N.Z. Veteran and Vintage Motoring

N.Z. Veteran and Vintage Motoring

EADED IBEELS N.Z. VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTORING SEPTEMBER. 1962 "HORSELESS CARRIAGE" In 1893 th e first successful g-asoline powered motorcar in th e Un it ed Sta te s cruise d down th e main st reets of Spri ng-field, Ma ss., a t a s peed of five miles an hour : This car was made by two brothel'S, Cha rles E . and J. F rank Durvea, In 1896 Henry Ford drove his firs t car out of t he m achine sho p in D etroi t. Later, his system of machine-m ad e, interch an geable parts, and assembly lin e pro­ duction, put mo torcars within th e price ran ge of th e man-in-the-street. By the beginning of the 20th century, 8,00 0 mot orcars we re regis tered in th e Uni ted S ta tes. These were pow ered by stea m, ga soline or elect ricity, and even th en th ey did not look mu ch like th e oriuiual "Hurseless Ca r riage." Some of th e law s pa ssed in th e ea rly day s of the motorcar make us chuckle today. Fo r instan ce, on e community ruled th at if a hor se refused to pass a motor ­ ca r th e dri ver of t he ca r must "take th e mach ine apart ... a nd con ceal th e pa rts in the grass." In some plac es motor cars were banned entire ly, and a ngry fa rm ers gua rded the ir lives tock wit h shotguns aga ins t th ese "contraptions of th e devil." It is eas y to see that ea rl y mo toris ts we re ind eed brave pioneers, often r un­ ning ri s ks that would be hard to imag-ine today, for th ey a lso had to co nte nd with th e discomfort of rough roads, op en driving seats and temperamen tal en gines. Times ha ve ch an ged and those first motoring enthus ias ts would be the first to appre cia te th e adv ances made both in ca r and tyre desi gn since the exc ifi ng , s ti mulating days of th e " Horscless Ca rriage." FIRESTONE Tyres since the earliest days of motoring, have set the standard of reliability, economy and safety. Today's motorist, like his father and grandfather before him , looks to Firestone for EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reliability. Bead ed Wheels is th e voice of th e V intage Car M ove me nt in New Z ealand and of th e Clubs w hose efforts are fostering and ever wide ning the int erest in th is m ovement and form rallying points for tha t eve r increas­ ing band of enthusiasts. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from th e flashy m edio crit y of our prese nt day is d rawing an incr easing number of mo torists back to the individua lity, solid worth, and functional elegance that was demand ed by a more discriminating generation and it is to these that we d edicate- BEAR)ED WJfIEELS \TOL. VIII,No. 3 1 SEPTEMBER, 1962 " BEADED WHEELS" DIRECTORY TO THE Beaded Wheels is Published VINTAGE CAR CLUB 'S OFFICERS Quarterly by the VINTA GE CAR CLUB O F N. Z. INC. National Executive: President, R. B. Shan d, Christchurch; 20 HACKTHORNE RO AD Club Captain, L. G. J. Witt e, T eddington; Vice-Clu b CH RISTCHURCH,S.2, NE W ZEALAND . Capt ain and " Beaded Wheels" Edito r, Mollie Andcrson, Yearl y Subscription 10/ - post free. Christchur ch; Hon. Secretary, A. A. Andcrson, Christ­ church; Com mittee , L. B. Sou thward (Wellington) , R. Individu al copies 2/6 each. Porter (Carterton ), H . B. Foster (Christchurch ), N. C. Edit or: Mr s M. J. ANDERSON. Adarns (Auckland) . Assistant Editor: R.PO RTER. All correspondence to Club Secretary, E. A. Bailey, P.O. And ersons Line, Ca rterton. Box 2546, Christchurch. Copy must be typed on one side of paper Auckland Branch: Chairman, H. Robinson ; Secreta ry, G. and sent to the Editor, 20 Hackth orne Wright , 9 Maid stone Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland . Road , Christchurch. Bay of Plenty Branch: Ch airman, L. Coupe, Secretar y, Mr s -*- D. Carnerson, 97 Churchill Road , Taura nga. COpy FOR DECEMBER CLOSES Wanganui Branch:Chai rma n, B. A. Tasker; Secretary, R. NOVEMBER Hth Lee, 47 M t. View Road , Wanganui. IN THIS ISSUE Hawkes Bay Branch: Chai rma n, K. Rieper; Secretary, Mrs Page O.Kilbey, 4 Chilton Road , Napier. Editorial 1 Taranaki Branch: Chairman, N. B. Collins; Secreta ry, K. Humberette 2 Kircher, Box 504, New Plymouth. N.Z. Car to Engl and 3 Manawatu Bran ch: Chairma n, K. V. T ownshend; Secretary , Bentl ey Alpine Rally, 1962 6 D. O 'Neill, 3 lIford Place, PaJmerston North. Otago Motoring in the Early Da ys 8 Wellington Branch: Chai rman, R. I vin; Secretary, J. The H eavy Metal • 13 Elworrhy, 6 Pempsey Street, Silvcrstream, Wellington . Camera Review 16 & 17 Marlborough Bran ch: Ch airman, L. C. Gifford ; Secretary , Looking Back 18 J. D. Finnie, 114 Mu ller Road, Blenh eim. V. & V. Motorcycle Notes 21 Canterbury Bran ch : Chairman, E. J. S. Walker; Secreta ry, Vintage Car Insurance . 