-organizing, the University has ers Act. day to retain their tie-lead with liver their addresses and be back on ,ate officer in charge of epidemics, now hit an all-time high for full­ Feb. 1, 1947-Last day to rein­ Arkansas in the conference. 1ld Dr. Richardson that the chil­ the campus by the time classes re­ size campus dance bands with three state lapsed G.I. term insurance Game Is Toss-up ren of the village should be kept open on Jan. 6. orchestras now working on the cam­ policies without a physical exami­ According to the dope sheets tile 1 until the danger of spreading of In some cases, the high school va­ pus, including the Varsity Club and nation. Veterans with service-con­ Arkansas-Tulsa game is predicted 1e disease is past. cations coincide with the vacation the A club. nected disabilities may reinstate as a toss-up with the edge, if any, Dr. Richardson stated that polio at the University. Speakers sched­ The Collegians will play their their policies without physical ex­ going to the Hurricane. Tulsa 1 extremely hard to diagnose in uled to visit those schools will be first campus dance in the Union amination anytime before Dec. 31, boasts a great record with eight ie early stages, that the ltisease granted special permission to delay l;>allroom tomorrow from 3: 30-5 p.m. 1949. wins in nine games this season. oes not usually show up until se - their return to the University until Present line-up of the band in­ One year after discharge-You Greatest single threat in the HUI:: 11 days after the patient contacts after tlley deliver their talks on cludes: Saxes, Bill Saulisberry, Bob may be eligible for treatment of ricane line-up will be Clyde Le­ . "It is difficult to establish a diag­ Jan. 6. Martin, Bill Shook, E. W. Brock­ service-connected dental disabili­ Force, ace back who directs Tulsa's osis until signs of paralysis ap­ The student sub-committee mak­ man and Bud Lemke; Trumpets, ties. Best time to apply is within a "T" formation and has starred in ear," Dr. Richardson stated. ing plans for the student appear­ Bill Little and Hunk Johnson; year after discharge. all of their games this season. He Dr. Richardson advised all the ances befire high schools is com­ Trombone, Lawrence Giles; Piano, Two years from the official end leads the Missouri Valley confer­ 1rents in Veterans Village to keep posed of Thiel as chairman, Jack Jack Decker; Bass, Jack Pearson; of the war-Veterans discharged ence in individual scoring with 65 1eir children inside and to put Holt, Wanda Izell, Mary Ross Mc­ Drums, Dave "the Doctor" Walker before the official end of the war points. Thirty-two of these points 1em to bed if the children show Faddin, Betty Screeton, Rose Ann and Jim Bunn, business manager. may apply for unemployment al­ were made by kicks after touch­ gns of a cold. Jones, Virginia O' eil, Jim McCaul­ Organizations desiring services of lowances during this period.' down, however LeForce accounted ey, Raymond Higgins, Carlyn Clark the band can contact Jim Bunn at Four years from the official end -----•----- for all of his team's points in the and Bob Riley. the Lambda Chi house. of the war - Ex-servicemen and Hurricane's 17-0 victory over the lniversity To Sponsor The committee is now selecting women discharged before the offi­ •----- Baylor Bears in their Saturday the high schools to be visited and cial end of the war may apply for .egislative Institute game a week ago. preparing letters to be sent to tlle Dean Leflar Gives education or job-training under the \t Little Rock In December superintendents and principals of Talk To Lawyers G.I. Bill within this period. Hogs Have Se ries Edge Nine years from the official end the school selected. -r- Arkansas hasn't won over the The Sixth Arkansas Legislative Dean R. A. Leflar of the Law of the war - Any education or Students invited to appear before bowl-happy Hurricane since 1941 1stitute conducted by the Univer­ School, was the principal speaker at training taken under the G.I. Bill, tile various high schools will be sup­ when they ran over Henry Frnka's ty of Arkansas will be held Dec. a meeting of the lawyers of the and any vocational rehabilitation plied with material concerning tile first eleven 27-21 in a surprise up­ ; and 17 at Little Rock, it was an­ Fifth Chancelor District of Arkan­ taken by disabled veterans under University's history and suggested set at Tulsa.
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