1 November 2000 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 113(3):776-781. 2000. Occurrence of shrimp species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia: Penaeidea and Caridea) in Ubatuba Bay, Ubatuba, SP, Brazil RogSrio Caetano da Costa, Adilson Fransozo, Fernando Luis Medina Mantelatto, and Rodrigo Hebeller Castro (RCC, AF, RHC) Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, "Campus" de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), CEP. 18618-000, Botucatu (SP), Brasil, e-mail: [email protected]; (FLMM) Departamento de Biologia—Faculdade de Filosofia, CiSncias e Letras de Riberao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, CEP. 14040-901, Riberao Preto (SP), Brasil, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract.—The species composition of Penaeidea and Caridea shrimp was studied in Ubatuba Bay, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Samples were taken monthly from September 1995 to August 1996, using two double-rig trawling nets. A total of 21 marine shrimps species were obtained, belonging to eight families. Ser- gestoids were represented by a single species of Sergestidae, while penaeoids comprised three families, Penaeidae, Sicyoniidae and Solenoceridae. Caridea shrimps belonged to two superfamilies, the Palaemonoidea, represented by Pa- laemonidae; and Alpheoidea by three families, Alpheidae, Ogyrididae and Hip- polytidae. Sicyonia laevigata Stimpson, 1871 and Nematopalaemon schmitti (Holthuis, 1950) represent first records in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Seven families of Dendrobranchiata Material and Methods shrimps, represented by 26 genera and 61 species, have been reported for the Brazil­ Ubatuba Bay is located on the northern ian Coast (D'Incao 1995). For the Pleocye- part of Sao Paulo State (23°25'00" to mata, Holthuis (1993) listed 15 caridean su­ 23°27'34"S and 45°00'30" to 45°03'30"W), perfamilies and 31 families. Among these, where the coastline consists of several inlets most representatives belonged to Alpheo­ and major bays. According to Castro Filho idea and Palaemonoidea with 38 and 48 et al. (1987), this region is affected by three species, respectively (Ramos-Porto 1986, water masses, with different distributional Holthuis 1993). Taxonomic information on patterns in the summer and winter. Coastal Dendrobranchiata and Caridea species Water (CW) has a high temperature and low found in the Brazilian coast is scant (CorrSa salinity (T > 20°C, S < 36%o) Tropical Wa­ 1977; Christoffersen 1979, 1982; Bond- ter (TW) has both a high temperature and Buckup & Buckup 1989, D'Incao 1995). salinity (T > 20°C, S > 36%o), and South Most of the studies dealing with the biodi­ versity of this group have focused on bioe- Atlantic Central Water (SACW) has both a cological aspects of these organisms (Iwai low temperature and salinity (T < 18°C, S 1973, Abreu 1980, Pires 1992, Nakagaki et < 36%c) following an annual cycle. The dy­ al. 1995). The objective of the present study namics of these currents are responsible for is to determine the composition of marine seasonal alterations of temperature, salinity shrimp species (Dendrobranchiata and Car- and nutrients concentrations. Ubatuba Bay idea) in Ubatuba Bay, northern coast of Sao can be divided into an inner and an outer Paulo State, in order to contribute to a bet­ section. The inner section is affected by di­ ter assessment of local marine biodiversity. rect fresh water drainage from four small VOLUME 113, NUMBER 3 777 rivers (Indaia\ Grande de Ubatuba, Lagoa perate and subantartic species (Coelho & and Acarali) and consequently receives a Ramos 1972). Neverthless, Melo (1985) continuous input of domestic sewage and based on the low level of endemism, asserts considerable deposition of organic matter. that the southeastern-south littoral of Brazil The outer section is exposed to oceanic in­ does not represent a faunal Province, but a fluence. Detailed descriptions of environ­ transition area. mental factors of the Bay, and the study site The finding of S. laevigata and N. characteristics can be found in Mantelatto schmitti is of significance as they represent & Fransozo (1999). first records of these species in die State of Samples were obtained on a monthly ba­ Sao Paulo. sis from September of 1995 to August of The total number of species of Dendro­ 1996. A shrimp fishery boat supplied with branchiata now known to occur in Sao Pau­ 3.5 m-opening double-rig trawling nets was lo State is 19. Species not found during our used. The mesh size was 12 mm except in survey include four penaeoideans, such as the cod end where it was 10 mm. Solenocera necopina Burkenroad, 1939, Dendrobranchiata shrimps were identi­ Solenocera atlantidis Burkenroad, 1939, fied according to D'Incao (1995) and P6rez Mesopenaeus tropicalis (Bouvier, 1905), Farfante (1997). In the case of juvenile and