Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Secretariat provided by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Twelfth Meeting of the CMS Scientific Council Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 31 March-3 April 2004 CMS/ScC12/Inf.07 LIST OF COMMON NAMES OF SPECIES INCLUDED IN APPENDICES I AND II 1. The present document has been compiled by the Secretariat for its own purposes and, to the extent that it may also be useful to Scientific Council members and others, it is being reproduced here and circulated more widely. The list is updated after each Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to incorporate the latest amendments to the Appendices, making use of inter alia the amendment proposals submitted by Parties. These often provide the common names of the proposed species in several of the four languages included in the attached list (English, French, Spanish and German). 2. The Secretariat would be grateful for any suggestions to complete the missing entries (insofar as common names exist for the species in question) and/or any necessary corrections to the existing entries. These may be sent to the Secretariat ([email protected]) or left with the Secretariat during the meeting. For reasons of economy, documents are printed in a limited number, and will not be distributed at the meeting. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copy to the meeting and not to request additional copies. Date of App Taxon English Français Español Deutsch Entry on Appendices I/II Accipitridae * eagles and hawks aigles, buses éperviers, milans, águilas, halcones y gavilanes Adler, Habichte, Greife 1979 busards, voutours de l'ancien monde II Acipenser baerii baicalensis Baikal Sturgeon Baikal-Stör cop6 II Acipenser fulvescens Lake Sturgeon Esturgeon lacustre Esturión Lacustre Roter Stör 1979 II Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Russian Sturgeon, Ossetra Esturión Ruso Waxdick cop6 II Acipenser medirostris Green Sturgeon Esturgeon vert Grüner Stör cop6 II Acipenser mikadoi Sakhalin Sturgeon Sachalinstör cop6 II Acipenser naccarii Adriatic Sturgeon, Italian Sturgeon Esturgeon de l'Adriatique Esturión del Adriático Adria-Stör cop6 II Acipenser nudiventris Ship Sturgeon, Spiny Sturgeon Esturgeon à barbillons frangés Esturión Barba de Flecos, Esturión Glattdick cop6 de Flancos II Acipenser persicus Persian Sturgeon Persischer Stör cop6 II Acipenser ruthenus Sterlet Sterlet Sterlet, Sterlett cop6 II Acipenser schrenckii Amur Sturgeon Amurstör cop6 II Acipenser sinensis Chinese Sturgeon Chinesischer Stör cop6 II Acipenser stellatus Stellate Sturgeon, Sevruga, Star Esturgeon étoilé Esturión Estrellado, Sevruga Sternhausen cop6 Sturgeon II Acipenser sturio Common Sturgeon, Atlantic Esturgeon commun, Esturgeon Esturión Común, Esturión Atlántico Gemeiner Stör, Baltischer Stör cop6 Sturgeon, Baltic Sturgeon, German d'Europe occidentale Sturgeon I/II Acrocephalus paludicola * Aquatic Warbler Phragmite aquatique Carricerín Seggenrohrsänger cop5 I Addax nasomaculatus Addax Addax au nez tacheté Adax Mendesantilope 1979 II Aenigmatolimnas marginalis Striped Crake Marouette rayée Polluela Culirroja Graukehl-Sumpfhuhn cop4 I Agelaius flavus Saffron-cowled Blackbird Tordo Amarillo, Dragón Gilbstarling cop6 I Alectrurus tricolor Cock-tailed Tyrant Yetapá chico cop7 For reasons of economy, documents are printed in a limited number, and will not be distributed at the meeting. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copy to the meeting and not to request additional copies. I Alecturus risora Strange-tailed Tyrant Yetapá de Collar, Tijereta de las cop6 Pajas II Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose Oie d'Egypte, Ouette d'Egypte Ganso del Nilo Nilgans 1979 II Amazona tucumana Tucuman Amazon Amazone de Tucuman Loro Alisero Tucuman-Amazone cop5 II Anas acuta Northern Pintail Canard pilet Anade Rabudo Spießente 1979 II Anas capensis Cape Teal Sarcelle du Cap, Canard du Cap Cerceta del Cabo Fahlente, Kapente 1979 II Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler Canard souchet Cuchara Común Löffelente 1979 II Anas crecca Common Teal Sarcelle d'hiver Cerceta Común Krickente 1979 II Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Duck Canard à bec rouge Anade Piquirrojo Rotschnabelente 1979 I Anas formosa Baikal Teal Sarcelle elegante, Canard de Formose Cerceta del Baikal Baikalente, Gluckente?, Pfeifente? cop7 II Anas hottentota Hottentot Teal Sarcelle hottentote Cerceta Hotentote Hottentottenente 1979 II Anas penelope Eurasian Wigeon Canard siffleur Silbón Europeo Pfeifente 1979 II Anas platyrhynchos Mallard Canard colvert Anade Azulón Stockente 1979 II Anas querquedula Garganey Sarcelle d'été Cerceta Carretona Knäckente 1979 II Anas strepera Gadwall Canard chipeau Anade Friso Schnatterente 1979 II Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck Canard à bec jaune Anade Picolimón Gelbschnabelente 1979 