24 J. S. P. Palmer, 10 T orq uay Place, Bryndwr, Christ­ Northern Natter 25 church. South Canterbury Not es 26 South Canterbury Branch: Chairma n, G. W. Piddington; Nelson Section Not es 27 Secretary, B. C. Goodman, c/- Post O ffice, Washd yke, Bay Bant er . 27 Timaru, Wanganui Notes . 27 North Otago Branch: Chairma n, R. Murray: Secreta ry, J. Automobile Quarterly • 28 O 'Br ien, 18C R.D., Oamaru. Southland Notes • 28 Otago Branch: Chairma n, R. E. No Oa klcy; Secretar y, P. Canterbury Notes . • 29 M. Sanders, Agnes Street, Dun edin. Manawatu Notes . • 29 Southland Branch: Chairma n, R. Lindsay, Secreta ry, J. Looking Backwards in Motoring • 30 Barn es, 206 Bluff Road, In vercar gill. Classified Advertisements 31 The Veteran and Vintage Car Club (Waikato In c. ): Secre­ tary, Mrs J. Roberts, P.O. Box 924, Hamilton. COVER PICTURE. - 1913 8 H. P. Humbcrette, beautifully restored by EDITORIAL Wangan ui Branch Secretary, Reg Lee. (see article. ) Our thanks to the ma ny contributors who have ( By Cou rtesy Wa nga nui H eral d ) sent a deluge of mail pouring into the Editori al mail­ box and we tru st that you will bear with us if it is some time before your article or photo appears in print. Keep up the good work! 1 PAGE TWO SEPTEMBER, 1962 1913 HUMBERETTE ed and are now splined on to the axles. (By R.P. ) The all tubular chassis ( 1Y2 inch dia­ meter) is mounted on qu arter elliptic leaf Veteran Concourse winner at the Palmer­ springs at rear and a single transverse leaf s~ on North Easter Rally was Reg Lee's trim ~ p r i ng at front. The rack and pinion steering little 8hp. 1913 Humberette. Alth ough in this IS uncomf ort ably high in rat io, th e wheel tak­ instance judged solely on front axle condition, ing only three-quarters of a turn from lock this Wanganui ca r would have been well up to lock. This calls for little arm movement among the finalists had it been judged on but a dea l of bracing and concentration on a general condition. Weighing only abou t six pot-holed gravel road! The ride is sur pris­ hundredw eight and having a V-twin air-cool­ ingly good. ed motorcycle type of engine, it is classed as a cycle-ca r. Rather heavy cast iron 2-ring pistons and the inhere ntly unbalan ced 50' "V" design The Humberett e was produced by th e produ ce plent y of engine vibration, but it Humber M otor Co. Ltd. of Coventry for a pulls really well and with th e light overall brief two years only, just prior to World War weight , will slug up many good hills in top I, so it ca n be regarded as one of the more gear most satisfactorily. The top speed is rare types. Thomas Humber began with the not much over 30 and it cru ises happily manufacture of bicycles in 1867, produ ced his around 25 to give a fuel consumption of 40 first car in 1899 (a 3 hp single, water­ Y2 to the gallon. cooled job ) and mark eted man y good fam ily cars through out the Veteran and Vintage Engine lubricati on is typically early motorcycle. periods. The 1912 Humber motorcycle had a 500 cc side-valve single cylinder engine. For The round end of the cylindr ical tank the cycle-car of 1912/1 4, two of th ese 84 x protrudes through the dash and has two 90 mm cylinders were V-m ounted on a specia l ide ntical filler caps for the th ree ga llons of cra nkcase. True to early Humber tradition petrol and one qu art of oil which the tank the engine run s " backwards", but as the holds in its two com partments. The word s crankha ndle is coupled to an idler gea r be­ " PET RO L" and "OIL" are painted, in large tween the half-speed timing-gear and the whit e lett ers beside each filler- a rep roduction crankshaft, it is cra nked normally, except for of the faded origina l.

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