BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 10 OCTOBER 2019 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, 10 OCTOBER 2019 AT 1100 HOURS IN COMMITTEE ROOMS 3 AND 4, COUNCIL HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM PRESENT:- Councillor Karen McCarthy in the Chair; Councillors Bob Beauchamp, Maureen Cornish, Diane Donaldson, Julie Johnson, Mohammed Fazal, Peter Griffiths, Adam Higgs, Keith Linnecor, Gareth Moore, Lou Robson and Mike Ward. ****************************** PUBLIC ATTENDANCE 7193 The Chair welcomed members of the public to the meeting, indicating that a leaflet had been circulated explaining how the Committee operated. She stressed that, because the Committee was a quasi-judicial one, no decisions had been made before the meeting. _______________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF RECORDING 7194 The Chair advised, and the Committee noted, that this meeting would be webcast for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s Internet site (www.civico.net/birmingham) and members of the press/public could record and take photographs except where there were confidential or exempt items. _______________________________________________________________ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 7195 The Chair reminded Members that they must declare all relevant pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests arising from any business to be discussed at this meeting. If a disclosable pecuniary interest is declared a Member must not speak or take part in that agenda item. Any declarations will be recorded in the Minutes of the meeting. _______________________________________________________________ APOLOGIES 7196 Apologies were submitted on behalf of Zhor Malik and Saddak Miah for their inability to attend the meeting. _______________________________________________________________ 4563 Planning Committee – 10 October 2019 CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS 7197 The Chair advised that the next few meetings of this Committee would be held on 24 October, 7 November and 21 November 2019. _______________________________________________________________ MINUTES 7198 The Chair advised that the previous Minutes to be considered related to the meeting on 12 September 2019 and that the Minutes of 15 August and 29 August 2019 (mentioned in the agenda) had been agreed at the last meeting. The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held in public on 12 September 2019, having been previously circulated, were agreed and confirmed by the Committee. _______________________________________________________________ MATTERS ARISING 7199 Councillor Gareth Moore referred to Minute No 7146 under Matters Arising on Page 4538 and his concern regarding advertising signs belonging to Ocean. The Assistant Director, Inclusive Growth, advised that sites around the City Centre and beyond were being reviewed and he noted the site on the Ring Road to which Councillor Gareth Moore had drawn attention. _______________________________________________________________ NOTIFICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS THAT THEY CONSIDER SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY COMMITTEE 7200 a) Councillor Mike Ward requested that the following planning application be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee:- 2019/05732/PA - 71 Severne Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham B27 7HJ. b) Councillor Lou Robson requested that the following planning application be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee:- 2019/06936/PA - Ashley House, 1143 Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 8AU. _______________________________________________________________ PETITIONS 7201 There were no petitions submitted to this meeting. _______________________________________________________________ The business of the meeting and all discussions in relation to individual planning applications including issues raised by objectors and supporters thereof was available for public inspection via the web-stream. 4564 Planning Committee – 10 October 2019 REPORTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR, INCLUSIVE GROWTH The following reports were submitted:- (See Document No. 1) Planning Applications in respect of the City Centre Area Report No 9 – The Flapper Public House, Kingston Row, City Centre, Birmingham B1 2NU – 2018/08647/PA The Area Planning Manager (City Centre) advised that an addendum had been circulated setting out 6 further letters of objection received since circulation of the agenda and the response to them. Subsequently, 3 more letters of objection had been received, as well as a further letter from an existing objector, which were summarised by the Area Planning Manager. An objector spoke against the application. The applicant’s Planning Consultant spoke in favour of the application. Members commented on the application and the Area Planning Manager (City Centre) responded to comments made. Councillor Peter Griffiths proposed that consideration of the application be deferred pending a site visit. Councillor Diane Donaldson seconded the proposal. Upon being put to the vote it was 10 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention - 7202 RESOLVED:- That consideration of the application be deferred pending a site visit. _______________________________________________________________ Report No 10 - Former CEAC Building, Corner of Jennens Road & James Watt Queensway, City Centre, Birmingham B4 7PS – 2019/04239/PA The Area Planning Officer (City Centre) informed Members that 1 letter of objection had been received from Aston University and that a further letter of objection had been received from a local landowner who had previously commented. Aston University’s concerns were summarised and new issues raised by the additional objection were flagged. Attention was drawn to responses from the applicant in relation to those objections and a series of updates to the report were given. Additional conditions were requested relating to archaeology, glazing noise barriers and noise insulation and the removal of Condition No 28 was clarified. Minor alterations to the resolution were identified. 4565 Planning Committee – 10 October 2019 Members commented on the application and the Area Planning Officer responded. Councillor Lou Robson proposed that consideration be deferred for additional information on design, the heritage impact and affordable housing levels. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Keith Linnecor, who requested additional information regarding the views of the Birmingham Airport Authority. The Chair put the proposal to defer consideration of the application for further information to a vote and by 11 in favour, 0 against and 0 abstentions it was - 7203 RESOLVED:- That consideration of the application be deferred pending further information and the application be brought back to this Committee for decision. _______________________________________________________________ Planning Applications in respect of the North West Area Report No 11 - 278 Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B72 1DP – 2019/05048/PA The Area Planning Manager (North West) advised that a further representation had been received from Councillor Alex Yip reiterating his previous submitted objections. An objector spoke against the application. A supporter spoke in favour of the application. The Area Planning Manager (North West) responded to the comments made. Members commented on the application. The Area Planning Manager (North West) and the Transportation Officer responded to comments made. Upon being put to the vote it was 6 in favour, 5 against and 1 abstention - 7204 RESOLVED:- That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report. _______________________________________________________________ Report No 12 - Land at Rear of 38 Holbeche Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B75 7LL – 2019/06149/PA The Area Planning Manager (North West) advised that further responses had been received from the City Ecologist, raising no objections, an agreement with Waste Services had been reached and that the Transportation Department had requested an additional condition relating to the provision of pedestrian visibility splays. 4566 Planning Committee – 10 October 2019 Members commented on the application and Councillor Peter Griffiths advised that he had been the Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods at the time when modular housing had been proposed, but that he had not commented on this application. The Area Planning Manager (North West) responded to the comments made. Upon being put to the vote it was 7 in favour, 4 against and 0 abstentions – 7205 RESOLVED:- That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report and the following additional condition: Requires pedestrian visibility splays to be provided - A pedestrian visibility splay of 3.3 metres by 3.3 metres by 0.6 metres shall be incorporated at the access point before the access point is first used and thereafter maintained. Reason: In order to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians using the adjacent highway in accordance with Policies PG3 and TP44 of the Birmingham Development Plan 2017 and the National Planning Policy Framework ______________________________________________________________ Report No 13 - Land Fronting Aston Lane, Bounded by Aston Lane to the North and Birchfield Road (A34) to the West, Perry Barr, Birmingham B20 3BU – 2019/06054/PA Councillor Bob Beauchamp expressed concern regarding graffiti on boarding around the site and requested that the issue be addressed. Upon a vote 11 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstention it was 7206 RESOLVED:- That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report. _______________________________________________________________
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