I/II Anatidae * 1979 II Anser albifrons Greater White-fronted Goose Oie rieuse Ansar Careto Grande Blässgans 1979 II Anser anser Greylag Goose Oie cendrée Ansar Común Graugans 1979 II Anser brachyrhynchus Pink-footed Goose Oie à bec court Ansar Piquicorto Kurzschnabelgans 1979 I Anser cygnoides Swan Goose Oie cygnoide Schwanengans cop7 I/II Anser erythropus * Lesser White-fronted Goose Oie naine Ansar Chico Zwerggans cop5 II Anser fabalis Bean Goose Oie des moissons Ansar Campestre Saatgans 1979 3/3 I/II Aquila adalberti * Adalbert's Eagle Aigle ibérique Aguila Imperial Ibérica Spanischer Kaiseradler cop5 I/II Aquila clanga * Greater Spotted Eagle Aigle criard Aguila Moteada Schelladler cop5 I/II Aquila heliaca * Imperial Eagle Aigle imperial Aguila Imperial Oriental Kaiseradler cop5 II Arctocephalus australis South American Fur seal Otarie d'Amérique du Sud Lobo fino sudamericano, Lobo fino Südliche Pelzrobbe cop7 austral II Ardea purpurea purpurea Purple Heron Héron pourpré Garza Imperial Purpurreiher cop4 II Ardeola idae Malagasy Pond Heron Crabier blanc Garcilla Malgache Rotbauchreiher cop4 II Ardeola rufiventris Rufous-bellied Heron Héron à ventre roux Garcilla Ventriroja Dickschnabelreiher cop4 II Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone Tournepierre à collier Vuelvepiedras Común Steinwälzer 1979 II Aythya ferina Common Pochard Fuligule milouin Porrón Europeo Tafelente 1979 II Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck Fuligule morillon Porrón Moñudo Reiherente 1979 II Aythya marila Greater Scaup Fuligule milouinan Porrón Bastardo Bergente 1979 I/II Aythya nyroca * Ferruginous Pochard, Ferruginous Fuligule nyroca Porrón Pardo Moorente cop5 Duck I Balaena mysticetus Bowhead Whale Baleine du Groenland, Baleine Ballena de Groenlandia Grönlandwal 1979 franche II Balaenoptera bonaerensis Antartic Minke whale Petite rorqual de l'Antarctique Rorcual enano del antarctica cop7 I/II Balaenoptera borealis * Sei Whale, Coalfish whale, Pollack Rorqual Sei, Baleinoptère de Ballena Sei, Ballena Boba, Rorcual Seiwal cop7 whale, Rudolph's Rorqual Rudolphi, Rorqual boreal, Rorqual Boreal, Rorcual de Rudolphi, de Rudolphi Rorcual Norteno II Balaenoptera edeni Bryde's whale, Tropical whale Baleinoptère de Bryde, Rorqual Ballena de Bryde cop7 d'Eden, Rorqual de Bryde, Rorqual tropical I Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale Baleine bleue, grand Rorqual Ballena Azul Blauwal 1979 I/II Balaenoptera physalus * Fin Whale Baleine fin, Baleine à Nageoires, Ballena Aleta, Ballena Boba, Rorcual Finnwal cop7 Baleinoptère commun, Rorqual Común commun II Barbastella barbastellus Barbastelle Bat Barbastelle d'Europe Murciélago de Bosque Mopsfledermaus cop1 4/4 II Berardius bairdii Baird's Beaked Whale Baleine à bec de Baird Zifio de Baird Baird-Schnabelwal cop3 I Bos grunniens Wild Yak, Yak Yack sauvage Yak Wildyak cop1 I Bos sauveli Kouprey Kouprey Kouprey Kuprey 1979 II Botaurus stellaris stellaris Eurasian Bittern Butor étoilé Avetoro Común Rohrdommel cop4 II Branta bernicla Brent Goose Bernache cravant Barnacla Carinegra Ringelgans 1979 II Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose Bernache nonnette Barnacla Cariblanca Nonnengans 1979 I/II Branta ruficollis * Red-breasted Goose Bernache à cou roux Barnacla Cuelliroja Rothalsgans cop5 I Brotogeris pyrrhopterus Grey-cheeked Parakeet Perico macareño cop7 II Bucephala clangula Common Goldeneye Garrot à oeil d'or Porrón Osculado Schellente 1979 II Burhinus oedicnemus Stone Curlew Oedicnème criard Alcaraván Triel cop1 II Calidris alba Sanderling Bécasseau sanderling Correlimos Tridáctilo Sanderling 1979 II Calidris alpina Dunlin Bécasseau variable Correlimos Común Alpenstrandläufer 1979 II Calidris canutus Red Knot Bécasseau maubèche Correlimos Gordo Knutt 1979 II Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper Bécasseau cocorli Correlimos Zarapitín Sichelstrandläufer 1979 II Calidris maritima Purple Sandpiper Bécasseau violet Correlimos Oscuro Meerstrandläufer 1979 II Calidris minuta Little Stint Bécasseau minute Correlimos Menudo Zwergstrandläufer 1979 II Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint Bécasseau de Temminck Correlimos de Temminck Temminckstrandläufer 1979 II Calidris tenuirostris Great Knot grand Bécasseau maubèche, Ccorrelimos Grande Anadyr-Knutt, Großer Knutt 1979 Bécasseau de l'Anadyr I Camelus bactrianus Wild or Bactrian camel Wildkamel cop7 II Caperea marginata Pygmy Right whale Baleine pygmée Ballena franca pigmea cop7 I/II Carcharodon carcharias * Great White Shark, White Shark Grand requin blanc, le grand requin Jaquetón blanco, Marraco, Gran Weißer Hai cop7 tiburón blanco I/II Caretta caretta * Loggerhead Turtle Caouanne, Tortue carette Tortuga Boba Unechte Karettschildkröte cop1 5/5 II Casmerodius albus albus Great Egret, Great White Egret Grand aigrette Garceta Grande Silberreiher cop4 II Cathartidae
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