Parapenaeus americanus Rathbun, specimens of Farfaniepenaeus Burukovsky, 1901; and three sergestoideans, Lucifer fax- 1997, the morphology of the last abdominal oni Borradaile, 1915, Lucifer typus H. somite was used for identification as de­ Milne Edwards, 1837, and Sergia robusta scribed by Perez Farfante (1969) and F (Smith, 1882). D'Incao, pers. comm. Parapenaeus americanus is a species know to occur at depths of 50 to 70 m, Results much below the deepest trawl performed during the present survey in Ubatuba Bay The material obtained contains eight (up to 17 m). Previous records of S. neco­ families and 21 species. The Sergestoidea pina, S. atlantidis and M. tropicalis in this were represented by a single sergestid spe­ region were considered atypical (Pires cies. Species belonging to Penaeidae, Si- 1992), and this has been confirmed in our cyoniidae and Solenoceridae were also col­ survey. Using a lower sampling effort and lected (Table 1). Among the carideans, rep­ avoiding rocky coast areas, Nakagaki et al. resentatives of two superfamilies were (1995) did not find S. laevigata, S. parri found. Palaentonoidea was represented by and F. paulensis in Ubatuba Bay. the study area by the family Palaemonidae, Considering the presence of N. schmitti, while the Alpheoidea comprised alpheids, the number of palaemonid species in Sao ogyridids and hippolytids (Table 2). Paulo State is now 14, including freshwater and estuarine species. Five of these are con­ Discussion sidered common marine species but only This study was restricted to a survey of two were found during this study, N. the soft-sediment bottoms of Ubatuba Bay schmitti and L paulensis. which is a small area compared to the vast According to Bond-Buckup & Buckup Brazilian coast. This region is located at die (1989), P. pandaliformis preferably inhabits Paulista biogeographic Province which fresh or brackish water environments. How­ comprises the coastal region between Es- ever, Ramos-Porto (1986) occasionally pirito Santo and Santa Catarina States. The found this species in marine habitats. Dur­ mixed feature of the fauna of this region ing the present study, two specimens of P, can be explained by the thermal regime of pandaliformis were collected near the the waters, which can harbor tropical, tem­ drainage of a river. Low-salinity conditions 778 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Table 1.—List of shrimp species of Dendrobranchiata collected in the Ubatuba Bay. (SW = shallow water; PE = pelagic zone). Species Distribution Depth (m) SERGESTOIDEA SERGESTTDAE Acetes americanus Ortmann, 1893 Western Atlantic: Guyana, Puerto Rico to Brazil (from PEto40 Para to Rio Grande do Sul). PENAEOIDEA PENAEIDAE Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (La- Western Atlantic: USA (Cape Hatteras, North Caroli­ SWto366 treille, 1817) na) to Brazil (from Amapa to Rio Grande do Sul). Farfantepenaeus paulensts (Pirez Western Atlantic: Brazil (from Bahia to Rio Grande do SW to 150 Farfante, 1967) Sul) to Argentina (Mar del Plata). Litopenaeus schmitti (Burkenroad, Western Atlantic: Baia de Matanzas, Cuba to Brazil SW to 50 1936) (from Amapa to Rio Grande do Sul). Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888 Western Atlantic: Brazil (from Rio de Janeiro to Rio 2 to 125 Grande do Sul) to Argentina (province of Chubut). Rimapenaeus constrictus (Stimp- Western Atlantic: USA (Chesapeake Bay, Virginia) to 1.5 to 127 son, 1874) Brazil (from Amapa to Santa Catarina). Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, Western Atlantic: USA (Virginia) to Brazil (from SW to 70 1862) Amapa to Rio Grande do Sul). SOLENOCERIDAE Pleoticus muelleri (Bate, 1888) Western Atlantic: Brazil (from E&pfrito Santo to Rio SWto600 Grande do Sul) to Argentina (Santa Cruz). SICYONIIDAE Sicyonia dorsalis Kingsley, 1878 Western Atlantic: USA (Cape Hatteras, North Caroli­ 3 to 420 na) to Brazil (from Amapa to Santa Catarina). Sicyonia typica (Boeck, 1864) Western Atlantic: USA (North Carolina) to Brazil SWto 100 (from Amapa to Rio Grande do Sul). Sicyonia laevigata Stimpson, 1871 Western Atlantic: USA (Beaufort, North Carolina) to SW to 100 Brazil (from Amapa to Rio Grande do Sul). Sicyonia parri (Burkenroad, 1934) Western Atlantic: USA (North Carolina) to Brazil SWto 87 (from Maranhao to Sao Paulo). at the time of sampling (see Mantelatto & polychaetes belonging to the genus Phrag- Fransozo 1999) probably favored the pres­ matopoma MOrch, 1863 (Christoffersen ence of P. pandaliformis at this site. 1979). Alpheoids are represented by 23 species Based on data from this study and on in the State of Sao Paulo, of which six were others research (Fransozo et al. 1992, 1998; obtained during our study. Ogyndes al- Negreiros-Fransozo et al. 1997) we can in­ phaerostris occurs preferably in estuaries fer that Ubatuba Bay represents
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