List of Maps

List of Maps

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LIST OF MAPS OF BOSTON PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1600 AND 1903 COPIES OF WHICH ARE TO BE F'OUND IN THE POSSESSION OF THE CITY OF BOSTON OR OTHER COLLECTORS OF THE SAME REPRINT O:F APPENDIX 1, ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER FEBRlJARY 1, 1903 BOSTON MUNICIPAL PRINTING OFFICE 1903 LIST OF MAPS. A list of maps relating to Boston, subsequent to 1600, copies of ,vhich are in possession of collectors of the same, as indicated in the following enumeration: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (Surveying Division). ASSESSORS' OF:E'ICE. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. CITY llEGISTRAR's OFFICE. SUFFOLK REGISTRY OF DEEDS, BOSTON. NORFOLK REGISTRY OF DEEDS, DEDHAM. MIDDLESEX SOUTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS, CAMBRIDGE. MIDDLESEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS, LOWELL. l\i!IDDLESEX COUNTY COMJ\USSIONERS, CAMBRIDGE. METROPOLITAN vV ATER AND SEWERAGE COMMISSION, SEWERAGE ENGINEERS. MASSACHUSETTS STATE ARCHIVES. lIARBOR AND LAND COMMISSIONERS, BOSTON. UNITED STATES ENGINEERS, RIVER AND HARBOR OFFIUE, BOSTON. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. BOSTON ATHEN.1EU1\I. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, w. r.. LIBRARY OF CoNGREss, WASHINGTON, D. C. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE. HuwARD l\1EMORIAL LIBRARY, NEW ORLEANS, LA. JOHN CARTER BROWN LIBRARY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. LOWELL PUBLIC LIBRARY. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, WORCESTER. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY, BOSTON. ESSEX INSTITUTE, SALE:M, MASS. l\tlASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL ·SOCIETY, BOSTON. NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, BOSTON. PILGRIM SocIETY, PLYMOUTH, lVIAss. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PROVIDENCE, R. I. SAMPSON, lvluRD0CK & Co., BosToN. DR. _JAMES B. AYER, BOSTON. IRWIN C. CROMACK, BOSTON. 4 A. C. FEARING, JR., BOSTON. EDGAR G. FISHER, BOSTON. JOHN W. FARWELL, BOSTON. J. FRANKLIN FULLER, BOSTON. FRANCIS JAMES, SOUTH BOSTON. GEORGE LAMB, CAMBRIDGE. L. FOSTER MORSE, ROXBURY. A. P. SAWYER, LOWELL. DR. J. COLLINS WARREN, BOSTON. 1600-1800 GALLA.TIN, A. HON. Map of the Indian Tribes of North America about 1600, A.D., along the Atlantic, and about 1800, A.D., westwardly. (col.) Size, 15X 16½ inches. In the American Antiquarian Society and Archrelogla Americana Transactions and Collections, Cambridge. 1836, Vol. 2, opp. p. 266. Library of Congres8. Same . • . American Antiquarian Society. 1603-1615 NEW FRANCE. Exhibiting the explorations of Samuel de Champlain in North America. [MS. tracing.] Size, 11 X 9 inches. Sea.le, none. New England Historic Genealogical Society. Same. Heliotype reproduction. Size, 9X11 inches. In Champlain's Voyages. Reproduced by Prince Society. Boston, 1882. Vol. 1. TJiere are also a number of loose copies of same. New Eng land Historic Genealogical Society. 1609 LESO.A.RBOT, MA.ROUS. Nouvelle France, nunc primum deline aut publicauit, donait, Ian Sweline fecit. I. Millot excudit. Size, 6-JX 16-f inches. Scale, (computed) 2.2 deg. lat. to an inch. In Lescarbot (Marcus), Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 11309. Boston Public Library. Same . • 10311.21 A reproduction in Popham Memorial. Portland, 1863. Harvard College Library. Same . American Antiquarian Society. Same . Park 9.55 Faillon's Histolre de la Colonial Francain am Canada. Harvard College Libt·ary. 1610 Nova .Anglia, Nova. Belgium et Virginia. Amsterdam. K 120.8. BritiBh MuBeum. ll,i1iti11il / ·/ / ------- I I ,..- ,; I ,..- ,,/ -- --- \ \ !I --- I ;.:.>'-:--._~'"' J __.,...- --- I ,, 8 __. a ..A- .,,. :: I . ----·\ .J. .J .'// ••, I Zlu Gntr!f-:__ ·-." \ - ) '.,,7 --- ~ I =· / --- IJ •• • J b \ ~ -----"- • I, I ,a. _,. ...- \ . ,,, --- I I /~~ . ' \\ ,._❖ __.. "\ ' ~ •, __....- . ~-: ,,, \ \--.\ , ' , , , • • ' ;,t tha•l'-' I: . \. \ . ·\. ··\• . ....._ /J '- - -, I - \.\ I . \ :':· \•. n \ \ I \ \ \ A New ' \ )._'\ U R lT E Y ,\\ -- l , ~f the llarbo ur oj ,,. ...... \ \ \-- ~-. .. ' ....... Bos 'TON \ \ ' in \ / \ \ \ TEW ENGLAND' .v.,,~ tl,hr.,,,,,.t,i,,,, "'~•·•· ,aI \ \ lnk.:11 at /Jw rr,1/'n~ \ -~ 9Jone ~ (.)rdt[ of thr . f: I f/3-incipa/l Offic<r.r an~ - ~ " . ...rorh'{1sionrr.i o(htrMIC. .,_,_..-=-c..•\-~- 'q.) ' ~· )\ta ., I\ ' '"'-¥7 l ~ t t ___ ,,,_-_____ ...l--~----------=-_,1==--...1,=;_-·~,1.._,' ,J ' _ _..""""_...,js .Hin9han1 ".2':lltl !l ftrst Butbenttc ¢bart of :13oston- barbor. FROM THE FOURTH PART OF THE--ENGLISHIPILOT PUBLISHED IN LONDON, 170,. :. ' . 5 1612 CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. Carte geographique de la Nouvelle Franse faictte par le sieur de Champlain tongois cappitaine ordnaire pour le Roy en la Marine faict l'en 1612. Si~e, 16f X30 inches. Scale (computed) 20 lieuex to an inch. Mounted on cloth, shows south as far as 38th degree of latitude. In Les Voyages du Steur de Champlain xuintongeois capitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la Marine .... a laquelle est adiouste le voyage du distroict qu'ont trouve lea Anglols. A. Paris Chez Jean Beyin, 1613. 4387.11. Harvard College Library.· Same . **G. 353.10 Boston Public Library. Same. Size, 15iX29 inches. Scale (computed) 20.64 lieuex to 1 inch. In Champlain's Voyages, English translation by Prof. Otis. Edited by Rev. E. F. Slafter. Pub. by Prince Society, 1882. 4315.53. Vol. 3. Boston Public Library. Same . .American .Antiquarian Society. H . New England Hi&toric Genealogical Society. Same. Size, 16¾ X30 inches. Scale (computed) 20 lieuex to an inch. Reproduction in Oeuvres de Champlain. By Lavardierre. Quebec, 1870. Publiee sous le patronage de L'Universite Laval.. *** 4412.16. Boston Public Library. Same . 4387.20 Harvard College Library. New England Historic Genealogical Society. LESCARBOT, lfARCUS. Figure de la Terre, N euve, Grande Riviere de Canada, et cotes de L'Ocean en la Nouvelle France. Ian Swelirie fecit, I. Millot, ex­ cudit. :Marcus Lescarbot nunc primum delinaut publicain donauit. Size, 6-r96 X 16½ inches. Scale (computed) 2.1 deg. lat. to an inch. In Tross (Edwin) Reprint of Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1866 .. P. 224: Boston Public Library. San1e. Reduced. Size, 4¼X 10¾ inches. In Jesuit Relations. Vol. 1, p. H.12. .Am,er-ican .Antiquarian Society. 1613 CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. Carte geographique de la Nouelle franse en son vray meridiein [as far south as the 40th parallel of latitude] faictte par le sr Champlain, Cap pine por le Roy en la J\Iarine, 1613. Size 9f X 12! inches. Scale (computed) 30.97 lieuex to an inch. In Les Voyages du Siem· de Champlain. Paris, 1613. For description and repro­ duction of portion of map see ·winsor's .Memorial Hist. of Boston. Vol. 1, p. 50. **G 353.10 Boston Public Libra1·y. Same . 4387 .11 Hm·vard College Library. Same. Reproduction in Oeuvres de Champlain. Publiee sous le patronage de L'Universite Laval par L'Abbe C.H. Lavar­ dierre, M. A. (Second edition). 4387.20 Harvard College Library. " . New England Historic Genealogical Societv. 6 Same. In Champlain's Voyages. English translation by Prof. Otis. Edited by Rev. E. F. Slafter. Pub. by Prince Society, 1882. 4315.53. Vol. 3 Boston Public Library. " .American ..Antiquarian Society. New England Historic Genealogical Society. 1614-1615 SMITH, JOHAN. Niew Engeland in twee Scheeptogten door Kapitein Johan S1nith inde Iaren 1614 en 1615. Bestevend, Vytgevoerd te Leyden door Pieter Vander Aa met privilgie 3de. Johan Smith. Te Leyden. By Pieter Vander Aa Bookverkooper, 1707. Size, 5!X8¼ inches. Scale, 80. Milliaria Germanica Communia, 15 in uno Gradu. (1 degree latitude= 1-H inches.) *4308.50.25 In Naankenrige VersamelingderGedenk-Waardigste Reysen Na Oost West-Indlen, Nutsgaders audere Gervesten gedaan, Zedert Het Jaar, 1611 tot. 1616. Boston Public Library. Same . In Peter Vander Aa's Zee-en land Reysen, No. 25, 1611-1916. John Carter Brown Library . Same . *4459a51 Taken from book and bound separately. Boston Public Library. SMITH, JOHAN. Niew Engeland in twee Scheeptogten door Kapitien Johan Smith inde Iaren 1614 en 1615. Bestevend. Nouvelle Angleterre exacte­ ment decrite par Capitaine Jean Smith dans ses deux voyages faits en 1614 et 1615. Perfectionee par diverses observations posterieures nouvellement rendue publique par Pierre Vander Aa a Leide avec privilege. Size, 6X9¼ inches. Scale, 30. Milliaria Germania Com­ munia 15 in uno Gradu, Massachusetts Historical Society. 1614-1616 SMITH, CAPT AYN JOHN. N~w England (First state) Observed and described by Captayn John Smith. The most remarqueable parts thus named by the high and mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Great Britian. Simon Pasreus Sculpsit. Robert Clerke Excudit. Printed by Geor: Low London. Size, ll¼X 13f-! inches. Scale (computed), 5 leagues to an inch. *H 27.108 Mutilated in ink, mounted on cloth. In A Description of New England: or the Observations, and Discoveries of Cap­ tayn John Smith. London. Robert Clerke 1616. (Several other works are bound in 1ame vol.) For "states" see Winsor's Memorial History of Boston, vol. 1, p. 52. Boston Public Library. Same. Reproduction. Size, 11 ! X 13¾ inches. · Aufgezeichnet und beschreiben. durch Hauptman I. Schmidt. Hanover 1617. 1-1500 (1) In Levlnus HulsiuE-' Collection of 26 Voyages, No. XIII. British• Museum. Same. (XIV. Voyage.) John Carter Brown Library. 7 Same. Franckfort am Mayn 1628. Vol. XIV. of Hulsius' Voyages. 1855.24 Harvard College Library. " . John Carter Brown Library. Same. New England. Observed and described by Captayn John Smith. Size, ll¼X14r16 inches. Scale (computed}, 5 leagues to an inch. · **G 855. 77 Fae-simile by J. A. Burt of Plan in **H 27.108 To replace missing map in an original copy of A Description of New England by C&ptayn John Smith. Boston Public Library. Same. (Reproduction by C. A. Swett, Boston.) Size, llJX 13¾ inches. Scale (computed), 5.3 leagues to an inch. 12865.8 In reprint by Charles Deane of the rare first edition of New Englands Trials by Captaine John Smith. London Printed by William Jones 1620. Cambridge Press of Jolin Wilson & Son 1873. Note by C. D. says only twelve copies contained map fac-simlle of the .first edition of 1616. Harvard College Library. Same. (Reproduction by C . .A.. Swett, Boston.) In Veazie. Reprint of A Description of New England (two copies) . .American .Antiquarian Society. Same. {Reproduction by C. A. Swett, Boston.) New England Historic Genealogical Society. Same. Size, 5X5! inches. 4220a74 In Bryant & Gay's History of the United States, vol.

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